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Winning at Orre Colosseum is the fourth episode of the third season of Pokémon Tales: Champion. It aired 10/23/20.
Orre Colosseum stands several stories tall, being built entirely out of stone. Trainers from all over the Orre region are gathered to prove that they are the best of the best, only those invited from other colosseum tournaments allowed to enter. Ra stands in complete awe as he stands in the shadow of the colossal colosseum.
Ra: There it is! Orre Colosseum! It is three times better than the Pyrite Colosseum!
Crystal: Hey slow down! It’s not like the colosseum is going anywhere!
Ra: I’m going to register as soon as I can!
Ra takes off, Crystal giggling.
Crystal: Stubborn trainers are all of the same breed.
Abi: You’re telling me.
Abi comes up next to Crystal, her pleased.
Crystal: Abi! I didn’t expect to see you again so soon!
Abi: Well my guy is competing today, and I thought I’d surprise him. (Flashes invitation) We originally connected via battle. I figured he’d enjoy battling again.
Crystal: Aw! That’s so sweet!
Voice: Whoo-weee! There’s my little lady!
Crystal freaks as Willie swoops in, kissing Abi.
Abi: Hey you. (Wipes dust off him) Still haven’t cleaned up I see.
Willie: Hey, that’s just the result of desert travel.
Crystal: AAH!
Crystal leaps back, pointing at Willie.
Crystal: You’re dating Willie?!
Abi: You know him?!
Willie: Ah, I rememba’ you! You were the girl crushing on Ian.
Crystal: I was so not crushing! (Looks to Abi) This guy was part of a criminal organization that stole Pokémon a few years ago!
Willie: Ah, I’ve risen above that! Now I’m the fifteen time winner of the Orre Colosseum.
Abi: He told me about all of that. It took a while to get used to, but (brushes hair away) the bad boy thing is sorta hot.
Crystal: Good grief.
Willie: So crushin’ girl, am I gonna get the chance to crush you in the tournament?
Willie leans in, startling Crystal.
Willie: Ian protected you before, but no more.
Abi shoves Willie off.
Abi: Hey! I don’t appreciate you flirting with her like that. Your bad boy talk is saved for me, got it?!
Willie: Heh-heh. Fine.
Crystal: Trust me, I look forward to kicking your butt in battle.
Willie: So you are competing! This will be sweet.
Abi: Actually, this is our day. (Shows him invitation) Consider this a rematch date.
Willie: Whoo-weee! That’s what I’m talking about!
The colosseum is sparsely filled with spectators with cameras recording from all angles. 16 trainers stand on the battlefield. Crystal stares at one of them in awe, while Willie charges the same trainer with distain.
Willie: You! You’ve got a lot of nerve coming to my turf!
Willie lifts Fein by the collar of his jacket, him freaking out and nervous.
Fein: Hey there, buddy. Hate to break it to you, but I have no idea who you are. Cause my name is Fein, not Ian.
Willie shoves Fein off, him grinning widely now.
Willie: (Shudders) Yeah, you’re not Ian. Still, you have his face. Prepare to be pulverized in this tournament.
Willie backs off as Crystal approaches.
Crystal: So you’re not Ian?
Fein: Pretty much.
Crystal: That’s, unsettling to say the least.
Announcer: Welcome everyone to the Orre Colosseum! We’ll get right down to the action! Today’s tournament features 16 trainers! They will compete in two-on-two double battles! They preregistered Pokémon for the tournament and can only use those two chosen. The winner of the tournament will receive a new invitation to compete in future Orre Colosseum tournaments!
The first two trainers, Fein and Deep King Agnol take their positions.
Willie: Bet this wannabe gets knocked out first round.
Abi: I doubt it. If he got an invitation, then he’s strong.
Fein: Invitation? So that’s what the crystal showed the receptionist. Oh well. I choose Heracross and Landorus!
