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Vs. Darumaka is the fifteenth episode of the third season of Pokémon Tales: Plasma. It aired 4/5/20.


Rui holds up a torch, lighting her way as she travels the caves. Audino walks beside her.

Rui: (In anguish) I should’ve known that they would’ve left me on my own. At least I randomly found a branch I could use for a torch.

Audino: (Reminding) Audi au. 

Rui: And of course you lit the torch. You listening for where the others are? 

Audino: Audi au?

Rui: You were supposed to be looking for them!

Audino: (Points forward) Audino audi!

Rui: Seriously?! At least you found an exit. 

They exit the cave, it still dark outside. The cave entrance is right in front of a river. On the other side of the river is a forest. 

Rui: Ugh! A river! Huh?

An Autumn Sawsbuck stares at her through the trees. The two meet eyes as Sawsbuck fades into the forest.

Rui: Hey wait! Solosis, get us over the river!

Rui opens a Pokéball, choosing Solosis.

Solosis: Solo!

Solosis uses Telekinesis, them all glowing green as they float over the river. Rui takes off in a run after the Sawsbuck, searching where she had seen it.

Rui: I could’ve sworn, hm. Maybe it was my imagination? 

Audino: Audino.

Solosis: (Chipper) Solo! Solo!

Solosis floats off on its own, Rui rolling her eyes.

Rui: Great. Another adventure awaits. 

Rui and Audino follow after Solosis, as an outdoor research facility appears. There is only a small building for racks to sleep with several Pokémon there. Autumn Deerling, Darumaka, Shelmet, Karrablast, Marill and Sewaddle are all sleeping. One scientist has a sleeping bag and sleeps with the Deerling. 

Rui: Hm? I recognize that guy!

Rui joins Solosis down to the research facility, as Solosis bumps into the guy in the sleeping bag. Monty sits up with bed head and putting his glasses on.

Monty: Ugh. What happened? 

Solosis: Solo! Sol sol sol!

Monty: Huh? (Adjusts glasses) Solosis!

Solosis: So!

Solosis cuddles up to Monty, him hugging it with excitement.

Monty: Oh incredible! I didn’t think I’d see you again!

Rui: Hey Monty.

Rui gets closer, as Monty gets out of the sleeping bag. 

Monty: Rui! I, well, what are you doing here?

Rui: (Laughs sheepishly) Believe it or not I got lost and just ended up here. 

Monty: I see. I attempted to re-establish contact with you after the lab burned down before.

Rui: Sorry about that. I know that was Team Plasma’s fault, but I feel a bit responsible as well. 

Monty: Oh not at all! Following that disaster, we completely remodeled our research. With this outdoor facility we now observe the wild Pokémon as they come and go. We encourage them with some care if they’re injured, and a lot of them think it’s funny to steal food from us. We even got the green light from the so called king.

Rui: N approved of what you were doing here? 

Monty: Believe it or not, he said that this was the perfect starting point of restoring the balance between people and Pokémon.

Rui: That’s really great! I’ve recently enrolled in the Striaton University Nursing Program. Solosis has helped me heal many Pokémon in my studies.

Solosis: (Yearning) Solosis so.

Monty: (Disappointed) Oh. That’s, great. 

Both of them look dismayed and look away, Rui rubbing her arm.

Rui: Anyway, I got separated from my friends so I was wondering if I could hang here for a bit.

Monty: Of course you can. I’ll see if I can scrounge up a spare sleeping bag. 

Rui: Appreciate it.

End Scene

Rui lays in the sleeping bag, hands behind her head as she stares up to the starry sky. Rui looks to Monty, Solosis cuddled up to him as they both sleep. 

Rui: Even after all this time, they are still so close. (Looks to the stars) I wonder how Deerling is doing. If it has forgiven me or has forgotten about me. 

Violent shaking occurs, Rui sitting up with a start. Monty stirs as the wild Pokémon sleeping all react, looking fearful. The terrain shakes again, as Rui looks up towards the mountains. 

Rui: Oh Ian. What mess are you getting yourself into? 

Monty: What’s happening?!

Rui: A battle at Twist Mountain. Don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll be fine. 

The ground shakes a third time, an earthquake following. All the Pokémon begin scattering as Darumaka freaks out.

Darumaka: Daru! Daru daru daru!

Darumaka breathes Flamethrower, igniting the trees all around them. The forest is lit aflame as the Pokémon all run in circles. 

Rui: For crying out! Palpitoad, Rain Dance. 

Rui opens her Pokéball, choosing Palpitoad.

Palpitoad: Palpi!

Palpitoad glows blue, as storm clouds form overhead. It rains on the forest, putting out the fire. 

Rui: Ugh! Now I’m soaked! But at least the fire is out. (Bends down) You okay Darumaka? That was quite a scary thing wasn’t it? Darumaka: (Ashamed) Daru daru.

Rui: (Strokes Darumaka) It’s okay. Accidents like that happen. Just be careful with that Flamethrower okay?

Darumaka: Daru!

Monty: Wow. That was impressive! You handled that situation without batting an eye!

