Showdown at the Pokeathlon! is the 11th episode in The New Bark Trio. In this episode, Ethan and Lyra compete in the Pokeathlon after seeing a commercial.
(The Episode Begins with Ethan, Kris, and Lyra all enjoying tea in their hotel room.)
Kris (Narration) “Hi, I’m Kris! My friends can have little squabbles here and there, but at the end of the day, we make up and still enjoy one another’s presence. However, I’ve recently been noticing that Lyra has been tense around Ethan. I’m not sure why… They've both been weird around me too, but it feels like it for a completely different reason. You don’t think… Bah, I’m sure I’ll figure it out sooner or later!”
Ethan: “I’m so happy that you finally get to enjoy some tea with us, Lyra.”
Lyra: “Oh, you're welcome! I really like this Yellow Tea. Plus, I get to spend time with Krissy!”
Ethan: “Uhm… Yeah. Anyway, this Pokemon Center offers a lot more than the others we’ve been in. I heard that they serve over 20 dishes during breakfast, isn’t that crazy?”
Kris: “Wow, that’s a lot. Though I’m totally fine just having pancakes and tea with you two.”
Lyra: (Smiles) “Thank you, Krissy!”
Ethan: “On top of that, this city has more shows than usual.”
(The three look at the TV.)
Lyra: “They sure do! Say, what’s on the TV right now?”
(There’s a commercial about the Pokeathlon on right now.)
Commercial’s Voice: “Want to show off your Pokemon’s skills? Want to be the strongest of the strongest? Want to combine sports and trainer battles together? Then come on down to the Pokeathlon’s grand reopening, where you and your Pokemon can participate in sports to show off your skills and strength to everyone!”
(Whitney appears in the commercial.)
Whitney: “I tell ya, it gives your Pokemon a real workout, but it‘s worth it in the end as it’s made mine 110% cuter!”
Commercial’s Voice: “Do you have what it takes to become a Pokeathlete? Join now at the Pokeathlon Dome west of National Park!”
Kris: “Oooooh, that looks fun! Say, we’re pretty close to that place, what do you say about going there for the day?”
Lyra: “I don’t see why not. I’ll make sure to knock your socks off, Krissy!”
Ethan: “Well, we don’t have much else to do today, I guess.”
(The three trainers get up and leave. The screen fades to Ethan, Lyra, and Kris opening the door. To the Pokemon Center.)
Kris: “Alright, let’s see if we can have a fun time at the Pokeath-”
???: “Vee! Vee!”
Lyra: “Huh?”
(The three trainers look down and notice a sad Eevee in front of them.)
Eevee: “Eevee! Vee!”
Ethan: “Oh, is that an Eevee?”
(The Eevee runs inside.)
Nurse Joy: “Oh no, that Eevee’s back!”
Lyra: “Huh? What’s wrong with that?”
Nurse Joy: “That Eevee has been loitering around the Pokemon Center for the past week. It’s been wanting to get in for food.”
Kris: “P-past week…?”
Lyra: “Oh no! Is it a stray Pokemon?”
(The Eevee jumps on the Pokemon Center’s recveption desk.)
Nurse Joy: “I’ve never seen its trainer, so I guess it is. I’ll need to kick it out again.”
Eevee: “Wee! Eee!”
Lyra: “Don’t!!! I’ll take care of this for you.”
(Lyra approaches the Eevee.)
Lyra: “It’s okay, little Eevee!” (Pulls out an Oran Berry) “Here, have a berry!”
Eevee: “Vee?” (Begins to eat the berry)
Lyra: “A poor, hungry Pokemon like this doesn’t deserve to be out on the streets!” (Pulls out a Pokeball) “How about I take care of you?”
Eevee: “Vee! Eevee!” (Jumps up and down happily.)
Ethan: “Aww, it’s excited!”
(Lyra taps the Pokeball onto Eevee, sucking it inside! The ball wobbles before it glows.)
Nurse Joy: “Well, that’s one way to deal with it.”
Kris: “That was very kind of you, Lyra!”
Lyra: “Your welcome! I need more Pokemon to take care of, after all!”
Kris: “Now, let’s head to the Pokeathlon before they fill up.”
(The screen fades as the three trainers leave the Pokemon Center. We then see Goldenrod City’s outskirts, with Kris and Co. looking at a large building nearby.)
Kris: “Is the Pokeathlon that giant flashy dome over there?”
