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Shiny Trainer Winning at Orre Colosseum

PokéSpot Tutorial is the third episode of the third season of Pokémon Tales: Champion. It aired 10/16/20.


In the Orre region, a new building stands where the Pyrite Building once stood. It is a news station, the ONBS, which provides vast amounts of information all across the region. 

The scene shifts to the airing of a news report.

Marcia: Hello, this is Marcia with ONBS news. For what seemed like decades, the Orre region was considered desolate of wild Pokémon. Trainers here had to rely on being gifted a Pokémon from a relative or from a trainer in another region. But that has changed! Mayor Duking of Pyrite Town as well as Crystal of Orre HQ have recently discovered locations known as Poké Spots.

Crystal is shown on video at an oasis, battling against a Sandygast. Sandygast screams Astonish at her Delcatty which is immune. Delcatty then lets out a Sing, putting Sandygast to sleep and allowing her to catch it.

Crystal: The Pokémon here are particularly shy. They only ever come up when they need to. That’s why we’ve devised specialty spots to put Poké Snacks! 

Crystal sets Poké Snacks as she takes the news crew away from the spot.

Crystal: We have sensors on the tray to indicate when it moves and therefore when a Pokémon is there. They won’t come out when people are present and can be quick to flee. But utilizing these spots will help to obtain Pokémon to give out to the next generation of trainers!

Duking is featured giving three trainers their first Pokémon; one gets a Sandshrew, one gets a Hoppip and another gets a Wooper.

Duking: This region has suffered from crippling poverty after the mines fell which led to the rise of criminal groups such as Cipher and Team Snagem. My hope with this program that as children learn to love and care for Pokémon younger and have the guarantee that they could become trainers, that it will help reduce the crime rates.

Crystal: We currently have three designated Poké Spots; the Rock canyon, the Oasis and the Cave on the edge of Mt. Battle. If you desire to capture your Pokémon of your own, please contact me or Mayor Duking so you can be personally escorted. The Pokémon there have gotten used to us so you’ll have better success with our help.

Marcia: And that’s the latest trend in the Orre region, the Poké Spot! A new world is emerging here in the region and you don’t want to miss out!

At the Oasis Poké Spot to the west, Cail leads some ruffians from Pyrite Town have positioned themselves near the island. Surskit skate across the top of the water as Magikarp splashes. Cail lowers his cigarette and exhales.

Calda: Look at all those Pokémon! And their ripe for the picking, boss!

Cail: You know it! If we catch these guys ourselves, then we can sell them easy on the black market! They may have filled the Under, but that just brought all the people up to the surface! Many would bend over backwards to get a Pokémon!

Hader: Though we would want to sell to the rich in Phenac for the best price!

Cail: True that. Now, let’s get down to business.

The trio steps out towards the Oasis, the Pokémon disappearing instantly. Thin rain clouds form overhead and cause a downpour over the area.

Calda: Whoa! Rain in the desert? This really is a miracle oasis!

Cail: Crud, we do not want to be in this.

Hader: Why not?

Cail: Just take a look.

Cail points over to the palm trees, which seems to be the source of the Drizzle. A Pelipper rises out from a hidden nest, staring them down.

Cail: I know that Pelipper and we’re screwed. Hightail it out of here!

Cail takes off in a run, the ruffians confused.

Calda: If it’s a wild Pokémon, then we just catch it, right?

Hader: No way that it’s stronger than us!

Calda chooses Swellow as Hader chooses Metang. The two charge as Pelipper fires Hydro Pump. They are instantly defeated as Cail hides.

Cail: Figures. The girl says you gotta go through her to get these suckers. I guess this is to avoid over poaching. No wonder she’s become a star at Realgam Colosseum.

At the Realgam Colosseum, Crystal wearing Chimecho like a scarf faces off against Matron Relza. Crystal uses Sandygast and Buizel while Relza uses Hitmontop and Breloom.

Relza: Hitmontop, use Triple Kick! Breloom, Mach Punch!

Crystal: Buizel, Aqua Jet! Sandygast, use Sand Tomb!