Fein throws his Net Ball and Ultra Ball, choosing shiny Heracross and Therian form Landorus. Heracross sparkles as he comes out.
Ra: Ah! He has a shiny Pokémon too! I want it!
Agnol: Heh. I’ve never seen you before. Which means there’s no way you’re a match for me. Kingdra, Shedinja!
Agnol chooses Kingdra and Shedinja. Landorus Intimidates both foes.
Agnol: Kingdra, use Hydro Pump! Shedinja, Shadow Ball!
Fein: Heracross, Bullet Seed! Landorus, Stone Edge!
Heracross forms a large energy seed and fires it. Bullet Seed clashes with Shadow Ball, but erupts afterwards into several Bullet Seeds that hit Shedinja unharmed. Landorus fires blue jagged stones that block Hydro Pump.
Agnol: Shedinja, Giga Impact! Kingdra, hit them with Ice Beam!
Fein: Landorus, block that Giga Impact with Hammer Arm! Heracross, take Ice Beam and use Reversal!
Landorus dashes in and swings its tail to counter a swirling purple Giga Impact with Hammer Arm. Heracross moves and takes Ice Beam, radiating red energy. He swings his horn forward, firing a powerful energy blast.
Agnol: Twister!
Kingdra whips up a Twister, sucking Shedinja into it and being shielded by Reversal.
Fein: That thing has some defense!
Agnol: Nothing you do can pierce our Wonder Guard ability! Kingdra, go for Ice Beam again! Shedinja, use Shadow Claw!
Kingdra fires Ice Beam, hitting Landorus. Shedinja uses Shadow Claw to scratch through Heracross.
Fein: Heracross, grab Shedinja! Landorus, Stone Edge!
Agnol: Twister!
Heracross grabs Shedinja, trapping it. Landorus fires Stone Edge as a Twister forms to suck Shedinja away. Heracross strains and holds on, Stone Edge striking both Bug Pokémon.
Referee: Shedinja is unable to battle!
Fein: It worked! That was almost too easy!
Agnol: (Scowls) Trust me. It won’t be easy anymore. Kingdra, Ice Beam!
Fein: Reversal!
Heracross fires Reversal which crashes into Ice Beam. Reversal breaks through and explodes upon hitting Kingdra.
Referee: Kingdra is unable to battle! The winner is Fein!
Willie: WHAT?! Agnol is one of my top rivals here!
Abi: He certainly matches Ian in strength. Just look at that.
Crystal: Is he really, not Ian?
Ra: Alright! I’ve gotta win now so I can face his shiny Heracross!
Ra uses shiny Dusclops and shiny Noctowl to battle Makel’s Pinsir and Nidoking.
Ra: Noctowl, Air Slash! Dusclops, use Mean Look!
Pinsir is trapped in Mean Look as several energy saws tear through Pinsir, defeating it.
Referee: Pinsir is unable to battle!
Makel: Ah! This kid is a tough one! But that doesn’t mean I’ll lose! Nidoking, use Sludge Wave!
Nidoking roars as a wave of sludge washes over the field.
Ra: Dusclops, Astonish! Noctowl, Confusion!
Dusclops let out an Astonishing scream, causing Nidoking to flinch. The Sludge Wave drops as a Confusion wave bursts through it, striking and defeating Nidoking.
Referee: Nidoking is unable to battle! The winner is Ra!
Ra: Yeah!
Navu: Hitmonlee, launch Sharpedo into Skull Bash!
Hitmonlee leaps as Sharpedo bites on. He spins and swings his leg, shooting Sharpedo’s Skull Bash as a missile.
Willie: Too easy! Obstagoon, use Obstruct! Tyranitar, use Stone Edge!
Obstagoon crosses its arms, radiating energy that takes Skull Bash and repels Sharpedo. A Stone Edge strikes Sharpedo from below and defeats it.
Referee: Sharpedo is unable to battle!
