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Errands and Adventures is the test pilot for a planned series, Heart and Soul. It first aired on 4/1/23.


Voice: Get him!

A red-haired boy is running along a trail through tall grass. Two men chase after him, both wearing black suits with red “R”s across their chests. One of them shakily pulls out a pistol and lets a shot ring out, narrowly missing the boy. His partner sputters.

Grunt 2: Are you crazy? The boss wants him alive!

Grunt 1: I was just gonna maim him!

Grunt 2: We both know you’re not a good enough shot to do that.

Grunt 1 huffs and keeps running. The boy’s sped up, putting more distance between him and his pursuers. He eyes a nearing mountain and runs even faster, sprinting up the sloping ground towards a cave entrance.

Grunt 1: Don’t let him get to Victory Road! We’ll never find him in there!

The red-haired boy disappears into the side of the mountain, his footsteps echoing and fading into the darkness of the cavern. The grunts break their sprint, slowing down and huffing.

Grunt 2: The boss is gonna kill us.

Grunt 1: Fuck the boss, Ariana’s who I’m worried about.

Grunt 2: Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Inside the cave, the boy listens from behind a boulder, breathing heavily. His face retains a steely determination, but a tear rolls down his cheek. He stands up abruptly and runs deeper into the cave.

Chalk scratches across the chalkboard as a girl writes out a question. She wears a red shirt and blue overalls and has a white hat sitting on top of her two pigtails.

Girl, as she’s writing: What.. is.. a.. regional.. variant..?

She turns away from the board, looking at the sole member of her audience- a boy in a red jacket and black shorts, with spiky black hair covered by a backwards cap. He scratches the back of his neck nervously.

Boy: C’mon, Lyra, you can’t start a lesson with a question!

Lyra: Can and will, Ethan! No judgment, just throw out any answer you think might be right.

Ethan sighs, looking at the ground. They’re outside, the chalkboard on wheels resting against the side of a yellow building. Ethan sits on a tree stump.

Ethan: Is it… when a pokemon looks or acts different in different regions? Like Arbok or Mantyke?

Lyra: Hm. Close!

She turns back to the board and begins writing.

Lyra: Regional variants are pokemon that, when introduced to a new ecosystem, adapt to survive, usually involving a change in typing and appearance, and sometimes even-

She’s interrupted by the slamming of a door. A tall, lanky man comes around the side of the building, seemingly out of breath.

Lyra: Dad!

Ethan: What’s up, Professor Elm?

Professor Elm: Ethan, I need you to run an errand for me!

Ethan sighs and stands up, dusting off his shorts.

Ethan: I suppose that’s what I’m here for. Where to?

Professor Elm: That’s the… Well, maybe you should come inside.

Ethan looks at Lyra, who shrugs. Ethan nods and follows Professor Elm around the side of the building and into his lab. A lab assistant with jet black hair waves politely before returning his focus to his computer.

Professor Elm: You’re familiar with Mr. Pokemon?

Ethan scratches the back of his neck.

Ethan: Kinda?

Professor Elm sighs and nods.

Professor Elm: That’s not his real name, of course, but he’s widely known for his love of pokemon-

Ethan: Yuck.

Professor Elm: -and his collection of artifacts and trinkets from around the world. Don’t be gross.

Ethan: Sorry. Yeah, I’ve heard of him. What’s the errand?

Professor Elm: Apparently, he’s got an egg that has recently come into his possession that he’d like me to take a look at.

Ethan: He can’t just go to a pokemon center?

Professor Elm: I suggested it, but he was having none of it. At any rate, I just need you to meet him in Cherrygrove.

Ethan raises an eyebrow.

Ethan: Cherrygrove? That’s-

Professor Elm: A long walk, yes, which is why I’m providing some extra incentive.

He scuffles over to one of his desks, nearly tripping over himself. He unlocks a briefcase and reveals three pokeballs. Ethan’s eyes get wide.

Ethan: A pokemon?

Professor Elm: They came in this morning. As you know, the league season starts soon, and I’ve heard you were thinking about challenging the gyms.

