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Bad Blood is the sixth episode of season one of Nexus. It first aired on February 21st, 2022.
November 14th, 11:37
Computer: Recognized: Aether, N-05.
Charles appears in a flash of yellow light, walking directly into the main hub of The Base. Clembot is present to greet him, along with Zeraora and Nightwing's Mienshao.
Clembot: Greyscale informed us of your arrival. You must be tired.
Zeraora runs up to Charles, sniffing him before grunting in displeasure, scurrying away.
Clembot: Zeraora politely requests that you shower before returning to play with her.
Charles laughs weakly.
Charles: Noted. Where's the team?
Clembot: Getting into uniform, I believe. Supernova called in an assignment.
Charles: I'm going, then.
Clembot: Do you not wish to rest?
Charles: I'll be fine, Clembot. The team needs me more. Worst case, I'll drink a Monster and be good to go.
Clembot: You of all people should be against those energy drinks.
Charles: Everything in moderation, Clemmie.
Clembot: Do not call me that.
Charles: I'll be in the hangar in twenty.
With a sign, he walks quickly towards the corridor, leaving a concerned Clembot and Zeraora. Mienshao simply huffs, hitting Zeraora lightly.
The team, fully uniformed, stands in front of Supernova. Prince side-eyes Aether but says nothing.
Supernova: As you all know, Nightwing has been put on temporary leave following his recent injuries. In light of this, Prince will be tasked with leading the team. She's led one mission before and proved herself capable enough in our eyes. Do we have any objections?
If anyone objects, they don't convey it. Supernova nods.
Supernova: Good.
She turns to the holographic interface, pulling up a marked map of Kalos, accompanied by a few pictures of a large building in a desert setting.
Supernova: This here is the power plant that supplies energy to the entirety of Central Kalos, including the independent nation of Parfum.
Prince clenches her jaw but says nothing.
Supernova: Last night, an intense electromagnetic surge set off alarms at the plant. Minutes later, the alarms were silenced and the all-clear was given by the staff. No major cities or settlements have been affected, but some of the more rural areas have reported unstable power supplies.
Reaper: This sounds like a maintenance issue, not a global threat.
Supernova simply glares at him, continuing her briefing.
Supernova: This is strange because we have received no verbal confirmation that the workers are okay. All communication done with the plant has been through a wired server and typed out. The Kalos government is reluctant to investigate, which means it's up to you six to do so.
Supernova presses a button on the interface. The images swap out with a map of the power plant and a weather map of the area.
Supernova: Due to the high intensity of the sandstorms in the area, we've designed new variations of your suits, desert stealth. They will allow you to blend in while maintaining visibility. Clembot has taken the liberty of putting them in the hangar. Are there any questions?
The team is silent. Supernova nods.
Supernova: Then you're dismissed. Good luck.
The team nods, dispersing. Supernova frowns.
Prince holds up her desert stealth suit, examining it. She frowns, noting how heavy the fabric is.
Callisto: Don't be nervous.
Slightly startled, Prince turns around, face to face with Callisto, already in her desert stealth (faded lilac and khaki robes with her hair in a low ponytail).
Prince: What?
Callisto: You're nervous. Don't be.
Prince: What makes you say that?
Callisto: Please. I can practically taste the doubt you're projecting.
Prince scowls, breaking eye contact.
Prince: Nightwing was an incredibly valuable member of this team. Without him, we are considerably weaker.
Callisto: You've led a team of six before. Reaper wasn't there for our trip to Sinnoh.
Prince: Reaper isn't…
Reaper: Isn't what?
Prince and Callisto turn to find Reaper standing near them, arms crossed. He's in desert stealth, khaki and grey robes and a hood over his head. His sword is sheathed on his back.
Prince: I did not mean-
Reaper: Whatever. Underestimate me all you want, I'm still the one who saved your asses in Ecruteak.
Callisto: After leading us all there in the first place.
Reaper is silent, teeth clenched. Finally, he scoffs and turns away.
Reaper: Whatever.
Callisto turns back to Prince, putting a hand on her shoulder. Prince tenses up.
Callisto: Whatever doubts or insecurities you have, get over them. You have the most logical and level-headed mind on his team by far, even more so than Nightwing's. You can do this.