Navu: Uragh! I’m not losing to you again, Willie!
Willie: Aw, and here that’s the only reason I thought you were here!
Navu: Hitmonlee, Hi Jump Kick!
Willie: Tyranitar, Crunch! Obstagoon, Gunk Shot!
Hitmonlee dives with a glowing red knee, Tyranitar catching it in Crunch. Obtagoon blasts Hitmonlee with an energy trash bag, defeating him.
Referee: Hitmonlee is unable to battle! The winner is Willie!
Dargs: Slaking, Body Slam! Metagross, Meteor Mash!
Crystal: Dragonite, block Slaking with Dragon Rush! Pelipper, Hydro Pump!
Rain falls as Dragonite is surrounded in dragon energy to take Slaking’s Body Slam. Metagross is surrounded in blue energy that is pushed back by Hydro Pump, forcing it across the field.
Dargs: Hyper Beam!
Crystal: Protect and Thunder!
Metagross fires a dark magenta Hyper Beam, Pelipper raising a blue Protect barrier. Dragonite’s antenna spark as it fires Thunder into the sky, it slamming into Metagross.
Referee: Metagross is unable to battle!
Dargs: Drat. This kid can battle. But I’ve been coming here for over 50 years now! No stopping us! Slaking, use your Hyper Beam!
Crystal: Double Hurricane!
Slaking fires Hyper Beam as Pelipper and Dragonite flap their wings for Hurricane. Hurricane blocks Hyper Beam as both attacks tear through Slaking.
Referee: Slaking is unable to battle! The winner is Crystal!
Lest: Clefable, Moonblast! Togetic, Follow Me!
Abi: Gardevoir, Moonblast! Aurorus, use Blizzard!
Gardevoir fires Moonblast to block Clefable’s Moonblast. However Togetic’s Follow Me causes Moonblast to follow after it, causing Gardevoir to be struck. Aurorus breathes Blizzard which hits Clefable yet detonates Gardevoir’s Moonblast, sheltering Togetic from it.
Lest: Pretty cute, huh? Now dual Metronome!
Abi: Tsk. This girl is a pain. Gardevoir, Disable Togetic’s! Aurorus, Ancient Power!
Gardevoir’s eyes glow red, Togetic glowing and stopping Metronome. Aurorus blasts it with Ancient Power.
Referee: Togetic is unable to battle!
Clefable completes Metronome, leaping and going for Blaze Kick. It strikes Aurorus and knocks it back.
Abi: Take Down! Psychic!
Gardevoir’s Psychic holds Clefable in place as Aurorus’ body lets off Refrigerated mist. It rams Clefable with an ice cold Take Down, defeating it.
Referee: Clefable is unable to battle! The winner is Abi!
Announcer: There will be a short break before the next round of battles!
Crystal: Looks like it’s you and me, Abi.
Abi: Yeah. Sorry, but I have to beat you. Nothing personal.
Crystal: Bring it on.
End Scene
The tournament resumes, with Fein facing off against Ra.
Ra: Your shiny Heracross is so cool! Where’d you catch it?
Fein: Huh? I didn’t really catch it. I just had it.
Ra: I caught my shiny Dusclops at Mt. Pyre, and Noctowl at the Hoenn Safari Zone! This battle with three shines will be epic! Go Dusclops and Noctowl!
Fein: Go Heracross and Landorus!
The two throw their Pokéballs, all their shiny Pokémon sparkling as they come out. Therian Landorus Intimidates his foes.
Fein: Bullet Seed! Stone Edge!
Ra: Mean Look! Air Slash!
Dusclops traps Landorus with Mean Look, preventing him from attacking. Heracross fires Bullet Seed which splits upon hitting Air Slash, the new seeds blocking out the rest of the attack.
Fein: Go for Megahorn!
Ra: Confusion!
Heracross goes with a glowing green Megahorn, trapped in Confusion. Heracross strains but is sent flying back.
