James is a young trainer who lives just outside of Olivine City. He is a friend of Jasmine, and he often helps Owen on his journey.
James is a young and handsome man, who is around 20 years old. He is an excellent Pokemon trainer, and he enjoys training young and new Pokemon trainers. His favourite Pokemon type is Water.
James once helped Owen train. He was the first person to battle him. James lost the battle. He fought with a Wooper he had catched a few days ago. He helped extinguish the first with his Blastoise, when an old munitions warehouse on Johto Route 39 exploded.
James has all Johto badges. He hasn't beaten the League yet, though.
Blastoise - This Blastoise was James' starter Pokemon (back then it was Squirtle). He has been with James for a very long time. He is extremely loyal to James, and does everything his trainer asks him to do. It's only known move is Hydro Cannon.
Wooper - James catched a Wooper after he was asked by Jasmine to train Owen. It wasn't very strong, and it lost against Owen's Ampharos. It's only known move is Water Gun.
- Season 1 - Welcome to Johto!