Buizel is surrounded in water as he shoots forward, the water washing Sandygast and triggering Water Compaction. Aqua Jet parries Mach Punch as Hitmontop spins towards him. Sand travels the field and catches Hitmontop, stalling him in place. 

Relza: This kid won’t get the best of me! Seed Bomb! Rapid Spin!

Crystal: Ice Punch! Astonish!

Breloom’s tail glows green for Seed Bomb which crashes into Ice Punch. Breloom is knocked down defeated. Hitmontop prepares to spin as Sandygast screams with Astonish. This causes Hitmontop to flinch and be squeezed by Sand Tomb.

Crystal: Finish it! Scald!

Buizel spews Scalding water, defeating Hitmontop.

Referee: The winner is Crystal!

Crystal waves to the crowd as Crystal is rewarded with an invitation to the Orre Colosseum. She leaves the stadium with several guys surrounding the entry way.

Admirer 1: You were amazing, Crystal!

Admirer 2: Hot as a Flareon!

Admirer 3: How about you come home with me? Show me if you are as skilled here as you are—

Chimecho: CHIME!

Chimecho glows pink as this aura travels to all the admirers. They all freak out as they Levitate away, Crystal not even looking at them. Her PDA begins to vibrate as she checks it.

PDA: (Text) Rock Poké Spot sensor triggered.

Crystal: Alright! I wonder what Pokémon it is this time. Professor Krane has been excited to see all the different species. 

Crystal opens a Pokéball, choosing Dragonite. 

Dragonite: Dragon!

Crystal hops on Dragonite’s back as it takes off. Once they are a distance away, the Entrainment wears off and all the men crash down.

Dragonite arrives at the Rock Poké Spot, landing a distance away to walk up to the main site. As she peeks around to where the bait was placed, there is no Pokémon there.

Crystal: Huh? The food is still there. Which means something scared it off.

Voice: I said get off of me!

Crystal goes around the corner, seeing Bronzong floating over Ra and trapping him in golden rings of Extrasensory.

Crystal: A kid? Bronzong, release!

The Extrasensory ends as Bronzong floats off back to perching on a rock. Ra gets up as he rubs his head.

Ra: What the heck was that about?! That Pokémon was yours?!

Crystal: I am so sorry about that! We’re used to poachers hanging around here so I leave Pokémon as detergents! Are you okay?

Crystal helps Ra up.

Ra: Just peachy. Dang it. So you’re like the boss of this Poké Spot?

Crystal: I’m not the boss of the Poké Spots! But I am the one you go to. My name is Crystal.

Ra: Name’s Ra. I plan on setting up camp at this Poké Spot.

Crystal: Set up camp?

Ra: I’m a Shiny Pokémon trainer! I travel the world searching for shiny Pokémon. This place has been all over the news so I thought it would be a good spot for some chain battle!

Crystal: Chain battle?

Ra: If I battle the Pokémon and let them go, then others will come to challenge me. Eventually, a Shiny one will appear to face me, and that’s when I catch it!

Crystal: Do you know for a fact that there is a Shiny Pokémon here?

Ra: Nope! But it’s a good spot to get Pokémon to come to you! So what do you say?

Crystal: (Groans) Fine. But I’ll be assisting, got it? 

Ra: Of course!

End Scene

Ra and Crystal lie in wait of the Poké Food, Ra entertaining himself by blowing upward. 

Ra: I’m bored! How long until a Pokémon arrives? 

Crystal: They usually take a while. There’s some time before a Pokémon catches the scent of the food, then build up the courage to come out. 

Ra: Agh! This is taking forever! Why are we doing this?!

Crystal: Excuse me, you are the one who wanted to wait for the Pokémon to come!

Ra: Then how do you know when they come out?

Crystal: I’ve set up sensors to alert me when the food is disturbed. It doesn’t take me that long afterwards to get to a Spot. 

Crystal’s PDA vibrates, her checking it.

Crystal: Speaking of, I’m going to check the Cave Spot. Do you want to come?

Ra: No! I laid the bait for this spot, I plan on seeing it through!

