Pokemon Fan Fiction Wiki

Calflame Couxen Spaurus

Body type Bull
Abilities Blaze
Anime debut TBA
First known anime trainer TBA
Game debut Pokémon: Life & Death
Type Fire
National Dex No. #005 (Odyssean Pokédex)

Couxen is the Fire starter of the Odyss Region in Pokémon: Life & Death. It evolves from Calflame at Level 16, and evolves into Spaurus at Level 36.


Couxen looks to be a bull with red fur. It has a yellow fiery pattern going down its back and on the top of its head, with an orange pattern on its ankles. Its horns and hooves are a shiny rock. The end of its tail has a fireball.


Pokémon: Life & Death[]

Couxen is an available Pokémon.

Pokémon Tales[]




  • Couxen's name is a play on "cough" and "oxen."
The Odyss Pokédex
Starters Troonk | Trephant | Grammoth | Calflame | Couxen | Spaurus | Poipose | Belugass | Narwilt
New Spinouse | Spineech | Parageyer | Haulture | Lammergeist | Rokkid | Quarram | Violarvet | Sharpent | Laventer | Hermeon | Apelith | Aggorillorate | Chordatic | Cyclub | Brawntes | Nomand | Petroil | Jetrol | Watrol | Pyrrhomight | Pyrrhofight | Grimlock | Hemsoc | Unshemlock | Autaurus | Khalkontion | Rouffin | Griffly
Returning TBA
Regional Variants Honedge | Doublade | Aegislash | Seel | Dewgong | Blitzle | Zebstrika
Mythical Endora | Ethocrates | Plathos | Logostotle | Diocynes
Legendary TBA