In Vs. Murkrow, wild Murkrow stole a ribbon from Brendan, taunting him with it. Murkrow was later attacked by Natasha's Roselia, and he is defeated and captured.
In Vs. Dusclops 2, Murkrow was Natasha choice for the Verdanturf Contest after Roselia was injured. He had a dazzling appeal with Confuse Ray and Dark Pulse, though it was defeated in the battle round by Timmy's Dusclops.
In Vs. Sableye, Natasha used Murkrow in the Appeals round. Murkrow combined Confuse Ray, Feint Attack and Dark Pulse to create the simulation of a sunrise, sunset, and night time. He got Natasha onto the second round.
In Vs. Roselia and Dustox, Murkrow was used along with Dustox to battle Drew's Masquerain and Breloom. Through several strong combinations, Murkrow and Dustox defeated their opponents, barely receiving damage themselves.
In Vs. Ninetales, Murkrow surveyed an old mansion for Natasha, alerting her of Brendan's arrival. He battled and quickly defeated Brendan's Wynaut. He is then used to battle a wild Ninetales, but is defeated instantly.
In Vs. Natasha, Murkrow is revealed to have evolved into a Honchkrow. He receives a major power boost, having learned Quash to control time. This became Natasha's ace when she battled Brendan's Spinda and Numel, teaming Honchkrow up with Ninetales. The two control the beginning of the battle, and his Water type Hidden Power defeats Numel. Spinda goes all out with Teeter Dance, defeating Ninetales. Quash is useless as they have an all out brawl. The battle ends with Brendan having one point more, causing Natasha to lose.