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Basking in the Grand Sun is the thirtieth episode of Pokémon Tales: Extra. It aired 12/3/23.
In Lavaridge Town in the Hoenn region, the Rinya Sun Festival is in full swing with a Fire type battle tournament. There are two stages of combatants; May’s Mega Blaziken vs. Brendan’s Mega Camerupt, and Max’s Pyroar vs. Terrell’s Ninetales. Ninetales’ Drought ability has triggered harsh sunlight, living up to the spirit of the festival. Terrell: Ninetales, use Solar Beam!
Max: Pyroar, use Flamethrower!
Ninetales forms a golden orb and fires Solar Beam as Pyroar breathes Flamethrower to counter it. The attacks explode and blow a shockwave back.
Max: He’s so strong! Our only saving grace is that our Rivalry ability activated. Male Ninetales are exceedingly rare.
Terrell: Now Ninetales, go for Fire Blast!
Max: Noble Roar! Then go for Flare Blitz!
Pyroar lets off a Noble Roar, weakening Ninetales’ power. He breathes Fire Blast as Pyroar charges surrounded in flames, crashing into Fire Blast head on. Pyroar emerges from the explosion and rams Ninetales. He takes recoil damage.
Max: Finish it with Snarl!
Terrell: Psychic!
Ninetales unleashes a Psychic wave as Pyroar Snarls into it. Psychic is broken as Snarl hits Ninetales and defeats him.
Referee: Ninetales is unable to battle! The winner is Pyroar and the victor is Max!
Max: Yes! We did it! I wonder if Brendan won his battle?
May: Blaziken, use Close Combat!
Brendan: Camerupt, use Rock Slide!
Mega Camerupt bellows as boulders form in the air, firing them at Mega Blaziken. Mega Blaziken speeds up with Speed Boost as he pulverizes the Rock Slide before unleashing a barrage on Mega Camerupt.
Brendan: Go for Earth Power!
May: Blast Burn!
Mega Camerupt channels molten energy through the ground as a geyser wave of Earth Power travels the field. Mega Blaziken stomps the field and unleashes powerful flames through the ground, absorbing the Earth Power. Mega Camerupt takes the entirety of Blast Burn and reverts, lying on his side.
Referee: Camerupt is unable to battle! The winner is Blaziken and the victor is May! These results will be posted to the Hoenn Coronation Series!
May: Yes! We get to move onto the finals!
Brendan: (Sighs) Not bad, May. I’m certainly glad I didn’t face you in the Mega Evolution Tournament.
May: Aw, don’t be silly! You probably would’ve used a different Pokemon there!
Brendan leaves the stage, Max leaning against a pillar and snickers.
Max: So you lost.
Brendan: Oh, save it kid. You’ve battled May before. She’s a serious powerhouse.
Max: Yeah. I remember when she beat Ian. But don’t worry. I have a plan ready to go.
Brendan: Good. Don’t let her beat both brothers here, alright?
Max and Brendan bump elbows as they pass each other, Max taking the stage as Brendan joins the crowd. He finds his father Norman and Professor Birch near the front.
Brendan: Hey dad.
Norman: Impressive battle. You were left with few options there.
Birch: Yeah you really had May pushed back! Unfortunately for you, that’s what my little girl loves!
Max and May stand across from each other as the referee takes her position.
Referee: This will be a one-on-one Fire Pokemon battle! The winner will be the trainer who manages to knock out their opponent’s Pokemon! This will be registered as a Hoenn Coronation Series battle!
May: You know my choice! Blaziken!
Blaziken walks out onto the field, flexing his muscles and flame wrists igniting.
Blaziken: Blaze!
Max: I choose Talonflame!
Max throws his Pokeball, choosing Talonflame.
Talonflame: Talon!
May: Awesome! You got it to evolve!
Max: (Rubs nose) We’ve had some good training in the HCS. Are you going to Mega Evolve?