Crystal: (Mumbles) So stubborn. (Normal) Alright, I’ll check on you later then.

Crystal flies off on Dragonite, disappearing. Ra lies down in wait again.

More time passes, the sun baring down on the food. Ra has fallen asleep in the shade, snorting as he rolls awake.

Ra: Huh?! Wha? Wha? Ooh!

A Cacnea is eating the Poké Food happily, Ra’s enthusiasm dropping.

Ra: Aw! Not shiny. Though I wasn’t expecting one the first go. Alright! Hoothoot go!

Ra throws his Pokéball, choosing his shiny Hoothoot. It sparkles as it comes out.

Ra: Hoothoot, use Air Slash!

Hoothoot flaps its wings, firing energy air saws. Cacnea leaps over it and fires Poison Sting barbs, striking Hoothoot and it dropping from poison. Cacnea then retreats back into the canyons as Ra goes to Hoothoot.

Ra: Ah! That was not what I was expecting! I need an Antidote!

Ra searches his backpack frantically, emptying it out. 

Ra: Ah! No Antidote!

Cail: Hey there, kid. You need a hand there?

Dragonite flies back to the Rock Spot, Crystal hopping off.

Crystal: Whoo! Duking will be happy with this one. Now, where’d the kid go?

A Drilbur eats the Poké Food, retreating at the sight of Crystal. She goes over to investigate.

Crystal: There was a battle here. If he left, then he didn’t get far. Huh?

Crystal bends down, picking up a burnt up cigarette. 

Crystal: (Scowls) Cail. Again. I can’t believe I have to go beat him again.

Ra tied up in a sack is thrown in the Pyrite City Junkyard, scrambling.

Ra: Let me go! Give me back my Pokémon!

Cail, Calda and Hader all cackle as they stare at the shiny Duskull, Hoothoot and Mudkip.

Calda: This is an incredible haul, Cail!

Cail: Boys, say goodbye to poverty! We sell these to someone overseas, we’ll have enough money to buy a house in Phenac City! Or even head out of region!

Hader: No more sleeping on the streets for me!

Ra: That doesn’t give you the right to steal my Pokémon! Catch your own!

Cail: Heh! You are obviously a newb to the region. But here (exhales smoke) the strong survive and the weak disappear.

Crystal: Couldn’t have said it better myself!

The trio freaks as Crystal stands at the exit.

Crystal: You boys really need a new hideout.

Cail: H-hey there Crystal. Looking as lovely as ever. 

Crystal: I’ll say this once. Free Ra, return his Pokémon to him, and get out.

Cail: Or we wipe the floor with you and take your PDA. Get complete control of the Poké Spots.

Crystal: Is that your final choice?

Calda: It’s three of us and only one of you!

Hader: No way you can take us!

The three throw their Pokéballs, choosing Houndoom, Swellow and Metang.

Crystal: A Flying type. So much for Chimecho. That means, Pachirisu.

Crystal opens a Pokéball, choosing Pachirisu.

Pachirisu: Cheepa Chee!

Cail: Attack!

Crystal: Sweet Kiss then Thunder.

Pachirsu winks and fires hearts that confuse his opponents. His cheeks then spark as it fries everyone with Thunder. Crystal sails past the paralyzed trainers and lets Ra out of the sack. 

Ra: Ah! You guys are okay!

Ra rushes over to his Pokémon, hugging them.

Crystal: Considering how rare your Pokémon are, I’d expect you to be stronger!

Ra: How did you get to be so strong?! I trained while with Old Man Swamp yet I could never be that strong!

Crystal: Maybe you need a stronger mentor. If you’re adamant on finding a shiny Pokémon, then you’ll be here a while. I’ll train you while you’re here.

Ra: Really?! You’d do that?! I’d love that! I mean, wow! You took those guys out in a single hit!

Crystal: If I’m going to train you, then you have to do what I say. 

Ra: You know it!

Crystal: Then let’s go.

Ra returns his Pokémon as they leave, accidentally stepping on Cail.

Ra: Sorry about that!

Cail: Stupid kid.

Crystal takes Ra to the Pyrite Colosseum, the roof panels still out.

