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Rotom is a Pokémon owned by Ian. It is the seventh Pokémon he obtained in Sinnoh, and his thirty sixth overall.

'Ian's Rotom
Poké Ball
Ian's Rotom
Debuts in Vs. Rotom
Caught at Old Chateau
Gender Genderless
Ability Levitate
Current location In Ian's Rotation

Pokémon Tales: Dawn[]

In Vs. Rotom, Rotom lived in the Old Chateau, playing pranks on any visitors. When Ian and his group arrived, it took ahold of the household appliances there to prank them, revealing all of its different forms. It froze them with Frost form and defeated Ian's Monferno and Marowak with Wash form. It battled his Piplup in Mow form, but was forced out of it and exposed. Afterwards, Ian invited Rotom to join his team so it isn't lonely anymore. Rotom accepts and is caught.

In Vs. Rhyperior, Rotom finds an abandoned lawn mower and possesses it. It then reeks havoc with it, tearing through several peoples' lawns. It is stopped by Barry's Heracross, being injured. It is later used against Conway's Nosepass then again against Heracross for a rematch during the Twinleaf Festival tournament. It won both battles. Ian decides to keep it in Mow form.

In Collision with the Enemy, Rotom was forced out of its Pokéball by Kodai's Mismagius. It exits the lawn mower to escape, being Ian's ace in the hole. When Kodai is distracted. Rotom comes out and Astonishes his Shuppet, allowing it to be defeated by Kay's Drogon.

In Vs. Plusle and Minun, Rotom is training with Ian and Piplup.

In Full Battle Against Dakota Rex, Rotom is Ian's fifth choice to battle Dakota. It battles Ian the Sandslash. Ian's familiarity with the Sandslash's battle tactics allow him to predict its movement, assisting Rotom in striking Ian the Sandslash repeatedly. Rotom defeats Sandslash, then is defeated by Rhonda the Nidoqueen.

In Vs. Shaymin, Rotom is chosen to assist in battling Hunter J, receiving a defense boost from Dawn's Cherubi using Flower Shield. It primarily battled Ariados, severing its threads and stopping its ensnaring attacks. It is eventually caught in Ariados' Sticky Web, but is able to exit its lawn mower to get out of it. Ian's Bayleef uses Grass Pledge to launch it into the air, where it destroys Hunter J's arm cannon.

In Vs. Glameow and Gallade, Rotom trains with Kenny's Castform. Rotom tries to resist its Hurricane attack, but is blasted back. The training ends shortly after this.

In Vs. Crystal 1, Rotom is Ian's first choice in battling Crystal. Since she had never seen it before, her team wasn't as prepared to handle it, as she wasn't familiar with its battle style. Rotom battled Happiny first, managing to avoid her attacks and push her back. Crystal recalled her to choose Mismagius, which was able to hit Rotom with strong attacks and confuse it. Ian recalled Rotom, but chose it again to battle Buizel. Using the rainstorm on the field, its Discharge was able to conduct on the wet field to hit Buizel, despite his speed. Rotom then defeated him with Leaf Storm once the storm ended.

In Vs. Crystal 2, Rotom remains on the field from the last time. It briefly battles Bronzong, but it simply uses Rain Dance and swaps out. When Crystal chooses Pachirisu, Ian swaps Rotom out. Ian chooses Rotom as his final Pokémon to battle Pelipper, which is powered up by her new Drizzle power and rain. Rotom is forced to abandon its lawn mower for speed, which ends with it being destroyed. Rotom is able to connect electric attacks, including sending Discharge up the Hydro Pump stream. Rotom defeats Pelipper, pulling an upset and winning the match.

In New Moon Shines on the Collector, Rotom is first chosen to battle a trainer's Rowlet, defeating it easily. It was chosen to help lure Marshadow out of hiding, as it was comfortable around Ghost types. It is defeated by Shadow's Gengar unleashing a surprise attack. It is healed and later chosen to battle with Wyatt's Crabominable against Lawrence's Wishiwashi and Vanilluxe over a pool. Rotom is forced into the water, allowing it to strike everything with Discharge. It is defeated by Wishiwashi's Beat Up attack.

Pokémon Tales: Orre[]

In Vs. Shadow Hariyama, Rotom teams up with Latias to battle Divel's Psyduck and Shadow Quagsire. Rotom used its attacks to distort the foe, such as using Double Team and Astonish. After Latias defeated Quagsire, it used Discharge and defeated Psyduck.