Prince nods, still avoiding eye contact.
Prince: Thank you.
Callisto nods, removing her hand from Prince's shoulder.
Callisto: I'll let you get dressed. You got this.
She begins to walk away, turning around with a playful smirk.
Callisto: And if we fuck up, you get to explain it to Supernova.
She giggles and runs into the hangar. Prince scoffs and unzips her bodysuit.
November 14th, 09:46
Ship flies over miles and miles of desert. Below it, a raging sandstorm. The terrain is sandy and barren. The team sits inside Ship, all cloaked in desert stealth.
Prince: Arrival in approximately two minutes. Once we arrive, Ship will go into stealth mode and-
Ship lurches suddenly, all displays and interfaces going dark. Prince looks out the window, finding the ground to be approaching rapidly.
Prince: Shit.
Hermit reacts the quickest, throwing a pokeball and releasing Abra.
Hermit: To Abra! Teleport to the ground!
The team scrambles to the psychic pokemon, all holding onto each other. In a flash of purple, Hermit is the only one left inside of Ship.
A flash of purple briefly illuminates the sandstorm. The team appears alongside Abra, stumbling onto the sand. Melodic recovers the quickest, standing upright and shielding her face from the vicious sand. She looks to the team, eyes immediately widening in shock.
Melodic: Hermit!
She looks up to see Ship barreling towards the ground. She gasps.
Melodic: He's still in there!
Prince bolts upright, bracing herself against the sandstorm and releasing her Raichu.
Prince: Callisto, Dreamcatcher!
Callisto recovers and nods, releasing her Sigilyph.
Prince and Callisto: Psychic!
Their pokemon adjust to the sandstorm quickly, pulsating with purple aura. Ship becomes surrounded in the same aura, its descent slowed significantly. With great effort, the two pokemon bring the vessel to a stop, setting it lightly on the ground. Melodic runs up to Ship, inspecting it. A hatch opens, Hermit crawling out, dazed but alright. Melodic sighs in relief, throwing her arms around Hermit. The man doesn't reciprocate, but doesn't push her off either.
The Hermit: I'm alright, Melodic.
Melodic: Why did you-
The Hermit: I ran the numbers. I had no time to slip on my ring, and even with the ring, Abra wouldn't have been able to carry me along with you five, so I made a sacrifice. I figured you'd respond quick enough to catch Ship in time, and even if you didn't, I had a high probability of surviving.
Melodic: Arceus, Hermit, you could've died.
The Hermit: Unlikely. But my helmet's interface did.
Prince walks up to Ship, inspecting the exterior before poking her head through the interior.
The Hermit: Full system shutdown, by the looks of it. Ship was knocked unconscious.
Prince's Raichu mewls, her face one of discomfort. Prince returns Raichu quickly, turning to Aether.
Prince: Do you feel it too? The-
Aether, nodding: Electric Terrain.
Reaper: Like in Kanto?
Prince shakes her head.
Prince: It's worse. We are still approximately two kilometres from the Power Plant, and electronics are already overloaded. Raichu is feeling the effects, as well. Whatever is happening at the plant, they do not want anyone to find out.
The Hermit: My helmet and Ship are both offline and dead. It's safe to assume they won't be salvageable for this mission.
Reaper: Earpieces are out, too.
Melodic: So what do we do?
The Hermit slips on his ring, nodding to Callisto.
The Hermit: Link us up, if you don't mind.
Callisto: Thought you'd never ask.
She taps her finger to her temple, eyes shining purple.
Callisto: We're good to go.
Prince nods, surveying the terrain.
Prince: We'll investigate and then come back for Ship. The plant is that way.
She points, the team following her gaze and seeing the vague outline of a large building.
Prince: Let's go.
With this, she trudges against the sand, her team following suit.
November 14th, 10:29
The team is huddled behind a large boulder. The power plant is in sight, several tall machines forming a circle around the building. They speak telepathically.
Reaper: Those look like the machines from Giant Chasm.
Aether: They must be retrofitted to create electromagnetic fields instead of ice.
Prince: Which means this is definitely an Administration job.
The Hermit: What's the plan?
Prince sits silent. She examines the building carefully before turning to her team.