Ra: Wow! 

Crystal: Colosseums are the key to Orre economy. If you can strike it big here, then you’ll earn respect. By the time you’re done training with me, you’ll be able to win ten tournaments in a row.

Ra: Tournaments?! 

Crystal: Let’s start off with entering a tournament. I’ll judge your skill from there and we’ll train afterwards.

The Colosseum tournament starts, Ra using Mudkip and Duskull to battle Hunter Tiruk’s Gulpin and Aipom. 

Tiruk: Gulpin, use Sludge! Aipom, Astonish!

Ra: Mudkip, Water Gun! Duskull, Night Shade!

Sludge and Water Gun collide, the Sludge winning and burying Mudkip. Duskull prepares to fire Night Shade as Aipom appears and screams Astonish in its face. Both Pokémon fall defeated.

Referee: Tiruk wins!

Ra walks out of the Colosseum defeated, Crystal waiting.

Crystal: Come on. I got a place for you to stay.

Crystal takes Ra to Duking’s house, him now wearing a bowler’s hat and sporting a mustache.

Duking: You must be Ra then. I’m Duking. Anything you need, you come to me.

Crystal: When you’re in town, you’re staying with him. Tomorrow we’ll set some bait for the Pokémon and train in the downtime.

Ra: I promise that I’ll work hard to meet your expectations!

End Scene

A few months later, Crystal lights the path of a cave tunnel as she heads to the Cave Poké Spot. Following behind her is another trainer, Abi.

Abi: Thanks again for guiding me, Crystal. 

Crystal: It’s no problem! A friend of Dawn’s is a friend of mine! I’m glad you reached out. 

Abi: It’s just been so boring in this region! I mean no offense if you’re from here, but all that happens is battles! Colosseum battles west in Pyrite, east at Realgam, then the Orre Colosseum! All the TVs only show those tournaments. 

Crystal: I’m not a native, so I agree with you. I’m glad that my work as a research assistant keeps me busy. What are you doing in region then?

Abi: This guy I’m dating lives here. He’s a big name in the Orre Colosseum. I mean, he only leaves region every so often, so I have to visit him for any dates. But it’s just battle battle battle.

Crystal: Oh, I’m sorry about that. I sorta know how you feel. Battles being the primary focus.

Abi: With Ian? Don’t worry, Dawn told me.

Crystal: (Blushes) Did she? Well, we never dated or anything, so it’s not the same.

Abi: He chooses battles over you. Sounds exactly the same.

Mismagius appears, spooking Abi.

Abi: Ah!

Mismagius: Magius.

Crystal: Hi Mismagius! Have you been doing well?

Mismagius: (Nods) Mismag!

Abi: That Pokémon is yours?

Crystal: Yeah, it helps protect against poachers. Lot of ruffians in this area.

Abi: (Scoffs) Don’t have to tell me.

Crystal: Ah! You’re in luck!

Crystal and Abi duck behind a rock, seeing a Pikachu with a black heart tail eating at the food.

Abi: A Pikachu! With a, is that a black tail?

Crystal: So maybe Eagun did catch his Pikachu in region. 

Abi: Alright, thanks for the help. I’ll take it from here.

Abi steps up, the Pikachu holding her ground.

Abi: Jigglypuff, go!

Abi throws her Pokéball, choosing Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff: Jiggly!

Pikachu sparks as she fires Thunder Shock, electrocuting Jigglypuff.

Abi: Alright Jigglypuff! Disarming Voice then Tri Attack!

Jigglypuff screams with Disarming Voice, Pikachu holding her ears. Jigglypuff inflates then exhales streams of fire, ice and lightning. Pikachu forms an Electro Ball on her tail and fires it, blocking the attack.

Abi: This thing is tough.

Crystal: (Giggles) It’s an Orre Pokémon. It has to be.

Abi: Then how about we change it up?! Jigglypuff, use Sing!

Jigglypuff begins Singing, Pikachu now drowsy and swaying side to side. She falls over fast asleep.

Abi: Now Tri Attack!

