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Bonding Times in Pudgy Pidgey Isle is the 15th episode of Season 2 of The Legend of Spinarak-Man.
Peter and his friends had just arrived to Bluefinland. They are nearing the docks to the ferry. But when they got there, they see a sign at the booth that says "Back in 15 minutes".
Harry: Back in 15 minutes?
Quilava: Quil?
Magby: Magby?
Lyra: Now what do we do?
Marill: Marill?
Togepi: Togepi?
Hobie: It can't be helped guys. We're just gonna have to wait until the ferry gets back.
Totodile: Totodile
Peter: Hobie's right. Maybe we can explore that isle over there
Spinarak: Spin
Pichu: Pichu
Peter points to a bridge that leads to another isle not too far from here.
Harry: Sure. Why not?
Quilava: Quil
End Scene
The four trainers crossed the bridge to the other isle. They made sure to be careful as there are whirlpools underneath them. They then were walking through the isle
Lyra: So what kind of island is this?
Hobie: According to the map in my rule book, I think we are at Pudgy Pidgey Isle.
Totodile: Totodile
Harry: Why did they call it that?
Peter: Mainly because of them
Spinarak: Spin
Pichu: Pichu
Peter points at some nearby Pidgeys pecking at the ground. They look a lot bigger than a normal Pidgey
Lyra: Are those Pidgeys?
Hobie: They sure are
Harry takes out his Pokédex and scans them
Harry's Pokédex: Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. Common in grassy areas and forests, it is very docile and will chase off enemies by flapping up sand.
Harry: Wow. Those Pidgeys really let themselves go
Magby: Magby
Peter: Yeah, as if they have abandoned the use of flying
Spinarak: Spinarak
Pichu: Pichu
Hobie notices several normal Pidgeys flying by
Hobie: But not all of them. Some of them are still flying
Lyra's stomach growls
Lyra: (embarrassed) Oh. I sure am hungry today
Marill: (embarassed) Marill
Harry: Now that you mentioned it. I think it's lunch time now.
Quilava: Quil
Hobie: I'll go ahead and prepare the food
Hobie takes out some of the cooking supplies from his back
Peter: I'll go explore the place if that's okay with you guys.
Harry: Go ahead, Peter.
Lyra: I'll call you when the food is ready
Peter: Thanks guys. Come on Spinarak, Pichu.
He and his two Pokémon runs off
Lyra: So, wanna battle Harry?
Harry: Okay
End Scene
Peter has changed into his Spinarak-Man costume and began to swing through the trees with Spinarak on his left shoulder and Pichu on his right shoulder.
Pichu: (scared) Pichu Pi!
Spinarak-Man: I know you're scared Pichu, but try to relax. You'll get use to this.
Pichu nods it's head as it held onto it's trainer's shoulder as they are swinging
After they finished swinging, Spinarak-Man, Spinarak, and Pichu were at a cliffside watching the view. Peter took off his mask and places it on the ground.
Peter: (sighs) It's a nice view huh guys?
Spinarak: Spin
Pichu: Pichu
Peter: You know, this reminds of me of the time when my Uncle Ben would take me outside into Route 27 and showed me the different Pokémon there.
Pichu: Pichu?
Peter: You don't who Uncle Ben is, Pichu?
Pichu shakes it's head
Peter: Well, he was the one that raised me along with my Aunt May. As a matter of fact, he was the one that inspired me to become a Pokémon trainer.
Spinarak and Pichu both took it all in as they listen to their trainer
Peter: Yeah, he was a good role model to me. That reminds me. Have you both ever wondered how I became Spinarak-Man.
Spinarak and Pichu both shook their heads.
Peter: Well I'll tell you. Before I met you guys, I was just a young kid who enjoyed watching Pokémon tournaments and practicing science. But then, Aunt May asked me to get some firewood from Route 29. I went out to get the firewood, and that was when I encountered another Spinarak.
Peter puts the pile of wood down and bends down to look at the Spinarak.
Peter: A Spinarak? It looks really weak. Are you okay little guy?
He takes out his right hand and reaches over to touch it. But when his hand got close, the Spinarak bit him.
Peter: Yeowch!
Peter holds his right hand in pain
Peter: You bit me! Why did you bit me?! (starts feeling woozy) Oh. All of a sudden, I feel like I'm going to faint.