Prince: We're splitting up.
Melodic: But-
Callisto: Let her finish.
Melodic falters.
Prince: There is an even six of us. Three combatants and three supports. From the information Supernova was able to give us, there are three main generators within the plant. Aether and Reaper, you two will take on the Southern Wing. Melodic and Hermit will take on the Northern Wing. Callisto and I will take the Central Wing.
The team nods affirmatively.
Prince: Can you feel anyone inside?
Callisto shakes her head.
Callisto: Same thing as Giant Chasm. They've prevented outside scrying, probably to protect against Supernova.
Prince: Reaper, can you?
Reaper huffs indignantly.
Reaper: Of course I can.
He closes his eyes, placing his hand on the ground. Shadowy aura ripples around him, wispy darkness extending in all directions. Callisto falters, leaning against Prince for support. Prince holds the psychic steady as indistinct whispers rattle through the team's minds.
Callisto: I can't-
Prince, aloud: Reaper, whatever you're doing, make it quick. Callisto can't handle the spectral energy.
Reaper, grunting: I'm trying… to concentrate…
The whispers grow louder, shadows around the team thickening. Reaper's body shakes with tensity until he finally screams, the shadows dispersing. He collapses into the sand.
Melodic: Reaper!
Aether kneels in front of him, checking his pulse. Reaper sits up slowly, batting Aether's hand away.
Reaper: I don't need your help, West.
Aether flinches, backing away. Melodic rubs his shoulder in sympathy.
Prince: What did you find?
Reaper rubs his head, expression unclear under his mask, but his voice betrays irritation.
Reaper: More than I bargained for, I can tell you that much.
Prince: Meaning?
Reaper: I was spread too thin. I've never extended my reach that far. Spirits were trying to break through, and there were enough of them to overwhelm me.
He sighs, standing up.
Reaper: This place reeks of death. But more importantly, it reeks of life.
Prince: What did you feel?
Reaper: Everyone's distributed between the three generators, like you said. I'd say about twenty people in each wing.
Prince: We have to assume that some of them are prisoners as well.
Melodic: But how will we get in? Our tech is down, and Callisto's telepathy can't exactly zap us in there.
Aether: If those machines are anything like the ones in Unova, the dead zone should end once we're inside. Otherwise, their tech would be toast, too.
The Hermit: There's still no way to sneak in without detection.
Prince: That is irrelevant. We are not sneaking in.
Reaper: Then how-
Prince: Stealth is Nightwing's way. And I respect it immensely. But Nightwing is not here.
She unholsters her Binacle, brandishing them with Razor Shell.
Prince: Which means we try my way.
The teammates look at each other and nod.
Lucario's Aura Sphere smashes the Southern Wing's door open. Alarms blare, but Reaper and Aether ignore them, entering the power plant with Lucario close behind.
An arrow finds itself impaled in the metal door to the Northern Wing. The tip of the arrow beeps rapidly before exploding, blowing the door off its hinges. Melodic and The Hermit quickly run inside as the alarm blares.
Prince waves Binacle, Liquidation's heavy streams of water engulfing the sliding doors. A spark of electricity turns into a web of crackling lightning as Hidden Power overtakes the door and the keypad interface. With a burst of static, the doors slide open. Prince grins as she as Callisto enter the Central Wing, alarms blaring.
Lucario's Bone Rush hits a guard in the head, knocking him unconscious. Reaper lifts his sword, blade shining, but a vine snares it, keeping him from impaling the guard.
Reaper: What gives?
Aether stands behind him, wearing Comfey around his neck. A vine protrudes from the fairy-type, wrapped around Reaper's sword.
Aether: We don't kill, Reaper.
Reaper: But-
Aether: Or mortally wound.
Reaper: Fine.
He sheathes his sword, huffing.
Reaper, under his breath: Spoilsport.
He closes his eyes, shadows rippling around him. Aether groans as a sharp pain pierces his mind.
Aether: Ow!
He rubs his head, looking at Reaper.
Aether: Callisto said not to use that anymore, it messes with the psychic link.
Reaper nods, the shadows around him fading.
Reaper: They only sent two guards.
Aether: I imagine they're spread a little thin.