Fein: Dang it! Landorus, swing that tail or something and use Earthquake!
Landorus tries to swing for an attack, but the Mean Look keeps it trapped in place.
Ra: Alright! Dusclops, Will-o-Wisp! Noctowl, Psycho Shift!
Dusclops burns Noctowl with a Will-o-Wisp, it glowing red and purple as the burn is transferred to Heracross. Heracross radiates with red power after this.
Fein: Too bad! Our ability is Guts! Fire Bullet Seed again!
Ra: Air Slash!
Bullet Seed and Air Slash collide again, Bullet Seed winning. Dusclops is pelted by the attack, causing Mean Look to end and Landorus freed.
Fein: Stone Edge!
Landorus strikes Noctowl with Stone Edge, knocking it out of the sky.
Referee: Noctowl is unable to battle!
Ra: Wow, that was strong! Dusclops, use Night Shade!
Fein: Megahorn!
Dusclops fires Night Shade, Heracross blazing through it and slamming Dusclops.
Referee: Dusclops is unable to battle! The winner is Fein!
Fein: Yeah!
Fein and Ra shake hands.
Ra: Thank you for the battle! I’m upset I lost, but I lost to a shiny so it’s all good!
Fein: Dang, you’re better than me, kid. My aim is all the way to the top!
Pixen uses Politoed and Jynx against Willie’s Tyranitar and Obstagoon.
Willie: Stone Edge! Gunk Shot!
Stone Edge strikes Jynx while Gunk Shot hits Politoed.
Referee: Jynx and Politoed are unable to battle! The winner is Willie!
Crystal and Abi take their positions on the field.
Abi: I have the type advantage against both of her Pokémon. But if she trained under Ian, then I have to assume she’s at least as strong.
Crystal: Hey Abi! Let’s have an awesome battle!
Abi: Right! Gardevoir, Aurorus!
Crystal: Pelipper! Dragonite!
The two choose their Pokémon. Pelipper’s Drizzle ability activates.
Crystal: Dragonite, use Hurricane! Pelipper, Hydro Pump!
Abi: Gardevoir, Disable Hydro Pump! Aurorus, counter with Blizzard!
Gardevoir Disables Hydro Pump, leaving it to be a clash of Hurricane and Blizzard. The rain powers up Hurricane, allowing it to break through and strike both foes.
Abi: So much power! Gardevoir, Thunderbolt on Pelipper! Aurorus, Blizzard!
Crystal: Pelipper, use Protect! Dragonite, fire Thunder!
Pelipper Protects against Thunderbolt and Blizzard, sheltering Dragonite from the attacks as well. Dragonite fires Thunder high into the sky, it crashing into Aurorus.
Crystal: Now use Dragon Rush!
Dragonite flies in with Dragon Rush towards Aurorus, Gardevoir moving to intercept it.
Abi: That won’t work on our Fairy type!
Crystal: Pelipper, create a path with Shock Wave!
Pelipper fires an electric Shock Wave from her bill, shooting past Dragonite. It heads towards Gardevoir then arcs around to hit Aurorus. Dragonite leans and merges into the Shock Wave, following its trajectory around Gardevoir.
Abi: How’d you?! Aurorus, Take Down!
Aurorus slams a Refrigerated Take Down into Dragon Rush, the two causing an explosion. Dragonite soars backwards out of it.
Referee: Aurorus is unable to battle!
Abi: Ah! This isn’t good! Gardevoir, use Moonblast!
Crystal: Double Hurricane!
Gardevoir fires Moonblast as a dual Hurricane tears through and defeats Gardevoir.
Referee: Gardevoir is unable to battle! The winner is Crystal!
Crystal: Yes! Top 4! Sorry about ruining your date.
Abi: (Sighs) It’s fine. It’s not like I can’t battle him anytime.
Announcer: We now move onto the Top 4 match ups!
Fein: Megahorn! Stone Edge!
