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Vs. Talonflame Vs. Flabébé

Vs. Smoochum is the eighth episode of the third season of Pokémon Tales: Max. It aired 9/12/20.


A video appears on the screen, featuring a large Pokéball. The Pokéball opens, revealing Nini winking with heart effects.

Nini: Hi everyone! Nini here! I wanna introduce you to my newest, cutest Pokémon Smoochum!

The scene shifts to Smoochum facing away from the camera, then turning and winking at them. Several hearts flutter as she does.

Nini: Smoochum is just the cutest Pokémon ever! With her on my side, we’ll be the team to beat in Pokémon Performances! Come and cheer us on!

Nini: (Panicked) Shauna! I’m freaking out here!

Shauna and Nini are backstage preparing for the Lumiose Performance. Nine is crying, shaking and wailing, Smoochum crying by her side as Farfetch’d looks dismayed. Froakie and Bunnelby cover their ears from the crying.

Shauna: (Nervous) First performance, huh?

Nini nods sobbingly.

Shauna: Hey, I’ve only had one performance, (Excited) But the biggest thing is that you believe in your Pokémon!

Nini: (Sniffles) Believe in them?

Shauna: You guys have practiced your routine so much that now all you can do is your best! If you have fun while you do it, then you win either way! 

Nini: Fun?

Shauna: We have to enjoy ourselves to be good I think! If this isn’t fun to do then why do it?

Nini wipes her nose, then stands a bit more determined.

Nini: Thanks. I think I’m a little better.

Shauna: That’s the spirit! Now go and give it your all!

Nini: Right! Thanks!

Max and Tierno sit in the stands, the seat next to them being saved by Chespin.

Tierno: Where’s Serena, yo? She’s going to miss it!

Serena: Here!

Serena pants from running, taking her seat besides Tierno with Max on the other side of him.

Serena: Sorry I’m late. I was doing morning training and time got away from me.

Max: It’s all good! You made it here just in time!

Max looks around Tierno and smiles at her, her turning away to avoid eye contact. 

The stage lights up, as Monsieur Brendan and Klefki appear on the stage.

Monsieur Brendan: (In tolerable french accent) Bonjour, Kalos! Are you ready for another exciting performance?!

The crowd goes wild, Monsieur Brendan taking in the applause. 

Monsieur Brendan: In that case we shall begin straight away! Our first round today, the styling round! Each performer will have ten minutes to style their Pokémon to make them as glamorous as possible! Then you, the audience and our judges, will then choose which one of the three will move onto the freestyle round!

Three trainers appear, Shauna with Furfrou, a performer with Kirlia and Alouette with her Furfrou. Three booths rise out of the ground.

Monsieur Brendan: Ladies, take to your chamber! You will have ten minutes to completely dazzle us!

The ladies enter the cages as the timer goes off. Shauna instantly reaches for the clippers and gets to work in trimming Furfrou. Furfrou shakes his tail excitedly but otherwise remains still.

Shauna: Thanks, Furfrou. With another Furfrou in this round, our walk will have to be inspiring and memorable! But that’s for later.

Ten minutes goes by as the timer goes off.

Monsieur Brendan: Time is up! Let us see our first wave of contestants, shall we?

The first performer comes out with Kirlia, who’s natural skirt is stylized to form a ballerina’s skirt. Kirlia twirls down the runway as they show their attire to the crowd.

Monsieur Brendan: Next up! The first of two Furfrou this round! Give it up for Alouette!

Alouette and her now Pharaoh Trim Furfrou walk the runway, both holding an air of elegance to them. The crowd cheers wildly as they head back down.

Monsieur Brendan: These ladies are incredible! To transform their Furfrou in just ten minutes! Let us see how Shauna transformed her Furfrou!

Shauna and her now Kabuki Trim Furfrou come out, Furfrou howling to the sky. Shauna begins to skip her way down the runway, as Furfrou frolics and playfully leaps across the runway. Shauna crouches down at the end of the runway, allowing Furfrou to leap over her as they both spin around. They do the same going back, Shauna waving to the now roaring crowd.

Monsieur Brendan: What a display of passion and trust! Now it is up to you our audience to vote for who moves onto the next round!

Max: (Picking up lighter) So we vote for them to move on this time.

Tierno: Shauna’s got at least three votes down, yo!