Reaper: Aren't we all?
It's small, virtually unnoticeable, but Reaper slouches, his posture ever-so-slightly betraying his exhaustion. Aether's face softens with sympathy.
Aether: Why don't you rest?
Reaper shakes his head, laughing dryly.
Reaper: We're in the middle of the mission.
Aether: So was Nightwing. You saw where that got him.
Reaper is silent, staring at Aether from behind his mask. Finally, he concedes.
Reaper: Fine. Two minutes. Tell Callisto to take me offline.
Aether nods as Reaper sits down in the middle of the hallway, a swirl of shadows materializing around him.
Melodic delivers a swift kick to a guard's head, knocking him unconscious. Three guards lay across the hallway, all defeated. Melodic turns to The Hermit.
Melodic: How's your vision?
The Hermit, muffled: Feed is coming back. Systems had to reboot
Melodic nods, eyes scanning down the hallway. She keeps her bow drawn, but puts it on her back upon finding no new danger.
Melodic: They sure didn't send many after us.
As if on cue, the alarms stop blaring. Only the buzzing of electricity remains. Melodic frowns, turning to The Hermit.
Melodic: This is… underwhelming.
The Hermit's helmet lights up subtly. He nods.
The Hermit: Interface is back.
He taps his finger to his temple.
The Hermit: Schematics in view.
Melodic: How close are we?
The Hermit: Not. This place is like a maze.
Melodic: Could I blast through?
The Hermit: It's not worth the arrows. Or the property damage. We'll just have to navigate our way through.
Melodic: I think they're spacing their guards out, lulling us into a false sense of security.
She pulls a pokeball off her belt, releasing Jigglypuff.
Melodic: We won't let them get the jump on us, will we Jigglypuff?
Jigglypuff chirps an affirmative. Melodic smiles, turning to The Hermit.
Melodic: Let's go, then.
The Hermit nods, leading the way.
Bullets ricochet off of Binacle's Protect, which covers Prince and Callisto like a shield. Two guards fire at them, automatic weapons unloading round after round.
Prince: Binacle will not be able to hold for much longer.
Callisto: Then allow me.
She presses her finger to her temple, eyes glowing a dangerous purple. The two guards scream in agony, clutching their heads. Prince takes this opportunity, lowering Binacle's Protect and thrusting the other Binacle forward, arcs of lightning springing from its claws. The Hidden Power racks through the guards’ bodies and they drop, defeated. Prince frowns.
Prince: I find their lack of defenses… underwhelming.
Callisto's eyes flash purple once more, her psychic touch reverterbrating through the building and her connection with her team.
Callisto: The others had short fights, too. They either underestimated us or are planning to wear us down slowly. Either way, we need to stay… whelmed.
Prince cocks an eyebrow, smirking slightly. Callisto scowls.
Callisto: Not a word to Nightwing.
Prince, solemnly: Of course.
She reholsters her Binacle.
Prince, telepathically: Make your way to your generators. Stay alert at all times and check in if anything happens. Aether and Hermit, I trust that you two have the finesse to correct the power direction.
The two send mental confirmation, a pinging in Prince's mind. She nods.
Prince: Once you have completed your objective, recon in the Central Wing.
The team pushes their mental confirmations. Prince nods, turning to Callisto.
Prince: Let's go.
Callisto nods, the pair running down the hall.
The shadowy aura around Reaper recedes, shimmering out of sight. He stands up, stretching. Aether smiles faintly.
Aether: Better?
Reaper nods, scowling under his mask.
Reaper: I'm fine, West.
Aether raises an eyebrow.
Aether: Doing that spirit-sensing seems to really take it out of you.
Reaper: It's nothing. It was just a large area to cover. Stop coddling me, anyway.
Aether frowns.
Aether: I'm not coddling you. I'm looking out for my teammate.
Reaper says nothing, staring intently at Aether. Aether's frown deepens.
Aether: What?
Reaper: It's like he's here.
Aether: What? Who?
Reaper: Nightwing.
Aether: What do you mean?
Reaper laughs dryly.
Reaper: You're tied to him. Your spirits, they're all… tangled.
He scoffs.
Reaper: Makes my head hurt, to be honest. You must really care for each other.
