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This movie is a crossover between Pokémon Tales: Brendan and Dakota Rex: Pokemon Master. It aired 6/10/2016.


In an undisclosed location, there is a long dark hallway. A shadowed figure enters the hallway, as it sprays an aerosol spray. This reveals a laser field going down the hall, the shadow smirking.

Figure: Klefki.

The figure chooses Klefki, which maneuvers through the laser field, arriving at the keypad on the other side. Klefki uses a keycard to deactivate the laser field, the figure making it across.

Figure: Excellent job.

Klefki: (Happily) Klefki! Klefki!

The figure makes it into a vault like room, it being void of anything except a containment chamber, with a blue egg with a glowing red core and yellow glowing dots. Klefki opens the container, as the figure reaches in and takes the egg. The shine of it reveals the figure’s face, it being Millis Steel. The image freezes, being on a screen.

Dakota: Her?! I got kidnapped by the government for her?!

Dakota is sitting in a dark conference room, watching Millis’ theft on a flat screen TV. Sitting with him is a man wearing a brown trench coat and raven colored hair.

Looker: She, as you refer to her, is Millis Steel, international thief. And we are the IPA, International Pokémon Agency!

Dakota: Whatev. So, what’s the deal with the egg?

Looker: That is the egg of the Legendary Pokémon Manaphy, one of the rarest Pokémon in the world. It will only hatch for a worthy trainer, in which we have had no luck in locating, which is why we kept it locked up. We believe she stole it, (He clicks the clicker) for this guy.

The image of a large pirate wearing a red coat and pirate hat appears on the screen.

Looker: The Phantom. He was the one we confiscated the egg from in the first place. His goal is to use it to locate the Sea Temple, to claim the Sea Crown, one of the ocean’s greatest treasures.

Dakota: So, you want me to find him and stop him, right?

Looker: We know where he is. Or at least where he’s headed. Our satellites revealed his trajectory is heading towards the Hoenn region, the first time that he’s had a concrete goal. We want you to steal the egg back. If he doesn’t have Manaphy, he can’t hope to find the Sea Temple.

Dakota: So you want me to travel out to Hoenn?

Looker: We have a plane waiting for you.

Dakota: Well, sweet. Abi and Elise are enjoying a girl’s weekend, whatever that means, so I’m free to go out on my own. Plus, it sounds fun. I’m in.

Looker: Good. Change your party as you desire. You leave in 30 minutes.

End Scene

Ian, Wingull, Misty, Max and Brendan walk through Forina valley, spotting several Swablu and Altaria flying overhead. The valley contains several Shroomish, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Vibrava, Poochyena, Mightyena, Breloom, Nuzleaf, Beautifly, Dustox, Hoppip, Skitty, Pineco, Abra, Tailow and Mankey.

Max: Aw! Look at all the Pokémon!

Brendan: You might as well enjoy up there, Max. Cause once we make it back to Dad, our journey will be over.

Misty: You say that as if he’ll chain you to the gym.

Brendan: (Shrugs) Wouldn’t put it past him.

Max: Come on! Let’s see if they’ll let us play with them!

Max runs off towards the wild Pokémon, the Poochyena, Zigzagoon and Tailow retreating. A Linoone rubs up against Max, then stands on its hind legs, towering and crashing down into Max, pinning him to the ground. Misty and Brendan laugh at that, Ian letting off a small smirk.

Brendan: Hehe. Come on. Let’s make sure he isn’t squished too bad.

Brendan and Misty go to help Max, Ian going to follow. Wingull turns her head, spotting something.

Wingull: Wing?

Ian stops, looking to see the source. A mass of shadows, sticking out in the sunlit valley, travels across the land, towards the seashore. Ian lifts his shoulder, Wingull flying after it.

Ian: You guys go. I’ll catch up in a bit.

Ian follows after Wingull, disappearing behind a tall valley stone pillar. By the time the others look up towards him to respond, he had vanished.

Brendan: What is he, a ninja?

Misty: Something must’ve caught his attention. He’s fast when he wants to explore.

Max: Hey guys! Look!

Misty and Brendan turn, seeing Max riding away on the Linoone, it speeding off in a straight line. A dust cloud obscures their vision, and Max and the Linoone are gone when it clears.

Brendan: Are you kidding me?! Max! Get back here!

Ian follows the rock maze, as Wingull circles overhead. Ian comes out of the clearing, spotting the seashore, a submarine docked at it. The mass of shadows envelops the hatch, then disappears.

Ian: If it’s a solid body, then that darkness covered up it going in. Which means,

Ian walks towards the submarine, Wingull landing back on his shoulder. Ian climbs up on top of the submarine, as he opens the hatch, going down it. He travels down the submarine halls, it being a large, spacious area. He encounters the mass of shadows in the center of a hallway, intrigued.

Ian: It’s stopped. What could create such a thing?

Ian sticks his hand into the mass of shadows, the hand disappearing into it. Something then bites into his hand, him wincing and pulling his arm out. The shadows break, as a Zoroark leaps out, clinging to the wall. Standing in the hallway is Dakota.

Dakota: Ian?!

Ian: Dakota? That makes everything a bit more interesting.

Zoro: How do we know he is who he says he is?

Dakota: Zoro, it’s cool. That’s Ian.

Zoro: I don’t believe it. Make him tell you something that only he would know.

Dakota: Are you serious? (Sighs) Zoro here wants to make sure that you are you. So, uh, this is awkward. Oh! Explain the time where we first met.

Ian: There was a storm. The boat I was traveling on wasn’t able to withstand the waves, so we docked in Mixas to wait it out. I had never experienced rain before, and was completely lost and disoriented in town, along with Sandshrew. You and Ren found us and helped us get to the Pokémon Center.

Dakota: Wow. That’s, uh, personal. Uh, he’s cool.

Zoro: Fine. But I’m keeping my eye on him.

Wingull: You do that. But you try anything else against him, you’ll be answering to me.

Zoro: Bring it, feathers.

Wingull and Zoro stare each other down, as Zoro holds its arms up, encasing the group in the shadows again.

Ian: What is this?

Dakota: The ability Illusion. Can be used a few different ways, but this is pretty good for now.

The three begin walking, able to see the hallway as they go.

Ian: So, what’s with the cloak and dagger?

Dakota: I’m on a super top secret mission to retrieve a Manaphy egg from a villain named Phantom.

Zoro: You idiot! You just told him everything! You are officially the worst spy ever!

Dakota: Keep your cool, Zoro! He’s trustworthy!

Ian: What’s a Manaphy?

Wingull: The Prince of the Sea. Legends say that a Manaphy can find the Sea Temple and claim its rightful place as King of the Sea.

Dakota: Whoa, King of the Sea?! Nobody mentioned that to me!

Ian: (Looking towards Zoro) Looks like you don’t know everything to tell me.

Dakota: Did you understand what he said?

Ian: No. I can, sense the general idea, or tone, of what the Pokémon is saying. I deduced the rest of it.

Dakota: Are you satisfied, Zoro? He can anticipate your thoughts.

Zoro: Just makes him even more dangerous if he’s an enemy.

Dakota: He’s not an enemy!

The two enter a room, where the Manaphy egg is on a pedestal. Dakota goes and pulls the egg off the pedestal, it sinking down. An alarm goes off, Dakota startled, tossing the egg up. He stumbles to catch it, but gets a grip on it.

Dakota: Whew! That was close!

Ian: You didn’t think about an alarm? Let’s move.

Ian and Dakota turn to leave the room, several pirates coming through the doorway. They are led by Galen, a man with blond hair wearing a blue pirate’s attire. 

Galen: You’ve got guts to try and steal from us. But your luck has run out. Get them!

Galen throws a Pokéball, choosing a Beedrill. The other pirates choose Venipede, Ekans, Koffing, Karrablast, Skorupi, Kricketune and Parasect, the room filled with Pokémon. 

Zoro: Grr. I hate Bug types. Slimy little spies!

Dakota: Bug type? The one time I don’t bring a Fire type in my party! Good thing I have, Lance!

Dakota throws a Pokéball, choosing Lance the Bagon. It has a mini cape on its back.

Bagon: Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh! It’s hero time!

Ian: Is that named after Lance of the Elite Four?

Dakota: What can I say? That cape makes him so cool!

Ian: Wingull, Combusken.

Wingull: Right. Engaging.