Ethan grins, nodding fervently.

Professor Elm: So consider this a gift from me to you. Take the pokemon of your choosing, pick up the egg from Mr. Pokemon, and that will be the last errand you run for me.

Ethan: Oh man, I can’t thank you enough, Professor Elm!

Professor Elm: Now, let’s get you your first pokemon.

He opens the pokeballs, releasing three different pokemon- a pale green quadruped with a large leaf on its head, a black and cream-colored mammal with a long snout and squinted eyes, and a blue reptile with red spikes and large teeth. Professor Elm gestures as he introduces them.

Professor Elm: We have Chikorita, a grass-type pokemon.

The green pokemon, Chikorita, chirps.

Professor Elm: Cyndaquil, a fire-type pokemon.

The mammal, Cyndaquil, yelps, a small burst of flames erupting from his back.

Professor Elm: And Totodile, a water-type pokemon.

The blue reptile, Totodile, dances and claps his claws together.

Professor Elm: Each of these pokemon have been specially bred to serve a new trainer on their journey, so the only question to remain is: Who will you choose to be your partner?

Ethan kneels down, bringing himself to the three pokemon. They all look at him eagerly. Ethan turns to Professor Elm.

Ethan: Don’t suppose I could just bring them all with me, huh?

Professor Elm chuckles, shaking his head.

Professor Elm: I’ve got another trainer coming from Goldenrod tomorrow for one of them.

Ethan: Can I take two then?

Professor Elm: Ethan.

Ethan: Sorry.

He turns back to the pokemon in front of him, eyes narrowing. Chikorita chirps excitedly, jumping up and down. Cyndaquil mewls softly, sniffing Ethan’s hand. Totodile continues to dance, unaware of the young man looking at him.

Ethan: I think… I think I’ve made up my mind.

Professor Elm: Yeah?

Ethan nods.

Ethan: Yeah. Cyndaquil, how’d you like to come with me?

Cyndaquil chirps excitedly, a plume of fire erupting from its back. Ethan grins.

Ethan: Alright, then! Cyndaquil, I choose you!

He affectionately and excitedly pets his new pokemon, careful to avoid the red tufts of fur on its back.

Professor Elm: Excellent choice.

He returns Chikorita and Totodile to their pokeballs and hands Cyndaquil’s to Ethan.

Professor Elm: I’ll have to call the other trainer and let her know.

He checks his watch.

Professor Elm: You should probably be on your way soon, if you want to make it back before nightfall.

Ethan stands up, offering a mock salute to the Professor.

Ethan: Aye aye, cap’n. C’mon, Cyndaquil!

Cyndaquil chirps and takes off after Ethan as he runs out of the lab. Professor Elm sighs.

Outside, Ethan and Cyndaquil approach Lyra, who is finishing her notes on regional variants on the chalkboard.

Lyra: Good, you’re back! So basically, regional variants are-

Ethan: Let me stop you there, Elm Jr. I’ve got an errand to run.

Lyra: Right, right. When you get back, then.

Ethan shakes his head.

Ethan: Gonna have to be tomorrow. Your old man’s sending me to Cherrygrove.

Lyra cocks her head curiously.

Lyra: Cherrygrove? But that’s a long way, which means-

Ethan grins as Cyndaquil emerges from behind him bashfully. Lyra squeals in excitement.

Lyra: Eeeee! A Cyndaquil! Too cute! I knew my dad got the new pokemon in, but I didn’t- ah!

She looks around, huffing.

Lyra: Where’d he go off to?

She takes a deep breath before letting out a loud scream.

Lyra: MARILL!!!!!!!

In the distance, a flock of Spearow fly away. A series of faint ‘boing’s are heard, increasingly louder, as a round blue rodent- Marill- bounces into view on his tail. His presence scares Cyndaquil, who hides back behind Ethan’s legs. Lyra pouts.

Lyra: Don’t be scared, Cyndaduil! Marill’s a friend!

Ethan looks at Cyndaquil and smiles. The fire-type squeals nervously.

Ethan: It’s alright, buddy. C’mere.

