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Vs. Pyroar is the eleventh episode of the first season of Pokémon Tales: Max. It aired 6/1/20.
A news reel scrolls by, as they show Malva sitting at a news desk.
Malva: Hello. This is Malva’s Hearth with the hottest news.
A news clip of Mega Rayquaza battling Primal Groudon and Kyogre plays.
Malva: In the Hoenn region a battle of titans have wrought havoc. The battle between the legendary Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza shook the entire region. However, an interesting development has occurred. Each of these Pokémon appear in a form not associated with them. Is this a sign of a unique, transformative power? I spoke with Professor Sycamore, a leading expert on Pokémon Evolution.
The clip shifts to an interview between Malva and Professor Sycamore.
Malva: Professor, what do you know about these evolutions?
Sycamore: According to research we’ve obtained from Steven Stone, former champion of Hoenn, the transformations of Groudon and Kyogre were induced by orbs that controlled them. It is Rayquaza’s transformation that has intrigued me. It was different from the other two, and could be Mega Evolution.
Malva: Explain this Mega Evolution for the audience.
Sycamore: Legends say that Pokémon were able to evolve a step further beyond their strongest form, but only for a short time. This has been referred to as Mega Evolution. Despite proof of this term there is little evidence to suggest that this is true.
Malva: So this Mega Evolution is a myth?
Sycamore: That is what my current research is focused on. Lysandre Labs, creator of the popular Holo Caster, is assisting in funding my research. This will allow us to investigate for as long as it takes to find the secrets. I am eternally grateful to them.
Malva: Once you have more information you must return to our show for the scoop.
Sycamore: Along with publishing in all the major science journals!
Malva: Thank you for spending your time with us today! This is Malva’s Hearth with the hottest news.
End Scene
Professor Sycamore, Sina and Dexio are working in the research lab when a teenage boy with black hair enters the room.
Alain: Hello Professor Sycamore. I am Alain. We spoke over Holo Caster.
Sycamore: Ah, Alain! Welcome!
Professor Sycamore motions him forward as they head into the laboratory. Running around are Psyduck, Azurill, Marill, Scatterbug, Weedle, Swirlix, Zigzagoon, Bunnelby, and Fletchling.
Sycamore: I am pleased that you accepted my request for a research assistant. After Trevor left to continue his journey I’ve been a bit short staffed.
Alain: It is my pleasure. Besides, if I’m part of your team when you discover Mega Evolution, I’ll be famous!
Sycamore: Interested in Mega Evolution, huh?
Alain: The Mega Rayquaza that was in your news story was so powerful! I want to be able to use that power someday and show it to the world!
Sycamore: That would be an incredible goal. Though truth be told, we don’t really know much yet despite our research. Surely a trainer like you would want to travel and challenge the gyms.
Alain pulls out a Pokéball and chooses Charmander. He then shows off his Bug Badge.
Charmander: Char!
Alain: We were traveling to conquer the gyms, but we both decided that we want to see this through first. It is not everyday that we can be part of making history.
Sycamore: I suppose so. Welcome aboard then!
Time passes as Professor Sycamore continues into his research. A Riolu is alone in the corner, as Charmander tries to approach it.
Charmander: Char! Char!
Riolu: (Refuses) Rio!
Alain: Hey there. It’s okay. You can play with the rest of the Pokémon too you know!
Riolu: Rio.
Riolu runs past the two, Alain sighing.
Sycamore: Riolu giving you a hard time?
Alain: Only a little. But it’ll come around.
Sycamore: That it will. Listen, I have an announcement. My main assistants, Sina and Dexio are going to going off on their own research project, unrelated to Mega Evolution.
Alain: What?! The two are just leaving the project? Leaving us?
Sycamore: In the research world it’s hard to get away permanently. But it does put us in a bind.
Alain: If you need me to take a more active part in the research, I’ll do it! I want to discover Mega Evolution.
Sycamore: And you’ll be a big help. However, we’ll be getting new help. My former teacher, Professor Rowan, agreed to lend out some of his research assistants to take over on the project.
Alain: (Crushed) They’ll be the leads?
Sycamore: Both of them have made strides in the world of evolution research. They’ll be an asset to the team!
Alain: Yeah. Sure.
Gary and Conway arrive with their suitcases, with Professor Sycamore and Alain greeting them.
Sycamore: Welcome! Gary, Conway. Professor Rowan has nothing but high praise for the two of you.
Conway: That’s nice to know. Usually he just gives gruff orders.
Sycamore: Yes, I remember well! This is Alain, one of my current research assistants.
Conway: It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Alain: Yeah, sure.
Gary: If it’s all the same to you, we’re here to work not chitchat.
Sycamore: Right, right. Come this way.
Professor Sycamore shows Gary and Conway all their current research, Alain angrily staring at them from a distance. Charmander rubs up against him as he pets it back.
Alain: I know. But, this was supposed to be our research! Now we’re just sidelined!
More time passes, Charmander having evolved into Charmeleon. Alain treats a Tranquill when Gary comes in.
Gary: Professor. I think I’ve finally found a lead.
Gary pulls out a travel guide, providing information on Shalour City. Alain comes over to see as well.
Alain: Shalour City? That is a simple travel guide, providing tourist attractions.
Gary: Yeah. But this caught my attention.
Gary opens the page to the Tower of Mastery, showing the Mega Lucario statue.
Sycamore: Yes. That is a statue dating thousands of years, of what Lucario looked like in an age past. Many Pokémon change and adapt over the millennium, varying in some form.
