In Vs. Kirlia, May chose Kirlia as her final Pokémon against Ian. It battled Ian's Gulpin, and its Psychic attack devastated Gulpin. Gulpin attempts to fight back, but is unable to withstand its attacks, and Kirlia wins the battle, giving May the win overall.
In Vs. May 1, Kirlia battled Ian's Wingull. Kirlia manages to overpower Wingull easily, and defeats her while she uses Roost. It then battles Ian's Vibrava, and despite being immune to its Dragon type attacks, is still defeated by its other moves.
In Vs. Mega Houndoom, Kirlia is revealed to have evolved into Gallade. He Mega Evolves to battle Georgia's Mega Glalie. Mega Gallade has powerful attacks and once they break through Glalie's defenses he wins.
In Vs. Mega Army, Mega Gallade rampages along with the other Mega Evolutions and fights against its trainers.
In Vs. Mega Gyarados, Mega Gallade continues to rampage. His Mega energy is drained by Lysandre Labs later.
In Vs. Clawitzer and Gallade, Gallade and Barry's Clawitzer battled Max's Mightyena and Serena's Kangaskhan. Gallade attacked at close range and set up defenses while Clawitzer attacked from a distance. This combo allowed them to defeat Mightyena, but Gallade was defeated by Kangaskhan during the clash.