Ethan: “It must be.”
Lyra: “It’s looks awesome!”
Kris: “Well, let’s go inside! I bet you can test out that Eevee here, Lyra!”
Lyra: “Probably!”
(As the three trainers start to approach the Pokeathlon, Whitney notices Kris in the group)
Whitney: “Oh hell nah!”
(Whitney runs inside the dome. Whitney walks to the boss of the Pokeathlon.)
Whitney: “Hey, if you see a blue-haired girl named Kris, don’t let her in the contest.” (Gives the boss a wad of cash) “She is a complete jerk!”
Pokeathlon Owner: “Can do, ma’am.”
(The door to the Pokeathlon Dome opens, with Lyra, Kris, and Ethan all going inside.)
Pokeathlon Worker: “What are your names?”
Ethan: “My name is Ethan Shinkin, sir.”
Lyra: “I’m Lyra Tamagin!”
Pokeathlon Worker: “Very well then, I’ll write you two down as competitors.”
Lyra: (Looking at the TV, that’s showing a Pokeathlon event from the past.) “Wow, this is gonna be great!”
Pokeathlon Worker: “Just head to the changing rooms and prepare your Pokemon!”
Ethan: “Got it, sir.”
(Ethan and Lyra head to the changing rooms. Meanwhile, Kris walks up to the reception desk.)
Kris: “Hi, I’m Kris Ishou, I would like to c-compete in the Pokeathlon.”
Pokeathlon Worker: “I’m sorry, but you can’t compete.”
Kris: “What, why?”
Pokeathlon Worker: “You’re uhhhh… we just ran out of slots! Sorry ma’am, but you can’t compete.”!”
Kris: “What?!” Awww man…”
(Lyra pops her head out of the room’s entrance.)
Lyra: “It’s okay, Krissy, I ask if Ethy cant take your place instea-”
Pokeathlon Worker: (Interrupts Lyra) “Sorry, but I just can’t let her in the competition. This ink’s pernament.”
Kris: “Well…” (Sighs) “…Fine, if you insist. I hope you two have fun.”
Lyra: “Thanks!”
(Lyra disappears. The two trainers come back wearing a jersey, carrying a blue jersey and a pink jersey.)
Ethan: “Wow, these are a bit tight! They must have ran out of clothes, or something!”
Lyra: “Yeah, this coat is baggy!”
Ethan: “And this coat is squeezing me!” (Unbuttons shirt) “Ah, this is much better!”
(Kris is looking at a plushie on display.)
Kris: “Oh my god, that thing is so adorable!!!”
Pokeathlon Employee: “Oh, that? That’s one of the grand prizes that champions of competitions can get.”
Kris: “Awww, now I’m really sad that I couldn’t go.” (Looks at Ethan and Lyra “You two gotta get me that plushie.”
Ethan: “We’ll do what we can, Kris!”
Kris: “Thanks. If either of you win me that plush, I’ll probably give you as many hugs as I give that plushie.”
(Kris’ words echo in Ethan and Lyra’s minds. The two are now motivated to win.)
Lyra: “I’m gonna get you that plushie Kris, even if I have to sacrifice myself to do so!”
Ethan: “Sheesh, Lyra, isn’t that a bit hyperbolic? Well, I’ll still try my best!”
Kris: “Haha, alright.”
Pokeathlon Worker: “Alright the tournament’s about to begin! I’d get ready if I were you, you two!”
Ethan: “Oh, we need to go, Kris! See ya!”
Kris: “See you two.”
(Ethan and Lyra run away. The screen cuts to an announcer at the Pokeathlon.)
Announcer: “It’s great to see everybody gathered here tonight! I am pleased to announce our first Pokeathlon competition ever since the renovations are about to begin! Here are our 8 competitors!”
(Ethan, a Youngster, a Lass, Whitney, Lyra, a Picknicker, a Camper, and Falkner are all standing in a row.)
Ethan: “Falkner?! I’m kinda surprised you’re here.”
Falkner: “Thought I’d try something new with my Pokemon.”
Announcer: “Our 8 competitors will be fighting in the following events: Hurdle Dash, Block Smash, Pennant Capture, Disc Catch, Relay Run, Goal Roll, and Ring Drop!”
(The crowd cheers! But, Ethan and Lyra focus their attention on Kris, who waves at the two.)
Lyra (Thinking): “I’m gonna win this, Kris!”
