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Alakazam is a Pokémon owned by Ian and previously by Sabrina. She is Ian's eleventh Pokémon obtained in Unova and his fifty eighth overall. She was Sabrina's sixth revealed Pokémon.

'Ian's Alakazam
Poké Ball
Ian's Alakazam
Debuts in Vs. Sabrina 1
Caught at
Evolves in Vs. Archen
Gender Female*
Ability Unknown
Traded in Vs. Archen
Original Trainer Sabrina
Traded for Ian's Meloetta
Current location With Ian
Kadabra Alakazam
This Pokémon spent 326 episodes as Kadabra.
Voice actor Japanese English
As Kadabra Unknown
As Alakazam Unknown

Pokémon Tales: Brendan[]

In Vs. Sabrina 1, Kadabra is chosen to battle Ian's Wingull. Ian notes on how her mustache is different than Sabrina's other Kadabra, showing that she is a separate Kadabra. Kadabra uses Charge Beam and Kinesis to overwhelm Wingull, forcing Ian to recall her. Ian chooses Marshtomp next, but Kadabra is able to defeat it with a combo of Psycho Cut and Kinesis. She then takes on Ian's Vibrava, blinding it again with Kinesis. Vibrava, however, extends the sand all across the ground, snaring Kadabra and her being defeated.

Pokémon Tales: Plasma[]

In Vs. Archen, Kadabra is traded to Ian for Meloetta. She evolves into Alakazam following the trade.

In Vs. Eelektross, Alakazam battled Cynthia's Eelektross. The two are even with each other, able to cut off each other's attacks. The battle is called off when they are of equal terms.

In War with the Shadow of Aura, Alakazam fought off the hordes of guards' Pokémon. She is eventually caught off guard and defeated by Mismagius. She is kept out her Pokéball and defeats Mismagius to escape captivity.

In Vs. Mienshao, Alakazam battled Paul's Mienshao. Her unusual usage of Psychic powers catches Paul off guard, allowing Alakazam to beat Mienshao. Paul countered with Drapion, who's body composition made Foul Play useless. Alakazam is defeated.

In Vs. Simipour, Alakazam assists in battling rampaging wild Pokémon.

In Hijacking at the High Seas!, Alakazam assisted in battling Batroc and his Hitmonlee. She is ambushed by an unseen Dragapult and then defeated by Hitmonlee.

In Return of the Victini Warrior, Alakazam had a role in a movie. She was one of the Magic Queen's Alakazam, fighting on the front lines. Through studio effects, it was the basis for several Alakazam.

In Vs. Swords of Justice, Alakazam resists the attack of a Cobalion. She accidentally triggers its Justified ability and is defeated by a single attack.

In Vs. Therian, Alakazam assists in battling the Therian Forces of Nature, redirecting attacks and saving Ian from a fall.

In Vs. Shadow Triad, Alakazam is ambushed and defeated by Shadow Triad.

Alakazam made a cameo in Vs. Liepard and Swoobat and Zebstrika.

Pokémon Tales: Champion[]

In Sprint to Recovery, Alakazam defeats Ken's Tentacruel with a new Psychic. It's shown in a flashback that Ian taught her Psychic to help him sort through fan letters, able to read and sort them faster than Ian could.

In Sorceress Under the Sea, Alakazam throws Fein's Zeraora into the attacks of Ian's Emboar and Max's Charizard. She defeats Fein's Greninja and Max's Kermit the Politoed.

In Uprising, Alakazam battles Red's Poliwrath. She deters Poliwrath's attacks and lands multiple hits and wins. She prepares to battle Scizor but is defeated in a single hit.

Alakazam made a cameo appearance in Ranch Vacation.

Known Moves[]

Move First Used In
Charge Beam  Vs. Sabrina 1
Psycho Cut Vs. Sabrina 1
Kinesis  Vs. Sabrina 1
Recover Vs. Sabrina 1
Foul Play  Vs. Eelektross
Psychic  Sprint to Recovery
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case.


  • This Kadabra makes it the first time that a trainer owns more than 1 of the same Pokémon, as Sabrina owns another Kadabra.
  • Alakazam is the second Pokémon traded to Ian.