Wingull flies off Ian’s shoulder, as Ian chooses Combusken. Wingull flies in with Aerial Ace, while Combusken breathes Fire Spin. Ekans shoots Sludge Bomb to block Fire Spin, while Karrablast crashes into Wingull with X-Scissor. Zoro dashes in with Night Slash, while Kricketune blocks it with Fury Cutter. Lance breathes Flamethrower, Koffing spinning through with Gyro Ball. Skorupi goes to jab Lance with its tail with Poison Jab, Lance jumping away. The Poison Jab catches Lance’s cape, tearing it off.

Lance: My cape! You’re going to pay for that!

Dakota: Don’t get distracted! Go in for Headbutt!

Lance starts off in a run, jumping for Headbutt, hitting Koffing. Ekans then Wraps around Lance, squeezing it. Beedrill flies in with Twinneedle, as Wingull blasts it away with Water Pulse. A second Beedrill stabs the Ekans with its stinger, freeing Lance.

Lance: Freedom! I can fly again!

Zoro: (As Beedrill) You could never fly. 

Combusken takes Skorupi out with Sky Uppercut, as Venipede fires Poison Sting. Combusken forms Mirror Move, the Poison Sting being reflected back. Parasect fires Energy Ball, deflecting several of them. One of the Poison Stings cuts through the bandana of a pirate, partially revealing his face and white hair.

Ian: Shadow.

Dakota: That Pokémon collector’s henchman?

Shadow: Parasect, Spore.

Ian: Blizzard.

Parasect releases a Spore, as Wingull breathes Blizzard, blowing Spore back. Shadow raises his bandana back up, as Koffing and Karrablast are put to sleep.

Galen: Don’t go easy on them! Attack!

Lance shoots forward with Headbutt, Kricketune using its blade hand to redirect it to the side, crashing into the wall. The impact makes a dent in the wall, a small crack occurring, a trickle of a leak occurring.

Ian: That’s our way out. Combusken, line up your shot, then Overheat!

Combusken dashes off to the side, dodging Beedrill’s Poison Jab. Zoro uses Fury Swipes on Skorupi, Lance breathes Flamethrower on Venipede, as Wingull uses Blizzard to keep Parasect back. Combusken gets in line, Beedrill aligning in his path.

Combusken: Ian! I’ve got the shot!

Ian: Then fire!

Dakota: Shot for what?!

Combusken glows with a red aura, as he fires a white stream of fire. It blasts through Beedrill, and hits the leak on the wall, breaking through it and making the hole bigger. The room begins to flood, water rushing in.

Galen: If you want to die, that’s fine with me. Pull out! Seal the room!

The pirates return their Pokémon as they retreat from the room, Shadow and Galen standing right at the door.

Dakota: What? No, don’t leave me!

Dakota runs towards the door, Wingull flying in his path.

Wingull: No! That’s their plan! Take the egg from your panicking arms and lock you in!

Galen and Shadow watch for a moment, as the water rushes towards them. Galen groans as he closes the door, no water escaping the room. The water now makes it to their knees, as Combusken strikes the wall by the hole with Sky Uppercut.

Dakota: What are you doing?!

Ian: The hole’s not big enough. We need the hole large enough to fit through, so once the room fills up and the current stops, we can swim out.

Dakota: Surely that’s something you could’ve conveyed before!

Wingull: Isn’t it obvious? We weren’t getting through that door. More pirates would’ve come.

Zoro: So, his true colors are revealed! He’s trying to kill us!

Wingull: Say something bad about him again, and I’ll make you wish we were!

Combusken: This wall’s about to break, for anyone who cares.

Ian: Break it and leap back. 

Combusken makes the final strike to the wall, then leaps back as the water wall expands. Ian returns Combusken and Wingull, as Dakota returns Zoro and Lance.

Dakota: You do realize this is crazy?!

Ian: (Puts his goggles on) How long can you hold your breath?

Dakota: You’re just asking me that now?!

The two are pushed up to the ceiling, taking deep breathes. The two float underwater, as the two head for the hole. Dakota struggles to swim while holding the egg, Ian swimming over and grabbing him. They swim together through the hole, into open ocean. Dakota looks upwards, but Ian leads them forward, away from the sub. Both of their faces get strained, as they reach for their Pokéballs. Dakota loses his breath, slipping from Ian’s grip and beginning to sink. Ian grabs him and holds him tight to his chest, freeing his other arm and legs to help swim. 

The Manaphy egg presses against both of them, as it begins to glow. Ian is blinded by the light emanated from it, causing him to lose his focus. He loses his breath, as they both begin to sink. The egg morphs in form, becoming Manaphy.

Manaphy: Dada! Papa! Huh?

Manaphy shakes at both Ian and Dakota, neither of them responding.

Manaphy: No! Dada! Papa! Wake up! Help!

Manaphy’s antenna glow pink on the ends, energy pulses flowing from them to Ian’s and Dakota’s belts. Two Pokéballs open, choosing Marshtomp and Vaporeon.

Marshtomp: This isn’t what I expected.

Aqual: Forget that! They’re drowning!

Manaphy: Save them!

Marshtomp and Aqual take Ian and Dakota apart, as they carry them up towards the surface. 

On the ship, Phantom approaches Galen, a Chatot on his shoulder.

Phantom: What is going on?! There’s more commotion than when we boarded the S.S. Anne!

Chato: Rawck! S.S. Anne! S.S. Anne!

Galen: Some thieves broke into the cage, trying to steal the egg.

Shadow: Most likely successful. I’ve encountered the thieves before. The one is highly intelligent, and he intentionally broke that wall.

Galen: We can’t check the room until we seal the leak. 

Phantom: Leave some men to do that. Galen, lead the others to go after them! I want that Manaphy egg back!

Chatot: Rawck! Want it back! Want it back!

Galen leads the pirates, Shadow taking a moment in front of Phantom.

Shadow: Nice to know you honor your agreements, Captain. 

Phantom: Let’s hope your girlfriend is as good as stealing live targets as she is inanimate objects.

Shadow nods, as he catches up with Galen.

End Scene

Misty and Brendan lie on the ground, panting from exhaustion from chasing Linoone. Max is now buried under several playful Zigzagoon, all of them licking at him.

Max: Guys! Stop! That tickles!

Absol: Sol!

The Zigzagoon look up, as they all back off. Max looks up, seeing an Absol standing on a cliffside overlooking a mountain trail.

Max: Cool! An Absol!

Brendan sits up, spotting it.

Brendan: Oh, wow! That thing looks so cool! I’m going to catch it! Go, Beautifly!

Brendan gets up, choosing Beautifly.

Beautifly: Beautifly!

Brendan: Now go! Silver Wind!

Beautifly flaps her wings, releasing a Silver Wind. Absol leaps back to dodge, as it runs up the mountain trail.

Brendan: On, not that easily! Come back!

Brendan gives chase, Max running with him. Misty gets up, groaning as she jogs and stumbles after them.

Misty: Why is it always running?!

Beautifly keeps Absol in her sights, firing Silver Winds down at it. Absol gracefully dodges the attacks, as it stops at the mouth of a cave. Brendan spots it at the mouth, as it goes inside. Brendan stops at the entrance, Beautifly landing on his shoulder. Max joins him, then Misty. The cave is pitch black, them barely able to see inside.

Brendan: It went in there. We can’t just stumble around in the dark.

Max: For once, you make sense. 

Brendan: I make sense lots of times!

Misty: I’ve got this. Lanturn, come on out!

Misty throws the Pokéball, choosing Lanturn.

Lanturn: Lan!

Lanturn’s antenna Illuminates the cave, as it hops with them as they travel through it. Eventually,  a bright light emanates from the cave, Misty and Brendan both returning their Pokémon. They go towards the light, it being a large crystal, with a sleeping Jirachi inside it.

Brendan: Aw! That’s not Absol!

Max: What is it?

Misty: I don’t know. I’ve never seen that Pokémon before.

Millis: That’s Jirachi, the Wish Pokémon.

The group turns, as Millis walks in, Honedge floating by her side.

Millis: Thanks for the help in finding it, not that I needed it, of course. But I’ll take that off your hands for you.

Brendan: Oh, come now, beautiful! Surely someone as pretty as you would never hurt a Pidgey, let alone try to be forceful like that.

Millis: Um, EW! Is that your best attempt at flirting?!

Max: Heh. She called you out there.

Brendan: Oh, stuff it!

Millis: Gladly. Honedge, Slash!

Honedge floats forward, unsheathing the blade. 

Brendan: So much for that. Numel, Ember!

Brendan chooses Numel, which releases Ember, Honedge cutting through the attack. Honedge cocks back, and spirals forward with Aerial Ace.