Heracross’ Megahorn defeats Lestor’s Grumpig while Stone Edge defeats Xatu.
Referee: Both Grumpig and Xatu are unable to battle! The winner is Fein!
Announcer: Now Fein is in the finals of his first Orre Colosseum challenge! Will he face our Top trainer Willie or Crystal of the Rain?! Let’s find out!
Crystal: This is getting back for your group stealing my Pelipper!
Willie: If you were that weak, then you deserved it! This will be an easy win!
Crystal and Willie choose their Pokémon. Pelipper’s Drizzle activates and causes a downpour. Tyranitar roars and triggers Sand Stream, replacing the rain with a Sandstorm.
Crystal: That can’t be right!
Willie: Sorry sugar! But when it comes to weather abilities, the slower option wins. Tyranitar, fire Stone Edge! Obstagoon, Gunk Shot!
Crystal: Pelipper, Protect! Dragonite, Hurricane!
Pelipper blocks Stone Edge with Protect as Dragonite blows Gunk Shot back with Hurricane. All Pokémon besides Tyranitar are buffed by the Sandstorm.
Willie: Obstruct then Throat Chop!
Obstagoon Obstructs Gunk Shot as it charges with a glowing purple arm.
Crystal: If that’s the case Dragonite, get it with Dragon Rush! Pelipper, fire Hydro Pump at Tyranitar!
Willie: Tyranitar, get them with Crunch!
Dragonite charges at Obstagoon with Dragon Rush, it prepared to strike. Obstagoon pulls a feint and weaves around, striking Dragonite with Throat Chop from the side. The force launches Dragonite to take a Hydro Pump to the back as Tyranitar Crunches into it at the same time. The Pokémon are buffed by the Sandstorm.
Crystal: Ah! Dragonite, get out with Thunder!
Dragonite sparks and electrocutes Tyranitar with Thunder. Tyranitar lets loose of its grip.
Willie: Stone Edge! Gunk Shot!
Stone Edge emerges and strikes Dragonite while Gunk Shot bombards it afterwards. The Pokémon are buffed by Sandstorm.
Referee: Dragonite is unable to battle!
Crystal: We’re not done yet! Pelipper, Hurricane!
Willie: Obstruct and Stone Edge!
Crystal: Protect!
Pelipper flaps Hurricane, Obstagoon canceling it out. Tyranitar strikes to fire Stone Edge as it crashes into Protect.
Willie: Again! And Throat Chop!
Tyranitar unleashes another Stone Edge, breaking through Pelipper’s Protect this time. Obstagoon appears and strikes with Throat Chop.
Referee: Pelipper is unable to battle! The winner is Willie!
Willie: Whoo-weee! Going for victory number sixteen!
Announcer: The finals will be between Fein and Willie! We’ll give the two trainers a chance to heal their Pokémon before the climatic battle of this tournament!
End Scene
Fein and Willie are both in the backstage locker room, Fein stretching his arms.
Fein: This is going to be a blast! Your Pokémon are so strong, it’ll be so much fun to beat them up!
Willie: I can’t figure you out. It’s like you’re the version of Ian I always wanted. Enjoys the thrill, not afraid to get in a skirmish, would believe anything I said if we were on the street together. So why do you annoy me so much?
Fein: I don’t know. Probably bad experiences.
Voice: Isn’t this lovely? Two powerful trainers having an open discussion.
Essentia enters the room, Willie cat calling her.
Willie: Hey there, baby girl! (Slicks hair back) Whatcha doing here?
Essentia: Forgive me. My name is Essentia, and I represent Lysandre Labs in Kalos. They are having a tournament in a few days and we’re in need of trainers.
Fein: Days? Doesn’t sound like you were prepared for this.
Essentia: Mr. Lysandre only wants powerful trainers in his tournament, which is why I’m here. Originally, I was to present Willie, the winner of 15 straight Orre Colosseum tournaments to our little tournament.