May: Nope! You’re not using Mega Evolution so I’m not either! I don’t want a one-sided battle!
Max: Your defeat then. Talonflame, use Flame Charge!
May: Block it with Blaze Kick!
Talonflame ignites into flames as they speed forward, Blaziken lifting a Blaze Kick and stopping them in their tracks. Blaziken kicks through and shoves Talonflame away.
May: Our move with the best damage output, will be Brave Bird!
Max: Use Double Team to dodge! Then get them with your Brave Bird!
Blaziken surrounds himself in blue energy and rushes forward, plowing through an energy clone. Several Double Team clones litter the sky as Blaziken searches for his foe. Talonflame dives with Brave Bird and rams Blaziken from behind. They take heavy recoil damage.
Max: We can’t take many of those, so speed up with Flame Charge!
May: Chase after them with Close Combat!
Talonflame speeds up as they circle around to strike. Blaziken spins and ducks underneath, unleashing a blinding assault of kicks into Talonflame’s stomach. This launches them up into the air.
May: Now use Brave Bird!
Max: Double Team then Brave Bird!
Blaziken leaps for Brave Bird as Talonflame disappears and surrounds Blaziken with clones. Blaziken retains the Brave Bird energy as Talonflame dives with their own attack. Blaziken spins and uses his leg to clash Brave Birds together, unleashing an explosion. Both Pokemon drop to the field. Talonflame crashes while Blaziken lands in a superhero pose.
Referee: Talonflame is unable to battle! The winner is Blaziken and the victor is May! These results will be posted to the Hoenn Coronation Series!
May: Yes! Way to go, Blaziken!
Blaze: Blaze!
Max returns Talonflame, sighing.
Max: And here I was goading her into Mega Evolution. I suppose I can’t match her strength yet.
May is awarded the first place prize, a basket of Lava Cookies. She joins up with everyone after the ceremony ends.
May: Papa, did you see that?! I won!
Birch: That’s my girl! (Gives a big Ursaring hug) I knew you could win easily!
May: (Laughs) Papa! Not here!
Brendan: It seems like all the kids were having fun today.
Max: Uh, since when are you talking like a grown-up?
Brendan: Since I founded a contest league in Unova! I have alot on my plate.
Norman: You still came home.
Brendan: Well, when you invited me, it was kinda hard to say no.
Birch: Then you won’t be able to say no to this one either! I have a friend who is working on establishing a new Pokemon School! Professor Grand Oak!
Max: Grand Oak? Is he related to Professor Oak from Kanto?
Birch: Distant cousins, or so I’m told. Anyway, he is assisting in providing Pokemon for the new school and found several fascinating specimens. He stated that he didn’t want to create problems by donating them to the school so I convinced him to give them to you guys!
May: So I’m going to get a new Pokemon?! This is amazing!
Brendan: (Sighs) You’re right. I can’t pass this up.
Max: I wonder what kind of Pokemon they are! Oh, I can’t wait!
Birch: Then back home to Littleroot Town we go!
End Scene
Professor Birch drives his jeep along rugged terrain, causing everyone to bounce around. Norman sits in the front while the children sit in the back. May clings to Max trying to keep him in his seat while he tries to wrestle his way free. Brendan has headphones on listening to an audio file as he stares out on the terrain.
May: Just hold still! You’ll go flying out with how loose this seatbelt is!
Max: I’m thirteen years old! I can stay secure in a car by myself! Brendan, help!
Brendan: (Not looking) Now, now. Exhale the negativity and feel the sunshine seeping in.
Max: Huh?!
May: You’re being a brat! I’m trying to help you out!
Max: And I’m saying that I don’t need the help!
Birch: Ah, they’re acting just like brother and sister! It sure brings back memories of our youth, doesn’t it?!
Norman: Are you paying attention to the road?
Birch: Of course I WHOA!
A man walks in the middle of the road, wearing a gray full length coat and sports a red monocle over his right eye. Professor Birch swerves to avoid hitting him, driving on rocks before getting back to the road. The man adjusts his monocle as it scans the jeep and its energy signature.