Brendan: Quickly! Flame Charge!

Numel stomps the ground as he ignites into flames, charging and ramming Honedge. Honedge shoots back, but Numel takes heavy damage.

Misty: Can’t you handle anything?! Luvdisc, Water Gun!

Misty chooses Luvdisc, it landing on the ground.

Luvdisc: Luv!

Luvdisc shoots Water Gun, Honedge dodging easily. Honedge shoots forward for Slash attack.

Misty: Sweet Kiss!

Luvdisc’s lips glow pink, firing pink energy lips at it. Honedge is hit, as it’s confused, seeing Psyducks circling its head.

Brendan: Nice! Now, Ember!

Numel: Nu!

Numel shoots Ember, hitting Honedge, which hits itself in confusion as well. Honedge drops defeated, Millis scoffing while returning it.

Millis: Well, that was so anti-climatic. Chesnaught, plow through them with Pin Missile!

Millis chooses Chesnaught, its spikes glowing white and firing Pin Missile, exploding around the heroes, causing smoke to rise. Max is blasted back, as he stumbles and puts his hand onto the crystal. The crystal glows, as Max turns to look at it.

Max: Huh? 

Millis: No! That’s mine! Chesnaught, get it!

Brendan: Numel, push through with Flame Charge!

Misty: Luvdisc, Tackle!

Millis: Spiky Shield!

Chesnaught forms a green energy shield by slamming its arms together, spikes shooting out of them. Numel and Luvdisc collides into it, them taking damage from the spikes. They are knocked to the ground, while the crystal breaks down, freeing Jirachi. It floats forward and falls into Max’s arms, groggily opening its eyes.

Jirachi: Ugh. What time is it?

Max: Agh! You can talk!

Jirachi: Of course I can talk! How rude of you!

Chesnaught fires Pin Missile at the two of them, Max dropping to his knees to brace himself. Jirachi looks angry, as it spots Millis and Chesnaught.

Jirachi: Hey! Watch it!

Jirachi floats into the air, eyes glowing blue. Millis and Chesnaught are caught in a Psychic attack, which causes them to rocket out down the tunnel and out of the cave.

Brendan: Wow. Can I catch that one instead?

Max: No way! Jirachi is my friend!

Jirachi: Friend? I like the sound of that! Take me outside, friend, so we may play!

Max: (Giggling) Sure thing!

Ian and Dakota are resting by a river. Ian’s jacket hangs from a clothes line, a fire nearby. Ian is using a mortar and pestle to crush up some berries. Dakota sits by the fire holding Manaphy, looking severely uncomfortable. 

Manaphy: And then, I was swishing through the ocean by the currents, riding the waves. I once shot up twenty feet and just went, “Ka-chow!” It was awesome! Then, I was found, being taken by captain ugly beard. Then, I was taken again by glasses girl, then by Dada and Papa!

Dakota: Uh,

Ian: (Not looking) That sounds like fun.

Manaphy: It was, Dada! I was so happy when you guys found me! Papa, lift me over your head!

Dakota: What?

Ian: You might as well do it. It’s not going to stop.

Dakota: Uh, okay. 

Dakota holds Manaphy over his head, it cooing in excitement. Ian mixes the crushed berries into a baby bottle with a formula, putting the lid on it.

Ian: Okay, lunchtime. 

Manaphy: Yay! Papa, toss me to Dada!

Dakota: O,kay. Ian, uh, catch.

Dakota tosses Manaphy into the air, it sticking its arms out to the side, giggling with glee. Ian makes an airplane noise with his mouth, catching Manaphy with ease. He then gives Manaphy the bottle, drinking out of it.

Dakota: Why do you have a baby bottle?

Ian: From when Elise’s Togepi didn’t eat solid food.

Dakota: Ah. You know, her Togepi evolved into Togetic.

Ian: I didn’t know that. 

Dakota: So, now what? I mean, Manaphy is obviously attached to you.

Ian: You as well. You’re Papa, if I interpreted it correctly.

Dakota gets flustered at that, as he stumbles back.

Dakota: How can you be so calm about this? I mean, you’re already such an incredible father figure! Aren’t you the least bit concerned on what, you know, that means?!

Ian: Kids are like Pokémon. Sweet, innocent, say what they think. Never an agenda. Manaphy sees us as its parents. We can’t do anything about it, so there’s no reason to be confused by it or try to correct it. 

Dakota: Wow. That’s, really mature sounding. But, I meant what that means, about us? As a, coup…

Manaphy: All done!

Ian: Good job! How about you play in the river? Show off your excellent swimming skills?

Manaphy: Okay, Dada! Papa, can Aqual play with me?

Dakota: Uh, yeah. Sure. Aqual!

Dakota chooses Aqual.

Aqual: Yes?

Manaphy: Come on, Aqual! Let’s play!

Jirachi and Max are playing in a flower bed, several Shroomish running along with them. Misty and Brendan sit off to the side, watching. 

Brendan: Glad he’s having fun. I doubt we’ll have this much fun at home.

Misty: Relax. It’ll all work out.

A Hyper Beam shoots down at the flower bed, it exploding and scattering everyone. Brendan and Misty stand up, spotting Phantom, Millis and several pirates. Phantom is accompanied by Pinsir, while the pirates have Golbat, Venomoth, Whirlipede, Trubbish, Shelmet, Weezing and Ariados.

Brendan: Pirates?!

Misty: Seriously?!

Chatot: Rawck! Seriously! Seriously!

Brendan: Max! Get back! Spinda, uses Teeter Dance!

Millis: Oh, I don’t think so! Klefki, use Crafty Shield!

Millis chooses Klefki, it releasing a pink aura, as a large pink wall with a lock on it forms over the Pirates’ side. Spinda uses Teeter Dance, only causing confusion to the Shroomish nearby. Max has grabbed Jirachi and is running, as Chatot lands in front of them.

Chatot: Use Chatter! Use Chatter!

Chatot releases harsh soundwaves, hitting and confusing Max and Jirachi, the two dropping to the ground.

Misty: Lanturn, Bubble Beam! Surskit, Struggle Bug!

Misty chooses her Pokémon as Lanturn fires Bubble Beam, while Surskit releases Struggle Bug, blowing Whirlipede, Trubbish and Shelmet back. Golbat fires Air Cutter, hitting Surskit hard. Venomoth fires Signal Beam, which Lanturn counters with Signal Beam as well. Spinda goes for Feint Attack, Klefki being knocked back. Klefki fires Mirror Shot, Spinda dodging.

Millis: OMG! Is that stupid looking thing really beating me?

Brendan: Don’t judge a dancer by its moves! Let’s dance, girl.

Pinsir hits Spinda with Hyper Beam, shooting it into Brendan, knocking him down. Phantom walks over, snickering.

Phantom: There are two types of men, boy. The ones who get the girl, and the ones who don’t. And right now, this woman works for me. You don’t stand a chance. 

Misty: Lanturn, Wild Charge!

Lanturn shoots at Pinsir with Wild Charge, Pinsir taking it and catching it. Weezing blasts Lanturn with Sludge Bomb, defeating it. Jirachi tries to fly off, Millis spotting it.

Millis: As if! Klefki, Fairy Lock!

Klefki points its key head at Jirachi, as a pink lock forms around Jirachi, trapping it, unable to get free. Ariados snares it with Spider Web, reeling it in. Phantom grabs Jirachi, squeezing it and Jirachi screaming.

Jirachi: No! Let me go!

Phantom: The one who holds Jirachi is the one who will get its wish granted when it wakes! You now will serve my desire!

Millis: Yeah, great job. Now you can wish for that egg to hatch for you.

Phantom: Ah, your such a short sighted lass. 

Millis: Excuse me?! You dare insult me?!

Phantom: Once your friend told me that Jirachi could grant any wish, I determined that Manaphy itself is meaningless. The thieves who stole it most likely caused it to hatch, so you can just steal it back from them.

Misty, Max and Brendan are being wrapped in chains, a pirate putting a lock on it.

Brendan: Thieves?

Misty: Probably Ian.

Max: You let Jirachi go!

Phantom: Oh, why would I do that? I need my wish to come true!

Jirachi shines, the tag hanging on its right side glowing as writing is engraved on it. The ground begins to shake, as if an earthquake was shaking everything.

Aqual raises its tail up and down, Manaphy diving out of the water to try and grab it. Each time, Aqual lifts it up so Manaphy misses.

Manaphy: Aw! So close!