In Vs. Shadow Zangoose, Wash Rotom teams up with Lucario to battle Willie's Linoone and Shadow Zangoose. The two work well together, blocking Willie's attacks and using combinations. However, Rotom is caught off guard and struck hard by a shadow move. When Willie tries to snag it, Lucario learns Heal Pulse to help it recover and resist the snagging. Rotom and Lucario used a Discharge/Me First combo that defeats the two foes and allows Ian to snag Zangoose. Following the battle, Rotom leaves the washing machine to inhabit a Snag Machine, becoming the new "Fist Rotom."

In Vs. Shadow Onix, Fist Rotom comes out and saves Ian from falling into the abyss. It then teamed up with Magnemite to battle Gorigan's Primeape and Shadow Onix. Rotom reveals it knows Focus Punch, and is able to do heavy damage to Onix .It later teams up with Hariyama, and weakens Onix enough for Ian to snag it.

In Vs. Shadow Prinplup, Rotom is chosen so Ian can access the Snag Machine it was inhabiting. Rotom reluctantly gave it up, allowing Ian to snag Prinplup back. Ian then told it to search around for a new toy.

In Vs. Shadow Skarmory, Rotom comes out of the wiring and possesses a microwave, taking on his Heat form. It ambushed Gonzap's Skarmory, allowing Ian to snag it. Its Discharge weakens Crawdaunt to allow Claydol to defeat it. Heat Rotom teams up with Claydol again to battle Dakim's Krookodile and Shadow Heracross, targeting Heracross. Heracross' attacks destroy the microwave, but Rotom manages to defeat Heracross to allow Ian to snag it.

In Vs. Shadow Relicanth, Rotom and Claydol battled against Gonzap's Crawdaunt and Pinsir. The two worked well together, Claydol immune to Discharge and Claydol helping to block other attacks. Rotom is eventually defeated by Crawdaunt.

Pokémon Tales: Plasma[]

In Vs. Reuniclus, Frost Rotom is powered up by Mr. Mime's Baton Pass. It defeats Caitlin's Shiny Sigilyph, but not before being trapped by Gravity.. It battles Reuniclus next, landing a few attacks before being forced to abandon the refrigerator, which bursts into pieces. Reuniclus is swapped out for Gothitelle as the two battle using the debris. Rotom is defeated by a Future Sight attack.

In Vs. Archeops, Rotom traveled through appliances in Professor Juniper's lab. When they were under attack Rotom took to the power lines to investigate. It is lured in by a Static ability and ambushed by Shadow's Electabuzz.

Rotom made a cameo in Vs. Liepard and Swoobat and Zebstrika.

Pokémon Tales: Champion[]

In Fein of a Bella Notte, Rotom traveled the power lines to cause a black out on Dakota's date with Fein. It briefly battled Steve's Yamper before its Shadow Ball veered off and Yamper chased it.

In Battle of the Bands, Rotom possesses a synthesizer machine and serves as the instruments back up for MC WOTT.

In Heroes of Big Town, Rotom appeared in Fist Form possessing the Snag Machine. This allowed Ian to use it as a power up hidden attack in his superhero persona "Yellow Jacket".

In School in Alola, Rotom is revealed to inhabit Ian's X-Transceiver, allowing him to carry 7 Pokémon on hand. It battles Sophocles' Togedemaru. After taking on its Fan form, it wins easily.

In Flames of War 1, Rotom comes out of the X-Transceiver and frees Sandslash from ice with a new Uproar attack. It later inhabits the Snag Machine to become Fist Rotom and attaches to Ian's arm for their Yellow Jacket power up. It shocks Edelgard and forces her back.

In Flames of War 2, Fist Rotom continued to help Ian fight off Edelgard. Once the battle became a scramble to obtain the Satoshin Crystal Ian let Rotom off his arm to go after it. Rotom defeats Edelgard's Clawitzer and faces off against Hubert's Polteageist. It is defeated by an aura blast from Edelgard.

Rotom made a cameo appearance in Ranch Vacation.

Pokémon Tales: Mega[]

In Vs. Malamar, Rotom comes out of the X-Transceiver and causes mischief in the Team Flare base to lure anyone out. When Ian and others are hypnotized, it appears to the rescue with Uproar to wake them up.

In Vs. Malva, Rotom comes out of the electric line to wake Ian from hypnosis with Uproar. It is ambushed by Domino's Spiritomb and defeated.