Peter passes out
End of flashback
Peter: I was out like a light for an hour until Uncle Ben took me back home to rest.
Spinarak: Spin
Pichu: (interested) Pichu
Peter: After I rested, I had discovered that the bite from that Spinarak has given me some amazing powers
Peter accidentally crushed a soda can
Peter: Whoa! Either I have super strength or I have a very frim grip.
His hand touches a poster of a Squirtle. Peter tries to pull his hand away, but it is stuck so he pulls harder. He accidentally tears the poster leaving only half of it still stuck on his fingers. Peter pulls it off.
Peter: What the? I can stick to any surface? This is so unreal!
Peter accidentally steps on a loose nail on the floor
Peter: Whoa!
He leaps off the floor and ends up sticking on the ceiling
Peter: What's happening to me? First I'm strong, then I can stick to walls, and then I have enhanced jumping abilities? It's almost as if... (realizes something) Wait a second! The Spinarak! It's bite must've given me some of it's powers.
End of flashback
Spinarak and Pichu were both surprised and amazed
Peter: With these powers, I found the opportunity to make a name for myself. I began using my chemistry set to created a batch of web fluids, and use cartridges to store them in. I even made some String Shooters to shoot them out. Then I began to test them out in Route 29. I might have hit a few trees when I was swinging, but I manage to get the hang of it. I might have also did some punches and kicks when I tested out my strength as well
Spinarak: (amazed) Spin
Pichu: Pichu
Peter: After I finished testing out my skills, I then began designing my costume. After going through several designs, I was able to find and create the costume that I am wearing now. With my costume and my powers, I have thought that I can use them for fame at the Goldenrod Radio Tower.
Spinarak and Pichu continue to listen
Peter: But that was when I started my first day as a trainer. When I was heading out to Professor Elm's laboratory, Uncle Ben told me this.
Uncle Ben: Peter, this is really important. You're going down the same path that I had taken when I first started my journey. You will face many challenges and there will be times when other trainers would put your skills to the test. The more you travel, the more you will learn about life and you will grow into a fine young man. The most important thing to know is that when you train and bond with your Pokémon, you will get strong. When there's strength, there is power. And With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.
End flashback
Peter: I chose to ignore his advice, and it caused me to make the biggest mistake of my life
Peter is running through the streets of New Bark Town. He slows down when he sees something in front of him. He sees an Officer Jenny chasing after a Team Rocket grunt carrying a sack.
Officer Jenny: Come back here!
As they come near the 10 year old boy steps to the side allowing the Team Rocket grunt to pass him. Officer Jenny stops by him panting.
Officer Jenny: What's the big idea, kid!? You could've stopped him!
Peter: Sorry officer. It's not my job, so it's not my problem. Now if you'll excuse me.
He continues walking forward. Officer Jenny watches him while frowning in annoyance.
End flashback
Spinarak and Pichu were shocked by this
Peter: I know I know. It was foolish of me to do that, but I just felt that I should use my powers only for fame.
Spinarak: (upset) Spin
Pichu: Pichu
Peter: Anyway, when I got to Professor Elm's lab, he told me that all the three Johto starter Pokémon are gone, but he has one Pokémon that no one wants. And that was how I first met Spinarak. (to Spinarak) Right buddy?
Spinarak nodded happily as it remembered the day when it first met it trainer. Pichu was also smiling as it heard that part.
Peter: I at first was nervous, but we manage to get along just fine. But when we came back home, that's when it happened
Peter and Spinarak both grimaced as they both remembered that fateful day
Peter and Spinarak is on the path back home. When they see a bunch of police men outside his house. They both gasp.
Peter: What the?!
Spinarak: Spin?!
They both race to the house. A cop tries to stop him
Police officer: Whoa, stay back kid.
Peter: This is my house! Let me through!
He pushes pass him and goes inside. When he gets inside, he and Spinarak sees Aunt May sitting in her chair crying and Officer Jenny watching in worry.
Peter: Aunt May! What happened here? Where's Uncle Ben!?
Aunt May: Oh Peter. It's terrible! Someone broke into our house, demanding we give him our Pokémon. Your Uncle Ben, tried to defend us, but the man send out his Scyther and had him use Night Slash on him multiple times. That multiple attack killed him and the guy took Eevee!
Peter: (on the verge of tears) What!!? Uncle Ben is dead!?