Max: What are you even listening to?
Brendan: I bought a TM049 at the festival. It teaches the move Sunny Day. I figured that was the feature of the Rinya Sun so I might as well buy it.
Max: Yeah but a CD? I thought those were videos or supplements.
Brendan: It’s a new thing.
May: You don’t need a CD to teach new moves to a Pokémon! It just takes blood, sweat and tears!
Brendan: And if I don’t know what I need to do to teach said move, then that doesn’t matter!
Norman: You’re performing research prior to teaching.
Birch: Here we are!
The jeep swerves to a stop outside Professor Birch’s ranch. An old man with long gray hair down towards his waistline sprawls out on a lawn chair. His eyes are covered by green glasses that resemble arrows. He peers over at the group as he springs up to greet them.
Grand Oak: My brother! What up, Rockruff?! Ah-awoo!
Birch: Professor Grand Oak! Always a pleasure. Or I guess, ah-awoo?
May hops over the jeep door to run up with her father.
May: Hello! My name is May! It’s nice to meet you!
Grand Oak: Far out! Bir, you’ve got a totally charming daughter here!
Birch: Ah, thank you!
Norman, Brendan and Max get out, joining the others.
Norman: (Nods) Professor.
Grand Oak: What up?! You must be Norman. Strongest trainer in the hizz-house!
Brendan: Is he making words up?
Norman: Unfortunately, no.
Max: Hello sir! My name is Max! Professor Birch said that you had some unique Pokémon!
Grand Oak: This bro knows where it’s at! Alright! Time for business!
The group moves out away from the building as Grand Oak draws three Pokéballs. He throws them all to the sky and opens up. Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle emerge.
May: Aw! They are so adorable!
Max: The Kanto Starter set!
Brendan: (Unimpressed) So? We were told these were special.
Grand Oak: How dare you?! All Pokémon are unique and special!
Norman: Forgive the rudeness of my son. We were told they couldn’t be donated to the school you are helping to build.
Grand Oak: Oh my bad! I suppose an explanation is due! I’m helping with a project for Blueberry Academy which will have its own ecosystem for wild Pokémon! They wanted starter Pokémon so I’d been working with the Pokémon Breeding Association for them. We hit a bummer of a set back. These three Pokémon have their Hidden Abilities!
Birch: Incredible! All three of them?!
Grand Oak: The possibilities of this are super low, but they didn’t want the students to get an unfair advantage by getting a rare version! Bulbasaur has a Chlorophyll ability, Charmander has a Solar Power ability, and Squirtle has a Rain Dish ability!
Max: So that’s two abilities that are triggered by sunlight, while the last one has an ability triggered by rain.
Brendan: What a coincidence considering we just came from the Rinya Sun Festival.
Grand Oak: I got the go-ahead to give these Pokémon to whoever I chose. So I picked a random name and called up my Rockruff Bir here!
Birch: It is an honor to be considered by such a famous researcher!
May: (Shakes with anticipation) So we get one of these Pokémon each?! Let me pick one already!
Brendan: Now hold on! There are three of us! How do we choose who picks first?
Max: (Smug) Now that’s easy. We pick based on our placement in the Rinya Sun tournament!
Brendan: (Expression drops) Wait, that means…
May: I get to pick first!
May dashes over and crouches, being at eye level with the three Pokémon. Bulbasaur has sweet eyes. Charmander has fierce eyes. Squirtle has timid eyes.
May: Aw, aren’t you the cutest thing?!
May picks up Squirtle, slightly fearful but relaxing by staring at May’s smile.
Squirtle: Squirtle!
May: Hi Squirtle! My name is May! You’re gonna be my new partner!
Max: Now, (Tilts glasses) I get to pick next. I choose Charmander!
Charmander: Char?
Charmander goes over to Max who bends down on level.
Max: My name is Max! I want to become a powerful trainer and I want you by my side! What do you say?
