Blaziken is a Pokémon owned by May. He is the third Pokémon she revealed, and was her starter Pokémon.
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May's Blaziken | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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Pokémon Tales: Brendan[]
In Vs. Kirlia, May chose Blaziken as her third Pokémon to battle against Ian. Blaziken defeats Ian's Grovyle relatively easily, then Ian's Marshtomp. He then battled against Ian's Wingull, the two being pretty equal. Wingull flies over the ocean, Blaziken running and following. They battle over the water, when Wingull hits Blaziken with a Water Pulse controlling the entire ocean, defeating him.
In Vs. Medicham, May uses Blaziken to battle Morrison's Metang, defeating it easily.
In Vs. May 2, Blaziken is May's final Pokémon against Ian. He battles Marshtomp first. Marshtomp's Muddy Water manages to repel Blaziken, then turn the entire field to mud along with Mud Shot. Blaziken defeated Marshtomp with a single attack. Blaziken battled Combusken next, the power difference being clear. Combusken used his fire attacks to turn the mud field to sand, as Blaziken continued to overpower and defeat it. Ian's last Pokémon was Vibrava, which used the sand to its advantage with Sand Tomb. Blaziken became immobilized and unable to attack several times, and is defeated by a Dragon Breath.
Pokémon Tales: Plasma[]
In Pride of the Mormont, Blaziken battles Elise's Clefairy in a gym battle. Despite his best efforts he is easily defeated, causing May to lose the gym battle.
Pokémon Tales: Violet[]
In The Next Chapter, Blaziken has a battle with Violet's Eevee. The two are even, with Blast Burn and Veevee Volley canceling each other out. The end result is not shown.
Pokémon Tales: Max[]
In Vs. Mega Lopunny, Blaziken Mega Evolves into Mega Blaziken for the first time to battle Harrison's Mega Blaziken. The two both obtain a Speed Boost ability and engage in a high power battle. After using Blast Burn, May's Mega Blaziken is paralyzed then defeated when he slowed down.
In Vs. Mega Army, Mega Blaziken rampages along with the other Mega Evolutions and fights against its trainers.
In Vs. Mega Gyarados, Mega Blaziken contines to rampage. His Mega energy is drained by Lysandre Labs later.
Pokémon Tales: Mega[]
In Vs. Wikstrom, Blaziken battled Wikstrom's Probopass in the Elite Four tryout. Despite his powerful attacks, Probopass turned that power against them and Blaziken is defeated.
Pokémon Tales: Extra[]
In Pokémon Drama Island!, Mega Blaziken tries to prevent Wyatt from advancing through the forest for a challenge. Wyatt's Carnivine uses Sweet Scent and Rage Powder to force Mega Blaziken to fend off Beedrill instead.
In Basking in the Grand Sun, Blaziken was used in a tournament. Mega Blaziken defeated Brendan's Mega Camerupt, and Blaziken defeated Max's Talonflame. He appears later helping to carry a defeated Hydreigon.
Known Moves[]
A † shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case. |
- ↑ Confirmed in Vs. Mega Lopunny