Everyone lights their lighters and releases the light, illuminating the stadium in a sea of colors. The performers wait anxiously as their pins collect the votes and their monitors fill up. Shauna’s and Alouette’s gauge fills up fast, the two neck and neck. Right at the end, Shauna’s rises just above Alouette’s.

Monsieur Brendan: It is Shauna! She moves onto the next round!

Shauna: Ah! Furfrou, we did it!

Furfrou: Fur!

A pairing of Swirlix, Swanna and Sylveon go up, with Sylveon winning. Between Heliolisk, Dragonite and Scizor, the Dragonite moves on. The next round features Nini with Smoochum, Elma with a Roserade and one more with a Furret.

Monsieur Brendan: Begin!

Nini works on providing make up and blush to Smoochum, focusing on intense eye liner. She later dresses Smoochum with an oversized evening gown. 

Monsieur Brendan: Time’s up! How did our contestants do?!

Nini and Smoochum exit as Smoochum uses Confusion to lift herself into the air. Nini walks as Smoochum floats, twirling and showing off the flairs of the dress. The crowd goes wild for her appearance. 

After the others go, the votes come in and declare Nini the winner for that round.

Monsieur Brendan: Nini moves on! What a showing!

Tierno: Yo! So glad she made it on, yo.

Serena: Is Nini a friend of yours?

Tierno: We was in the Sky Tournament, and she and Shauna hit it off. Plus, she’s pretty cute!

Serena: (Slyly) Is she now?

Max: If I recall right, she used a Farfetch’d. Wonder what kind of freestyle round she’ll have.

Serena: So, how’s the weather?

Max: Huh?

Tierno: Don’t mind her, yo. She asks about the weather when she gets nervous.

Serena: I am not nervous!

Max: Right. Moving on.

End Scene

Nini: Yay! We both made it to the next round!

Nini and Shauna clasp hands and cheer gleefully, hopping up and down.

Shauna: Isn’t it an amazing feeling?! After this we’ll be competing against each other!

Nini: I know you helped me out and all. But I’m not going to lose!

Shauna: Me either!

Monsieur Brendan: We are now moving onto the freestyle round! Each performer will get to use up to three Pokémon to give us a riveting performance! They all have been practicing hard to perfect these so be sure to show off your support!

Dragonite and Pidgey give their performance, then a Ninetales and Flareon duo. Nini is the third to go up with Smoochum and Farfetch’d.

Nini: Hello everyone! Are you ready for our baton twirl!

Nini draws her own leek, identical to the one that Farfetch’d holds. The two spin and twirl their batons and move in sync, stepping back and forth and going all around. 

Smoochum kisses and releases energy Sweet Kisses into the air. Nini and Farfetch’d toss each other their leeks, them popping the Sweet Kiss and scattering pink sparkles into the air. Nini and Farfetch’d catch the leek and continue the routine. 

Monsieur Brendan: Magnificent! She is utilizing the key aspects of both of her Pokémon for this event!

Nini: Now to spice it up!

Both Nini and Farfetch’d draw another leek, raising the number to four. Smoochum continuously fires Sweet Kiss as Nini and Farfetch’d juggle the leeks back and forth, popping Sweet Kiss and bathing the sky with more and more sparkles. Nini throw in combinations, spinning and doing under handed throws. The crowd goes wild as Smoochum leaps and spins with Powder Snow, the sky now with a pink and blue sparkle. The crowd goes wild for their performance.

Monsieur Brendan: What a display!

Marill, Goldeen and Psyduck give an exceptional water show, then Vileplume has two Skiddo prancing around.

Monsieur Brendan: Now for the final performance! It’s Shauna!

Shauna stands at the top of the stairs, with Froakie, Bunnelby and Furfrou with her.

Shauna: Hello everyone! Hope you’re ready for a fun time! 

Froakie’s hands glow as it slams them on the stairs, a Mud Sport bathing the entirety of them. Shauna hops onto the mud with Froakie as they slide down the mud slide. 

Shauna: Fair warning! It’s gonna get a little muddy! 

Bunnelby and Furfrou emerge from under the mud, both of them covered in it. They all make it to the main stage as Shauna begins to dance with Furfrou jumping and leaping around her. Bunnelby scoops mud in its ears, fueling it with Mud Shot and fires them into the sky. 

Froakie: Froakie!

Froakie forms an orange energy sphere in its hand, then crushes it into pebbles and fires it upward. 