He squats down, opening his arms. Cyndaquil scurries into them, nuzzling into Ethan as he stands up. Ethan strokes the top of its head.

Ethan: Cyndaquil is just a little skittish. He’ll get used to you, Marill! You too, Lyra.

Lyra sighs.

Lyra: I guess I’ll have to teach a lesson on socialization next.

She perks up.

Lyra: Oh, grandma and gramps would love that! I should call them and see about-

Ethan: Exciting stuff, Lyra, but I’ve got to get to Cherrygrove.

Lyra: Right, sorry. Have fun! See you tomorrow!

Marill trills in affirmation. Ethan laughs and waves as he walks off, passing a sign that says “Welcome to New Bark Town”.

Ethan trudges west across Route 29, Cyndaquil by his side. The sun is high in the sky, and he wipes a bead of sweat off his forehead. Ethan mutters to himself.

Ethan: “Get a summer job!” they said. “It’ll be fun!”

Cyndaquil squeaks.

Ethan: I’m allowed to complain.

Cyndaquil squeaks again.

Ethan: I don’t like your tone, mister.

Cyndaquil huffs, letting off a puff of smoke from his mouth as the flames on his back flare up. Ethan eyes him cautiously.

Ethan: You know, you should probably be more careful with your fire here. Dry grass and all that.

Cyndaquil stops walking, staring at the grass beneath him. Ethan stops his walk as well, looking at Cyndaquil with confusion.

Ethan: What are you-?

Cyndaquil sneezes, a cloud of embers escaping from his snout and settling onto the grass. Ethan sputters.

Ethan: Motherfucker dude, what the hell is wrong with you?

The small flames burn through a few stalks before fizzling out, leaving a patch of smoking black field. Cyndaquil makes a sound almost reminiscent of a snicker.

Ethan: You… You got lucky this time. Any more antics and it’s back into your pokeball, buddy.

Cyndaquil squeaks again, the flames on his back extinguished.

Voice: Hey! You! With the Cyndaquil!

Ethan and Cyndaquil perk up, looking forward to find a girl with long purple hair tied into pigtails underneath a baseball cap. She wears a yellow and black-striped overshirt with a light blue undershirt and black shorts. A yellow and black pokemon stands by her side.

Casey: My name’s Casey and I challenge you to a pokemon battle!

Ethan looks down at Cyndaquil, who nods, a puff of smoke escaping his snout.

Ethan: Name’s Ethan. You’re on.

Casey: Sweet! Elekid, batter up!

Ethan: Cyndaquil, uh, go!

Caution thrown to the wind, Cyndaquil and Elekid take their stances facing each other. Casey turns her baseball cap backwards.

Casey: Ladies first! Elekid, Thundershock!

Elekid screeches, winding both of its arms in a circular motion. Static cracks across its body, a weak bolt of electricity firing from its horns. Cyndaquil dodges with ease.

Ethan: Blind it with Smokescreen!

Cyndaquil barks, the fire on his back erupting. A cloud of smoke escapes from his snout, obstructing Elekid’s vision.

Casey: Hey, no fair! Elekid, stand and charge!

Elekid grunts in response. A whirring sound can be heard from within the cloud of smoke.

Ethan: Ember, aim for the sparks!

Cyndaquil rears onto its hind legs, firing a small but concentrated burst of flames into the smokescreen. The attack seems to hit its mark, earning a groan from Elekid.

Casey: Quick Attack, take the plate!

Ethan: Huh?

Elekid emerges from the smokescreen with a burst of speed, heading straight for Cyndaquil before sliding on its side, delivering a swift kick to the smaller pokemon. Cyndaquil cries out as he flies through the air, landing in a bout of tall grass. The fire-type huffs indignantly. Ethan’s eyes go wide.

Ethan: Cyndaquil, no!

But it’s too late. Cyndaquil’s back flares up as he fires off an Ember. The attack hits Elekid head-on, who grunts, but also sets the grass around Cyndaquil ablaze. The rodent squeals, running out of the burning shrubbery.

Ethan: Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

He turns to Casey.