Aqual: So this is what Ren was talking about. Babies are easily entertained.

The ground shakes, as Ian and Dakota look out to sea. A large Sea Temple rises out of the ocean far in the distance, as Manaphy looks at it excitedly.

Manaphy: The Sea Temple! Home! Home!

Ian: So, that’s the Sea Temple?

Dakota: I’m surprised that it is so close to our location.

Ian: Definetely not a coincident. Let’s check it out.

Wingull: Ian!

Wingull flies back to them, landing on Ian’s shoulder.

Wingull: Pirates! The pirates are closing in on us!

Ian and Dakota look over the cliffside, seeing Galen lead the pirates through the rocky terrain to reach them. They pull back, staying out of view.

Dakota: Now what?! How do we get away without attracting their attention?

Ian: What other Pokémon do you have on you?

Phantom uses a spyglass to look out towards the ocean, seeing the Sea Temple.

Phantom: Ha! It worked!

Phantom places Jirachi in a portable container, it trying to break its way free.

Phantom: The Jirachi is yours, lass. My prize awaits!

Chatot: Rawck! Prize awaits! Prize awaits!

Phantom walks off, the pirates going with him. Millis stays behind, bending down and marveling over Jirachi.

Millis: Any wish, huh?

Phantom arrives back at the submarine, the other pirates still working on it?

Phantom: What is this?! I thought I told you to fix it!

Pirate: You did, sir, but now we have to drain the newly sealed room. It will take more time.

Phantom: Then get me a rowboat or something! My destination is on the horizon, and nothing will get in my way!

End Scene

Galen leads his pirates over the rock terrain, chasing after Ian and Dakota, which are fleeing inland. Wingull flies right by Ian’s head, their backs to the pirates as they run. They approach a canyon wall, being a dead end.

Galen: Got nowhere to run now! Beedrill, Sludge Bomb!

Galen chooses Beedrill, it firing Sludge Bomb from its stinger. Ian spins around and takes the Sludge Bomb, an explosion occurring on impact. When the smoke clears, it’s revealed that it is Lucas the Lucario wearing Ian’s jacket.

Galen: What?!

Lucas: Not what you expected, huh?

Wingull: The diversion was a success! You can show yourself, Zoro.

Dakota spins around, him being hunched over like a goblin, holding the Manaphy egg. The figure glows purple, reverting to Zoro carrying a rock.

Zoro: You want the precious? Have it!

Zoro Flings the rock at Beedrill, flattening it and knocking it out of the sky. The other pirates choose Escavalier, Kricketot, a Trash cloak Wormadam, Galvantula, Yanma, Nidorina, Grimer and Weepinbell. Galen chooses an Arbok.

Galen: Get ‘em!

Lucas smirks, as him, Wingull and Zoro charge forward to meet them.

Underwater, Ian and Dakota are riding on a Gyarados with blue barbels. Manaphy and Aqual are using Acid Armor, forming air bubbles around Ian’s and Dakota’s heads, respectively.

Manaphy: Whee! I’m circling Dada’s head! This is so much fun! Isn’t this fun, Aqual?

Aqual: (Sarcasatically) Yeah, rich. I’m swirling with excitement.

Triton: These brats know nothing of struggle! Why, back in my day, trainers didn’t do cheap tricks like use Pokémon to breathe. If me or my hundreds of brothers and sisters took humans underwater, they held their confound breath!

Triton surfaces at a stairwell on the edge of the Sea Temple, letting Ian and Dakota off. 

Dakota: Nobody cares about your olden day stories, Triton. I’ll let you know if we need a ride again.

Triton: Next time, why not swim back yourself?! Have your joints ache afterwards.

Dakota: Yeah, no. 

Dakota returns Triton, as Ian picks Manaphy up, carrying it.

Manaphy: Yay! Dada’s carrying me! Can Papa carry me next?

Ian: We’ll see. Looks like we have company.

Dakota looks over, spotting a rowboat docked on the island. 

Dakota: Probably that Phantom guy. Pretty strong if he beat us here on that.

Ian, Dakota and Aqual run through the Sea Temple, running through the archways and massive architecture, watching the waterfalls flowing through it. In the center of the temple is the Sea Crown, a dome shaped structure with dozens of prism like crystals sticking out.

Phantom: At long last. The Sea Crown is mine for the taking!

Chatot: Rawck! Mine! Mine!

Phantom pulls out a sack, as he takes a crystal out of the Sea Crown. The Sea Temple shakes, as the water levees stop working. Phantom continues to pull the crystals out, Ian and Dakota climb up the stairs. 

Dakota: Hey! Phantom!

Phantom turns, facing them.

Phantom: Huh? Who are you?

Manaphy: Ah! Captain Ugly Beard!

Phantom: Oh, you’re the egg thieves. Hatched Manaphy too. Well, thanks to Jirachi, I didn’t need to hatch it.

Ian: Jirachi?

Phantom: Well, listen up, boys. There are two type of men in the world. Those who find a way to persevere, and those who are swept away in the current called life. And today, the current parts for me to break through it!

Dakota: Uh, do you have any idea what he’s talking about?

Ian: There are winners, and there are losers. We’ll see which is which. Here, hold Manaphy.

Ian hands Manaphy to Dakota, who looks slightly uneasy as he does.

Manaphy: Yay! Papa!

Ian: Swalot, let’s go!

Ian throws a Pokéball, choosing Swalot.

Swalot: Is it feeding time?

Ian: Later. For now, it’s them. Leap up, with Body Slam!

Swalot: Can do!

Swalot rocks backwards, then jerks forward with a jump. He’s up in the air, aiming his lower body at Phantom with Body Slam.

Phantom: Nice try. But I am also a trainer! Pinsir, deflect it with X-Scissor!

Phantom throws a Pokéball, choosing Pinsir. Pinsir crosses its pincers, them forming a dark red energy X. It collides with Body Slam, knocking the two Pokémon back.

Dakota: No way I’m being left out of the fight! Lance, let’s go!

Dakota throws the Pokéball, choosing Lance.

Lance: Duh-duh-duh-duh, duh-duh! It’s hero time! You get me a new cape?

Dakota: Will have to do this one without one this time. Now go, Flamethrower!

Lance: Aw!

Phantom: Chatot, block it with Chatter!

Chatot releases Chatter, which collides and blocks out Lance’s Flamethrower. Pinsir strikes Swalot with Brick Break, as Swalot uses Stockpile to take it.

Phantom: You really think you can win this?

Ian: Don’t have to. Just have to keep you busy.

Dakota: Now, Aqual! Bite!

A geyser of water shoots out of the fountain surrounding the Sea Crown, Aqual reforming into a solid form. Aqual uses Bite, tearing through the sack and causing the crystals to skid across the wet floor. The water begins to leak over the sides of the fountain wall, them skidding further as they slide over the wet floors.

Phantom: No!

Dakota: Lance, Headbutt!

Ian: Swalot, Spit Up!

Lance runs and jumps at Swalot, his elastic body sinking in, then catapulting Lance at Phantom. Phantom runs to grab a crystal, Aqual sweeping it up, tossing it over to Ian, who plugs it back in. Pinsir takes the Headbutt, deflecting Lance, as Swalot fires a Spit Energy ball at Pinsir, blasting it back. Ian runs and steps off Phantom’s head, pushing him to the ground and causing him to slide across. He picks up a crystal, as Lance rams him with Headbutt, causing his crystal to fly out of his hands and into Ian’s. Ian plugs the crystal back in, as Dakota runs over to grab a crystal.

Manaphy: Yeah, Dada and Papa! Show that ugly beard who’s boss!

The Temple shakes violently, as all the levee ports suddenly release flooding rounds of rushing water, filling the room like a tank. The water level rises to their knees, as Aqual lifts a crystal out of the water. 

Aqual: We won’t last much longer with this!

Manaphy: Hurry, Papa! Put the crystal in!

Dakota puts the crystal in, inspecting the area. There’s only one crystal left, Ian and Phantom both tugging on it. 

Phantom: You think you can come in and squish all my dreams! I have spent my entire life preparing for this moment!

Ian: Too bad you’re going to lose.

Phantom: Heh. No, you will. Hyper Beam!

Ian: (Smirks) Eat it.

Pinsir gets ready for Hyper Beam, when Swalot appears behind it, opening his mouth wide and eating Pinsir whole, its hand sticking out. Chatot is flying overhead, squawking like crazy.

Chatot: Rawck! Abandon ship! Abandon ship!