Aether blinks, unsure of what to say.
Aether: Yeah, you could say that, I guess.
Reaper eyes Aether through his mask, emanating a morbid curiosity.
Reaper: I would've killed him, you know?
Aether: Huh?
Reaper: Kain. If he had done that to someone I loved. He'd be dead right now.
Aether breaks eye contact.
Aether: Yeah, well, I don't kill. We don't kill.
Reaper: You wanted to.
Aether: It doesn't matter what I wanted. We're better than that.
Reaper scoffs, walking down the hallway, sword drawn.
Reaper: The high road won't get you anywhere. Look at where it got your Boy Wonder.
Aether frowns deeply, following cautiously after Reaper.
A guard stumbles out of the thick cloud of smoke, coughing furiously. He throws a pokeball from his belt, releasing a Prinplup.
Guard: Defog!
Prinplup trills, whipping its flippers around. Compact bursts of wind sail through the smoke, clearing the hallway. Jigglypuff fires a stream of bright prismatic light, blinding Prinplup, while Melodic delivers a powerful punch to the guard's jaw, knocking him out. She returns Jigglypuff to her pokeball. The Hermit nods and the two continue down the hallway before taking a right.
Melodic: So you were right about ambushes.
The Hermit: Good thinking, that smoke arrow.
Melodic smiles.
Melodic: I design them myself. It's always fun to put a new one to use.
The Hermit: Any other trick ones with you now?
Melodic's eyes light up.
Melodic: I have one that secretes this foam stuff, totally traps the target. Nightwing helped me with that one. Uh, a few detonators, an EMP, one that releases Sleep Powder, and a prototype Sonic Boom emulator.
The Hermit: Prototype?
Melodic: Still working out the kinks. It duds about half the time.
The Hermit: I see. Do you know why?
Melodic shrugs.
Melodic: No clue. I guess I've just been over exerting myself with it. It's been my main focus ever since Unova.
The Hermit: Why?
Melodic sighs, looking down.
Melodic: Sound shatters ice.
The Hermit: With no fire or explosions.
Melodic: That was the plan.
The Hermit: I'm pretty good with machinery if you'd like some help-
A guard drops from the ceiling, two metal bars in hand. Melodic nocks an arrow into place.
The Hermit: We'll talk later.
Melodic nods, letting a blunt arrow fly.
Prince and Callisto walk cautiously down the hallway, a metal door sliding open as they approach.
Callisto: This is weird to you too, right?
Prince: That we are being allowed to approach with no defenses? Very. Can you scan ahead?
Callisto nods, a purple glow taking over her eyes. She blinks, shaking her head.
Callisto: A lot of fear.
Prince: Hostages.
Callisto: Prisoners. There's no ransom.
Prince: Anything else?
Callisto nods.
Callisto: It felt like The Diplomat's mind, but different. Same fortification, same mental experience. Same training from Lady Ego.
Prince: Which means-
Callisto: We have another Administration Executive on our hands.
Prince: We can only pray this one is better than The Diplomat.
Callisto: The Diplomat wasn't that bad. Nightwing handled him pretty well. Prodigy was the real kicker.
Prince: Well, we do not have Nightwing, and Prodigy is still at large, so it is best to prepare for the worst.
A droning buzz gives Prince just enough time to unsheath Binacle, forming a Protect as bullets ricochet. Two hovering drones become visible, metallic spheres suspended by whirring propellers. Guns mounted on the sides of each fire another round, deflecting off the Binacle's Protect.
Prince: See?
Callisto: Noted.
She reaches onto her belt, releasing Dreamcatcher from her pokeball. The Sigilyph trills.
Callisto: Destroy them!
Callisto hums, surging with psychic aura. The two drones are engulfed in the same energy, smashing into each other. The bullets stop as two heaps of metal and smoke fall to the floor.
Callisto: Thanks, girl.
Dreamcatcher hums hypnotically, looking around her cautiously. Callisto smiles, returning her to her pokeball. Prince raises an eyebrow, lowering Binacle as the Protect fades.
Callisto: She doesn't like tight spaces.
Prince nods, unsheathing the other Binacle to wield two Razor Shells.
Prince: Stay ready. We might need her.
