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Vs. Diantha 1 |
Kingpin's Gambit is a special movie length episode of Pokémon Tales: Mega. It aired 8/4/21.
The city of Pyrite Town is bustling with activity, spectators visiting the newly refurbished colosseum. Ian stands outside what stands as the bank of the city, also doubling as the barber shop. He swings his leg back and forth while his attention leans towards the sky.
Ian: So what do you do now? You’ve got your childhood home, which you don’t even want.
Voice: Excuse me, are you Ian?
Ian looks to his side, as a man in a disheveled suit and sunglasses approaches, a walking cane guiding his way. Ian stands up tall and offers his hand, the man shaking it.
Matt: Matt Murdock. Duking referred me to you.
Ian: Thanks for coming. When he said that there was a lawyer living here now, I thought he was joking.
Matt: Your recent actions have pushed this region in a positive direction. Outside regions have been providing support to bring this place on a world stage to support perhaps its most famous trainer.
Ian: That title was reserved for my father.
Matt: I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my father too, much younger than you though.
Ian: Let’s get this over with.
Ian opens the door to the bank, allowing Matt to go in first.
Matt: I read through the documents for transfer of ownership according to the Will provided. It seems very cut and dry. Full ownership of the Outskirt Stand and its monetary worth are transferred directly to you.
Ian: Are you the one I go to for selling it?
Matt: Heh. I think you can sell directly to the bank. Still, I can help out a bit.
The two approach the desk, the attendant smiling at them.
Attendant: Welcome! We have been waiting for you.
Ian: Great. Good news travels fast.
Matt: If you don’t mind, we’d like to jump straight to it.
Attendant: Of course!
The three sit down at a table, going through the documentation and signing several documents. After what feels like an eternity, the paperwork ends.
Attendant: Wonderful! You are now the full fledged owner of the Outskirt Stand!
Ian: (Flatly) Yay.
Matt: My client was interested in selling the building.
Attendant: We can start preparing the paperwork for you, but we can’t do anything today.
Matt: Understood. Thank you for your assistance.
Matt shakes the attendant’s hand as they exit. The attendant goes back to the main desk and reaches his hand underneath. As they exit the building, Matt turns his head back inward.
Matt: Strange.
Ian: What?
Matt: That guy triggered a silent alarm. It could be nothing but we’d best not linger.
Agent: Ian?
Two agents dressed in black suits walk up to them.
Ian: Can I help you?
Agent 2: (Flashes badge) IRS. You are under arrest for tax evasion.
Ian: Tax evasion? I don’t even--
Matt: Ian, as your lawyer, I’m advising you not to say anything else.
Agent 1: Good call. You’re under arrest for tax evasion, tax fraud and failure of health inspections.
Ian: What is this about?!
Agent 2: You are the legal owner of the Outskirt Stand. It hasn’t paid its bills and utilities in years, leading to an investigation.
Agent 1: Your business has made quite a profit while you weren’t paying anything!
Ian: You are mistaken. The owner of the Outskirt Stand…
Matt: Ian, as your lawyer, I’m telling you to shut up. I will handle this. Go with them and I will be there shortly.
Ian nods in frustrated silence, the agents handcuffing his hands behind his back. They lead him off to the police station down the way. Officer Johnson meets them at the door.
Johnson: You actually arrested him?! Do you know who this is?!
Agent 1: A criminal. We are legally obligated to hold him until trial.
Agent 2: You can either comply or be removed.
Johnson: Agh! Fine, I will handle him from here.
The agents pass Ian off to him as they go stand outside the station. Johnson uncuffs Ian.
Ian: Thanks.
Johnson: Don’t thank me yet. These guys came gun-ho to arrest you. I have to confiscate your belongings and put you in a cell.
Ian: Will Cail keep me company?
Johnson: Ha! Wishful thinking.
Johnson takes Ian’s Pokeball belt, his backpack, his X-Transceiver and his signature jacket and puts them in crates on the shelf. Ian walks into a cell as Johnson locks it behind him.
Ian: Don’t I get a phone call?
Johnson: Maybe later.
Matt enters the building, coming up to the cell.
Matt: I managed to get some information out of them, claiming I was your lawyer.
Ian: But you are my lawyer.
Matt: Thanks. But it sounds like the building you inherited was full of money problems, with the least of it being unpaid bills.
Ian: They can’t arrest me the moment I obtain it for bills I never knew existed.
Matt: Legally, they can arrest you. But any competent lawyer and lenient judge can get the case thrown out.
Ian: So, how competent are you?
Matt: Are you sure you don’t want a lawyer associated with the Unova League? They have better resources for this.
Ian: I’m hoping this is quickly swept under the rug without word getting out of the region. Most people don’t care about news from here.
Matt: You may be an exception.
Ian: So the quieter this stays, the better.
Matt: I’ll do what I can.
Ian goes over and lays on the metal cot.
Ian: Johnson tried to throw me in here for years. Can’t believe he finally succeeded.
Matt: It sounds as if we need an in-depth discussion on your history. I need to know anything they could throw at us to hamper our efforts.
End Scene
In a small courtroom in Pyrite Town, Matt and Ian, both wearing suits sit at the defendant’s table. The crowd has a handful of people, as Duking enters. He goes up to talk to Ian.
Duking: Sorry to get you in this mess.
Ian: This is Nike’s fault alone. Thanks for keeping Crystal away.
Duking: I thought you’d rather have some support.
Matt: This is a simple hearing that I’m getting thrown out. It shouldn’t be longer than one day.
Voice: Not if I have anything to say about it.
Chills creep down Ian’s neck as he turns. Wesley takes his position as the opposing lawyer.
Ian: Wesley.
Wesley: Oh? Have we met?
Ian: No, but I know your reputation. You worked for the Kingpin and were arrested.
Wesley: Allegedly worked for the Kingpin. As Mr. Fisk’s lawyer, I was proven to be unaware of his criminal activities and cleared of all charges. A friend then got me a position in the IRS now here I am. Ensuring the end of white collar criminals like yourself.
Wesley returns to his papers, Matt leaning in towards Ian.
Matt: (Whispers) You’re lying. What’s your relationship to him?
Ian: (Whispers) I got him arrested. In disguise.
Matt: (Whispers) As a vigilante. He either doesn’t know, or intends on throwing you in jail for that purpose. This became a lot more complicated.
Bailiff: All rise for the judge!
The judge enters the room, everyone standing up. The judge motions for everyone to sit and they do.
Wesley: We at the IRS charge the defendant, Ian, with 6 counts of Tax Evasion, 3 counts of Tax Fraud, 1 count of failed health inspections, 49 counts of theft, 14 counts of assault and 1 count of destruction of property.
Judge: (Looks at Ian) How does the defendant plead?
Ian: Not guilty.
Matt: Your honor, the state only provided some of those charges in their initial arrest. The additional charges are an attempt to slander my client and try to stick at least one of those crimes on him, which he did not commit!
Wesley: That is bold to say for a backwater lawyer. The state has obtained evidence linking him to various crimes.
Matt: I rule that all charges associated with ownership of the Outskirt Stand be dropped. Any and all alleged crimes would’ve been committed by the previous owner as opposed to my client.