Chatot flies off, when the water bulges upwards, something rising out of the water. A Lugia surfaces, screeching angrily as it extends its wings. 

Phantom: What is that?!

Ian: A Lugia!

Aqual: A guardian?!

Lugia swoops down over them, releasing golden energy rings from its head, which capture all of them in it, carrying them away. The Sea Crown is partially submerged, Ian and Phantom still fighting for the last crystal in the midst of Extrasensory.

Back in the valley, Millis is fawning over Jirachi, reaching her hand out towards it. Misty, Brendan and Max are struggling in their chains, trying to get free. Klefki floats by Millis’ head, looking concerned.

Klefki: Klefki.

Millis: (In yearning) Think of it, Klefki. If Shadow doesn’t manage to get the Manaphy, we’ll need a secondary Pokémon for the boss man. His punishment for failing to get that Togepi was leaving my father in jail. He deserved it, but still. Think of what we could wish for.

Brendan: Hey! Attractive thief girl! The pirates are gone, so how about you free us?! You don’t have to do, whatever it is you think you have to do!

Millis opens a hatch on the container, only big enough to stick her arm into. She reaches in, Jirachi cowering down at the bottom.

Jirachi: No! You don’t know what you’re doing! Don’t make that wish!

Millis: I know the perfect Pokémon to give him. One that no other trainer can obtain! I wish, I wish!

Millis grabs Jirachi, it screaming as a second wish is engraved on the tag on its forehead. Shadow clouds form around them, being irradiated by the sunlight. The clouds morph into the shape of Ho-Oh, it being a grey and dark orange coloration, with shining purple eyes. It descends down, flapping its wings heavily above them.

Brendan: What is that?

Max: A Ho-Oh! But, something looks wrong.

Millis: Yes! Ho-Oh! I shall gift you to the boss, show him who the best of the best is!

Ho-Oh opens its beak, it glowing with dark purple fire. Ho-Oh releases a Sacred Fire, it igniting the flower bed and the surrounding area on fire. Ho-Oh screeches, as it continues its rampage.

Millis: What?! No! I wished for a Ho-Oh that would let me catch it!

Jirachi: Your greed and selfishness fueled the wish. You didn’t summon a Ho-Oh. You created one, it being pure evil.

Millis, terrified, grabs the Jirachi container and takes off running.

Brendan: Hey! Don’t forget us! You’re not the type of girl to leave someone in moral peril!

Misty: Oh, forget it, Brendan! That girl doesn’t care about anyone besides herself!

Klefki: Klefki.

Klefki floats up to the lock on the chain, using a key to unlock it. Brendan, Misty and Max are freed, as Klefki floats off.

Max: We’ve got to save Jirachi!

Max runs off after Millis, when a Sacred Fire hits the path in front of him, cutting the path off. Zigzagoon and Linoone run around in a frenzy, as the Shroomish huddle together in fear.

Misty: We’ll have to get it later! We have to help out these Pokémon! 

Max: But Jirachi may be able to stop it!

Linoone: Linoone!

The Linoone from before comes up to Max, nudging its head for him to get on. Max looks back at Misty and Brendan, Brendan letting off a sigh.

Brendan: Just, be careful, okay? 

Max: You’ve got it!

Brendan: Beautifly, keep an eye on Max!

Misty: Marill, make a path with Water Gun!

Max mounts Linoone, as Linoone runs for the trail. Misty chooses Marill, which uses Water Gun to put some of the fire out, letting Linoone run through. Brendan’s Beautifly comes out, her flying after him.

The valley is on fire, the Swablu, Altaria, Taillow, Hoppip, Vibrava, Beautifly and Dustox flying out of the valley. The Zigzagoon, Linoone, Poochyena, Mightyena, Shroomish, Breloom and Skitty all are running frantically, the Pineco and Mankey climbing up out of the valley. Abra teleport away. Lucas fires an Aura Sphere, blasting Galen’s Arbok back. Wingull uses Aerial Ace, blowing through Kricketot, Yanma, Weepinbell and Galvantula. Zoro uses Night Daze, releasing a blast of dark energy that blasts Wormadam, Grimer and Weepinbell.

Zoro: These agents of the government will never be able to silence me!

Wingull: How can you deal with this conspiracy nut?

Lucas: Lots of patience. 

A herd of Mightyena run through, as Escavalier strikes one of them with Twineedle. The Mightyena is knocked back, as Zoro moves in front the Mightyena, striking Escavalier with Night Slash. The pirates return their Pokémon, as they all take off running. Mightyena gets up, bowing its head to Zoro.

Mightyena: You saved me! I am in your debt.

Zoro: You are not. I don’t take any foreign agents under my care.

A Sacred Fire bursts on the canyon wall above them, causing an avalanche. Mightyena grabs Zoro’s arm and leads it away, Lucas running after them and Wingull flying. They get clear, looking back.

Zoro: Okay. I’ll thank you for that.

Mightyena: My debt is paid.

Lucas: I would like to request your services. That creature in the air, its aura is bad. And it seems like the Pokémon of the valley are panicking. Zoro, you and the Mightyena work to lead them to a safe place.

Zoro: That sound fine and dandy. But where will you be?

Lucas: I am going to stop that one from doing anymore harm.

A Flygon flies through the air, circling around a rock pillar. A Gengar flies up after it, firing Shadow Ball at it. Flygon falls, as Shadow stands on the ground, looking up at them.

Shadow: Hit it with Hypnosis.

Gengar releases several multi-colored waves, hitting Flygon, it falling asleep. Flygon hits the ground hard, cratering it. Shadow pulls out a Pokéball, throwing it. It hits and sucks Flygon in, it locking. Shadow picks the Pokéball up, as he looks at the purple fire rising.

Shadow: That idiot. Overconfidence and lust are a killer in this line of work. Going further than your ability allows, is what gets you caught.

Ian, Dakota, Phantom, Manaphy, Swalot, Aqual, Lance and Pinsir are all dropped at a stairwell, which leads to a stage by a water entrance. The water is rising rapidly through the temple, causing it to sink. Lugia lets out an angry roar at them, though Phantom stands up.

Phantom: Bah! There are two type of men in this world! Those who run with their tails between their legs, and those who stand up and rise above the adversity of living like a dog!

Dakota: How come his analogies seem to be making less sense with each one?

Phantom: I am not scared of you, Lugia! I will be your new king! Pinsir, Hyper Beam!

Pinsir fires Hyper Beam, which Lugia blocks with Extrasensory. Lugia then fires a Hydro Pump, blasting Pinsir and Phantom into the rising water levels, the two sinking as Phantom returns Pinsir.

Dakota: Are you serious right now?!

Manaphy: Dada, I’m scared!

Ian: Relax, Manaphy. It’ll be alright. Loudred, Hyper Voice!

Ian throws a Pokéball, choosing Loudred.

Loudred: Time to give them a scream!

Lugia fires Hydro Pump at Ian and Loudred, as Loudred fires Hyper Voice, in transparent sound waves, to block and disrupt the attack. Hydro Pump breaks through, washing Ian and Loudred up the stairwell, Ian scraping his arm and Loudred defeated.

Manaphy: Dada!

Dakota: (Angry) You’re going to pay for that! Go, Albus!

Dakota throws a Pokéball, choosing Albus the Noivern.

Albus: I trust that this is a highly important affair. While I appreciate coming out, it may be a little…

Dakota: We don’t have time for your speeches, Albus! Use Boomburst!

Albus looks up, seeing Lugia firing another Hydro Pump.

Albus: Oh dear. That does look like it warrants my attention.

Albus’ ears glow white, as it fires powerful white sound waves from them, colliding with Hydro Pump. They stalemate for a few moments, until the sound causes the water to break apart, the Boomburst slamming into Lugia, knocking it out of the sky and into the water.

Lance: Yeah! Nice shot!

Dakota goes over to Ian, helping him up. Ian returns Loudred and Swalot, as Manaphy struggles to lift the crystal, Aqual helping him.

Manaphy: Dada! Papa! I’ve got it!

Ian walks over, taking the crystal.

Ian: Good job. Alright. Dakota, you hold that Lugia off. I’m going to return this.

Dakota: Well, hold on! How come you get to take it back?! I say I take it and you fight the Lugia!

Ian: There isn’t time for this!

Dakota: There is never time with you! You just go ahead with your plan without elaborating at all!  If we’re going to be together, then we have to be able to communicate! Plus, you are probably way more competent in fighting Lugia than I am!