Callisto nods.
Aether grunts, clumsily blocking a guard's metal bar with Reaper's sword. Reaper takes out two guards at once, Aegislash's sword in one hand and shield in the other. A shadowy aura glimmers around him.
Aether: Reaper! I'm not-
He ducks, barely dodging a blow.
Aether: -good with a sword!
He swipes at the guard, the sword heavy in his hand. Reaper blocks a blow with Aegislash's sword, using the shield to hit a guard in the head. He spins around, blocking the other guard's attack with his shield, ramming forward and pinning him against the wall.
Reaper: Surely you can handle yourself.
He turns and sees Aether pinned to the floor, the guard on top of him, metal bar inches from his face. Aether can barely keep the bar at bay with the sword in his hand.
Reaper: Arceus, West.
Reaper thrusts Aegislash's shield forward, knocking his guard unconscious. Suddenly, Aether smirks, flipping the guard onto his back. The guard has no time to react before Aether pulls a canister off his belt, spraying a white gas into the guard's face. The guard sputters, falling unconscious.
Reaper: What-?
Aether, grinning: Eau de Sleeping Powder. Greyscale had some bioweapons made for me.
Reaper: I see.
He looks down the hallway, noticing a heavy metal door. Aegislash hums as the shadowy aura around him expands. He nods.
Reaper: The generator's right in there. You ready?
Aether nods, standing up and dusting himself off. He pulls a pokeball off of his belt and throws it. Not a single beam of light is emitted as Slowbro is released, bellowing quietly. Reaper scoffs.
Reaper: Does everyone have the stealth edition but me?
Aether: Aqua Tail!
Slowbro heaves, his tail engulfed with raging water. He spins with force, slamming his tail into the door. The metal entrance gives way with a crash. Grunts and yells can be heard from inside. Reaper springs into action, throwing Aegislash to Aether, sword and shield. Aether catches the two appendages clumsily, shooting Reaper a questioning look.
Reaper: Shadow Sneak. Get past the guards and fix the generator. I'll distract them.
Aether nods, disappearing with Aegislash in a ripple of shadows. Reaper turns to Slowbro as guards fill the hallway.
Reaper: Just you and me, Slowbro.
Slowbro grunts quietly as Reaper draws his sword.
Melodic blocks a fist with her forearm, retaliating with a swift kick to the guard's shin. Another hit comes from behind her, which she gracefully side steps, delivering a powerful chop to that guard's throat. A third comes from the side, metal bar in hand. Melodic smirks as she pulls an arrow out of the quiver on her back, sticking the adhesive end to the guard's chest and leaping back. The arrow explodes in a green foam, trapping the guard in a mound of quickly hardening bubbles. Melodic dodges another blow from the first guard, frowning.
Melodic: Any updates?
The Hermit: Be patient.
The Hermit types away furiously at an electronic keypad, attempting to open a large metal door. Melodic scoffs, kicking the first guard in the head.
Melodic: I wonder if Nightwing would let you use his computer arm thing. Until he gets better, you know?
She ducks under a swipe from the second guard.
The Hermit: I don't need his interface.
Melodic shrugs, delivering a swift trio of punches to the second guard's torso. The guard reels in pain.
Melodic: He would've had us in by now.
The Hermit: He's not- oh!
He steps back as the door slides open. Melodic giggles in glee, delivering a final kick to the first guard, sending him sprawling before landing sharp blows to the other guards' necks, knocking them unconscious. She flips and lands next to The Hermit, bowing.
Melodic: I knew you could do it!
The Hermit: You could've knocked them out this whole time?
Melodic: I mean… yeah.
She peeks through the doorway, finding an additional three guards, as well as a large generator. She draws her bow, grinning.
The large metal door slides open for Prince and Callisto, revealing a large room with a floor-to-ceiling generator. A woman stands in front of it. She has short blonde hair and wears a high-tech grey and blue bodysuit. Prince eyes the hostages sitting along the walls, silently crying for help. She steps forward, glaring at the woman.
Prince: You must be the one in charge here.
Woman: How observant. They call me The Associate. One of few Administration Executives.
Price: Care to tell us what you need this power plant for?