Ethan (Thinking): “I’ll make sure to make you proud, Kris. I’ll enjoy the hugs you’ll give me!”
Announcer: “Now, Round 1 shall begin! First off, it’s Ethan’s Togepi against Joey’s Rattata in Hurdle Dash!”
Ethan: “You got this little guy, I know you can do it!”
Joey: “Quick attack like you’ve never quicked attacked before, Rattata!”
(The competition begins! Rattata runs on the track alongside Togepi. The two jump over hurdles as the race goes on.)
Ethan: “Hmm, how exactly are we gonna do this?”
(Togepi, noticing that Rattata is outrunning it, decides to start rolling instead. Togepi bounces over the hurdles and manages to speed its way towards Rattata!)
Joey: “Wha?! Hey!”
(Togepi passes Rattata and crosses the finish line first!)
Ethan: “Impressive, Togepi; that was a really clever move that you made during this match!”
Joey: “Oh, come on! My Rattata was top percentage too!”
Announcer: “Ethan wins this match! Now, onto round 2 with Lyra and Gina in a match of Block Smash!”
Gina: “I shall go first! Smash that rock with a Vine Whip, Bulbasaur!”
(Bulbasaur slaps the rock with its vine, making it crack a bit!)
Lyra: “You can do this, Mary! Use the strongest Tail Whip you can use!”
(Marill charges up a strong attack with its tail!)
Lyra: “Come on, do the strongest you can and defeat your opponent! I know you can do it! This competition is going to make Krissy very proud of me!”
(Marill suddenly begins to glow!)
Lyra: “Wha? What’s going on?”
Kris: “Oh my god, is it actually happening?”
Lyra: “No, it can’t be!”
(Marill evolves into an Azumarill as it charges up its attack!)
Ethan: “Holy crap, it did just happen!!!”
Lyra: “It actually happened, Mary finally evolved into an Azumarill!” (Jumps around frantically) “I never thought that was going to happen!”
(Azumarill, now fully charged, slams its tail against the rock, splitting it in two and causing a small earthquake!)
Lyra: “Woah!”
Gina: “Dang!”
Announcer: “Lyra wins the competition, with her newly evolved Azumarill!”
Lyra: “Yippie!!!” (Leaps in joy) “Not only did Mary finally evolve, but we also won!!!” (Hugs Azumarill)
Announcer: “Now for Dana and Whitney in a battle of Pennant Capture! Capture as many flags as possible and place them into your box before the time rounds out!”
Whitney: “Destroy the competition, Clefairy!”
Dana: “Let’s try our best, Flaaffy!”
(A whistle is blown, and Flaaffy and Clefairy run around, collecting flags. Flaaffy’s stubby legs slow it down compared to Clefairy, however.)
Dana: “Oh no, my poor Flaaffy! She only just evolved from a Mareep and I still don’t think she’s used to her new bipedal legs!”
Whitney: “Hah, this is gonna be a cakewalk!”
(The contest fast forwards a bit, until the whistle is blown, causing the contest to go back to normal speed.)
Announcer: “Time’s up! Dana’s Flaaffy has collected 4 flags, while Clefairy has collected over double, at an impressive 9!”
Whitney: “Yeah! I still got my skills!”
Dana: “Well, I am facing Whitney, I should have expected nothing else.”
Announcer: “Now, for our final match in round 1! Todd’s Psyduck and Falkner’s Pidgey are going to catch a frisbee in a game of Disc Catch! The farthest your Pokemon can catch a frisbee wins!”
(Todd and Falkner are both holding frisbees.)
Falkner: “This should be a piece of cake! Time to use my good arm for this…”
(Todd and Falkner throw their frisbees very far! Psyduck struggles to keep up with the disc while Pidgey speeds past it! Pidgey catches the frisbee in its beak, while Psyduck trips and fails to catch the Frisbee.)
Announcer: “It seems like Pidgey wins, by being able to catch the Frisbee 95 feet away from its trainer!”
Falkner: “Great!”
Todd: “...I guess I’m not getting that gift for my Mom.”
Announcer: “Alright, Round 1 is officially over! Our remaining competitors are Ethan, Whitney, Lyra, and Falkner!”
Ethan: “This is actually kind of a pretty fun competition so far; this is gonna be great!”
Lyra: “Nothing will stand between me and the prize, not even Ethy!”
Ethan: “Geez, Lyra sounds so aggressive; she must be very determined to win this game.”