Ethan: Do you have another pokemon on you?

She nods shakily.

Casey: Just caught ‘em! Pidgey, go!

She throws a pokeball, releasing a brown bird- Pidgey. The flying-type caws as it flies in place, eyeing the slowly-growing fire.

Ethan: We can use Pidgey to-

Casey: Blow out the flame! Pidget, Gust!

Pidgey squawks, flapping its wings.

Ethan: No! Pidgey, stop!

Pidgey’s Gust is halted. It trills in confusion.

Ethan: Are you crazy? That’ll just fan the fire! Try Sand-Attack!

Casey: Oh, uh, right. Sand-Attack!

Pidgey squawks again, flapping its wings. The wind produced kicks up a copious amount of dust, smothering the flame. In a matter of seconds, the fire is reduced to a few smoking cinders and charred stalks of grass. Casey breathes a sigh of relief.

Casey: Thanks for that, Pidgey. Rest up!

With that, she returns the bird to its pokeball with a red beam of light. Cyndaquil bashfully curls up into a ball. Ethan notices this and sighs, his face softening. He kneels down.

Ethan: Hey, buddy.

Cyndaquil unfurls slightly, still apprehensive.

Ethan: It’s not your fault, Cyndaquil. I’m not angry with you. I was just scared, you know. I shouldn’t have accepted the challenge in the first place, I just got carried away. We’ll work on your control, buddy. It won’t happen again.

Cyndaquil unfurls fully, nuzzling Ethan’s hand as he pets him. Ethan laughs.

Ethan: I’m sorry.

Casey clears her throat.

Casey: Sorry to, uh, break this up. Ethan, yeah?

Ethan nods, standing up. He holds Cyndaquil in his arms.

Casey: It’s, uh, my fault too. Got too much into the spirit of the game!

Ethan eyes her up and down, nodding.

Ethan: Right. And, um, what game is that again?

Casey snorts.

Casey: Battling is my second love, but my first is and always will be BASEBALL!

She shouts the last word, causing Ethan to jump. Elekid grunts in agreement.

Casey: The Goldenrod Electabuzz are my team of choice!

Ethan frowns.

Ethan: Aren’t they, like, one of the worst-


He jumps again, startled.

Ethan: Right, of course. So why are you going to New Bark, then? Nothing for battling or baseball there.

Casey: Au contraire, my friend. I’m meeting a seller who has a limited edition-

She covers her mouth.

Casey: I’ve said too much.

Ethan: I promise you, I don’t care enough about baseball to-


Ethan nods in surrender, no longer startled enough to jump.

Ethan: Of course, of course.

Casey: At any rate, that was a great battle! You’ve got some real grit! Are you taking on the gyms?

Ethan nods.

Casey: Sweet! I am too! We should battle again sometimes!

Ethan: You’re on.

Casey: Do you have a pokegear?

Ethan nods, adjusting his hold on Cyndaquil in order to fish it out of his pocket. He hands it to Casey, who begins to type.

Casey: Awesome! I added myself! We’ll find each other again then!

Ethan nods enthusiastically, putting his pokegear back in his pocket. Casey pulls out her own and frowns, looking at the time.

Casey: Ah! I’m running late! We’ve gotta hustle, Elekid!

Elekid grunts in agreement, and the two take off running past Ethan and Cyndaquil. Casey calls back as she runs.


Ethan waves bye and sighs.

Ethan: What an odd girl.

Cyndaquil chirps in agreement.

The sun is lower in the sky as Ethan and Cyndaquil approach Cherrygrove City. He takes a deep breath, taking in the salty coastal air.

Ethan: Finally! Just gotta find the Pokemon Center now.

Cyndaquil chirps inquisitively.

Ethan: It’s like a… Well, I don’t think you know what a hospital is.

Cyndaquil shakes his head.

Ethan: Yeah, figured.

Voice: Hey, mister! Are you a trainer?

A young boy runs up to Ethan, his wide grin showing some missing teeth. Ethan returns his smile.

Ethan: Sure am. What’s up?