Charmander: Charmander!
Bulbasaur: (Sobbing) Bulba!
Brendan: Aw, it’s okay.
Brendan sits next to Bulbasaur as they climb into his lap to sob.
Brendan: Just because you were picked last doesn’t mean you’re not valued. I would love to have you as my partner.
Bulbasaur: Saur!
May: Now that we’ve settled that, I want a battle with my new Pokémon!
Max: I’ll take you on!
Brendan: (Dismayed) And we’re left out again.
May and Max spread out as Squirtle and Charmander face each other. Both trainers pull out their Rotom Phones.
May: Squirtle has the moves Bubble, Rapid Spin, Ice Beam and Rain Dance! What an interesting moveset!
Max: Let’s see. Charmander’s moves are Ember, Dragon Breath, Slash and Dragon Dance. No Sunny Day which is surprising.
May: That means we’ll lean heavy on that! Use Rain Dance!
Max: Use Dragon Dance!
Squirtle and Charmander dance on the field, rain clouds forming as Charmander glows pink to power up.
May: Power up a Bubble!
Max: Go for Slash!
Squirtle spews a wave of Bubble as Charmander charges through, taking several hits. They leap and Slashes at Squirtle, knocking them down.
May: Rapid Spin!
Max: Dragon Breath!
Squirtle retracts into their shell and spins with Rapid Spin as Charmander breathes a blue Dragon Breath to deflect them. Squirtle opens up as they shimmer with blue healing energy from Rain Dish. Brendan pets Bulbasaur as he notices someone walking towards them.
Brendan: Huh? Isn’t that the guy from the road?
Norman: I believe it is.
The man pulls a Pokéball out of his coat pocket and opens it, choosing a Hydreigon.
Hunter Gris: Draco Meteor.
Hydreigon glows orange as they spit a Draco Meteor into the air. It erupts as a meteor shower falls on the group, crashing all around them with explosions. Norman moves Birch and Grand Oak into the lab building as Brendan picks up Bulbasaur and flees. Charmander is blown back into Max who catches them in his arms. Squirtle is launched high into the sky and falls off a ledge of the terrain nearby.
May: Ah! Squirtle! Come on!
May dashes off and grabs Max by the collar, dragging both him and Charmander as they go down the ledge. Hunter Gris walks casually as he reveals his arm cannon, firing it at the door of Professor Birch’s lab. The door turns to stone, sealing it shut. He activates his monocle to scan for the Pokémon. He picks up a signature hiding behind a nearby building.
Hunter Gris: There. Hydreigon–
The door from the lab is crushed as Norman’s Slaking emerges and roars. Norman comes out with them.
Hunter Gris: We’ll have to circle back for them or settle. But the client wants all three of them. Hm.
Brendan carries Bulbasaur and sprints, dropping off the ledge and disappearing.
Hunter Gris: This will be a chase. Hydreigon, pursue.
Hydreigon roars and soars after Brendan, traversing the unsteady terrain of the Littleroot forest. Hunter Gris faces Norman and opens a Pokéball, choosing Revavroom.
Norman: I don’t care what you want. You won’t hurt my kids. Slaking, Hammer Arm!
Hunter Gris: Shift Gear to Iron Head.
Revavroom’s engine sputters and restarts, speeding and powering up. They charge and clash Iron Head to Hammer Arm.
End Scene
May keeps moving through the terrain with Max in tow, him and Charmander dragging on the ground and hitting rocks as they go.
Max: Let go already! I can walk!
May: Oh! Sorry!
May lets go, allowing Max and Charmander to stand and rub their sore bottoms.
Max: What was that for? If we all stayed together, we could’ve taken him!
May: Are you kidding?! That was an ambush! Our best option was to flee and regroup! Plus, I need to make sure that Squirtle is okay!
Max: Then why did you bring me with you?!
May: To keep you safe!
Max: I’d be safer if I could team up with my brother and dad!