Announcer: “Now, for our first of the two matches, we have Ethan and Whitney competing in Relay Run! Simply race across the track and cross the finish line first to win!”
Whitney: “Let’s see if Milky can easily crush you in a Pokeathlon Tournament just like at my gym!”
Ethan: “There is a reason why I brought Shrewy into this, let’s see who can out-rollout each other!”
(The Whistle blows, and Miltank and Sandshrew both use Rollout, rolling their way through the track!)
Kris: “Ehehehe, this reminds me of the Wheelies in Kirby.”
Ethan: “Oh no, looks like my Sandshrew isn’t as fast as your Miltank! Come on, I know you can do it, Shrewy, you just gotta believe in yourself!”
(For a moment, we see the inside of Sandshrew, and its face getting exerted. Once the screen cuts back to Sandshrew, it begins to glow and grow spikes!)
Ethan: “Oh wow, Shrewy is evolving just like how Mary is!”
Kris: “I guess Lyra wasn’t the only one to get a new Pokemon.”
(Sandshrew evolves into Sandslash! With its new form, it uses its spikes to bounce and to outpace Miltank, eventually getting to the finish line before it does!”
Announcer: “And Sandshrew wins the race! Ethan gets to go to Round 3!”
Whitney: “OH COME ON! You were just lucky that your stupid Pokemon evolved right there! Dumb Sandslash…” (Angrily stomps away.)
Ethan: “Hmph, she is such a sore loser; I see what you mean about her saltiness, Kris.”
Announcer: “Now, for our second and final match in round 2! Lyra’s Eevee and Falkner’s Pigeotto are going to face each other in a game of Goal Roll! Get as many soccer balls into your opponent’s goal as you can before time runs out! The one with the most points wins!”
Lyra: “Alright, let’s see what you’re made of! I’m gonna call you Vee!”
Eevee: “Vee!”
Falkner: “This should be simple enough.”
(A whistle is blown as the competition begins! Eevee tackles some balls into Pidgeotto’s goal post while deflecting some of the balls Pidgeotto launches with its wings. Pidgeotto decides to swoop down and slam into a ball to launch at Eevee, but Eevee simply deflects the ball with its tail and knocks Pidgeotto in the head!)
Falkner: “My Pidgeotto!”
Lyra: “Wow, Impressive! You’re a diamond in the rough, Vee!”
(Eevee easily tosses balls into the goal post, now that Pidgeotto is down and dazed. The whistle blows once the time is up.)
Announcer: “Lyra’s Eevee wins by a landslide! It is a 12-2!”
Falkner: “Dang, I guess birds aren’t good at kicking!”
Announcer: “Now, it’s time for our final round! This match will determine the victor of the 10000 Pokedollars and the Cleffa Doll! It is Lyra against Ethan!”
(Lyra’s eyes shrink from realization. She sees Ethan in front of her. The two are glaring at each other with scorn.)
Lyra: (Thinking) “..You! You’re the one who wants to take Krissy away from me!”
Ethan (Thinking) “Looks like it’s going to be me against Lyra; I suppose this battle is probably going to determine who Kris picks.”
Announcer: “Now, Croconaw and Bayleef are gonna compete against each other in a game of Ring Drop! Try to knock the opponent off the platform! The one who falls off first is the loser! Are you ready? Get set… Go!”
Ethan: “Let’s use Ice Fang against Bayleef, Toto!”
Lyra: “Use Magical Leaf to blow him away, Chiky!”
(Croconaw and Bayleef are shoving each other on the battlefield! Ethan and Lyra are tense right now, looking at the match and each other. Lyra is shaking with both anger and fear!)
Lyra: “You aren’t gonna stop me, Ethan! I will win this match! Use Tackle, Bayleef!”
Ethan: “Lyra, you don’t have to take this competition so seriously!”
(Croconaw sprays water at Bayleef, who gets knocked back a bit. Bayleef then runs towards Croconaw and rams into it, knocking it back a few feet.)
Lyra: “Come on… You can do it! I know you can!”
Ethan: “I know you can do it, Toto! You were able to take on an Onix!”
(Eventually, Croconaw gets its hands under Bayleef’s feet, and then with its strength, tips Bayleef over! The Pokemon falls off of the ring!)
Announcer: “Ethan has won the Pokeathlon!”
Lyra: (Collapses on Knees) “NOOOOOOOO!”
Ethan: “Okay, looks like I’ve won the competition!”