Judge: I read up on the transfer of the deed. The place was owned by his father Nike?
Matt: Yes, your honor.
Judge: Good man. Terrible burgers. Considering the IRS hastily arrested him moments after obtaining it, I rule he had no knowledge of these tax crimes and dismiss those charges. I will hear about the others now.
Wesley: Your honor, Ian is notoriously known as one of the “Three Musketeers of Pyrite.” For a one-year span he was associated in various crimes, including theft and assault…
Matt: All that occurred when he was a juvenile. An orphaned youth living in Pyrite have two simple choices; steal or die.
Wesley: But he was not orphaned. Simply a run away. I have dozens of reports linking him directly to a crime.
Judge: Which would be listed as a juvie crime and outside the statute of limitations! ADA Wesley, you better have not wasted my time today.
Wesley: Then a recent federal crime. Destruction of property. Ian is directly responsible for the damages in Wyndon of the Galar region.
Ian: I was stopping an attack!
Judge: Silence! Is there proof?
Wesley: Video graphic evidence that shows him attacking.
Judge: Eh, why not? The defendant will be charged on the sole count of destruction of property. Your plea?
Ian: Still not guilty.
Wesley: We are requesting remand, Your Honor. He is a flight risk and terrorist with a large amount of Pokémon capable of use for flight and fleeing.
Matt: My client is Champion of the Unova League. He would not risk such public scrutiny.
Judge: Why not? This trial will do that for him. Bail is remanded. Defendant will remain in jail until the trial.
The judge bangs his gavel as everyone stands to exit. Ian turns to Matt.
Ian: Tell me we can win this.
Matt: We’ll need everything about Wyndon. And most likely calling your friend in as a character witness. We need evidence that you did not attack a city.
Cail: Yeah, I go way back with the guy.
Cail sits at the witness stand, Wesley questioning him.
Wesley: How would you describe Ian’s typical demeanor?
Cail: Angry, cold. Always itching for a fight to show how tough he is.
Wesley: You are familiar with his various antics in Pyrite, correct?
Matt: Objection! His line of questioning leans towards crimes committed as a juvenile, which were declared off limits!
Wesley: I am simply asking about the defendant’s personality back in his youth!
Judge: I’ll allow it. Answer the question.
Cail: Yeah. He and his buddy would run around causing mayhem, destroying stuff, fighting anyone who looked at him funny.
Wesley: And now?
Cail: Still similar. I met with him for the first time in what, 5 years, and his first response is to fight me and threaten to hit me.
Wesley: Would you believe that he is as violent now as he was back in his youth?
Cail: Yes.
Wesley: Nothing further.
Wesley takes his seat as Matt goes up.
Matt: You are known as the unofficial gatekeeper in this town, correct?
Cail: That’s right.
Matt: So anything shady happens, you have a front row seat?
Cail: You betcha.
Matt: How many outstanding warrants do you have?
Cail: Pfft! I didn’t commit none of those crimes. They were all Ian.
Wesley rubs his forehead in disappointment. Matt seems to hear this, now amused.
Matt: All Ian? Even the 5 year timespan you said you hadn’t seen him?
Cail: Uh, yeah.
Matt: Because there is record of him being in various other regions in that time. In fact, there are warrants for you as recent as a month ago, when he was live on TV in Unova. Was that one him, too?
Cail: (Coughs) Okay maybe not that recent. But I only did that because I was terrified of him!
Matt: Terrified of a kid younger than you. Gotta be embarrassing.
Cail: Nothing embarrassing about it! I let that punk go because I knew it’d be too much trouble! And I like to keep my head out of trouble.
Matt: And police stations. No more questions.
Duking: Sure, he was wired in the past, but he was the best behaved of the homeless at the time. When he lived here, this town was a closed mining town that had been on the decline for a long time. He did what was needed to survive. Then when he came back, he saved it from the criminal group Cipher!
Matt: Thank you.
Wesley: Duking, you are regarded as the town’s hero. You are the one who builds up a city.
Duking: Correct.
Wesley: I would like to show you a video.
A TV monitor pulls up, featuring the attack on Wyndon. Ian is engaged in battle with Edelgard, showing the explosion of the box office, their Pokémon crashing and destroying the stadium and Eterantus blasting the stadium.
Wesley: That was terrifying if I say so myself.
Duking: You saw he was fighting that other woman.
Wesley: Perhaps. But his Pokémon unleashed a similar amount of damage. He did whatever was necessary to defeat her, at the expense of an entire city! What’s more, that is vigilante work. That was a battle that should’ve been left to the police.
Duking: His experience here most likely taught him that if you want something handled, you handle it yourself.
Wesley: “If you want something handled, you handle it yourself.” That certainly explains why he feigns fighting criminals. So he can handle it. (Matt stands) I withdraw that statement. No more questions.
Crystal: Ian has always guided his strength towards good. He fought countless criminal organizations. Team Rocket, Team Galactic, Cipher.
Matt: Why did he feel the responsibility to fight them?
Crystal: Because they were powerful. Their higher ups were stronger than the average trainer, and the leaders would control Legendary Pokémon to fight. He was the person available that could match them.
Matt: Have you ever seen his altruism fail in the heat of the moment?
Crystal: Not once.
Matt: Your witness.
Wesley: Isn’t it true that Ian stole Pokémon?
Crystal: The criminal organization Cipher stole Pokémon and transformed them into Shadow Pokémon. It was our duty…
Wesley: Our duty? So you participated in stealing them as well?
Crystal: What?! No! We rescued them!
Wesley: Yes, a record was kept by Kidd Grid and made public of Cipher’s heinous crimes. Though I would point out, that many of the Pokémon were stated as “kept.” After returning Pokémon to their owners, did you two keep some for your own?
Crystal: Well, yes but…
Wesley: Then it can be assumed that you stole Pokémon directly from those Cipher members.
Crystal: Those people are in jail because they committed criminal actions!
Wesley: Which sounds like we need to do to you as well.
Wesley: Now to be clear, you are a former member of Team Snagem?
Willie: That is correct.
Wesley: And the other member of the Three Musketeers with the defendant, correct?
Willie: Darn tootin’.
Wesley: Yet you have shown to be able to reform yourself in a way he hasn’t. Tell me, what is your secret that he lacks?
Matt: Objection! Speculation.
Wesley: Mr. Willie claims to be Ian’s oldest friend. If anyone has insight on why he is like he is, then it is him.
Judge: I’ll allow it.
Willie: Sheesh. I guess the difference is that he’s got something to prove. His dad was a great trainer then poof! He was a loser. I never knew my pa, so I just fight to be tough. He fights to prove that he’s not a wash. The stronger the better. The more collateral, the better.
Crystal: I can’t believe that guy!
Ian, Matt and Crystal hang outside the courthouse while the jury is out.
Crystal: The same guy who consoled you at your father’s funeral is the same one who testified against you!
Matt: His voice was cracking with struggle. He was pressured to testify.
Ian: Willie’s crimes stacked up here more than mine. Including his time with Team Snagem. My guess is his testimony kept him out of jail.When it comes down to it, it’s you or them out here.
Crystal: I wish we could change that.
Matt: We can. One case at a time.