Gary: But what if it isn’t its previous appearance before natural selection? What if this is a Mega Evolved Lucario? The answer could’ve been in plain sight all this time!
Sycamore: Incredible! That is amazing perceptual skills there, Gary!
Gary: Just needed an outsider’s prospective.
Alain: An outsider?!
Alain is fuming now, Charmeleon growling in his defense.
Alain: I’ve been working on this for a year now and you think you can come in and steal what should be my discovery?!
Sycamore: Alain, take it easy.
Alain: No! Mega Evolution is the key to becoming the strongest, the best! And I’m going to be the one to discover it!
Alain takes off in a run, Charmeleon following. Tranquill trills though is unable to fly after him. Outside the lab Malva approaches as Alain bursts out and runs past.
Malva: Watch where you’re going!
Sycamore: Alain!
Professor Sycamore runs after Alain, though he is gone now. Professor Sycamore sighs.
Malva: Professor? Anything wrong?
Sycamore: Just, my assistant. I wish he had told me he was feeling inadequate before this. I could’ve done something.
Malva: It appears this is a bad time. I’ll come by another day.
Sycamore: That would be best. Sorry to turn you down.
Professor Sycamore heads inside, as Malva makes a call on the Holo Caster.
Malva: Lysandre? An opportunity has risen.
End Scene
Alain and Charmeleon travel through grass fields, Charmeleon beginning to lag behind.
Charmeleon: Char!
Alain: We can’t slow down, Charmeleon. We need to get to Shalour City first!
Voice: First? Are you in a race with someone?
Alain turns, Lysandre strolling up to him. He crouches and sniffs a flower.
Lysandre: Is there not enough time to stop and smell the roses?
Alain: Who are you?
Lysandre: I am Lysandre.
Alain: Of Lysandre Labs? You’ve been funding Professor Sycamore’s research.
Lysandre: And you have been assisting him with that research. Despite all the hard work you’d been putting in the professor was still unable to obtain results.
Alain: We have been working so hard!
Lysandre: And what happened? Were you just knocked aside for a more competent researcher?
Alain: Shut up! Charmeleon, use Flamethrower!
Charmeleon: Char.
Charmeleon inhales and breathes Flamethrower at Lysandre. Lysandre opens a Pokéball and chooses a male Pyroar, taking the attack.
Lysandre: Pyroar, Flamethrower!
Pyroar breathes his own Flamethrower, blazing through Charmeleon.
Lysandre: I think that it has become painfully clear that the Professor is incompetent of achieving this mission. Even if he did what then? He wouldn’t know what to do with it. What would you do with Mega Evolution?
Alain: What would I do? I would become the strongest trainer in the world! Charmeleon, go for Dragon Claw!
Lysandre: Shadow Claw!
Charmeleon charges with green scaly energy claws as Pyroar clashes with indigo claws. The two force each other back.
Lysandre: Your thought process is too small. Mega Evolution, from what little is understood about it, is an amazing power source. If we could harness it, utilize it. The world would not have to worry about energy at all! We could achieve world peace with it! Flamethrower!
Alain: Flamethrower!
Charmeleon and Pyroar clash with Flamethrower, Pyroar winning. Flamethrower knocks Charmeleon down, it struggling to get back up.
Alain: World peace, with this power?
Lysandre approaches Alain, him hesitant.
Lysandre: The world I am looking for will need those with strong wills. You are passionate, perhaps the most passionate trainer I’ve seen in a while. What’s more, I believe that Sycamore underutilized your potential.
Alain: What are you saying?
Lysandre: Come work directly for me, Alain. Once you discover how to achieve Mega Evolution, you can help me achieve my dream of world peace.
Alain: Me discover Mega Evolution?
Alain drops his head, avoiding Lysandre’s gaze. Charmeleon stands back up, Pyroar staying by Lysandre’s side.
Alain: Okay. I will join your cause. But I will become the strongest utilizing Mega Evolution.
Lysandre: That is all I ask.
Main Events[]
- Alain is introduced, becoming a research assistant to Professor Sycamore.
- Alain leaves Professor Sycamore and joins Lysandre to harness Mega Evolution.
- Charmander (Alain's, evolves)
- Charmeleon (Alain's, evolved)
- Pyroar (Lysandre's)
- Psyduck
- Azurill
- Marill
- Scatterbug
- Weedle
- Swirlix
- Zigzagoon
- Bunnelby
- Fletchling
- Riolu
- Tranquill
- Groudon
- Primal Groudon
- Kyogre
- Primal Kyogre
- Rayquaza (PT)
- Mega Rayquaza
- Alain was the trainer who battled Viola in her PokéVision in Vs. Vivillon.
- Due to Alain working for Professor Sycamore for at least a year, PokéVisions have been around for at least that long.
- He stopped his journey to help discover Mega Evolution.
- Dexio and Sina had a brief cameo to show them still working as researchers. Their leaving to do their own research is what led Professor Sycamore to recruit Conway and Gary.
- This version of Alain is shown to a younger, less mature version of his anime counterpart, as he became jealous and felt insignificant compared to the others.
- His anime goal, to become the strongest Mega Evolution trainer, still stands.
- Lysandre and Malva make their returns after setting up their story line in PT: Ben 10. They debut here even before the introduction of Team Flare.
- Malva has her own PokéVision news channel, called Malva's Hearth. A hearth refers to an area in front of a fireplace, which can both reference her team of Fire types and Team Flare.