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Vs. Growlithe and Shellder is the eighth episode of the first season of Pokémon Tales: Max. It aired 5/22/20.
Shudder shots of Professor Sycamore in his laboratory occur, as the image is covered by a Pokéball.
Alexa: Hello everyone! My name is Alexa and I’m bringing you my trainer profile of the week! Today’s focus, Professor Sycamore!
Video of Professor Sycamore feeding Zigzagoon, Bunnelby, Weedle and Riolu.
Alexa: Originating as a research student of Professor Rowan of Sinnoh, Professor Sycamore is an expert in the study of Pokémon Evolution. It is rumored that he has been researching a new form of evolution, which has been lost for over 3000 years!
Sycamore: (In interview) This new form of evolution, or old I suppose, is referred to as Mega Evolution. When the bond of between human and Pokémon is strong, you can create this new form of evolution. Despite this however, there is still limited detail on how to initiate this form of evolution.
Alexa: Once the professor’s research is completed, I’m sure that the entirety of Pokémon battling will be changed as we know it! I will continue to keep up with this story as time goes on! For now, I’m Alexa with Lumiose News!
Max, Shauna and Tierno head towards Professor Sycamore’s lab, Shauna dashing back and forth.
Shauna: This is amazing! We’ll finally get to meet Professor Sycamore!
Max: Huh? You didn’t meet Professor Sycamore when you received your starter Pokémon?
Tierno: Nah, man. One of his assistants traveled out to meet us so we could make the journey here! His name was Conway.
Max: Conway? (Crosses arms) That sounds familiar.
The group enters the lab, entering the main library.
Max: Wow! So many books!
Conway: Hello there!
Conway descends the stairs, greeting everyone.
Conway: It is good to see you kids again. I see that there’s a new one among you.
Max: My name is Max. It’s nice to meet you.
Shauna: We’re here to meet Professor Sycamore!
Conway: Heh. Of course. Come, I’ll bring you back to garden.
Conway leads them through the lab and into the research garden. Sycamore and Gary are in a heated discussion, Sycamore looking concerned. Gary is wearing long brown cargo pants and a black coat. Several Pokémon run around the garden, including Psyduck, Azurill, Marill, Scatterbug, Weedle, Swirlix, Zigzagoon, Bunnelby, Riolu, Fletchling, Helioptile, Gulpin, Spoink, Skrelp, Tranquill and Hippopotas.
Max: Huh? Is that?
Max runs towards the group, garnishing their attention.
Sycamore: Oh? Hello there!
Max: Hi! You’re Gary Oak, aren’t you?
Gary: You recognize me? I suppose cause of my grandpa.
Max: That too, but I also recognized you from the Silver Conference in Johto! You battled with Ian!
Gary: Heh. That was some years ago. You a fan of the Unova champ?
Max: I’m friends with him! We traveled together for a long time, and we even battled!
Conway: You traveled with him?
Conway steps in, grinning.
Conway: That means that you’re Brendan’s little brother. I met him in Sinnoh when I traveled with Ian.
Max: You traveled with him too? (Gasps) I remember now! Ian said he was going to give you a few Pokémon!
Conway: And I was quite honored by the fact he trusted me with them. They’re running around here somewhere if you want to see them.
Max: I would!
Shauna: Professor!
Shauna and Tierno run up, both elated.
Shauna: I’m Shauna, and this is Tierno! We both wanted to thank you for our starter Pokémon!
Tierno: Word up! They are both super cool!
Sycamore: Shauna and Tierno, from Vaniville Town! It’s a pleasure! I’m surprised Serena didn’t come by.
Shauna: She went off on her own journey! But I’m sure she’s doing fine!
Gary: I’m going to take off. I’ll see if I can find him on my mission.
Sycamore: Be careful. I look forward to hearing your report.
Gary nods as he heads off.
Conway: How about letting your Pokémon out to enjoy the garden? Giving them the chance to come out and play is something you shouldn’t pass up.
Shauna: Sounds good to me! Froakie, Bunnelby, come on out!
Tierno: Chespin, Scatterbug, let’s dance!
Max: Ralts, Fletchling, Geodude! I choose you!
They all throw their Pokéballs, the Pokémon all coming out. They chatter as they run off to play and explore. Conway leads the others towards his Pokémon.
Max: Professor? What research is Gary doing?
Sycamore: He is helping me to uncover the phenomenon known as Mega Evolution.
Tierno: Mega Evolution?