Ian: But I’m not! Right now, your Pokémon, Albus and Triton, are the best shots at holding Lugia off! It attacked once the crystal was removed, and it’ll most likely stop if we put it back! But I can’t have it following me, nor can I hold it off! It has to be you!

Dakota: Oh. Uh, alright. I’ve got this then! You take Manaphy. You may need its help to breathe later. 

Manaphy: But, Papa!

Ian: He’ll be fine. Your Papa's strong. Come on. I'll give you a piggy back ride.

Ian lifts Manaphy onto his shoulders, it grabbing on. Ian holds onto the crystal, as he runs up the stairs. 

Albus: That boy is quite self-aware. It takes a certain kind of person to admit that he can’t do something.

Dakota: Yeah. He’s a strange kind of guy.

Aqual: That was actually pretty adorable. You two having your first argument.

Dakota: Oh, shut it!

Lugia resurfaces, firing another Hydro Pump. Albus fires Boomburst, deflecting it again. Lugia roars and flaps its wings, as a Surf wave rises up, submerging the area along with Dakota, Aqual and Albus. Dakota returns Albus, as Aqual uses Acid Armor to form an air bubble for Dakota.

Dakota: Whew! Thanks, Aqual!

Aqual: Just choose Triton already! I can’t fight that thing like this!

Dakota: Right!

Dakota opens a Pokéball, choosing Triton. He grabs onto his scale, as Triton swims downward, Lugia following.

Triton: Ha! Bring it on, whippersnapper! I’ll show you why they named me the Atrocious Pokémon!

Misty uses Marill, Psyduck, Luvdisc, Huntail and Lanturn to put out the purple fire, all but Lanturn using Water Gun, Lanturn using Water Pulse. Brendan’s Spinda uses Water Pulse, while Gorebyss releases Whirlpool to put them out. Ludicolo dances excitedly, as it releases several dark clouds up into the air, releasing a Rain Dance, it beginning to drench the flames.

Ludicolo: (Singing) Ludicolo! Ludicolo! Ludicolo! Ludicolo!

Ho-Oh lets out a low toned, distorted caw, as its body shines gold, it intermingling with the grey color. The gold color pierces the rainclouds, using Sunny Day to cause the flames to grow again.

Brendan: Don’t stop, Ludicolo! Keep going for Rain Dance!

Ludicolo: Ludi!

Misty: This is pointless! It just keeps getting stronger!

Brendan: At least if we keep its attention, it won’t go after Max. He better be alright.

Absol swings its horn, releasing a Razor Wind. Gengar takes it with no damage, as Gengar fires a Shadow Ball. Absol leaps and dodges, going to leap to the next rock pillar.

Shadow: Gengar, Mean Look. 

Gengar’s eyes glow dark purple, as two large evil eyes form in the air. Absol crashes into the Mean Look, being shocked and pushed back, forcing it to face Gengar.

Shadow: The Absol of the Forina valley. Tell me, did you know this calamity was coming? And if you did, did you try to prevent it, or cause it?

Absol: Jirachi would’ve been found either way. I just made sure the right person found it first. By pushing the events in a certain direction, total disaster can be averted.

Shadow: It still didn’t stop the events. Only altered them. Not that it matters. This is the last disaster you’ve predicted, in the wild at least.

A multi-colored Dragon Pulse shoots down from above, blasting Gengar and causing an explosion. Gengar shoots up out of it, when its hit by Wingull’s Aerial Ace. Gengar drops, defeated. The Mean Look fades, as Absol hops off, retreating. Shadow returns Gengar, as he turns to face Lucas.

Lucas: You won’t take another Pokémon from this valley!

Shadow: So, you’re the Lucario that escaped from us last time. But don’t worry. I’ll add you back to the collection, as well as that Absol.

Lucas: You can understand me?

Shadow: Gyarados, Dugtrio.

Shadow throws two Pokéballs, choosing Gyarados and Dugtrio. Lucas runs forward, when the rock terrain breaks into sand, his feet sinking into it. Lucas looks forward, seeing the sand stretching from Dugtrio.

Shadow: Dugtrio’s ability, Arena Trap, keeps you locked in place. Once your defeated, I can transport you out of here.

Wingull: Not if I can help it!

Wingull fires Water Pulse, as Gyarados fires a Thunderbolt, breaking through it. Wingull is hit by the attack, being knocked back. Dugtrio fires a Mud Bomb at Lucas, which blocks it with Aura Sphere. Gyarados breathes Fire Blast at Lucas, as Wingull flies back in, firing Water Pulse. Lucas forms Bone Rush, striking the ground several times to soften the sand of Arena Trap. It doesn’t let up, Lucas panting heavily.

Lucas: I can’t do much from a stand still!

Wingull: Weren’t you prepared for this?

Lucas: He didn’t have that Pokémon the last time I fought him.

Shadow: Yes. Dugtrio is the newest member of my team.

Ho-Oh flies overhead, glowing with a grey aura for Sky Attack, crashing into and breaking through the rock pillar they are battling on. Shadow, Dugtrio, Gyarados and Lucas go tumbling down, Lucas on a boulder separated from Dugtrio. Lucas hops from rock to rock to go after Shadow, who returns Dugtrio. Shadow leaps onto Gyarados, which is flying through the valley. Lucas runs and jumps after it, Wingull following it.

Wingull: Lucas! Stop! He’s luring you after him! It’s a trap!

Lucas: I won’t let him succeed!

Wingull: Then don’t let him trick you! I swear, you and your trainer are so ignorant when it comes to seeing traps!

Lucas leaps onto a rock pillar, snarling as Gyarados flies out of the valley. Wingull lands on Lucas’ shoulder.

Wingull: You know, I never knew Gyarados could fly.

Underwater, Triton and Lugia exchange Hydro Pump attacks, causing several current changes, the water churning like crazy. Wild Magikarp, Goldeen, Finneon, Remoraid, and Seaking all swim away.

Dakota: Can we force it to the surface? Allow us to get Albus helping us out again?

Triton: Are you saying I’m too old to handle this thing myself?

Dakota: I’m saying that we need to give Ian all the time we possibly can!

Aqual: Do it. I’m starting to get dizzy doing this.

Triton: Fine, fine. Back in my day, battles were strictly one on one. Now, trainers choose extra Pokémon to give support, there are double and triple battles. Just disgraceful.

Triton begins to swim up towards the surface, as Lugia flaps its wings, initiating a Surf attack. The waves completely overtake Triton, the three going tumbling around underwater.

Ian hops over a broken pathway, Manaphy clinging tight around his neck. The water level is almost up to his level high above the ground, as he spots the fountain room with the Sea Crown.

Ian: It’s probably completely submerged by now.

Manaphy: Mana! Mana!

Ian: Good plan. Marshtomp!

Ian opens a Pokéball, choosing Marshtomp.

Marshtomp: Marsh!

Ian: Marshtomp, I need your help swimming into that room to put this crystal back. Think you can handle that?

Marshtomp: (Determined) Marsh, marsh!

Ian dives into the water, Marshtomp and Manaphy swimming with him. Ian clings the crystal with one arm, as he his other hand resting on Marshtomp, sticking to it as it swims deeper. They enter the fountain room, having to swim downward towards it. Ian strains to hold his breath the deeper they go, as Manaphy uses Acid Armor to form an air bubble around his head.

Ian: Thanks.

Marshtomp makes it down to the Sea Crown, as they circle it to find the missing slot. They locate it, as Ian puts the crystal back into it. The Sea Crown glows a golden color, as the Temple begins to rise out of the ocean, the water levels residing. Ian swims up, making it to the surface of the water, Manaphy coming off.

Ian: Manaphy, go help Dakota now! I’m good here!

Manaphy: (Determined) Mana!

Dakota floats away from Triton, who is now wrapping around Lugia, trying to prevent its attacks. Lugia fires Extrasensory, repelling Triton.

Dakota: Triton!

Aqual: He won’t hear you from that far away. And if I come off to help, you’ll lose your air.

Manaphy: (Echoing) Papa!

Heart Swap energy waves travel through the water, as several Water Pokémon swarm the area. The Magikarp, Goldeen, Finneon, Remoraid and Seaking return, as several Wailmer, Wailord, Lumineon, Tympole, Tentacool, Mantyke, Mantine, Seadra, Skrelp, Seel, Dewgong, Lanturn, Chinchou, Quilfish, Azumarill, Buizel, Relicanth, Barboach, Whiscash, Staryu, Quagsire, Feebas, Sharpedo and Female Frillish all converge on the area. Lugia is calmed as well, the battle stopping. A Gorebyss and Huntail come under Dakota’s arms, startling him.