Jigglypuff fires Tri Attack, blasting and defeating Pikachu.

Abi: Now Pokéball!

Abi throws a Pokéball, hitting and sucking Pikachu in. The Pokéball shakes violently then locks.

Abi: Yes! I caught Pikachu!

Crystal: Nice job!

Abi: Thanks again for bringing me here. If there’s anything I can do…

Crystal: You know what? I might have something. 

Ra: Mud Shot! Air Slash!

Ra’s shiny Marshtomp and Noctowl battle Cail’s Houndoom and Shiftry. Mud Shot hits Houndoom and Air Slash hits Shiftry. 

Cail: Dang it! This kid is a menace! Should’ve expected that after Crystal got her grubby paws on her. Houndoom, Crunch! Shiftry, Razor Leaf!

Ra: Noctowl, redirect with Confusion! Marshtomp, Water Gun!

Noctowl uses Confusion, controlling the Razor Leaf to hit Houndoom, stopping his advance. Marshtomp then washes it back with Water Gun, defeating him.

Cail: No, no! Feint Attack!

Ra: Protect and Air Slash!

Shiftry goes to kick Marshtomp, it raising a blue barrier for Protect. Noctowl strikes it with Air Slash, defeating it.

Referee: Ra wins!

Ra: Boom!

The crowd goes wild for the small boy, Crystal and Abi in the stands.

Abi: Seriously? You want me to enter? 

Crystal: The next tournament will be number ten. If he wins, then he’ll graduate from being my apprentice. I want his last round to be memorable. You seem strong.

Abi: Almost feel sorry for the kid. (Grins) I’d be glad to take him down a notch.

The next tournament starts, Ra and Abi battling their way to the finals. They stand opposite each other, Ra swinging his arms to loosen his shoulders.

Ra: So you’re my final opponent. Have to say you don’t look intimidating.

Abi: The best trainers usually don’t. Just don’t embarrass yourself kid.

Referee: Begin!

Ra: Noctowl, Dusclops!

Abi: Pikachu, Braixen!

The two choose their Pokémon, with Noctowl and Dusclops sparkling. Pikachu and Braixen stand at the ready.

Abi: Pikachu, Electro Ball! Braixen, Flamethrower!

Ra: Air Slash! Night Shade!

Electro Ball clashes with Air Slash as Flamethrower is blocked by Night Shade.

Abi: Not bad. Braixen, use Fire Pledge! Pikachu, Quick Attack!

Braixen spins its stick and jabs it into the ground, fire towers shooting out of the ground. Pikachu dashes ahead of it with Quick Attack.

Ra: Noctowl, force Pikachu into it with Confusion! Dusclops, Will-o-Wisp!

Noctowl uses Confusion, launching Pikachu into Fire Pledge and stopping the attack. Dusclops forms a fire ball, hitting Noctowl with it.

Ra: Now Psycho Shift!

Noctowl glows with a red and purple aura, it transferring to Pikachu. Noctowl’s burn is cleared as Pikachu suffers from it.

Abi: What’d she do to this kid? He’s a monster on the field! Pikachu, Electro Ball! Braixen, let’s go with Psyshock!

Ra: Dusclops, Astonish! Noctowl, Air Slash!

Noctowl’s Air Slash hits Braixen, causing it to flinch. Pikachu fires Electro Ball as Dusclops uses Astonish to stop it. Pikachu suffers from a burn.

Ra: Mean Look! Confusion!

Dusclops’ eye glows red, stalling Braixen in place. Pikachu is hit by Confusion, launched back and lies defeated. 

Abi: Braixen, attack with Flamethrower!

Braixen opens its mouth, Flamethrower missing both of its foes. 

Ra: Your turn, Dusclops! Use Night Shade!

Dusclops blasts Braixen with Night Shade, defeating it. 

Referee: The winner is Ra!

Ra cheers with his Pokémon, as he is rewarded with an invitation to Orre Colosseum. Ra and Abi join up with Crystal afterwards.

Crystal: Congratulations, Ra! I’ve taught you everything I can. The rest will come from your hard work.