Jimmy: I’m Jimmy and I challenge you!

Ethan: Challenge me to what?

Jimmy is quiet for a moment, his face one of confusion.

Jimmy: A battle!

Ethan: Do you have a pokemon?

Jimmy: I am a pokemon!

Ethan: I can’t battle you, kid.

Jimmy: Please?

Ethan: Nope.

Jimmy: Fine! How about a race?

Ethan: A race?

Jimmy: A race!

Ethan: I don’t have time for this, kid. I’ve got to get to the Pokemon Center.

Jimmy: I can take you there! If you beat me, I’ll take you there!

Ethan eyes the boy skeptically, but finally relents upon extended eye contact with his pleading face.

Ethan: Fine, I’ll race you.

Jimmy: Cool! Last one to Mudwater Street is a rotten Exeggcute!

Ethan: Wait, where’s Mudwater-

Jimmy takes off, sprinting as fast as a boy of his age and stature possibly can. Ethan groans and takes off after him.

Ethan: C’mon, buddy.

Cyndaquil barks, running after his trainer.

Ethan slows into a jog before stopping altogether, placing his hands on his knees and panting. Sweat has accumulated on his face and drenched his jacket. Cyndaquil isn’t far behind him, the fire-type also clearly exhausted as well. Jimmy stands in front of them, hands proudly on his waist and a big smile across his face.

Jimmy: I win! You lose!

Ethan: Yeah, yeah. Cheater.

Jimmy: I didn’t cheat!

Ethan: You threw a trash can at me.

Jimmy: It wasn’t a full trash can.

Ethan: I’m done playing, kid. Where’s the Pokemon Center?

Jimmy grins, stepping to the side. The building behind him is tan with an orange roof and a big pokeball logo. Ethan breathes a sigh of relief.

Ethan: That couldn’t have been the fastest way to get here.

Jimmy: Noooo, but it’s the most fun!

Ethan sighs, standing up and straightening his back.

Ethan: Thanks, kid.

He walks into the Pokemon Center, relieved at the feeling of air conditioning. He looks around the lobby, finding it to be relatively empty, save one man sitting on a couch in the corner. Beside him are two glass containers, each filled with an egg. Ethan immediately recognizes the man as Mr. Pokemon and walks up to him. The old man’s eyes light up.

Mr. Pokemon: Ah! You must be one of Elm’s assistants!

Ethan: Errand boy.

Mr. Pokemon: Of course, my apologies. I assume you’re here for the eggs!

Ethan’s eyebrow shoots up.

Ethan: Eggs? Plural?

Mr. Pokemon looks rather scandalized at the question.

Mr. Pokemon: Why, yes! I told Professor Elm specifically! He said he had two trainers getting their starters and I said that I had two eggs to give him! Twos!

Ethan: He’s got two trainers getting pokemon, alright, but only one errand boy, and I was only told there’d be one egg. I don’t think I could carry another one!

Mr. Pokemon: Well that simply won’t do! I have two that I need him to look at!

The nurse at the counter seems to overhear their conundrum.

Nurse: Sir, if you’d like, we’re more than capable of looking at them for you!

Mr. Pokemon shares an incredulous look with Ethan before calling to the nurse.

Mr. Pokemon: That’s quite alright, ma’am, thank you.

He gestures for Ethan to lean in. Ethan does so.

Mr. Pokemon: These new nurses don’t know the first thing about- Why are you sweating so hard? Take off your jacket, you have an odor.

Ethan grimaces, taking a step back.

Ethan: I’d, uh, rather not.

Mr. Pokemon: Suit yourself! At any rate, it looks like we’re short a delivery boy.

Voice: Perhaps I can help.

Ethan and Mr Pokemon both turn their attention to a girl around Ethan’s age standing in the doorway. Her cyan hair is tied into pigtails, and she wears a white sporting jacket over a red tank-top and yellow shorts. Her stance exudes confidence, and she has a slight smirk on her face.

Krystal: The name’s Krystal. I’m supposed to meet Professor Elm about getting my starter.

Ethan: The one from Goldenrod? But you weren’t supposed to be in ‘till tomorrow?