Willie: As you rightfully should.
Essentia: But then I saw Fein competing as well. Boyfriend to Dakota Rex, former champion, shown battling him at Ian’s champion tournament and causing all forms of trouble. He looks like an equal candidate as well.
Willie: Now hold on! You said the ticket was mine!
Essentia: I did. But a girl’s gotta be whimsical. So here is the deal. I have a tournament invitation and a plane ticket to Kalos up for grabs. The winner will get the opportunity.
Fein: Another tournament, huh? These are actually pretty fun now that I can win them easy.
Willie: As if I’ll let you win that easy! So it’ll be winner take all!
Fein: Alright! Let’s go out there and bash in some heads!
Willie: Now you’re talking!
Fein and Willie rush out, Essentia putting a hand on her cheek.
Essentia: Boys will be boys. Stupid and ignorant.
Fein and Willie stand across from each other on the battlefield.
Announcer: Here it is! The battle you’ve been waiting for! Fein versus Willie!
Fein: Alright, go!
Willie: Whoo-weee! Time to defend my title!
The two choose their Pokémon. Heracross sparkles as he comes out, Tyranitar whips up a Sandstorm as Landorus Intimidates his foes.
Willie: We were counting on Intimidate! Obstagoon, use Lash Out!
Obstagoon’s anger turns into a black aura as it shoots across the field, going for a punch.
Fein: Heracross, take it and use Reversal!
Heracross takes Lash Out, doing heavy damage. Heracross blasts Obstagoon with Lash Out, heavily injured.
Willie: Tyranitar, use Stone Edge!
Fein: Landorus, block it!
Stone Edge attacks collide, still canceling each other out. The Sandstorm buffs Heracross and Obstagoon.
Fein: Heracross, go for Megahorn! Landorus, Hammer Arm!
Willie: Obstagoon, Obstruct to Gunk Shot! Tyranitar, Crunch!
Tyranitar Crunches into Megahorn, stalling it in place. Obstagoon parries Hammer Arm with Obstruct, blasting Landorus with Gunk Shot.
Fein: Low Kick!
Heracross kicks Tyranitar in the knee, causing it to buckle. Heracross uses this force to slam Tyranitar into the field.
Fein: Okay Landorus! Transform!
Fein holds up his crystal, transforming Therian Landorus into Incarnate Landorus. It radiates with a powerful aura. The Sandstorm buffs the Pokémon.
Fein: Landorus has two forms, and therefore two abilities! It now has the ability Sand Force, which powers up its attacks! Landorus, use Earthquake! Heracross, Reversal!
Landorus slams the ground with a powered up Earthquake, the attack rocking the entire colosseum. The shock waves hit all the Pokémon, leaving Obstagoon down. Heracross blasts Tyranitar with Reversal, defeating it as well.
Referee: Obstagoon and Tyranitar are unable to battle! The winner and victor of the tournament is Fein!
Announcer: Willie has been dethroned as the reigning champion! Fein beats him in what seemed like a nothing battle!
Willie drops down crushed as Fein waves to the cheering crowd. Fein is awarded an invitation to a future tournament.
After the tournament, Abi tries to reconcile Willie.
Abi: Hey it’s alright. It’s just one loss.
Willie: It’s more than a loss! I would’ve been invited to a tournament in Kalos if I won! Then I could gain international fame! You wouldn’t have to travel to this backwash region every time we wanted a hook up.
Abi: Aw. That’s actually sorta sweet.
Essentia: Well done both of you.
Essentia approaches Fein and Willie.
Essentia: As promised, to the winner goes the spoils.
Essentia hands the invitation and ticket over to Fein.
Fein: Uh, how about you go ahead and give it to Willie there? He really wants to go.
Willie: WHAT?! Oh no! I’m not taking your charity!
Fein: It’s no charity, dude. You fought hard and you deserve the ticket! I thought about it, and it doesn’t really matter to me if I go or not.