Sycamore: An advance form of evolution that only some Pokémon can obtain. It greatly increases their power for a short time. With the help of Lysandre Labs I’ve been researching it ever since seeing a similar event in Hoenn. The supposed evolution of Rayquaza.
Max: You mean when Ian rode Rayquaza to battle Groudon and Kyogre?
Sycamore: I spent some time there to research those evolutions, to no avail. I’ve recruited several research assistants to help out. Sina, Dexio, Trevor, Alain. And now recently Conway and Gary. Gary is focusing all his efforts on it and found some rumors that he’s going to check out.
Tierno: What about Conway, yo?
Conway: I have decided to focus on smaller research tasks, such as other unexplained evolutionary patterns. Gary heavily desired to be the lead on this assignment, and I had no objections.
Growlithe: Grow grow!
Growlithe cheerfully runs forward, brushing up on Conway. It then leaps and knocks Max down, licking him.
Max: (Laughs) Stop, that tickles! Ah! You’re the Growlithe Ian caught!
Growlithe: (Happy) Growl!
Conway: And gave to me. It isn’t the only one.
At the pond, something floats up. Shellder peaks its eyes out, yawning.
Shellder: Shell.
Conway: Growlithe and Shellder. Two precious Pokémon. Another thing to show you.
Conway leads the others to a clearing, where Jolteon and Leafeon are curled up. They gasp in glee as they see a brown egg in the middle of them.
Shauna: (Fawning) Aw! Is that an egg?!
Conway: A dream of mine is to obtain all the Eeveelutions. While I have been taking it slow, I was inspired in Sinnoh. My Leafeon is female, so I mated it with my male Jolteon to produce an egg. I’ll take my time and care for this new Eevee egg.
Tierno: That’s so cool yo!
Max: To own an Eevee sounds cool! What are you going to evolve into?
Conway: I haven’t decided yet. I suppose that I’ll let it occur as it will.
Tierno: Really? You get a say and aren’t going to?
Conway: I suppose it’s the more passive stance that I take with things. But it’s much more intriguing to not know the end result, wouldn’t you say?
Sycamore: I couldn’t agree more! That makes researching all the more exciting!
Max: Hey Conway? Can I have a battle with you?
Conway: A battle with me, huh?
Max: I wanna battle those two Pokémon that Ian gave you! Growlithe and Shellder!
Conway: Hm. It’s been a while since I was challenged to a battle. That is definitely an influence from Ian. I accept.
Max: Yes!
Max and Conway make room to form a battlefield, with the others off to the side.
Shauna: Alright Max!
Tierno: Show off those moves, yo!
Sycamore: This kid seems full of energy. And I’ve not seen Conway so fascinated about anyone before.
Conway: Growlithe, Shellder.
Growlithe: (Enthusiastic) Growl!
Shellder: (Apathetic) Shell.
Max: Ralts! Geodude! I choose you!
Ralts Teleports in with Geodude, the two taking their position. Growlithe instantly shifts to a hostile growl, Intimidating Ralts and Geodude.
Max: Alright! Geodude use Sandstorm! Ralts use Magical Leaf!
Geodude swings its arms, releasing a Sandstorm. Ralts holds its arms up and fires green energy leaves at Shellder.
Conway: Sandstorm, huh? Growlithe use Flamethrower! And Shellder, Icicle Spear.
Growlithe breathes Flamethrower, canceling out Magical Leaf. Shellder fires dozens of Icicle Spears. Geodude fades and disappears.
Conway: Sand Veil? Unexpected. Growlithe, use Odor Sleuth.
Growlithe’s nose glow green, it sniffing the air. The ground bulges as Geodude strikes Growlithe with Dig. Growlithe is launched up as Ralts Teleports into the air.
Max: Knock it down with Psychic!
Conway: Flamethrower!
Ralts releases a wave of Psychic energy, Growlithe firing Flamethrower into it. Shellder lies on the ground as Geodude appears behind it and grabs it.
Conway: Shellder, use Withdraw.
Max: Geodude, use Seismic Toss!
Geodude lifts Shellder into the air as it Withdraws into its shell. Geodude spins and slams Shellder into the ground, it being launched into the air. Growlithe, Shellder and Ralts are buffed by the Sandstorm.
Max: Seismic Toss ignores your defense raises!
Conway: Yes, but it decreased its body size by closing, giving it a larger travel trajectory. Shellder, use Clamp!
Ralts descends from the sky as Shellder shoots at it, opening its shell and Clamping down on its head. Ralts lands and screams, trying to get Shellder off.