Krystal shrugs.

Krystal: I wasn’t planning on leaving Cherrygrove until tomorrow morning, but the ferry from Goldenrod ran early today. If you’re heading back today, I see no point in waiting.

Mr. Pokemon: Then it’s settled! You can help… My boy, what did you say your name is again?

Ethan: I didn’t. But it’s Ethan.

Mr. Pokemon: Right! You can help Deacon take the eggs to Professor Elm!

Ethan rolls his eyes and turns to Krystal.

Ethan: Even if we leave now, it’ll be well after dark by the time we get back to New Bark Town. That alright?

Krystal: Perfectly fine.

Ethan: Great. Let me get a quick bite and we’ll head out.

Krystal: Sounds good.

Ethan: Good.

Krystal: Great.

Mr. Pokemon beams, obviously delighted by the turn of events.

Ethan, Cyndaquil, and Krystal stand at the outskirts of Cherrygrove City. The sun is low in the sky, and the air is hot, even with the distant coastal breeze. They each carry an egg- Ethan’s is a greyish-green with purple and red flecks, and Krystal’s is white with red and blue triangles. Ethan’s already sweating, which Krystal notices.

Krystal: Why don’t you just take off that dumb jacket? You’d be way cooler.

Ethan: I’m plenty cool already.

Krystal rolls her eyes.

Krystal: Right. That doesn’t answer my question.

Ethan: I like my jacket.

Krystal: So?

Ethan: So I like my jacket. Mind your business. I don’t ask you why your hair’s blue.

Krystal: What’s that supposed to mean?

Ethan: Exactly.

Krystal: That’s not- UGH! Fine, whatever, let’s just get going. Lucky for you, it’ll cool down as the sun sets.

Ethan: Yeah, thanks for the weather report, DJ Mary. I had no clue.

Krystal: Are you always this difficult?

Ethan: Mostly, yeah.

Krystal rolls her eyes and begins walking. Ethan looks at Cyndaquil and sighs, shaking his head. Cyndaquil huffs and begins to follow her.

Ethan: Hey!

He follows the two hurriedly, the three of them entering Route 29 as the sun sinks lower into the sky.

Major Events[]

  • Ethan, Lyra, Professor Elm, Casey, Mr. Pokemon, and Krystal make their debuts.
  • Ethan obtains Cyndaquil.
    • Cyndaquil is revealed to be male and knows the moves Ember and Smokescreen.
  • Lyra is revealed to have a Marill, who’s male.
  • Casey is revealed to have an Elekid and Pidgey.
    • Elekid is revealed to know Thundershock, Charge, and Quick Attack.
    • Pidgey is revealed to know Gust and Sand-Attack.


  • Red-haired Boy
  • Grunt 1
  • Grunt 2
  • Lyra
  • Ethan
  • Professor Elm
  • Lab assistant
  • Casey
  • Jimmy
  • Mr. Pokemon
  • Krystal


  • Chikorita
  • Cyndaquil (Ethan’s, newly captured)
  • Totodile
  • Spearow (flock)
  • Marill (Lyra’s)
  • Elekid (Casey’s)
  • Pidgey (Casey’s)


  • This episode was written as a test pilot, and was aired before the writing of any subsequent episodes was completed in order to test how audiences would respond to it.
  • During the writing of this episode, consulting was done with CrazyMew37 in order to ensure that the tone and characterization was different enough from The New Bark Trio which I highly suggest you read.
  • The race with Jimmy was done to mirror the act of receiving your Running Shoes, which is normally done as you enter Cherrygrove City. The kid being named Jimmy is a reference to a popular name for Gold, also known as Ethan.
  • Ethan calls Krystal “DJ Mary” while referencing the weather report. This is a nod to the radio show host present in the Johto games.
  • Age References:
    • Ethan is 18
    • Lyra is 16
    • Professor Elm is 36
    • Casey is 18
    • Jimmy is 9
    • Mr. Pokemon is ???
    • Krystal is 18
  • Special thanks to PrimalFan for beta reading!