Wesley: The jury is back.
Crystal: Ha! That was quick! They know that Ian is innocent!
Matt: Let’s find out.
Everyone is seated in the courtroom as the jury hands their decision to the bailiff. He hands it to the judge who looks it over.
Judge: On the charge of destruction of property, how do you find him?
Jury Spokesman: We the jury find the defendant, guilty.
Judge: Guilty it is. The defendant will be transported to the Raft for holding until it is determined where he can be held.
Ian’s heart drops with the beat of the gavel. Matt instantly turns to him.
Matt: Don’t worry. We’ll get them on appeal. This cannot--
Ian: I need Crystal. CRYSTAL!
The security guards come over and lift Ian to his feet. He struggles and flails in resistance as they drag him away.
Crystal: Ian! It’s okay! We’ll…
Ian: (Urgently) Contact Game Freak in Unova! Ask for Morimoto then Looker! Get me the hell out of the Raft!
The guards drag Ian out of the room as everyone else begins to leave.
Matt: What is going on? What is the Raft? Who are those people?
Crystal: Looker is a federal agent and a friend. I don’t know what the Raft is, but he swore. He never swears. Something terrible is happening.
End Scene
The Raft is a floating prison in the middle of the ocean. This serves to imprison some of the most dangerous criminals, those who are extreme flight risks, or those who are awaiting transfer in international cases. No one can get on or off the island without official approval from the Prison Committee. The prison yard is exposed to the outer air, the prisoners able to smell the sea breeze and hear the waves crashing against the facility knowing that going into the ocean spells their doom.
Ian wanders the prison yard in the orange jumpsuit. He rapidly scans the yard, recognizing dozens of grunts from former criminal organizations. Along with them are other muscular and vicious looking criminals.
Ian: The Raft. Where the worst of the worst criminals go. They separate major leaders of an organization so they can’t form a gang in prison, but they seem like they did nothing about the grunts.
A kick to the back knocks Ian down to the pavement. The other inmates shout and cheer while the prison guards look away. Ian gets up ready to fight, Batroc offering his hand.
Batroc: Bonjour. You have a meeting.
Batroc yanks Ian to his feet then shoves him in the appropriate direction. Wilson Fisk sits at a table with a chessboard, as Bullseye stands off to his side. Batroc shoves Ian forward again as he takes his seat at the table.
Kingpin: Champion Ian. I pulled a lot of strings to meet with you today.
Ian: I assumed this was you the moment I saw your lawyer. Why me?
Kingpin: Not only are you crafty, you’re consistent. Play things close to the vest. I like it. Do you play chess?
Ian: No.
Kingpin: Each piece moves in a different manner. The first is the pawn. (Moves a pawn forward) They are intended to be sacrificed for the greater good, to begin the trap to checkmate the king. (Nods head) While ensuring Wesley got off untarnished, I invested funds into revealing the identity of the vigilantes who arrested me. No word on the Spinarak kid, but you were easier.
Ian: Vigilante?
Kingpin: The footage from Wyndon featured you with a metal arm powered by a Rotom.
Ian drops his head, scrunching his face up.
Kingpin: You have a terrible tell. Once I learned the who, I focused on how to get revenge. Welcome (motions hands) to the Raft. Where you have sent many criminals in the past.
Ian: They all deserve to be here.
Kingpin: I got myself transferred here and took over. Everyone obeys me. An entire island of pawns. With some notable soldiers. The next piece is the rook, or castle. (Kingpin slides the rook across the board.) They move straight forward, a direct combatant. They can travel great distances and eliminate future threats. Some of the stronger criminal admins that ended up here fill that roll.
Ian: (Catching on) You ruined my life to get me to play chess with you?
Kingpin: I ruined your life because you ruined mine. The bishop (moves bishop) can only move in a diagonal pattern. These are the tricksters. They set up strategies to lure you into a trap.
Ian: Not direct battlers.
Kingpin: Exactly. Now we go to the knight. (Moves knight) They are the most versatile. They move in an “L” shaped pattern. They require the most strategy to utilize, but can overpower any obstacle that gets in their way.
Ian: That leaves the king and queen.
Kingpin: You’re a quick study. The king’s role is to order the others and not be captured. But the queen, she is the most powerful piece. She moves like the rook and bishop combined. Capturing her is essential for any strategy. If left to wander, she can provide unforeseen complications.
Ian: So your mission is to checkmate me.
Kingpin: Ha! You see yourself as valuable as a king. No, you are the queen in this scenario. Highly versatile, lethal when left unchecked.
Ian: So you’re going to put me in my place?
Kingpin: In time. For now I think it is time for you to return to your cell. There is a gift waiting for you.
Kingpin snaps his fingers, as the guards whistle and begin to line everyone up.
Kingpin: Remember that you cannot rush chess. Plan everything out before you make your checkmate.
Ian: You think this is a game?
Kingpin: Chess was first created to train generals in the art of war. And this is war. Between us, there will only be one survivor.
Ian is guided back into his cell, the door locked behind him. He groans and sits on his cot, jolting up.
Ian: Huh?
Ian pulls the cover off, revealing his snag machine and X-Transceiver. He puts the watch on and triggers it.
Ian: Hello? Can anyone hear me?! Call Crystal!
Static plays back as Rotom exits the device in turmoil. It zips around the room before cuddling up to Ian’s chest.
Rotom: Rotom tom tom!
Ian: I missed you too, buddy. There’s no reception here. So there’s no calling for help. We have to hold out until Crystal gets a hold of Looker.
Rotom: Tom!
The alarms blare overhead, the lights shutting off and the emergency red lights flashing.
Intercom: The Raft is now on immediate lockdown. Emergency power on.
The cell door automatically opens, Ian peeking his head out. Dozens of prisoners from his cell block litter out into the hallway, opening Pokeballs. Ekans, Koffing, Rattata, Houndour, Patrat, Trubbish, Cacnea and Carvanha fill the way. The group is led by Dozu and his Aggron.
Dozu: Ha! Come out Ian! You destroyed Team Rocket! Now I get to destroy you!
Ian retreats back into his cell.
Ian: He’s got us trapped. Only one thing to do. Rotom, get in the snag machine. We’re punching our way out.
Rotom: Tom!
The prisoners wait as Ian steps his way out. Fist Rotom is secured to his arm as he squeezes his fist.
Ian: I beat all of you before. I will beat you again. Who’s first?
The Houndour and Carvanha charge first jaws agape. Ian tightens his fist and raises his arm, Thunderbolt electrocuting all of them. Ekans and Cacnea slip around the sides of him as Ian opens his hand and thrusts downward. An Uproar wave travels down and reverberates up, blowing through them. Rattata and Patrat go to bite down as he cocks his fist back and blows through them with Focus Punch. The prisoners dog pile on top of him as the Koffing and Trubbish spew Smog into his face. Ian coughs as Fist Rotom comes off Ian and spins, knocking everyone off.
Dozu: Ha! What a show! Aggron, Heavy Slam!
Ian struggles to his feet as Aggron charges. Ian prepares Focus Punch and swings, the two blowing each other back. Ian slams into a wall, dropping out of breath. The prisoners and their Pokémon get back up as Cacnea leap with Needle Arm.