Dakota: Huh?

Gorebyss: Relax, good sir. Our king has sent us to aid you.

Huntail: His Majesty will be here shortly.

Dakota: Oh. Uh, okay. I’ll roll with that.

Gorebyss and Huntail take Dakota to the surface, where the newly risen Sea Temple is visible. Triton comes over, lifting Dakota up and taking him to the landmass. Dakota jumps off onto land, sighing with relief. 

Dakota: Ah! So good!

Triton: Landlubber.

Lugia surfaces, resting on top of the water.

Lugia: I apologize for my previous behavior. I have been the guardian of the Sea Temple for a long time while awaiting for the King to return. You attacking the crown triggered my responded attack.

Dakota: It’s all good. I didn’t drown.

Ian, Marshtomp and Manaphy arrive, as Lugia, Gorebyss, and Huntail bow to Manaphy.

Lugia: Your Majesty.

Manaphy: Huh?

Aqual, Triton and Marshtomp look confused, as all the water Pokémon breach the surface, peaking their heads out. They all bow their head to Manaphy, it looking really confused.

Dakota: What’s happening?

Ian: It’s like Wingull said. Manaphy is to take back the Sea Crown, to become the King of the Sea.

Manaphy: I’m king?! Yay! I mean, that is absaloty invistigaming.

Dakota: Come again?

Smoke is rising from Forina Valley, purple flames visible. Ho-Oh rises above the horizon, being visible to them.

Dakota: Now what?!

Ian: Seems like there’s more going on over there. Lugia, can you take us back to land?

Lugia: Only if his Majesty commands it.

Dakota: Uh, Manaphy. That’s you.

Manaphy: Huh? Oh, got it! (Clears throat) I, your supreme leader Manaphy, command that you transport myself, Dada and Papa back to that land so we may stop the clatastrope that is occurring!

Dakota: I think you mean “catastrophe.”

Lugia comes out of the water, bending down so Ian and Dakota may mount it. Ian swings up first, Dakota passing him Manaphy, then Ian helps Dakota up. The two return Marshtomp, Aqual and Triton, as Lugia takes into the air, flying for land. Phantom comes out of the water, spewing water out.

Phantom: Ha! Now that they are gone, the Sea Crown is mine for the taking!

Phantom is caught in a Confusion attack, being lifted into the air. He floats above Gorebyss and Huntail, as Huntail leaps up and bites Phantom in the butt.

Phantom: Ow!

Gorebyss: You’re not going anywhere.

End Scene

Galen leads the pirates back to the submarine, as Chatot flies over to Galen’s shoulder, perching on it.

Galen: Does that mean Phantom is lost?

Chatot: Rawck! Phantom is lost! Phantom is lost!

Galen: Is the sub operational?

Pirate: Yes sir!

Galen: Then get everyone aboard and get ready to set sail. As First Mate, I’m taking control. 

Chatot: Rawck! Taking control! Taking control!

The pirates all get into the submarine, as they depart from the port, the submarine diving down and disappearing. Lugia flies to land, landing to let Ian and Dakota off.

Ian: Take care up there, Manaphy.

Manaphy: You’ve got it! Arise, my noble steed! Let us engage that beast in aerial combabanism!

Lugia jumps off the ground, flapping its wings to fly after Ho-Oh.

Dakota: Did it mean combat? Manaphy has a hard time with big words. And how did you convince me to let Manaphy fly into battle by itself?! Manaphy’s just a baby! Our baby!

Ian: It’s also king. Lugia will listen only to it. The best thing we can do is figure out another solution from here.

A howl occurs, as two Mightyena lead the wild Pokémon of the valley towards the water side, outside of the burning valley. The lead Mightyena approach Ian and Dakota, one of them reverting to Zoro.

Dakota: Zoro? What’s going on?

Zoro: A government conspiracy to eliminate all forms of life. That monster was sent to destroy us all.

Ian: I recognize it from the text in Ecruteak City. It looks like a Ho-Oh.

Mightyena: That thing isn’t a living being. Just created from negative energy and lust.

Wingull: Ian!

Wingull soars down, perching on Ian’s shoulder.

Ian: What’s the status, Wingull? Dakota, translate.

Wingull: The Ho-Oh impersonator is destroying everything! Misty and Brendan are making their way towards us, trying to put out as much of the fire as they can. Max is chasing after a girl who stole a Jirachi. Lucas is following him now.

Dakota: What’s a Jirachi?

Absol: The wish granting Pokémon.

Ian and Dakota turn, seeing Absol joining them.

Absol: It has the power to defeat the monster, and restore the valley.

Dakota: Then what are we waiting for?! Let’s go!

Ian: Wingull, lead the way!

Wingull flies off into the valley. Absol offers its back to Ian, who climbs on and rides off on it. 

Zoro: Mightyena, give Dakota a lift.

Mightyena: At once!

Mightyena offers its back to Dakota, who gets on it and sits on it.

Dakota: Okay. This is actually happening. 

Mightyena runs off after Absol, Zoro staying behind to keep the wild Pokémon in place.

Millis sits on a rock perch near the exit of the valley, watching Ho-Oh burning it down. She looks conflicted, as Jirachi leans against the glass.

Jirachi: We can fix this, you know. You just have to let me go. I can handle the rest, stop that thing once and for all.

Millis: You think I’m going to fall for that? You just want freedom, and I need you as my gift to the boss man. He’s super ruthless. I need to bring him something to stay in business.

Klefki: Klef! Klef!

Millis looks up, seeing Beautifly circling above them. Millis looks down the hill, seeing Max riding Linoone up it.

Millis: OMG! Seriously?! Klefki, shoot that Beautifly down with Mirror Shot! Chesnaught, Pin Missile to blast them away!

Klefki fires Mirror Shot skyward at Beautifly, her dodging. Millis chooses Chesnaught, it firing Pin Missile down the hill, Linoone struggling to zigzag out of the way.

Max: Just a little further, Linoone! You’re doing great! I’m coming, Jirachi!

Jirachi: Max!

Linoone charges at Chesnaught, which uses Spiky Shield, Linoone crashing straight into it. Linoone is injured, as it and Max tumble back down the hill. Lucas appears, catching them and stopping their fall.

Max: Huh? A Lucario?! Wearing Ian’s jacket?

Lucas: Hurah!

Lucas fires Aura Sphere at Chesnaught, it taking it with Spiky Shield. Ho-Oh flies nearby, when Lugia and Manaphy approach it.

Manaphy: Take it out, my super strong follower!

Lugia fires Hydro Pump at Ho-Oh, it hitting Ho-Oh and crashing it into the rock hill that Millis is on. The ground crumbles, as Jirachi’s container falls with the avalanche, Millis trying to jump back up the rocks, unable to. She makes a leap of a boulder for the ledge, but misses it.

Millis: Agh!

Beautifly fires String Shot, wrapping around Millis’ arm. It jerks her shoulder, but stops her fall, Beautifly struggling to keep her airborne. Klefki floats over, pushing the thread over enough for Lucas and Chesnaught to grab, them pulling Millis up. Absol and Mightyena run and leap up the falling boulders, Ian grabbing the container with Jirachi in it.

Jirachi: More bad people! Leave me alone!

Ian: Relax. We’re friends of Max.

Absol and Mightyena make it to the top of the rock hill, Max taking the container from Ian, opening it to free Jirachi. Jirachi cheers, hugging Max. Lucas, Chesnaught, Klefki and Beautifly finish pulling Millis up, Chesnaught hugging and lifting her off her feet, carrying her. Millis is hyperventilating from the near death experience, as she looks up at Beautifly.

Millis: That was, that white haired boy’s. 

Beautifly lands with Wingull, as everyone watches a collision of Sacred Fire and Hydro Pump.

Absol: Jirachi. You can end this disaster right now.

Jirachi: Right! I’ll need a distraction, and to get those two clear.

Ian: Beautifly, go get Brendan and Misty! Wingull, fly up to Manaphy, tell them to get clear!

Dakota: Let’s help too! Albus, hit that Ho-Oh with sound attacks, keep it in place!

Dakota throws a Pokéball, choosing Albus. Albus flies with Wingull and Jirachi, Jirachi’s third eye on its stomach opening and glowing silver. 

Jirachi: Doom Desire is sent! We’ve got about two minutes!

Albus: Two minutes is plenty of time to initiate a full out offense and then retreat.

Albus flies off to the side, as Wingull joins Manaphy and Lugia.

