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Dragonite is a Pokémon owned by Shadow. It is his sixth revealed Pokémon.

'Shadow's Dragonite
Ultra Ball
Shadow's Dragonite
Debuts in Vs. Dragonite
Caught at Hall of Origins
Gender Unknown
Ability Unknown
Current location With Shadow
This Pokémon has not evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Dragonite Unknown

Pokémon Tales: Dawn[]

In Vs. Dragonite, Dragonite is the guardian of the Hall of Origins, preventing anyone from getting in. It is naturally angry, and violently attacks Shadow and Domino upon entering. Dragonite easily dodges attacks and defeats Domino's Sudowoodo and Seaking, as well as holding off her Roselia. It is ambushed by Shadow's Gyarados, then overpowered and frozen. Shadow then catches it.

In New Moon Shines on the Collector, Dragonite is chosen to fight to steal Marshadow. Dragonite primarily battles Ian's Charizard and Crystal's Pelipper, it easily overpowering the two of them combined but unable to defeat them. It holds them off until Zapdos appears and distracts them, allowing it to defeat them.

Later, Dragonite was chosen to chase Pelipper in order to get Marshadow back. It is confronted by Charizard again, the two battling again. The two are even, as Charizard prepares to attack. Crystal's Mismagius appears and protects Charizard from Dragonite's Hyper Beam. Dragonite tries to attack Mismagius but it flees, causing Dragonite to be defeated by Charizard's Blast Burn.

Pokémon Tales: Silver[]

In Vs. Arceus, Dragonite carries Shadow so he can play the Azure Flute undisturbed. When Arceus attacks, Dragonite helps fight it off, but is easily defeated by an Ice type Judgement.

Pokémon Tales: N[]

In Shadow of Oblivia, Dragonite flew through a thundercloud to get Shadow to Layuda Island. While initially disappointed to be facing Ian, it changed its attitude when it is trapped by a Grass Pledge/Water Pledge combo by his Servine and Dewott. Once the swamp faded it escaped. It later battled alongside Gyarados against Latios and Latias. The two do well and injure the Legendary Pokémon, Dragonite using Draco Meteor to counter the two. Dragonite is caught in a Grass Pledge/Fire Pledge combo by Servine and Char the Charizard, then impersonated by Zoro the Zoroark and Zorua. It is defeated by Lopunny's Ice Beam that is arched around at it.

Pokémon Tales: Plasma[]

In Vs. Archeops, Dragonite ambushed Ian's flying Pokémon, primarily battling Charizard. When it is time to go, Dragonite uses Draco Meteor as a distraction so they can escape.

Pokémon Tales: Champion[]

In Light of His Passion, Shadow chose Dragonite to escape from Fein's Snorlax while Gigantamaxing. It later helped him escape through an Ultra Wormhole to avoid Light that Burns the Sky from Ultra Necrozma.

Pokémon Tales: Rainbow Rocket[]

In Vs. Xurkitree, Dragonite teamed up with Parasect to face Ein. It defeats Ein's Lanturn and Eelektross and lasts through all of his Pokémon. It is finally defeated by Xurkitree.

Known Moves[]

Move First Used In
Hyper Beam  Vs. Dragonite
Dragon Claw  Vs. Dragonite
Aqua Tail New Moon Shines on the Collector
Thunder Punch  New Moon Shines on the Collector
Draco Meteor  Shadow of Oblivia
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.


  • Dragonite being angry and aggressive is based off Iris' Dragonite in the anime.