Ian: You’ve got to be kidding.
Ian ducks under the attacks, firing Uproar to blow them away. Carvanha bite into his left arm, Rotom electrocuting them off. The Houndour surround him as Koffing spit Sludge overhead. Ian forms an Uproar shield to block the attack. He then forms a Shadow Ball and fires it, breaking the Houndour line. He dashes through as Ekans snares his leg. He falls to his hands and kicks his leg into the bars of a cell, Ekans peeling off.
Dozu: Nail it!
Aggron stands overhead, swinging an arm down. Ian sidesteps the hit and slips on trash on the floor. Trubbish cheers as the Rattata and Patrat pile onto him, restraining his limbs. Aggron lifts its tail to slam into Ian. He tightens his fist and uses Thunderbolt, blowing Patrat off his arm. He catches Iron Tail, straining to keep it off while electrocuting it. Aggron backs off as Ian knocks the others off.
Dozu: What do you do now?! We’re going to crush all of you!
Ian fires Shadow Ball, missing Dozu’s head. He jolts and falls backwards, allowing Ian to dash past him. Dozu recovers and grabs around his waist, tossing him back down the hall. The prisoners rush him again as Ian fires Uproar to distort them. Aggron knocks prisoners aside as Ian grins, leaping into a cell.
Dozu: No, stop!
Aggron rams Dozu and crashes into the wall, dislodging the door and toppling it over. Ian walks out and strikes Aggron with Focus Punch, knocking it out. Ian pants heavily as he looks back at the entire hallway of knocked out prisoners and Pokémon.
Ian: (Pants) So many. And that was just this block. But our goal is the same. We head for the prison yard again. That’s where he’s waiting.
Rotom: Tom tom.
Ian makes his way out the destroyed door, entering the mess hall. All the security guards are on standby, with Gorigan and his Primeape pounding on their chests.
Gorigan: Everyone get pumped!
The guards all cheer and beat at their own chests, eager to go.
Gorigan: Now listen up! This is the fight of our lives! We do this, the Kingpin sets us up for life! (Points at Ian) Defeating that nosy brat is all that is required of you! So crush him!
Primeape leaps into the air, diving down with an Acrobatics kick. Ian raises his arm and blocks it with Rotom, who lets off Thunderbolt afterwards. Primeape is repelled as remnants of the Thunderbolt are drawn into a guard’s Electrike. Several Electrike, Growlithe, Herdier, and Poochyena fill the room.
Ian: (Disdained) Great. That’s all I needed.
Gorigan: Ha! We’ve got you at a disadvantage here! Boys, go to town!
The guards and their Pokémon all charge to pounce on Ian. Ian fires Uproar that encases the whole room and takes out the sound sensitive Pokémon. Primeape returns and Low Sweeps him, grounding him as several Pokémon charge and bite into him. Gorigan leaps off his table and drops on him, landing square on his chest. Ian punches him off as he throws Shadow Ball to mow through the Pokémon. The guards grab ahold of his arms to restrain him. Ian shocks one and blasts the other with Uproar. He takes off running as the Pokémon pursue.
Looker: Ian! This way!
Ian spots Looker in a doorway, frantically waving at him. Ian fires Shadow Ball at the ground, exploding and the smoke giving him some leeway. He makes it to the door and they close it. Ian bends a bar to keep it locked.
Looker: Too close! You always have precarious situations.
Ian: You got my message. Why are you here alone?
Looker: I went to speak with warden, transfer you into our jurisdiction. But then lockdown happen! Gave them my Pokémon for security reasons now stuck here!
Ian: Heh. Let’s keep moving.
The two advance down the hallway, Ian remaining tense.
Ian: Thanks for the save. This feels like Kalos all over again.
Looker: Yes. Though you never need much help, I provide when needed.
Ian drops down to one knee, panting. Looker stops and bends down with him.
Looker: You tired. We should rest.
Ian: (Pants) Not with an entire prison after me. Could you give me a hand?
Ian holds his left hand up as Looker takes it to pull him up. Ian clenches his fist as Thunderbolt electrocutes Looker and causes him to drop.
Ian: Nice try. Looker doesn’t talk like that and we didn’t meet up in Kalos. You’re that disguise guy from Team Rocket if I recall.
Looker: Heh. Yet you don’t know my name.
Looker removes his disguise, Petrel remaining on the floor.
Petrel: I have had some ups and downs since we last met. But this will be a glorious day for Team Rocket!
A shadow forms over Ian, him looking up too late. Muk drops onto him, disappearing. Petrel gets up and dusts himself off, smirking.
Petrel: In case you didn’t figure it out, I’m a bishop in the Kingpin’s hierarchy. A fair fight was never my thing anyway.
Muk bulges from a sound attack, then retracts. It bulges again and again, Muk straining to keep down. It stretches up and slams back down, a thud occurring inside.
Petrel: Muk, let’s give him a Toxic while he’s under.
Muk grins as it begins to shake its body. Rotom slips out from underneath, now face to face with it. Rotom lets off Thunderbolt, electrocuting Muk and Petrel. Muk slumps over as Ian claws his way out and gasps for breath. The two foes stay down.
Ian: (Breathes heavily) I thought they’d be more durable. Good work.
Rotom: Rotom!
An impact wave hits Rotom, dropping to the ground. Ian crawls and reaches out to it, his right arm hit by the same force. He drops to the ground and winces, spotting two Dreepy fluttering off.
Ian: Agh! Bullseye. But where?
Ian scans the wall, spotting the bar rung window. Ian scoops Rotom up and crawls under the window.
Ian: (Pants) That won’t keep him back for long. Rotom, get back in the snag machine. I’ll handle it from here.
Rotom re-enters the snag machine as banging occurs on the door to the mess hall. An impact wave hits the bar securing the door, then a second one. Gorigan breaks through with his Primeape, the guards following. They find the unconscious duo, Gorigan scratching his head.
Gorigan: He can’t have gotten far. Find him!
Ian makes his way down a set of stairs, ducking through another door. The hallway is abandoned and dark, the red emergency lights barely illuminating the path forward. He feels his hand on the wall to inch forward as a blue flash of light shines from a window. Followed by a scream.
Ian finds the handle and turns it, pushing into the room. A lone metal chair sits in the middle of the room attached to Electrode, which lets off bursts of electricity. The disheveled woman in the chair screams as her white hair stands erratically from the static electricity. Her arms are bound in a straight jacket and strapped into the chair as her left eye is taped over.
Ian: Edelgard?!
Ian fires Shadow Ball, striking Electrode and causing it to roll off the panel defeated. Ian rushes over as Edelgard slumps over, hair now dropping completely over her face. Ian unties her from the chair as she falls to her knees. He supports her shoulders to prevent her from falling over.
Ian: It’s okay. Edelgard, you’re safe now.
Edelgard: (Demented) Safe. No one is safe. My pain, my agony. This world cannot be safe from my wrath!
Edelgard lifts her head, snarling as Ian keeps his gaze. Her eye softens as she curiously examines him.
Edelgard: I, I know you. You. You put me here.
Ian: I did not put you here. Your actions put you here. But I’ve been working to change the system. The right way.