(Ethan runs to the announcer, who hands him the plushie and 10000$ dollars. Lyra growls angrily at Ethan. Once Ethan takes the plushie, Lyra suddenly tackles Ethan out of rage! The two are seen fighting over the plushie!)
Lyra: “I’m not gonna let you get her!” (Attempts to pull the plushie away from Ethan)
Ethan: “Ow, Lyra, what are you doing; I’ve won this plushie fair and square!”
Lyra: “No, I’ll be the one to give Krissy the plushie!”
Announcer: “Holy crap! Stop, you guys!”
Lyra: “I deserve this plushie more than you!”
Ethan: “You’re being totally unreasonable, Lyra; stop this fighting and please give me the plushie!”
Lyra: “Never! Krissy will be happy when I hand her the plushie!”
Ethan: “No, she won’t be happy with what you are doing!”
Lyra: “Yes she will!”
Ethan: “Seriously, Lyra, no she wont!”
Lyra: “Yes she-”
(Suddenly, the plushie rips in two, and the audience gasps! Ethan and Lyra completely stop their fighting, both surprised.)
Ethan: “O-Oh my god, did you just rip the plushie in half?!”
Lyra: “Oh no! I didn’t mean to-”
(The audience heckles Ethan and Lyra, which makes them feel sad. But, the two see to their horror Kris being completely embarrassed. Kris’ face is red and is completely covered by her hands. She runs off from the audience. Ethan and Lyra’s pupils shrink.)
Ethan: “Nice job, Lyra, you just completely ruined this competition!”
(Ethan and Lyra drop the broken plushie and run away from the Pokeathlon. They try to follow Kris, who is sitting at a bench, still hiding her face.)
Lyra: “Krissy! Krissy! I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what I was think-”
Kris: “N-n-not now…”
Ethan: “Look, Kris, I think Lyra was just too determined to give up the-”
Kris: “Go back to the hotel. I don’t want to be disturbed right now.”
(Lyra and Ethan look down and slouch their way off-screen. The screen fades back to the hotel. Kris is sitting on a bed, turning herself away from Lyra and Ethan. Ethan and Lyra themselves are both full of shame.)
Kris: “Lyra, what the hell was that?!”
Lyra: “W-well, you see, w-we just really wanted to give you the plushie a-and…”
Kris: “Yeah, right, as if a simple plushie was worth hurting Ethan like that. I swear, something’s fishy going on with you two. I’ve been brushing it off a lot lately, but now I know you two have something up!”
Lyra: “I’m really sorry, Krissy, it was just some playful antic-”
Ethan: “Lyra, you literally acted as if I died right there on the spot!”
Kris: “I agree with Ethan. What was in your mind back there?!”
Lyra: “Well, I wanted to give you the plushie instead of Ethan! And I was hoping for some hugs!”
Kris: “I… I was kind of being hyperbolic right there, you know?”
Lyra: “Oh.”
Kris: “I need to get to the bottom of this. Why have you two been acting so weird to me lately? And why are you being so mean to Ethan, Lyra?”
(The faces of Lyra and Ethan both turn red.)
Ethan: “I...”
Lyra: “W-well, you se…”
Kris: “...Well?”
Ethan: “...I want to settle this with Lyra alone; you don’t want to be in this conversation.”
Kris: “Uhm… Okay…? What about my question?”
Lyra: “We really don’t want to tell you why!”
Kris: (Sighs) “Alright, I guess I’ll be outside then. Just let me know when you are done.”
(Kris leaves the room. Ethan and Lyra both breathe a sigh of relief.)
Ethan: “Okay, Lyra, I can tell you’ve been geting more and more jealous of me. Yov’ve been bottling it up and had it lash out during that competition. At this rate, you’re going to rip our friendship into shreds.”
Lyra: “Well, I don’t know what to do! I’ve fallen in love with Krissy ever since I was a teen! I didn’t want you to take her away from me!”
Ethan: “All of this is doing is going to make you drift futher from her!”
Lyra: “I…” (Breaks into tears) “Okay, fine, you win! Wah, I don’t deserve Krissy for what I did! I hurt one of my best friends just because of a stupid plushie!”
Ethan: “L-Lyra… look, this is all in the past now. Let’s just get past it and stop fighting.”
Lyra: “Waaaah! I guess I’m just going to be alone forever!” (Continues to cry.)