May: Yeah, sure! But I couldn’t risk my dad getting caught in the crossfire either!
The two scowl at each other as Charmander moves between them.
Charmander: Char char!
May & Max: Huh?
The anger between the two disappears, the two laughing afterwards.
Max: Sorry about that. I thought that you out of all people would’ve taken that guy head on.
May: And I figured you would know that it would be better to retreat until we learned more! I guess we both misread each other!
Max: Thanks for the help there. We managed to stay safe.
May: Which means we can make a strategy to take him out! But first we need to find Squirtle.
Hydreigon soars overhead, the duo ducking down to hide. They continue flying as a cry is heard in the distance.
Squirtle: (Cries) Squirtle!
Squirtle is trapped within the branches of a tree, flailing their limbs to try and free themselves. Hydreigon circles the tree as May and Max arrive at the base.
May: No! Squirtle! We need to help them!
Max: If we go up there, then Hydreigon will simply target us! We can’t climb and fend them off at the same time! I have a plan.
Hydreigon Crunches at the thick branch, causing it to crack but not snap. A Smokescreen emerges from the ground below, garnishing Hydreigon’s attention. They dive down as their descent blows some of the smoke away, revealing Max and Charmander.
Max: Charmander, use Dragon Breath!
Charmander roars and fires Dragon Breath, Hydreigon destroying it with Dragon Pulse. The two leap back to avoid a direct hit.
Max: The good news is that we got their attention! Charmander, Dragon Dance and run!
Charmander dances and speeds up, joining Max in a retreat. Hydreigon chases after them. Meanwhile, May swiftly climbs the tree and arrives where Squirtle is.
May: Don’t worry, cutie. I’ll get you down!
Hydreigon glows and fires Scale Shot from their body, impaling the ground and cutting off Max’s escape route.
Max: I guess I’ll call on a reserve here.
Beautifly: Beau!
Max gasps and looks up, seeing Beautifly circling overhead. Her body glows with a golden light as it reflects the sun and creates a Sunny Day down on them. Charmander steps forward glowing gold as well.
Max: (Grins) Thanks, Brendan. Charmander, use Dragon Breath!
Hydreigon breathes Dragon Pulse to counter Dragon Breath, the attacks now equal. Squirtle shoots at Hydreigon with Rapid Spin, hitting them in the back of the head.
May: Now use Ice Beam!
Squirtle opens up and unleashes a powerful Ice Beam, blasting Hydreigon and forcing them to descend. Down the uneven terrain speeds a Chlorophyll powered Bulbasaur, running under Hydreigon and firing a Leech Seed. The attack erupts into vines and entangles Hydreigon, forcing them to drop to the ground.
Max: Finish it with Dragon Breath!
May: Ice Beam!
Dragon Breath and Ice Beam both overwhelm Hydreigon as their health is drained, defeating them.
May: We did it! With our new Pokémon to boot!
Max: Thanks for the support, May. You certainly are reliable.
Brendan: What am I, chopped liver?
Brendan sits on a ledge above them as Beautifly lands with him. Bulbasaur runs fast enough to climb the ledge and snuggles up to him too.
Brendan: You two would’ve been helpless without me.
Max: Sure, try and take the credit! When did you teach Beautifly Sunny Day?
Brendan: In these few minutes I’ve been looking for you! That TM was highly effective in teaching the move! Beautifly responded to the instructions well.
May: Thanks for the help either way! What happened to that poacher?
Brendan: Knowing my dad, he’s been crushed at this point.
End Scene
Camerupt and Blaziken assist in carrying Hydreigon back to Professor Birch’s lab as Brendan, Max and May carry their new Pokémon with them. Hunter Gris is tied up as Norman, Professor Birch and Grand Oak wait for them.
Birch: May! Oh thank goodness!
Norman: Told you they’d be okay. You worried for nothing.
Grand Oak: Far out! Did you kids use the Starter Pokémon to beat that Hydreigon?
