Pokemon Fan Fiction Wiki
'Lyra's Marill
Poké Ball
Lyra's Marill
Debuts in Exploring the Dark Cave
Caught at New Bark Town
Current location With Lyra
This Pokémon has not evolved.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Marill Unknown

Marill is a Pokémon owned by Lyra. It is her starter Pokémon.

The Legend of Spinarak-Man[]

In Exploring the Dark Cave, Lyra and her Marill were exploring Dark Cave when they accidentally spooked a flock of Zubats causing them to get separated. Marill kept running while Lyra twisted her ankle by tripping over a rock. Marill was then founded by Peter, Harry, and Hobie when they explored the cave. It was scared of them until Peter assured Marill that they won't hurt it. Marill then led the trio to Lyra where they reunited. Lyra then revealed to Peter that she and Marill were together when she was young and chose to join her when Lyra became a trainer. Marill and her trainer then joined Peter's group since Lyra decides that it is no fun to travel alone.

Known Moves[]

Move First Used In
Water Gun A Flashing Rivalry
Tackle Going Fishing
Rollout Going Fishing
Bubble Lyra's First Battle