Officer Jenny: Don't worry kid, we'll catch him.
A cop comes in
Police officer: Officer Jenny, we traced the killer to an abandoned Pokémon Center in Route 29.
Peter's expression goes from sad to angry. He races upstairs.
Aunt May: Peter?
Peter races into his bedroom and slams the door shut. He takes Spinarak off his shoulder and places him on his bed. He then opens his closet and takes his Spinarak-Man costume out and opens his cupboard to get his String-Shooters. Spinarak watches Peter in confusion as he is putting on his costume, his String-Shooters, and his newly created utility belt.
Spinarak: Spin?
Peter: You want to ask me why I'm wearing this costume, Spinarak? Well, I'm wearing this so no one would recognize me. I need to find that guy and make him pay for what he did! I can't do it as Peter Parker. That's why I have to do it as Spinarak-Man.
Spinarak: (concerned) Spin
Peter: I know it's dangerous, but someone has to take this guy down and it has to be me. Look, I'll explain everything later, but right now I'm asking you to trust me. What do you say, Spinarak? Are you with me, or not?
Spinarak thinks about it and decides to do what Peter says. It jumps onto his shoulder.
Peter: Thanks. Now let's get that killer!
Peter opens up his window and climbs up to his roof. He then uses his enhanced jumping to leap from roof to another. He shoots webs if he is too far from the other roof. Spinarak was surprised to see his new trainer doing these moves. Peter reaches the border to Route 29.
End flashback
Pichu was horrified after Peter told the part about Uncle Ben's death
Peter: Me and Spinarak tracked the killer at an abandoned Pokémon Center. We both battle him and his Scyther, until we both defeated him. But when I was about to take my revenge on the killer.
Spinarak-Man goes over to the grunt and lifts him up. He then gets a good look at his face.
Spinarak-Man: No way, it can't be! That face!
His mind flashes back to the time when he allowed the Team Rocket grunt to pass when he first started his journey.
Officer Jenny: What's the big idea, kid!? You could've stopped him!
Peter: Sorry officer. It's not my job, so it's not my problem.
His mind comes back to reality.
Spinarak-Man: You were that guy from before. I could've stopped you back there. What have I done!?
He throws the grunt near the counter of the abandoned Pokémon Center knocking him out. He then shoots String Shot webs to restrain him.
End flashback
Peter's eyes were filled with tears. Spinarak and Pichu both looked at their trainer in concerned as he crying from his fateful memory
Peter: (sniffs) And that's what happened. If I had stopped that Team Rocket grunt earlier, Uncle Ben would still be alive right now. And ever since that fateful day, I understood what Uncle Ben meant when he told me "With Great Power Comes Responsibilty". And I resolved to become not only a Pokémon Master. But to also become a hero that the Pokémon world needs. To become Spinarak-Man.
Pichu was tearing up as it understood why it's trainer became the hero that he is today while Spinarak was happy as it remembered how it first became it's trainer's partner. They both gave Peter a hug. Peter wipes his tears away and hugs them back.
Peter: Heh. Thanks guys. I'm so glad to have friends like you
Spinarak: Spinarak
Pichu: Pichu
Peter: Say, if I didn't have my powers, would you guys still be my friends?
Spinarak and Pichu look at each other and then nod their heads.
Peter: I couldn't agree more.
Peter's Pokégear begins ringing. Peter answers it
Peter: Hello?
Lyra: (on Pokégear) Hey Peter. It's me.
Peter: Oh hey, Lyra. What's up?
Lyra: (on Pokégear) I'm just letting you know that Hobie finish cooking the food. Can you come back please?
Peter: I'm on my way. See ya later
Lyra:(on Pokégear) Bye
Peter hangs up his Pokégear.
Peter: Come on guys. Let's head back
Spinarak: Spin
PIchu: Pichu
Peter puts his mask back on as Spinarak and Pichu both climb on his shoulders. He then shoots webline and they swing away to rejoin their friends for lunch.
Pokémon []
- Spinarak (Peter's)
- Pichu (Peter's)
- Quilava (Harry's)
- Magby (Harry's)
- Totodile (Hobie's)
- Marill (Lyra's)
- Togepi (Lyra's)
- Pidgey (wild)
- This episode uses flashbacks from the previous episodes: Humble Beginnings, Discovering Powers, and Life Lessons and a New Journey.