The Associate: Well, after The Diplomat's horrendous failure in Sinnoh, my responsibilities extended past biomechanics and into energy. Our plans for Kalos involve a tremendous amount of energy, I'm sure you understand.
Her suit beeps, and she looks at her wrist, a holographic interface displaying two red x's. She raises an eyebrow.
The Associate: It seems your team's already taken back the secondary generators. Impressive.
Prince: We will be taking back this one, as well. You cannot take what is not yours with no consequence.
The Associate laughs.
The Associate: How stoic, how just. A real unshakeable moral compass, aren't you?
Prince grits her teeth.
Callisto: Let the prisoners go!
The Associate turns to her, smiling.
The Associate: Callisto. I felt you scan my mind earlier, you know? I was excited to face you. The Diplomat spoke very highly of your psychic prowess. Said you got one of his henchmen to fight for you!
Callisto stands her ground, gritting her teeth. Her eyes shimmer slightly with violet light.
Callisto: Let them go.
The Associate laughs.
The Associate: My, you're scary. I'm starting to wonder if I targeted the wrong member of your team.
Aether: What?
Aether, Reaper, Melodic, and The Hermit have entered the room through side doors, forming a half circle around the room. Aether's face is twisted in confusion and pain.
The Associate: Everyone's here, finally. Well, sans one, but I suppose that couldn't be helped.
Melodic: What do you mean "targeted the wrong member"?
The Associate scoffs.
The Associate: Did you think Unova was a one-off event? Did you think that Dr. Kori returned to Giant Chasm of his own volition? Don't play dumb. It was all funded and organized by us. Well, me. We've been watching you for some time now. That stunt you pulled in Kanto set us back by a considerable margin, and your Sinnoh exploit didn't go unnoticed either. Some of you remain a mystery…
She eyes Reaper.
The Associate: But we've gathered quite a bit of information on the rest of you. Family ties and the like.
Prince and Melodic trade glances.
The Associate: So, of course, it was easy to deduce that Nightwing, your strong and stoic leader, was actually the Boy Wonder himself. Dr. Kori's personal vendetta against Robin gave us an outlet to work with, of course, but the idea to get the covert team to investigate and ultimately cripple their leader was mine. I even gave Dr. Kori the technology he needed to achieve it. I'm a brilliant mechanic, but biotechnology was always my strong suit.
Without a word, Reaper leaps into action, sword swinging down on The Associate. She reacts quickly, forming a blade around her forearm, blocking Reaper's blow. She aims the palm of her left hand at his chest, firing a blue blast of plasma. Reaper flies across the room, landing next to a terrified employee. Prince narrows her eyes.
Prince: Aether, Hermit, the generator. Melodic, cover me. Callisto-
She's cut off as The Associate fires at her. Grimacing, she unholsters Binacle, forming a Protect with one and a Razor Shell sword with the other. The blast deflects harmlessly off the shield. Prince thrusts Binacle forward, Liquidation overtaking Razor Shell as the blade morphs into a stream of water that engulfs The Associate. The Associate lunges forward, propelled by her suit, and slices at Prince, who flips out of the way just to be blasted by blue plasma. Melodic lets off an arrow, sticking to The Associate and engulfing her in green foam. She struggles momentarily as the foam solidifies. Callisto rushes over to tend to Prince. Melodic keeps an arrow drawn, aiming for The Associate.
Melodic: Don't even think about escaping.
The Associate turns her head, making eye contact. Her eyes light up.
The Associate: You must be Miss Hirasawa. Yes, we have quite the file on you. We're very close with your family, you know?
Melodic breathes deeply but holds her ground.
Melodic: I'm sure you are.
The Associate: Your parents aren't very happy with you.
Melodic: Well, I'm not too proud of them, either.
Suddenly, Callisto perks up.
Callisto: Melodic, look out, she's-!
The Associate bursts free of the green foam, suit buzzing with heat. A blast of plasma narrowly misses Melodic, who rolls out of the way. Melodic throws a pokeball, releasing Leafeon.
Melodic: Magical Leaf!
Leafeon responds quickly, firing a barrage of razor-sharp leaves at The Associate. The woman holds her hands up to block her face, embedding the leaves in the armor of her forearm. Her suit crackles with static, pieces of the suit falling to the floor with a clunk. The Associate scowls.