May: We sure did!
Max: Brendan set up a Sunny Day so we could use their unique abilities to do so!
Brendan: (Enjoying the attention) Oh, please. Save your praise there.
Max: (Groans) But you were literally begging for praise.
Birch: We’ve gone ahead and called the police to pick this deviant up.
Norman: They’ll figure out who he works for. (Steps on Hunter Gris) Unless you want to tell me now.
Hunter Gris: Go ahead and do your worst. I won’t budge.
Norman: Too bad.
Grand Oak: Thanks for proving you kids are totally the best choice for these Pokémon!
May: Thank you for the opportunity!
Grand Oak goes over, officially giving them the Pokéballs for the new Pokémon. The trio returns their Pokémon as they smile.
Max: You know, I think I may start calling you sister after all, May! You are much better than my current sibling anyway.
May: Alright! You won’t regret this! I’ll keep you safe!
Brendan: The kid doesn’t need to be protected. He needs someone to push him in the right direction.
Max: Then that’s definitely not you.
Main Events[]
- May wins the Rinya Sun Festival Tournament, defeating both Brendan and Max
- May obtains a Squirtle, Max obtains a Charmander, and Brendan obtains a Bulbasaur. They all have their hidden abilities
- Brendan’s Camerupt is revealed to have learned Earth Power
- May’s Blaziken is revealed to have learned Close Combat
- Max’s Pyroar is revealed to have learned Flare Blitz
- Max’s Fletchinder is revealed to have evolved into Talonflame and learned Brave Bird
- Blaziken (May’s)
- Mega Blaziken
- Squirtle (May’s, newly obtained)
- Pyroar (Max’s)
- Talonflame (Max’s)
- Charmander (Max’s, newly obtained)
- Camerupt (Brendan’s)
- Mega Camerupt
- Bulbasaur (Brendan’s, newly obtained)
- Beautifly (Brendan’s)
- Ninetales (Terrell’s)
- Slaking (Norman’s)
- Hydreigon (Hunter Gris’)
- Revavroom (Hunter Gris’)
- An episode focusing on May and Max was requested by M3. This was to resemble the relationship they have in the anime. Because of this, I felt including Brendan was important as well.
- The Rinya Sun Festival was mentioned by Clyde in the episode Clyde Fife! This led to the perfect tie in.
- This means this episode occurs sometime after Clyde’s battle against Miette at the Magma Colosseum.
- The Rinya Sun Festival is named after a VG battle style, Rinya Sun, named after competitive player Rinya Kobayashi. It heavily features the use of setting the sun, usually including Groudon in some format.
- I had the idea of giving May a Kanto starter like the anime, which is where the episode idea came from. She receives Squirtle like her anime counterpart.
- This episode occurs before the events of Pokémon Drama Island! As May used her Squirtle there.
- Max receives Charmander despite having other Fire types. I originally was going to give Brendan Charmander, then decided it would fit with Max to use it against his rival Alain.
- Brendan’s Bulbasaur is inspired by May’s Bulbasaur in the anime.
- This episode had inspirations from the anime episode A Six Pack Attack! Where Professor Oak brought the Kanto Starters to Professor Birch.
- Professor Grand Oak was utilized as he gives away a Kanto Starter in the game Pokémon Home. The Pokémon all have their hidden abilities when given away.
- Professor Grand Oak is portrayed as more of a hippie to match his appearance.
- It is mentioned that Professor Grand Oak is helping to obtain Pokémon for a new school; Blueberry Academy. This is the school to be introduced in “The Indigo Disk” DLC for the games Scarlet and Violet. This school is currently in development in the PT world.
- Hunter Gris is the unnamed bounty hunter that appears in the anime episode Ash and Latios. He was seen as a simple enemy to use.
- This marks the first appearance of Brendan’s Beautifly since PT: Brendan.
- Beautifly is Brendan's second confirmed Pokémon to learn a move via a TM. The first was Camerupt.