Edelgard: They’ll never change. They torture me because they fear what I can do. But please. Come closer. I need to tell you something.
Ian leans in, Edelgard now right at his ear.
Edelgard: (Whispers) You should’ve killed me.
Edelgard’s left eye radiates blue, burning through the bandage. Ian falls back as Edelgard screams, an intense aura beam shooting from her eye. The ceiling is torn through as the upper level becomes visible.
Gorigan: (Voice faint) He’s downstairs! Everyone move!
Ian scurries back and out the door as Edelgard motions to her feet. Her arms are still bound by the straight jacket but she simply stumbles onward. Ian makes it to the end of the hallway as Edelgard exits the room, firing another aura blast. Ian slams the door to the stairwell and dives, the entire door melting away.
Ian: I take it that’s his queen. Just my luck.
Guards: There he is!
The guards rush down the stairs, their Pokémon barking and snarling at him.
Ian: So not the time!
Ian rushes the stairwell, firing Uproar to distort the Herdier. He grabs the railing and pulls himself up, spinning between two guards and sending them tumbling down. He charges up as Poochyena lunge at him. Ian blocks the Bite with his left arm and slams Poochyena into the wall. It lets go as Edelgard steps through the melted hole. She targets Ian as she fires an aura blast. Ian speeds off as Edelgard twists her head, severing the upper stairwell clean in half. Ian is forced to a stop as the Electrike behind him swarm and fire Thunder Shock. He takes the hit before firing Uproar to stop them.
Guards: Growlithe, Flamethrower!
Growlithe from above the severed stairs breathe Flamethrower, Ian rolling down the stairs to evade it. Edelgard now stands at the base of the stairs, eye radiating.
Ian: Rotom, I need your Levitate!
Ian holds his left fist up and jumps, Rotom shakily Levitating him into flight. Edelgard blasts through the wall where he was just in front of, punching through the Growlithe to keep going. Edelgard slowly advances up the stairs, stepping over the defeated guards and Pokémon left in her wake.
Edelgard: So slow. Must move faster!
Edelgard fires an aura blast, forming a portal that Grimmsnarl drops out of.
Grimmsnarl: GRIMM! (Spots Edelgard) Grim?
Edelgard: Destroy Ian!
Grimmsnarl spots Ian shoving through the door above, grinning.
Ian: Now I know why they did all of that to her. She’s as dangerous as ever!
Primeape Low Sweeps Ian, tripping him as Gorigan pins him from behind.
Gorigan: What’s wrong? Can’t handle my troops?
Grimmsnarl tears the door off its hinges, snarling at the two of them.
Gorigan: That’s new. But no complaints from me! Take it away, big guy!
Grimmsnarl marches over, the hair on its hand forming into an axe for Spirit Break. A spoon shoots across the room, Primeape catching it.
Primeape: Pri?
A violet aura covers the spoon and Primeape, launching the two into the air. Grimmsnarl swings Spirit Break, slamming into Primeape. It crashes into Gorigan as they tumble off Ian. Ian scurries to get up when the spoon falls in front of him. He grabs hold of it, the aura transferring to him. Grimmsnarl reaches to grab him as he skids across the floor to the end of the hall. A foot stops his slide, Hubert and Polteageist at the source.
Hubert: It appears that you are in need of assistance.
Ian: Hubert?!
Grimmsnarl fires a Dark Pulse wave as Polteageist opens a Phantom Force portal. They all disappear with the attack destroying a section of the wall. Edelgard makes it to the top of the stairs, spotting the empty hallway.
Edelgard: NOOO!
End Scene
Rotom devours a plate of food in front of it, Polteageist swiping a morsel when possible. Ian sits and leans against a wall while Hubert keeps an eye out through the door window.
Hubert: The storage locker will be the last place they look for us. They assume you don’t know.
Ian: (Still recovering) Don’t know what?
Hubert: About your belongings.
Hubert goes over, pulling a box out and placing it in front of Ian. He searches through to find his signature jacket and backpack.
Ian: No Pokéball belt.
Hubert: No. They confiscate those and take the Pokémon off site upon arrival. Ever since Wilson Fisk arrived, inmates slowly began receiving them back.
Ian: He’s been planning this for a long time. My trial was rigged from the start.
Hubert: As a tactician, that would be my assumption too. The inmates were given a simple directive. “When Ian arrives, destroy him and you will be rewarded.”
Ian: So why help me? What’s in it for you?
Hubert: Once we arrived, Lady Edelgard and I were separated. She was taken to solitary confinement because of her powers. I was put in the general population after they figured out my teleporting was Pokémon based.
Polteageist: Pol.
Hubert: From what I can surmise, it wasn’t until Fisk arrived that her torture began. Granted, solitary confinement is its own form of torture, but the physical torture began with him.
Ian: I am sorry. I never knew…
Hubert: That your actions could have such dire consequences? That is why your method of change will not work. We always weighed the risk of change and were prepared to sacrifice for it.
Ian: You’re choosing to go against an entire prison to save Edelgard?
Hubert: I would do anything for her. (Looks to Ian) If you swear to allow Edelgard’s freedom, I will help you. Your word is more binding than Fisk’s.
Ian: I don’t think I have that authority.
Hubert: You do everything you set your mind to. Why should this be any different?
Ian: (Sighs) Fine. I accept your help and conditions.
Ian rummages through his bag, pulling out the Eon Flute.
Ian: They left me the flute.
Hubert: To summon your Legendaries? Yes, it is flat out useless in anyone else’s hands.
Ian: Anyone could play this. If they took my other Pokémon but left me this…
Hubert: Then they want you to use it.
Ian: Something Fisk said is bothering me. He compared me to the queen on the chessboard. If that is the case, who’s my king?
Hubert: Chess is all about complicated strategy and thinking 4 moves ahead. You are bound to lose if you let him muddy your thoughts.
Ian: Do you think there’s no merit in that statement?
Hubert: I think that we’re already too deep into his gambit. It doesn’t matter who your king is if you can take him out.
Ian: He still has Batroc and Bullseye with him. You handle Edelgard, I will handle the rest.
Hubert: On your ready.
Ian stands up, making sure to stay out of the window view. He nods as Polteageist takes them all away.
Ian reappears sporting his signature jacket in the prison yard, where Kingpin sits at his table with Batroc alongside him. Bullseye is nowhere in sight.
Ian: The checkmate implies I win by taking the king, no matter who else is on the field. Figured I would handle you straight away.
Kingpin: A bold strategy. That makes the assumption you can handle us.
Ian: You set all this up. Framing me, paying off the judge and jury to ensure I’d be here.
Kingpin: Bribery there was easy. The difficult part was smuggling Pokémon to the prison without alerting the higher ups. But when you control the guards, there is no task that is too difficult.
Ian: I saw what you did to Edelgard.
Kingpin: A shame. If she had joined me, I wouldn’t have had to break her. But enough talk.
Batroc steps forward, choosing his Hitmonlee. The two advance as Ian draws the Eon Flute from his bag. He plays the A major scale as he puts the flute away.
Kingpin: Putting both your knights in play? Another bold strategy.
Ian: I know you’re as strong as them. Unless you plan on sitting back to be captured.