Rui: It’s all in a day’s work. 

The sun rises over the horizon, as Sawsbuck stands in the clearing. Rui spots it.

Rui: The Sawsbuck again!

Monty: Oh? Yeah that Sawsbuck has been hanging out around here. It’s part of the reason that the so called king approved of this place. Sawsbuck has been guiding Pokémon here and keeping them safe. 

Rui: It spoke with N? Is that, (awestruck) my little Deerling?

Sawsbuck: Saw. 

Monty: The same one you traded me?

Rui: After the lab was destroyed, it ran away. I found it but decided it was better in the wild.

Sawsbuck approaches, scraping the ground and taking a charging stance. 

Rui: What? Do you want to battle or something? 

Sawsbuck nods, as Rui grins. Rui opens a Pokéball, choosing Audino.

Audino: Audino!

Rui: Let’s battle. Flamethrower!

Audino breathes Flamethrower as Sawsbuck glows with a white aura. The terrain resonates with it as it forms and fires Energy Ball. The attacks cancel each other out as Sawsbuck charges with glowing green horns. Sawsbuck rams Audino with Horn Leech, draining her energy as she skids back. 

Rui: Not bad. Audino, Work up to Return!

Audino charges with a pink heart shaped fist, Sawsbuck leaping back to dodge. Sawsbuck charges again with Horn Leech, Audino grabbing it but the horns this time. Horn Leech still drains her energy, as Sawsbuck tries to buck Audino off. 

Rui: Now use Flamethrower!

Audino breathes Flamethrower at close range, blasting Sawsbuck back defeated. 

Rui: Now use Heal Pulse. 

Audino releases a pink Healing Pulse, healing Sawsbuck’s wounds. Sawsbuck gets up, confused.

Rui: No reason to leave you harmed. Thank you for this, Sawsbuck. 

Sawsbuck nods as it disappears into the forest. 

Sometime later, Tropius flies down from Twist Mountain with Cilan and Ian. Cilan hops off and rushes over to Rui, putting his hands on her shoulders.

Cilan: Rui! You’re okay!

Rui: What, did you expect anything different? 

Cilan: With what happened at the mountain it is good to make sure.

Rui: You’re sweet to care.

Rui gives Cilan a kiss, then heads over to Monty and Solosis. Ian stands next to Cilan.

Ian: (Slightly intimidating) You and my sister, huh?

Cilan: (Nervous) Uh I hope you’re alright with it.

Ian: It’s why I allowed her to stay with you in the first place. 

Monty: I suppose it’s time for you to go.

Rui: It is. Thank you for your hospitality Monty. (Looks around) If you can call it that without a house.

Monty: (Barely audible) Yeah. Thanks for coming.

Solosis: (Sad) Solo.

Rui eyes glimmer, as she reaches into her pocket. She pulls out a Pokéball, clasping it into Monty’s hand.

Rui: Here. You got a raw deal before and I’m glad I got this chance again.

Monty: Huh? You’re just, giving me Solosis back?!

Rui: Truthfully, I had planned on bringing Solosis back to trade back for Deerling anyway. We may have both lost Deerling, but we both gain something from Solosis. But it wants to be with you so that’s that.

Solosis: Solo! Solo!

Rui: Take care Solosis. I’ve enjoyed traveling with you.

Rui breaks off from Monty, walking away and waving towards them. She mounts Tropius with a groan of dread.

Rui: Let’s go. The sooner I get this sickness over with the better. 

Cilan: Of course. Though, Tropius can only hold two people.

Ian: In that case I’ll be on my way. You guys need to get back home I’m sure.

Cilan: That is true. It is good to know that you will call on us if you need anything. Ian: I will.

Rui: Later. Though I spent the whole time away from you, it was good to see you.

Cilan gets on Tropius, as it takes flight. As they fly through the sky, Rui wipes tears away from her eyes.

Cilan: That was a good thing you did. Returning Solosis.

Rui: Well, I couldn’t keep it forever could I? (Clings tighter) You mind flying slow this time? I wanna enjoy the flight.

Cilan: Of course. We have the whole day so there’s no rush.

Main Events[]

  • Rui's journey while the others were at Twist Mountain is revealed.
  • Rui's old Deerling is revealed to have evolved into Sawsbuck.
  • Rui gives Solosis back to Monty.




  • This episode was created to give Rui growth.
  • Originally, Rui was going to intentionally give Solosis back instead of it being an accident she found her way back.
  • The exit Rui comes out of is the Mistralton Cave. This is due to it being connected to Clay Tunnel in B2W2.
  • Sawsbuck returning in an evolved state is similar to Ash's Lapras in the anime coming back bigger and older than before.
  • Originally, Sawsbuck was going to be in its Summer form. It was made into Autumn form to show how much more time has been passing. It is just at the start of Autumn.
  • Rui giving Solosis back to Monty was inspired by the original plan for Rui to have traded Solosis back for Deerling when the trade first happened, mimicking Ash trading Butterfree for Raticate and back.
  • Rui and Cilan are officially dating. Ian approves.
  • This marks Rui's and Cilan's final appearance in this series.