Max: Whoa, is that a Smack Down attack?

Serena: Shauna showed it off to me when she joined me for a last minute training session. But the way she used it here, it’s inspirational. More than I ever expected from her.

The Smack Down hits Mud Shot, causing explosions and sparkles as Shauna and Furfrou dance.

Shauna: Now use Sand Attack!

Furfrou pivots, kicking up mud and sand that amplifies the shine in the sky. Froakie and Bunnelby slide and leap over Shauna, mud droplets falling on Shauna. Froakie spews Bubbles into the air as Furfrou fires Charge Beam through them for an explosion of blue and yellow. 

Shauna: And finish!

Froakie fires frubbles forward, creating a trail that Shauna slides across. Furfrou and Bunnelby slide on their bellies through the mud, splattering Shauna with them all smiling brightly. The crowd is silent, no one quite sure how to respond. Shauna holds the position and forces a smile as she waits, with Furfrou going over and licking Shauna’s face.

Serena: Well done Shauna!

Serena stands and begins clapping, Max and Tierno joining in. The whole crowd begins erupting into applause, Shauna’s smile becomes real as she waves to the crowd. Furfrou knocks her over in excitement and licks her, Froakie and Bunnelby joining in on the dog pile.

Monsieur Brendan: (Suit splattered in mud) What a showing! This is the first time I’ve witness such a messy performance! We’ll clean the stage then bring all the performers back on stage.

Monsieur Brendan motions forward as Klefki floats forward. Klefki spins and releases a pink Fairy Wind, sweeping across the stage and carrying all the mud towards the back of the stage. Klefki’s keys then glow pink as a pink energy lock forms on the mud, locking it all on the stairs. The other performers march onto the stage and line up, them mesmerized by the display.

Tierno: Yo yo! Max, your brother is insanely powerful! He just whisked that mud away like it was nothing. 

Max: Pretty cool, isn’t it? Though it is a bit over the top. Fairy Lock doesn’t last forever.

Monsieur Brendan: Now it is time for you to cast your votes! Which of these six wonderful performers deserve the victory?! 

Everyone activates their lighters, flinging their lights through the sky to illuminate the stadium. The mixture of lights soar to the stage, going to their recipient. Shauna and Nini take a quick lead on the points as they continue to build, though Nini’s points begin to slow. Shauna watches in amazement as votes for her continue to flow after all the others stop receiving them.

Monsieur Brendan: The winner is Shauna! Her dazzling mud display showcased a memory of playing in the mud as children! You can tell that she and her Pokémon had a fun time!

Klefki floats to Shauna, offering her the Princess Key. Her eyes sparkle as gratefully takes the key. Shauna then waves to the cheering crowds. The mud then all drops, everyone screaming as they are splattered.

Later, Shauna and Nini are swarmed by fans, the two having to push through to join with Max, Tierno and Serena. 

Shauna: Wow! I didn’t realize I’d be this popular after winning!

Nini: Are you kidding?! I got a great following too!

Serena: Oh, Shauna. You still have mud in your hair.

Shauna: (Laughs) I’ll wash it out later!

Max: I have to say, that was a surprising performance. I wasn’t expecting all that mud.

Tierno: Doesn’t surprise me! Shauna was always the first one to jump in the mud when we were kids!

Shauna: (Giggles) I figured that since all my Pokémon loved to play in the mud that I’d just make it a theme! Wasn’t sure if everyone would be that into it though. Especially with the crowd being girls who didn’t want to get dirty.

Serena: I think your performance spoke to everyone at some level. I’m glad I got to watch it.

Shauna: Me too! Now we need to have a fun day!

Main Events[]

  • Shauna and Nini compete in the Lumiose Showcase.
  • Shauna wins her first princess key.
  • Shauna's Froakie is revealed to have learned Smack Down.
  • Shauna's Furfrou is revealed to know Sand Attack.




  • The first round of the showcase was inspired by the anime one in A Showcase Debut! It featured styling of Pokémon where a trainer styled a Furfrou. It was featured in this showcase so Shauna's ability to style her Furfrou.
  • Nini officially becomes one of Shauna's rivals.
  • In the anime, Nini does not have as much flair in her style as other performers. This is highlighted here where she is about at Shauna's level in her showcase skills.
  • Shauna has solidified her personal style in showcase, utilizing mud. She is the first trainer to specialize in this, especially since it isn't a Pokémon type.