Kingpin: Goading me? I’ll show you what happens when you mess with true power.
Kingpin stands up, choosing Hariyama. Latios and Latias soar in, both baffled by the situation.
Latias: You’re in prison?! That is horrible!
Latios: Want us to fly you out?
Ian: No. This nightmare scenario doesn’t end until he’s caught red handed and stripped of his power. Me escaping does nothing towards that goal.
Kingpin: Quite right.
Kingpin snaps his fingers as Hariyama beats its stomach for Belly Drum. It lunges instantly palm first as Ian taps the Mega Stone under his lit X-Transceiver.
Ian: Mega Evolve!
Mega energy transfers to Latios, mega evolving. Mega Latios forms Shadow Claw and parries Knock Off, the shockwave blowing through the prison yard. Hitmonlee uncoils its leg for Mega Kick, Latias swerving around and firing Mist Ball. Batroc leaps and kicks the attack, the mist dispersing through the yard.
Ian: Rotom, now!
Rotom lifts up and blocks a barrage of kicks from Batroc, firing Thunderbolt which misses. Hitmonlee is on his hands and spin kicks at him. Latias deflects it with Steel Wing and swoops Ian into the air. He jumps down and punches the ground, an Uproar shock wave blowing Hitmonlee back. Latias then crashes behind Ian, startling him.
Ian: That darn Bullseye.
Mega Latios blocks repeated Arm Thrusts from Hariyama, tiring. Mega Latios blasts it away with Luster Purge, striking the attack with Knock Off.
Ian: Latias, Mist Ball! Latios and Rotom, Thunderbolt!
Latias fires Mist Ball, obscuring the yard. Rotom and Mega Latios fire Thunderbolt, attacks traveling around them. A Dreepy is electrocuted and drops.
Ian: (Points) There! Fire Shadow Ball!
Rotom fires a Shadow Ball, clashing with a second Dreepy. Both Pokémon retreat. Batroc leaps over Ian, kicking him from behind again. Hitmonlee swings Mega Kick as he swings Focus Punch to block it. Batroc goes to attack again when Latias drives him off with her speed.
Suddenly a Blizzard blows through, causing Latias and Mega Latios to drop. A cackling voice echoes through as the mist parts.
Lawrence: Congratulations. You get to witness the rebirth of my collection.
Edelgard wanders the hallways still in the straight jacket, despite Grimmsnarl walking right beside her.
Edelgard: Soon. Soon I will bathe this place with him. He will rue the day he opposed me!
Hubert: Lady Edelgard.
Edelgard snarls as Hubert and Polteageist appear.
Edelgard: You are late! We are this close to eliminating him!
Hubert: I understand, my lady. However, you are not mentally well.
Edelgard: Mentally well?! I have never seen cleaner! I will vaporize the one who interferes with my new world order!
Hubert: I have come to take you to regroup. There are too many factors here for us to take him out.
Edelgard: Mind your tongue! I order you to take me to him!
Hubert: I am sorry to say that is an order I cannot follow. Use Poltergeist.
Polteageist holds its hands up, dozens of silverware pieces forming. It fires them forward, Grimmsnarl defending Edelgard.
Edelgard: You dare attack your queen?! Grimmsnarl, destroy them!
Grimmsnarl fires Dark Pulse, Phantom Force evading it. Hubert reappears as Polteageist lets off streams of Strength Sap, entangling both Edelgard and Grimmsnarl.
Hubert: Allow me to ease you into complacency. This is the most terrible thing I have done, but for your own good I must.
Ian stands in the middle of the yard, surrounded. Kingpin and Hariyama are to one direction, Batroc and Hitmonlee to another. Bullseye is hidden somewhere far off as Lawrence approaches with his Vanilluxe.
Lawrence: Ah, Ian. You have no idea the lengths I’ve gone through to be here.
Ian: Wait, you’re the king in this scenario? But the Kingpin?
Lawrence: Is a valuable business partner. He filled the void of the Kodai Network, even when I was no longer a player. (Grins creepily) Did you really think you could keep me in jail?
Ian: Here's to hoping.
Lawrence: Mr. Fisk and I had a common agenda, and a partnership. Once this is over, I will help him rebuild his smuggling enterprise and he will be my sole company for transport.
Ian: Why? You never get your hands dirty.
Lawrence: You forced my hand. While I have avoided the law, my followers either did not or have abandoned me. Most of my homes have been raided and my collection stolen.
Ian: You mean returned.
Lawrence: I am at nothing now! So why not start my new collection with your Legendaries?
Ian: Guys, get out of here!
Lawrence: (Wags finger) Ah, ah, ah! If they leave, how will you defeat us? You’re outclassed as it is.
Ian: He’s right.
Lawrence: Now Vanilluxe, use Frost Breath!
Ian: Shadow Ball! Latios and Latias, use Draco Meteor!
Ian aims Shadow Ball that blocks Frost Breath. Hitmonlee and Hariyama dive in as the Eon duo both fire Draco Meteor into the air. The attacks rain down on the yard, scattering everything. Ian hops on Latias and flies up into the air. Mega Latios is close behind them.
Mega Latios: This battle is borderline terrible.
Latias: But we can’t leave now! We’re so close to getting everything we need!
Ian: I hate to do this, but I’m calling on Rayquaza.
Ian holds his right arm up, runes flashing on his arm. They resonate for a few moments then fade. Ian gasps at this.
Ian: What? There’s no power. Is Rayquaza not coming?
Latias grunts as she takes a hit, Dreepy fluttering away. Mega Latios takes a hit as well.
Mega Latios: Not even this altitude is safe from them. We either attack again or retreat.
Ian: If we retreat, we can’t help Hubert afterwards. I have one other option.
Ian reaches into his bag, pulling out the Dark Stone. Storm clouds begin to form overhead.
Ian: I fight to protect the ideal of a world where humans and Pokémon live in harmony. An ideal that isn’t just mine, but everyones! Zekrom!
A lightning strike falls and envelops Ian and Latias, awakening Zekrom. It stretches up and roars a yawn, smacking its lips.
Zekrom: Okay I’m here. What are we looking at?
Ian: Four high level foes. The aura girl from before is here somewhere.
Zekrom: (Squints eyes) They don’t look that strong. But whatev. I’m down.
Dragapult rams Zekrom with Phantom Force, then spikes it downward with Breaking Swipe. Zekrom shakes its head as Dragapult disappears, reappearing below and flying back to the Raft.
Zekrom: So that’s my foe, huh?
Ian: Zekrom, wait for us!
Zekrom dives after Dragapult, a lightning bolt from the sky striking it and fueling it with yellow electricity. Dragapult disappears as Hariyama thrusts a hand up, stopping Bolt Strike in its tracks.
Lawrence: Check. The king has arrived. Vanilluxe, use Frost Breath!
Vanilluxe breathes Frost Breath, the force of the critical hit blowing Zekrom back. Hitmonlee wraps its leg around Zekrom’s throat, slamming it into the ground. Zekrom sparks and lets off Bolt Strike, shocking Hitmonlee but it slams it down again.
Batroc: Our ability is Limber, so that shock will not deter us!
Ian: Mist Ball! Luster Purge!