Ra: Thanks for all your help, Crystal-sensei. And Abi! That was a good battle. We’ll have to do that again.

Abi: Sure kid.

Crystal’s PDA vibrates, her checking.

Crystal: There’s a reading at the Rock Poké Spot. (Looks to Abi) Do you want to come with us?

Abi: I don’t think your Dragonite will take the three of us. No matter how light the kid is.

Ra: Hey!

Abi: You guys go. I’ve gotta head out anyway.

Crystal: Let me know before you leave the region. We’ll do a lunch or something.

Crystal chooses Dragonite, her and Ra flying off.

Abi: Willie’s waiting up for me.

Dragonite arrives at the Rock Poké Spot, Ra’s jaw dropping.

Ra: There it is. 

A shiny Rhyhorn eats the food laid out for her. Ra steps up, ready to go.

Ra: Rhyhorn! I challenge you!

Rhyhorn looks to Ra, snarling at him before charging.

Ra: Marshtomp, Protect then Water Gun!

Marshtomp comes out, blocking Take Down with Protect. It then spews Water Gun, washing her back. Rhyhorn gets up, horn glowing as she fires rocks for Rock Blast.

Ra: Dodge and use Mud Shot!

Marshtomp dodges the Rock Blast, spitting Mud Shot that hits Rhyhorn. She charges again though slower.

Ra: Now Water Gun!

Water Gun strikes Rhyhorn, defeating her.

Ra: Now go Pokéball!

Ra throws the Pokéball, sucking Rhyhorn in. The Pokéball shakes violently before locking. 

Ra: I caught Rhyhorn!

Crystal: Well done! I have to say, I wasn’t sure if you’d ever find a shiny.

Ra: I guess I just have a natural charm.

Crystal: So what now? You’re probably not going to find another one. Nor should you waste more time in this region.

Ra: I have one more thing to do in the region. (Flashes invitation) I did get an invite into the strongest colosseum in the region after all.

Main Events[]

  • Crystal is revealed to have discovered Poké Spots in Orre.
  • Ra becomes Crystal's apprentice.
  • Ra's Duskull, Hoothoot and Mudkip all evolve.
  • Ra captures a shiny Rhyhorn.
  • Ra wins a ticket to participate in the Orre Colosseum.


  • Ra
  • Crystal
  • Abi
  • Duking
  • Marcia
  • Cail
  • Calda
  • Hader
  • Matron Relza
  • Hunter Tiruk



  • The Poké Spots being founded by Duking and Crystal is based off Duking discovering them in the game XD: Gale of Darkness, several years after the initial Cipher incident.
  • Ra coming to "chain battle" is based off the games Sun & Moon where SOS battles increased the rate of finding a shiny Pokémon.
  • Crystal becomes the second of Ian's former travel companions to take on an apprentice, the first being Elise.
  • Abi appears due to a request from Dakota a while back. She wanted Abi to date a PT character so she could make regular appearances. Since we're in Orre and she's dating Willie, this set her up perfectly.
  • Abi catching a Cosplay Pikachu is based off Dakota's request. He stated that the real life person that Abi was based off of stated her favorite Pokémon was Pikachu when I asked what Pokémon to have Abi catch.
    • Cosplay Pikachu was to use the cosplay costumes, which will be featured in the future.
  • Ra's shiny Rhyhorn is based off me obtaining one in Pokémon Go.
  • Cail smoking is based off how many people in rural areas smoke because there's nothing to do.
  • Ra has now caught 4 shiny Pokémon in 4 years.
  • Crystal uses all her Pokémon besides Chansey.
  • Crystal using Chimecho as a scarf makes her the second trainer to keep more than 6 Pokémon on hand, following Ian keeping Rotom in his X-Transceiver.
  • Duking gave Wooper, Hoppip and Sandshrew as starter Pokémon to kids. They are all Pokémon that could be caught at the Poké Spots in games, one from the Cave, Oasis and Rock.
    • Wooper and Hoppip keep to the traditional Water and Grass type. There were no Fire types caught at Poké Spots. Sandshrew was chosen due to its popularity following Ian becoming a champion.