Max: No way!
Conway: Growlithe, go for Take Down.
Growlithe speeds forward, leaving orange streaks behind. It goes to ram Ralts as Geodude appears in front of it.
Max: Geodude, fire Rock Throw! And Ralts, push it off with Safeguard!
Geodude forms jagged rocks and fires them, Growlithe pushing through as it rams Geodude. Ralts releases a silver barrier off its body, forcing Shellder off. The Pokémon land on the appropriate side of the field, being buffed by the Sandstorm.
Conway: Not yet, huh? Shellder, Icicle Spear! Growlithe, Flamethrower!
Max: Deflect them with Psychic! And Geodude, attack with Rock Throw!
Growlithe breathes Flamethrower as Ralts blasts through with Psychic. Shellder and Geodude have Icicle Spear and Rock Throw collide.
Conway: Growlithe, use Bite!
Max: Ralts, Teleport then Magical Leaf!
Growlithe charges at Ralts with Bite, while Ralts Teleports away. The Sandstorm begins to fade.
Conway: There it is. Shellder, use Brine!
Max: Ah! Geodude, dodge with Dig!
Shellder spews a stream of water from its mouth, striking Geodude as it Digs towards the ground. Geodude is washed back defeated.
Max: Geodude, no!
Conway: Odor Sleuth to Flamethrower!
Growlithe sniffs the air with Odor Sleuth, as it picks up a scent. It turns and breathes Flamethrower into the air, striking the reappearing Ralts. Ralts drops to the ground then is hit by Icicle Spear. Ralts lies defeated.
Sycamore: And that’s it. Conway wins it!
Ralts and Geodude look disappointed, but Max goes over and pets them.
Max: It’s alright guys. You both did great.
Conway feeds his Pokémon Sitrus Berries, as he heads over to Max.
Conway: You’ve definitely inherited Ian’s style. You utilized your Pokémon’s properties to their fullest. However, you didn’t note my Growlithe’s Intimidate ability that weakened your physical attacks, even if you used Seismic Toss. When I forced you to have Geodude battle Shellder, you didn’t try to divert back to where you had the advantage, even though you easily could’ve. Just remember that every battle depends on how well you can adapt to the situation.
Max: I see. Thanks for the advice there.
Sycamore: Well I thought that this was an extraordinary battle! I see a bright future for you all!
Tierno: Thanks Professor!
Max: So where’s the closest gym? I tried battling Clemont but wasn’t in his league.
Sycamore: In that case you’ll want to head to Cyllage City. Grant is the gym leader there.
Max: Grant, huh? Alright! Then tomorrow we’ll head out for Cyllage City!
Shauna: Alright!
Tierno: Sounds like a plan!
Main Events[]
- Max meets Conway for the first time.
- Gary is revealed to be researching mega evolution, while Conway is investigating different evolutions.
- Conway shows the Growlithe and Shellder he obtained from Ian for the first time.
- Conway bred his Jolteon and Leafeon, creating an Eevee egg.
- This reveals that his Jolteon is male.
Main Character's[]
- Growlithe (Conway's)
- Shellder (Conway's)
- Jolteon (Conway's)
- Leafeon (Conway's)
- Egg (Conway's)
- Ralts (Max's)
- Geodude (Max's)
- Fletchling (Max's)
- Froakie (Shauna's)
- Bunnelby (Shauna's)
- Chespin (Tierno's)
- Scatterbug (Tierno's)
Professor Sycamore's Pokémon[]
- Psyduck
- Azurill
- Marill
- Scatterbug
- Weedle
- Swirlix
- Zigzagoon
- Bunnelby
- Riolu
- Fletchling
- Helioptile
- Gulpin
- Spoink
- Skrelp
- Tranquill
- Hippopotas
- Max and Conway are familiar with each other due to their interactions with Ian, but this is their first meeting.
- Gary takes on Blue's Gen IV appearance from the games.
- This is a Conway episode, focusing on what he's been doing.
- Conway's interest in varying evolution types is based off how Gen VI introduced a handful of Pokémon with special conditions to evolve, similar to Gen IV where he last appeared.
- Conway was inspired by Rosa to breed to produce an Eevee egg.
- Conway is the second known character to breed a Pokémon Egg himself.
- Despite not being much of a battler, Conway can rely on his extensive knowledge and analytical skills to keep up in battle.
- Jolteon is the first of Conway's Pokémon that he used in PT: Elise to appear since then.