In Kingpin's Gambit, Rotom was Ian's only Pokémon in his brawl inside the prison. Rotom possessed the Snag Machine to take its Fist form, latching onto Ian's arm to help him fight. They fight through several layers of guards and grunts, and helps defeat Gozu's Aggron and Petrel's Muk. In the battle on the courtyard, Rotom continued to help Ian fight, though served more as a self-defense method rather than the primary attacker.

In Vs. Aqua, Rotom gets angry when the X-Transceiver gets waterlogged with it still trapped inside. It helps Ian escape from the Team Aqua submarine, fending off grunts' Pokémon alongside Archie's Tentacruel and Shelly's Walrein.

Pokémon Tales: Companion/Rainbow Rocket[]

In Aspiring for Something There, it's revealed that Rotom now inhabits Ian's new cell phone, making it a Rotom Phone. It appeared after the phone was stolen and it popped out to scare the offender. It later battled Crystal's Mismagius, where it used fast attacks to disorient him. However Rotom is defeated.

In Vs. Tapu, Rotom is revealed to be inhabiting Ian's Snag Machine on his arm, being in Fist Rotom form. Ian desperately has it take his Pokéball belt and flee from the radius of Light That Burns the Sky. While Rotom doesn't want to, it respects his command and goes. When Ian is saved, it clings back to him crying.


Rotom is very mischievous and likes to scare people. It uses its ability to possess appliances to make people believe the place is haunted, and then chases them down. It also likes to simply attack people, electrocuting Dawn just for the heck of it, and using Frost form to freeze everyone over.

It initially doesn't see difficult battles as "fun." It likes battles where it can easily overwhelm its opponents. However, it later becomes one of Ian's heavy hitters and participates in some of his strongest battles. It now typically lives in Ian's X-Transceiver in order to initiate quick attacks or rescues.

Known Moves[]

Normal Rotom[]

Move First Used In
Thunder Shock Vs. Rotom
Astonish Collision with the Enemy
Double Team Vs. Crystal 2
Discharge Vs. Crystal 2
Shadow Ball  Vs. Reuniclus
Thunderbolt  Vs. Reuniclus
Uproar  Flames of War 1
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.

Fist Rotom[]

Move First Used In
Focus Punch  Vs. Shadow Onix
Double Team Vs. Shadow Onix
Discharge Vs. Shadow Onix
Astonish Vs. Shadow Onix
Thunderbolt  Heroes of Big Town
Uproar  Flames of War 2
Shadow Ball  Kingpin's Gambit
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.

Fan Rotom[]

Move First Used In
Air Slash Vs. Rotom
Shadow Ball School in Alola
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.

Frost Rotom[]

Move First Used In
Blizzard Vs. Rotom
Thunderbolt Vs. Reuniclus
Double Team Vs. Reuniclus
Shadow Ball Vs. Reuniclus
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.

Heat Rotom[]

Move First Used In
Overheat Vs. Rotom
Discharge Vs. Shadow Skarmory
Astonish Vs. Shadow Skarmory
Double Team Vs. Shadow Skarmory
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.

Wash Rotom[]

Move First Used In
Hydro Pump Vs. Rotom
Discharge Vs. Shadow Zangoose
Double Team Vs. Shadow Zangoose
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.

Mow Rotom[]

Move First Used In
Leaf Storm Vs. Rotom
Astonish Vs. Rhyperior
Discharge Vs. Rhyperior
Double Team Full Battle Against Dakota Rex
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.


In The Most Awesome Tournament Ever Part 2, Mow Rotom was used to battle against Ian's Zorua, who was competing independently in the tournament. They have an intense yet brief battle, with Rotom coming out as the winner.

Known Moves[]

Move First Used In
Leaf Storm The Most Awesome Tournament Ever Part 2
Discharge The Most Awesome Tournament Ever Part 2
Astonish The Most Awesome Tournament Ever Part 2
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.


  • Rotom debuted early in ARPS, appearing over 2 years before its official debut in the main franchise.
  • Rotom is the first Electric type Pokémon that Ian has caught.
  • Rotom is the first of Ian's Pokémon to be able to change forms.
  • With the introduction of its new "Fist form," Rotom is the first and only fanon Pokémon in the main episodes of the Pokémon Tales franchise.
  • Rotom has battled 1 Elite Four member, Caitlin.
  • Rotom storing itself in the X-Transceiver is an alternative to the Rotom Pokédex and the Rotom Phone.
    • Ian has used that to circumvent the rule of only having 6 Pokémon on hand.
    • Rotom later becomes the Rotom Phone.