- Prevoiusly, Christi learned that Pikachu and her have the same bond, after defeating that Shadow Grunt.
Christi- Pikachu! I know what I saw! I saw the crazys!
Pikachu- I know, but you have to litsen to me. You and all of your friends are the Students of the Legends...
Kyle- Legend of what?
Professor Elkim: Students of the Legends; you have a specal power in you all, you can bond with Pokemon and have them become your brothers/sisters.
- Professor Elkim explains the process of bind, and they all do it.
Christi- Pikachu...
Pikachu- You can read my thoughts, I can read yours too.
Eevee- Angi?
Angi- Woah...
Eevee- I know, cool right?
Michal- Squirtle? I... never knew that...
Squirtle- DON'T!! I don't like talking about it.
Charmander- What?
Donovan and Sewaddle- Yeah, what?
Michal- Stop it! He doesn't want to talk about it!
Squirtle- I will tell.
- Everyone is silent
Squirtle- I was a slave of an evil Shadow Leader...
Christi- REALLY?!
Squirtle- ... (I'm not your boyfriend...)
Professor Elkim- We need to go! NOW! But where is Johnathan?
Angi- Dead.
Professor Elkim- ANGI!
Angi- (I wish)
Johnathan- I heard that...
Angi-?! MAN!
Professor Elkim- We were worried! We...
Johnathan- Don't be, I don't care if I died, my life sucks anyway.
- Professor Elkim holds Johnathan
Professor Elkim- Litsen to me! I know you have a hard life, and.... Your... Nevermind...
Christi- Your what?
Johnathan- Nothing! It has NOTHING to do with you!
Pikachu- Christi, leave him alone...
Johnathan- My...Mom...
Angi- I know! She died because of your ugly face!
Professor Elkim- ANGI! STOP IT!
Johnathan- That's it! I can't do it! Goodbye!
Professor Elkim- John! JOHNATHAN!
Professor Elkim- ANGI! I mean it! If you don't stop, I...
- Johnathan is gone...
Kyle- I belive in him...
Christi- Lets find our parents! It's too dangerous here!
Kids and Pokemon- See you later!
Professor Elkim- Bye...
- Looks down at picture
Professor Elkim- Johnathan...