Latias spews Mist Ball, hitting Hitmonlee while Luster Purge hits Hariyama. Hitmonlee pants from the damage as Zekrom gets back up. Dragapult appears and fires Dragon Darts, knocking Latias and Mega Latios to the sides. Batroc feeds Hitmonlee a Sitrus Berry to heal, as does Kingpin for Hariyama.
Kingpin: Your downfall will be expecting me to have been the mastermind. I am more akin to the knight on this board. Hariyama, blast them with Knock Off.
Hariyama charges Mega Latios, breaking Shadow Claw with Knock Off. Latias goes for Steel Wing against Hitmonlee but is knocked away by Mega Kick. Ian leaps off and fires Uproar from his hand, distorting Batroc enough to stop his charge.
Zekrom swats Dragon Claw to repel Dragapult’s Breaking Swipe, the attack power dropping each time. Zekrom goes for Zen Headbutt as Dragapult vanishes, allowing Blizzard to chill Zekrom down. Zekrom surrounds itself in violet electricity as it goes to attack with Fusion Bolt. An aura blast tears through the air and drops Zekrom down. Edelgard stumbles out laughing maniacally.
Edelgard: It’s here! This is just like our last meeting! The power of a god cannot defeat me!
Lawrence: Well done. Now finish it so I may capture it.
Edelgard charges another attack when a raindrop distracts her. A downpour falls upon them as everyone looks skyward.
Crystal: Ian!
Dragonite and Pelipper swoop down, Crystal and Matt hopping off to repel Edelgard. High Speed Genesect swoops in as Looker hops off its back. Genesect opens up and points its cannon at Batroc and Hitmonlee. The wall breaks as Grimmsnarl walks out. Hubert and Polteageist appear through a portal.
Hubert: I apologize. I did not hold my end of the bargain.
Ian: No worries. The cavalry has arrived.
Looker: When I heard you were being sent to the Raft, we started working immediately!
Matt: This place is a legal sinkhole. They have been trying to phase this out of commission for years after looking through everything.
Crystal: We’re working on proving you innocent. Is that why you’re still here?
Ian: Yep. (Motions to X-Transceiver) Got everything recorded here. Kingpin’s and Lawrence’s confessions.
Lawrence: What?!
Ian: You gave me the tools to win. Now I’m winning.
Dragon Darts hits Ian’s right wrist, breaking the band keeping the X-Transceiver on. Ian lunges and grabs the watch before the second strike hits. Ian pockets it after that.
Ian: Matt, you have a Pokémon?
Matt: I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.
Ian: Then you handle the Dragapult. He’s a long range fighter. Crystal, take on Edelgard there. Hubert, the fighter Batroc. Looker, you provide support against Lawrence.
Looker: I think you’ll benefit from this!
Looker tosses Ian his Pokeball belt, him latching it back on.
Ian: Good to have this back. Latias, thanks for your help. Use Healing Wish on Zekrom. Latios, you accompany Matt. Dragalge, defend Latias!
Latias glows green, releasing a Healing Wish that restores Zekrom. Latias lies down defeated as Dragalge lands on top of it and lets off a Twister. The Twister repels two Dreepy which begin retreating.
Matt: Got them. Houndour!
Matt opens his Pokeball, choosing Houndour.
Houndour: Hou!
Matt: Follow the Dreepy.
Houndour sprints after them, Mega Latios along with them.
Kingpin: So a lawyer thinks he can interfere? Hariyama!
Hariyama lunges at Matt when Zekrom intercepts. The two struggle and wrestle for supremacy.
Lawrence: Not while I’m here. Vanilluxe, use Blizzard!
Vanilluxe breathes Blizzard with a flaming Techno Blast strikes and defeats it. Looker approaches with Genesect aiming its cannon at him.
Looker: Don’t even think about it.
Lawrence: But I am! I have never seen your Pokémon before! Another worthy start to my collection!
Lawrence taps a Pokeball, choosing Dracozolt. It charges with Aerial Ace as Genesect parries it with Metal Claw.
Looker: An Electric Dragon combo. Pull back! We need to swap drives!
Genesect leaps back, Lawrence grinning.
Lawrence: Like I’ll allow that! Use Beak Bolt!
Dracozolt charges with an electrified beak, ramming Genesect and knocking it over. Looker arrives and swaps out the drives, a chill filling the air.
Looker: Now Techno Blast!
Genesect gets to its knees, firing an ice type Techno Blast. Dracozolt counters it with Dragon Pulse.
Hitmonlee swings Blaze Kick at Polteageist, phasing through to dodge. The chess pieces float up and bombard Hitmonlee from Poltergeist, knocking it away. Batroc goes to kick Hubert, him catching the knee.
Hubert: Restrain them with Strength Sap.
Polteageist lets off silver streams, wrapping around Batroc and Hitmonlee to stop them.
Hubert: A physical brawler like yourself stands no match against me.
Grimmsnarl swings Spirit Break, Dragonite catching the attack. Its antenna sparks as it unleashes Thunder to blow Grimmsnarl back. Pelipper uses Protect to block Edelgard’s aura blast, which was aimed at Zekrom.
Edelgard: Peasant! This is a battle between me and the god!
Crystal: I won’t let you harm Ian and his team! Pelipper, use Hydro Pump! Dragonite, Hurricane!
Pelipper fires Hydro Pump, washing Edelgard back into a wall. Dragonite flaps its wings to blow Grimmsnarl back and hits the same wall.
Matt: Latios, from the left!
Mega Latios uses Shadow Claw to swat a Dreepy away.
Matt: Houndour, down the middle!
Houndour opens wide and Bites into a Dreepy, keeping hold of it. Dreepy squirms to get free when Dragapult reveals itself.
Bullseye: Fine then! (Comes out of hiding) I can’t hide any attack from you so I might as well attack! Dragapult, Breaking Swipe!
Dragapult swings Breaking Swipe as Mega Latios catches it with Shadow Claw. It then fires Luster Purge at point blank range.
Matt: Now Houndour, use Beat Up!
Houndour leaps into the air, front paws glowing black. It strikes Dragapult repeatedly, knocking it to the ground. Mega Latios then fires Draco Meteor, defeating Dragapult and the blast knocking Bullseye into a wall. He swoops in and pins Bullseye down.
Matt: I would stay down if I was you.
Zekrom strikes Hariyama with Zen Headbutt, causing it to stumble backwards. Hariyama thrusts its palm forward as Zekrom catches it and yawns. Hariyama thrusts its second palm forward, caught again.
Zekrom: You alone were worth the wake up call. Too bad it’s over.
Ian: Zekrom, use Bolt Strike!
Zekrom is struck by lightning from above, electrocuting Hariyama into submission.
Kingpin: No! I will not lose to you again!
Fist Rotom shoots forward, punching Kingpin in the head and knocking him out. Rotom cackles and blows on its fist.
Lawrence: Dragon Pulse!
Dragon Pulse hits Zekrom, annoying it. It turns at Dracozolt, which takes a Techno Blast again. Zekrom charges in with Fusion Bolt.
Looker: No wait!
Zekrom rams Dracozolt, the attack absorbed to heal it. Dracozolt then blasts it again with Dragon Pulse, knocking it away. An aura blast hits Zekrom again, Edelgard laughing at the hit.