Wingull: Manaphy! Have Lugia move to the side! Pin Ho-Oh with Extrasensory while Albus pins it from the other side with Boomburst!

Manaphy: Lugia! You heard my Dada’s advisor! Move to the side!

Lugia: Yes, Your Majesty. But what will keep its attention forward?

Wingull: Leave that to me.

Wingull flies at Ho-Oh, firing a Water Pulse. Water Pulse hits Ho-Oh, it cawing in a rage. It fires Sacred Fire, Wingull diving to dodge. Lugia makes it to the side, trapping Ho-Oh in Extrasensory. Albus is on the other side, firing Boomburst to pin it and distort it from the sound. Ho-Oh lets out a deathlike scream, as Jirachi floats in front of it. It is encased in a silver light, as it fires a silver energy stream at Ho-Oh, hitting it hard. Ho-Oh is trapped in the Doom Desire energy, being torn out of Extrasensory and Boomburst, taking it even higher into the air. Ho-Oh screams as the Doom Desire explodes, destroying it. A meteor shower occurs, shooting over the valley.

Dakota: Beautiful. 

Ian: Another situation handled.

Jirachi arrives back with the group.

Jirachi: Now, for the third wish, Max.

Max nods, as he closes his eyes, making his wish. Jirachi’s tag on the left side of its head is engraved in writing, as the valley glows a silver color. Everything is restored, the fires are put out, and the terrain looks as it did before the Ho-Oh attack. When the wish ends, Jirachi yawns.

Jirachi: Ah! I’m sleepy now. I think I’m going back to bed.

Max: But, we just met! You’re leaving already?

Jirachi: Don’t worry. We’ll always be together, in dreams.

Absol: Come. I will take you back to your resting place.

Absol takes Jirachi with it, running across the valley. Lucas watches, but then looks around.

Lucas: That girl escaped.

End Scene

Ian wearing his jacket again as he, Dakota, Max, Misty, Brendan, Wingull, Lucas, Zoro and Mightyena are gathered by the water. Manaphy is in the water with Lugia, Gorebyss, and Huntail, Phantom left tied up on the shore.

Manaphy: Well. I guess, I have to go rule and stuff.

Ian: You’ll do great, Manaphy.

Manaphy: (Crying) But, I want you to go with me! Dada! Papa!

Dakota: The Sea Temple is yours, but not for us. You’ve grown so much, (Tears up) I’m so proud of you.

Ian: Be strong. You can do it.

Manaphy: (Sniffles) Okay. Bye Ian. Bye Dakota.

Manaphy dives into the water, followed by all the other water Pokémon. 

Misty: That thing was so cute!

Dakota wipes his tears away, as Ian puts his hand on Dakota’s shoulder.

Ian: It’ll be alright.

Dakota: How is this so easy for you?

Ian: It isn’t. But friends and family are forever. 

Dakota smiles and blushes a bit, when Gorebyss and Huntail poke back out of the water.

Gorebyss: Hello, sir.

Huntail: His Majesty tasked us to accompany you. To remind you that HIs Majesty is with you.

Dakota: Aw! That little brat! (He sniffles) Alright. I’ll name Gorebyss Ariel, and Huntail named Hunter.

Mightyena: I have sworn my services to you as well. I would like to accompany you.

Dakota: Okay then. I’ll name you, Shadow.

Lucas: You named him after the Pokémon thief?

Dakota: Hey! Shadow is a common name for black colored dogs!

Ian: But that guy being here worries me. And where he ended up.

At an undisclosed location, Shadow and Millis kneel to Lawrence, who’s sitting on a throne like chair obscured by shadows. Pachirisu is on Lawrence’s shoulder.

Lawrence: So, you failed to bring me either Manaphy or Jirachi.

Millis: Like, it was totally not our fault! Those brats got in our way!

Lawrence: Either way, punishment is in order. I had warned you about failing me again, Millis.

Shadow: Master, to ease your anger, I have brought you something. 

Shadow opens a Pokéball, choosing Flygon. He returns it just as fast, tossing the Pokéball to Lawrence.

Lawrence: A Flygon?

Shadow: To replace the one lost from your prize collection before.

Lawrence: Ah, yes. A valuable substitute. And what of you, Millis? What do you offer me?

Millis: Uh, I, well,

Shadow: She owns a Klefki, which was also taken from your collection.

Lawrence: Ah! I have been in need of a Klefki. It will be a good addition.

Millis: Come again?! There ain’t no way I’m giving you my Klefki!

Lawrence: You failed your second chance, Millis.

Pachirisu sparks electricity from its cheeks threateningly, the light revealing Tyranitar standing behind Lawrence. Tyranitar growls, intimidating Millis.

Lawrence: So, what will it be?

Main Events[]

  • Ian and Dakota hatch a Manaphy egg.
  • Max revives a Jirachi.
  • Shadow and Millis attempt to add to Lawrence's collection with Legendary Pokémon, failing in that regard.
  • Phantom fails to capture the Sea Crown.
  • Ho-Oh makes its debut (albeit as a fake)
  • Manaphy becomes King of the Sea.
  • Dakota captures a Gorebyss, Huntail and Mightyena, naming them Ariel, Hunter and Shadow, respectively.




Main Characters Pokémon[]

Main Wild Pokémon[]

Forina Valley Pokémon[]

Pirates' Pokémon[]

Ocean Pokémon[]


  • This episode, in the Pokémon Tales timeline, occurs after the Grand Festival.
  • Dakota’s line “You’re just asking me that now?!” comes from Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.
  • Zoro has the personality of a paranoid spy, with a reference to Gollum form “The Lord of the Rings.”
  • Lance has the personality of a kid who wants to be a superhero.
    • His first entry theme was inspired by the Batman song. The second was inspired by the Charge theme from Baseball.
  • Triton has the personality of an old man, saying “Back in my day.”
  • Misty’s line “Why is it always running?!” comes from Chumley from the series Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.
  • Manaphy’s line “Ka-chow!” is based off Lightning McQueen’s catchphrase from Pixar’s “Cars”.
  • Mightyena’s line “At once!” is based off Gareth from the Fire Emblem Tellius series, where in Path of Radiance, that is his only line in the game.
  • This episode features many spoilers, due to occurring later in the series. 
  • A Linoone that appears gets a major role due to me realizing that a Linoone had not appeared up to this point in the series, not even as a cameo, and wouldn’t appear in Pokémon Tales: Brendan if I didn’t add it in somewhere.
  • While not deeply explored, Shadow reveals the ability to understand Pokémon speech in the same way that Dakota can. 
    • Despite him appearing in every PT:DR crossover to date, this is the first appearance of this ability.
  • This episode reveals a new Pokémon for Shadow for the first time since his debut. His team seems highly focused around capturing Pokémon, using sleep and blocking moves to restrict Pokémon.
  • Shadow’s Gyarados flying is based off Lysandre’s Gyarados flying in the Pokémon Adventures Manga.
  • Brendan wanting to catch an Absol is based off a concept idea I had for an Absol appearing in an anime episode based off Absol-ute Disaster. That episode was removed from the storyline.
  • Millis gains some respect for Brendan.
  • Shadow gives Lawrence a Flygon to replace the one lost in The Collector. Millis is pressured into giving her Klefki up for the same purpose, though it isn’t stated whether she did or not.
  • Absol, Flygon and Mightyena having a major role is due to them having big roles in the movie Jirachi: Wish Maker.
    • Likewise, Gorebyss and Huntail are based from the two in Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea, where they appear in the Underwater Pokémon show.
  • Dakota now owns all of the Water Pokémon that were set on his page from ARPS that aren’t starter Pokémon.
  • This episode follows a trend of Dakota catching a new Pokémon in each PT:DR crossover.
    • This diverges away a bit, as he obtains three new ones.
  • I used Lugia and Ho-Oh as the other Legendary Pokémon that appeared because it’d be too much of a cliche if I used Groudon and Kyorge.
  • Lugia is the only Legendary Pokémon to appear to not use its signature move.
    • However, Sacred Fire isn’t technically Ho-Oh’s signature move anymore, as Entei can now learn it as of Gen VI.
  • Ian’s Grovyle is the only Pokémon in his party that he doesn’t use.
  • This episode beats The Collector as the episode with the most amount of Pokémon in it.
  • Despite being pirates, no one on Phantom's crew uses a Water type Pokémon. They all have either a Bug or Poison type.
  • Ian's Swalot is the second Pokémon Tales Pokemon to learn a new move in a special or crossover, the move being Body Slam.