Ethan: (Ethan hesitates for a moment, looking distraught seeing Lyra crying) “Lyra, please don’t be like this. It hurts me to see you like that.,” (Sighs) “I think there is only one way to solve this whole conflict.”
Lyra: “What?! I can’t confess to Krissy right now, she’ll definitely say no!”
Ethan: “I’m not suggesting that we do that right now, but we should do it later. After all, Kris is the only person who can decide who she picks as her lover.”
Lyra: (Sighs) “Yeah, true. I just don’t want to confess when she’s in a bad mood like this.”
Ethan: “Well, you know what they say: honesty is the best policy.”
Lyra: (Sighs) “Okay, okay. I guess we can do it tomorrow, then?”
Ethan: “Sure, just put your jealousy aside and we can settle this once and for all.”
Lyra: “Okay! I promise to never hurt you like that again!”
(Ethan comes out of the room, and goes up to Kris.)
Ethan: “Alright, you may come back into the room.”
Kris: “Okay.”
(Back in the room, Ethan and Kris enter.)
Kris: “I’m still wondering why you two are acting the way you are.”
Lyra: “Uhm, sure, we’ll tell you why, but is it okay if we tell you tomorrow? You know, after you calm down?”
Kris: “Uh… S-sure?”
Ethan: “It’s a bit of an awkward reason why. You’ll see when the time comes, alright?”
Kris: “Okay.”
Lyra: “I’ll make sure to pay the entire hotel bill for you, Krissy!”
Kris: “That’s a fair punishment, I guess.”
(There is another knock on the door.)
Lyra: “Who’s that?” (Answers the door, to see Whitney with two halves of a Cleffa plushie.) “Whitney?!”
Whitney: “Hey, just wanted you two to have this back! You really had an explosion right there, huh?”
Lyra: “Yeah, I really messed up that time! Ethy and I aren’t like that, we swear!”
Whitney: “I don’t really care, you two did give a lot of attracting drama! But, I came because I just thought I’d give the boy his prize back.” (Tosses Ethan the plushie halves)
Ethan: “Oh, uh, thanks?”
Whitney: “If you still want the plushie Lyra, it’s split in two, so I guess he can share.”
(Lyra looks at Whitney, a bit miffed.)
Whitney: “What?! I thought that was a funny comment! What isn’t funny is that the two of you are now banned from the Pokeathlon.”
Lyra: “Aw, what?!”
Whitney: “You kinda ruined our first contest in forever, so, yeah. See you there never!” (Whitney slams the door.)
Ethan: “That’s what you get for doing something like that, Lyra. Er, do you still even want the plush, Kris?”
Kris: “Uhm, not anymore, to be honest.”
Lyra: “Don’t worry, Krissy, I’ll make it up to you! I’ll have my Grandma fix up the plushie for you!”
Kris: “Thanks, Lyra. Anyways, I-I’m gonna go ahead and head to bed.”
Lyra: “It’s so early though!”
Kris: “You two stressed me out back th-there, I kinda want to re-reset for the night.”
Ethan: “That’s fine. We’ll go ahead and take the couch bed for you.”
(Ethan and Lyra sit down on the couch as Kris goes to bed. The two begin to think…)
Ethan (Thinking): “So, I guess I’m gonna be confessing to Kris tomorrow; this moment is coming sooner than I was expecting, but I guess that’s life for you.”
Lyra (Thinking): “Why did I hurt my friend? Why? WHY? Krissy is gonna totally say no! Ugh, this crush is eating me alive! I so need to owe Ethy and Krissy!”
(Ethan and Lyra sit in silence for a bit. Lyra makes a sad sigh.)
Ethan: “Lyra?”
Lyra: “Yeah?”
Ethan: “I think you need to listen to some calming music.”
Lyra: “Okay, Ethy!”
(Ethan gets the remote and turns on the TV. Calming music begins to play.)
Lyra: “Mmmm, I like this song, it’s making me sleepy! Good luck with tomorrow, Ethy! I know you’ll need it!”
Ethan: “Good luck to you, two, Lyra. Hopefully things will go decently when the time comes.”
(The episode fades to black. Some text saying ‘To be continued…’ appears for a moment then fades away as the episode ends.)
Major Events[]
- Lyra obtains an Eevee.
- Lyra's Marill evolves into an Azumarill.
- Ethan's Sandshrew evolves into a Sandslash.
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Goldenrod's Perfect Little Angel | Confession at National Park! |