Edelgard: Success! How’s that?! Not so powerful now, are you?
Crystal: It’s like she doesn’t even see me! Pelipper, Shock Wave! Dragonite, Thunder!
The electric attacks fire and hit Grimmsnarl, it roaring triumphantly as it breaks the attack. It then falls down to its knees while Dragonite approaches. It stabs it with False Surrender, knocking it back.
Edelgard: I will rule this world! This is for me to, to, ugh.
Strength Sap wraps around Edelgard, as Hubert appears by her side and gently lowers her.
Hubert: Hush now. This fight for you is over.
Edelgard: (Exhausted) No. I, am not done.
Dragonite and Pelipper unleash a double Hurricane, defeating Grimmsnarl.
Hubert: Yes you are.
The rain begins to fade as Zekrom strikes Dracozolt with a Dragon Claw. Genesect fires Techno Blast to freeze them over, Lawrence trapped in the ice.
Lawrence: No. NO! My collection. Why?
Ian: You didn’t anticipate me obtaining more pieces on the board. That is checkmate I believe.
End Scene
The IPA has occupied the Raft, all the inmates corralled back to their cells and the guards detained. Kingpin and Lawrence are shipped out while the others are locked back up.
Looker: Most of the guards state that they were blackmailed into obeying Fisk. But their financial records will tell the truth.
Matt: What’s more, (Holds up X-Tranceiver) your recording will be more than enough testimony to get the charges against you dropped and the case dismissed. No one will dare mess with this poison apple.
Ian: Thank you for everything.
Matt: I didn’t do much compared to you. You must be exhausted.
Edelgard is taken away on a stretcher, Hubert clinging close to her side.
Ian: What about their case?
Matt: I will argue on their behalf of their role in stopping Fisk and Edelgard’s torture by him. But it may not be enough.
Ian: I promised them their freedom.
Looker: While I disagree with this idea, I will do my best to ensure it as well.
Ian: Thanks.
Crystal hugs Ian from behind, drooping over his shoulders.
Crystal: (Teary eyed) I’m just glad you are out of jail! That was stressful!
Ian: How are the Pokémon doing?
Crystal: Great!
Crystal leads the way to the corner, where Chansey is healing Latias, Latios, Zekrom and Rotom. Dragalge cheerfully rubs up to Latias.
Ian: Thank you again. This would’ve been impossible without your help.
Crystal: Any time. What will you do now?
Ian: Lay low. Nia told me to take my time as long as I’m back for the Unova League. Plus, I need to think. About a lot of things.
Matt: Do you want me to sell the Outskirt Stand?
Ian: No, not yet. But do file bankruptcy or something. Prevent me from being arrested again.
Matt: I will handle it.
Ian: Thank you.
Latias and Latios rise up, nuzzling up to Ian. Zekrom yawns and reverts into the Dark Stone. Rotom merges with the Snag Machine as the two items are put in Ian’s bag. He returns Dragalge and hops on Latias. The Eon duo soar off into the air, disappearing.
Looker: It’s quite impressive, what you managed to do Matt. Ever considered working for the IPA?
Matt: I became a lawyer to help out the small folk. I am perfectly fine where I am.
Main Events[]
- Ian is arrested and sent to the Raft.
- Ian encounters Kingpin, Lawrence and several others again.
- Edelgard and Hubert return.
- Ian is cleared of his charges.
- Duking
- Attendant
- IRS agents
- Officer Johnson
- Cail
- Willie
- Rotom (Ian's)
- Latios (Ian's)
- Mega Latios
- Latias (Ian's)
- Zekrom (Ian's)
- Dragalge (Ian's)
- Houndour (Matt's)
- Pelipper (Crystal's)
- Dragonite (Crystal's)
- Chansey (Crystal's)
- Genesect (Looker's)
- Polteageist (Hubert's)
- Hariyama (Kingpin's)
- Vanilluxe (Lawrence's)
- Dracozolt (Lawrence's)
- Hitmonlee (Batroc's)
- Dragapult (Bullseye's)
- Dreepy (Bullseye's, x2)
- Aggron (Dozu's)
- Primeape (Gorigan's)
- Muk (Petrel's)
- Grimmsnarl (Edelgard's)
- Ekans
- Koffing
- Rattata
- Houndour
- Patrat
- Trubbish
- Cacnea
- Carvanha
- Electrike
- Growlithe
- Herdier
- Poochyena
- The idea for this special was proposed by Primal. When I had asked for story ideas, he recommended one where Team Rainbow Rocket got him arrested. I adapted that to feature Kingpin instead, who is notorious for having complete control inside prisons.
- The idea for being arrested for tax evasion is due to this charge being how Al Capone, one of the most gangsters in New York, is arrested. After being arrested, they were able to build up their cases for murders and all his other crimes.
- Tax evasion is a serious crime.
- While being a movie special, it ties in directly from Ian's last few appearances as the set up.
- My writing of Ian being arrested and the trial were inspired by the show Law & Order.
- Matt Murdock was chosen as Ian's lawyer due to the connection with Kingpin. It also worked as Matt works in Hell's Kitchen, New York in the Marvel comics, representing those in poverty like conditions.
- Matt acts like he has his abilities from the comics, with super heightened senses. It is implied yet never stated that he's blind.
- Wesley returning as a lawyer with the IRS was to show that Kingpin was behind it all.
- The Raft was taken from Marvel Comics.
- Kingpin framed the entire battle in the Raft as a chess game, with both sides having corresponding pieces.
- Kingpin's side: Dozu and Gorigan were rooks, Petrel and Bullseye were bishops, Kingpin and Batroc were knights, Edelgard was the queen and Lawrence was the king.
- Ian's side: Crystal and Looker were rooks, Hubert and Matt were bishops, Latios and Latias were knights, Ian was the queen and Zekrom was the king.
- The battle in the Raft drew inspirations from Netflix's Daredevil series, influenced by a signature fight in each season.
- The first hallway fight in the cell block resembles Daredevil's hallway fight in Season 1, as well as Punisher's prison hallway fight in Season 2.
- The stairwell scene was inspired by the Stairwell fight in Season 2.
- The overall prison riot fight was inspired by the Prison fight in Season 3.
- While the Raft is said to be a prison for the worst of the worst, criminal organization leaders are separated and kept in other secure locations. This is so they don't band together to take over, like how Kingpin and Lawrence did.
- When Petrel disguised himself as Looker, he talked like Looker does in his first few game appearances, specifically Platinum.
- Edelgard being wrapped in a straight jacket and tortured was based off the MCU movie Captain America: Civil War. Wanda Maximoff was featured in the Raft, with a shock collar and straight jacket on, implying she was tortured since they feared her abilities.
- Edelgard remaining in the straight jacket was to represent how she was out of her mind throughout the episode.
- Lawrence's plan to force Ian to use Zekrom is exactly the same as Ghetsis' plan back in Vs. Kyurem. They both forced him into an impossible situation where it was his only option.
- Ian was unable to summon Rayquaza like he has done in the past. This is directly tying into the plot of the season 3 Delta Episode, and foreshadowing part of the situation.