Crystal: Wait, you’re turning down a tournament? That doesn’t sound like the Ian I know.
Fein: Good thing I’m not Ian.
Essentia: In that case, what if I offered you both an invitation?
Everyone: Huh?!
Essentia: I received a call stating that an intended participant could no longer attend. With the tournament not too long from now, we have no time to find a replacement. Mr. Fein, Mr. Willie, you would help us greatly if you both accepted.
Willie: Heh. You should’ve started with that one, sweetie. (Takes tickets) It’ll be your pleasure.
Fein: Well, I haven’t been to Kalos yet. Okay! (Takes invitation) I don’t need a plane ticket though. I’ll ride my Pokémon.
Willie: Dibs! (Swipes the extra ticket) What do you say, Abi? A date in the Kalos region?
Abi: Being sponsored in a big city with most likely our own luxury suite? Sign me up.
Essentia: Great! Now you best hurry up! That plane leaves Gateon Port tomorrow.
Crystal: I’ll give you guys a ride no problem!
Abi: Thanks Crystal!
Ra: What about me? I could be in the tournament!
Essentia: Not this one, sorry.
Ra: In that case, I’ll get strong enough to compete! Just you wait!
Main Events[]
- Fein wins his first tournament in Orre Colosseum.
- Willie's winning streak at the Orre Colosseum is broken.
- Abi's Amaura is revealed to have evolved into Aurorus.
- Fein's Heracross reveals he has the ability Guts.
- Fein's Landorus reveals he has the ability Sand Force in Incarnate form.
- Willie's Galarian Linoone is revealed to have evolved into Obstagoon.
- Willie and Fein are invited into the Lysandre Labs touranment.
- Heracross (Fein's, shiny)
- Landorus (Fein's, Therian and Incarnate form)
- Obstagoon (Willie's)
- Tyranitar (Willie's)
- Dusclops (Ra's, shiny)
- Noctowl (Ra's, shiny)
- Dragonite (Crystal's)
- Pelipper (Crystal's)
- Gardevoir (Abi's)
- Aurorus (Abi's)
- Kingdra (Agnol's)
- Shedinja (Agnol's)
- Pinsir (Makel's)
- Nidoking (Makel's)
- Sharpedo (Navu's)
- Hitmonlee (Navu's)
- Slaking (Dargs')
- Metagross (Dargs')
- Clefable (Lest's)
- Togetic (Lest's)
- Politoed (Pixen's)
- Jynx (Pixen's)
- Xatu (Lestor's)
- Grumpig (Lestor's)
- This episode was to feature the Orre Colosseum, which hasn't been done yet.
- It also showcases everyone's growth, as the trainers here are at the level of Pokémon League victors and stronger.
- Fein stating his crystal showed the receptionist an invitation is based off the BBC show Doctor Who, where the Doctor has psychic paper that displays the credentials he needs.
- Crystal's nickname, "of the Rain" is based off how her battle style revolves around Rain Dance. It is also inspired off Ian's title "of the Desert".
- This marks the first time that two trainers use Shiny Pokémon to battle each other.
- Willie lost the tournament, ending his winning streak at 15 wins. As of his last appearance, he had won 8.
- Willie and Fein are invited into the Lysandre Labs tournament, making the known amount of participants up to 14.
- The others are Violet, May, Ben, Paul, Conway, Gary, Alain, Serena, Brendan, Gwendolyn, Charmcaster and Max.
- These two will be the last trainers revealed before the tournament commences.
- Fein was not originally to appear in the tournament, due to having been composed fairly recently (Jan 2020). He replaces Corey in the line up, a character from PT: Ben 10, due to his unexpected popularity amongst fans and winning Featured Character.
- Corey was originally created for the franchise to compete in the Lysandre Labs tournament, then given a role in PT: Ben 10 to have him exist before the tournament.