The Associate: Annoying.
She reaches onto her belt, pulling out a Great Ball and throwing it, releasing Reuniclus. The psychic-type immediately sets its sights on Leafeon, firing an orange ball of energy. The Focus Blast narrowly misses the grass-type, exploding and shattering a computer monitor.
The Associate: Enough games, Reuniclus. Psychic Terrain!
Reuniclus trills, pulsing with psionic energy. The room is bathed in an eerie purple glow, odd flares dissipating as soon as they appear. Melodic perks up.
Melodic: The link is stronger now, right?
Aether: Affirmative.
The Hermit: Has she noticed us yet?
Callisto: Not to my knowledge.
Aether: Prince and Reaper?
Callisto: Out of commission. I can't jolt them awake without damaging their psyches.
Melodic: And the prisoners?
Callisto: I'll take care of them. You get The Associate.
The Associate: Psychic!
Reuniclus trills, extending its hands. Melodic and Leafeon become outlined in the same purple aura, slamming into the wall. They both lay unconscious.
Callisto: Fuck.
The Associate: I guess that leaves you, Callisto.
She stares Callisto down, an arrogant gleam in her eyes. Callisto clenches her fists.
The Associate: You've been a thorn in our side far longer than your tenure on this team, you know? I know a colleague of mine who would kill to exact his revenge on you.
She laughs dryly.
The Associate: But that's what happens when you play Arceus with powerful men, right?
Callisto grits her teeth.
The Associate: I have no gripes with you on a personal level. However, you are in the way of the mission. Perhaps I'll do my colleagues a favor and take you out the same way I did Nightwing.
She brandishes the blade on her right arm.
The Associate: You're bound to fall eventually, right? Why not take some initiative? Go honorably, by my hand, rather than in the wake of The Administration.
Callisto's eyes narrow, violet light seeping in faintly.
Aether: Callisto, do you need us to step in?
Callisto: No.
The Associate chuckles.
The Associate: No? You don't have a choice.
She steps forward, but Callisto screams, a guttural screech coming from deep within. Her eyes erupt in a violet blaze, hair flying in frenzy. An unseen force erupts from her, knocking her team and the prisoners back and pinning them to the walls.. The eerie glow of Psychic Terrain intensifies. And The Associate is at the center of it all, a violent psychic grasp holding her in the center of the room. The villainess writhes in pain, attempting to break free. Reuniclus trills, rushing towards Callisto, but the young woman crashes the pokemon into the wall with a wave of her hand.
The Associate: No! Please! I-
The Associate's eyes take on the same violet blaze as Callisto's, and she screams, a pained and primal scream that begins to fade almost as soon as it begins. Her pain is felt throughout the room, pangs of anguish and identity echoing across the psychic atmosphere. Blood trickles down the side of The Associate's mouth as she falls to the floor. The Psychic Terrain dissipates, the eerie glow and psychic force fading in an instant. Callisto's hair falls back to her shoulders, and she falls to the ground, sobbing. Aether and The Hermit turn to each other and nod.
November 15th, 10:46
The monitor beeps regularly. It's consistent. It has been for as long as Audrey Weaver has been attached to it, which is to say, since late last night. Audrey Weaver. That's The Associate's real name, Sylvia learned. She's more than a villain, she's-
Colress: My sister.
Sylvia turns to him. He stares through the glass, watching his sister lay comatose on the bed. She can sense the pain rolling off of him in waves, but even if she couldn't, she can see it in the tightness of his face.
Colress: We haven't spoken in years, but… I guess she kept tabs on me.
He frowns deeper.
Colress: She turned my own research against me. Against this team. I guess I am to blame for that.
Sylvia, weakly: You can't blame yourself.
Colress shakes his head lightly.
Colress: No, I suppose I can't, can I?
He looks her in the eyes.
Colress: But you can't either.
Callisto, tears welling: But I-
Colress: There are too many factors to assign blame. I've seen the footage. Psychic Terrain was active, she was goading you, your team was out of commission. Anyone else in your shoes would've done the same thing.
He sits down across from Sylvia, watching his sister through the glass.
Colress: She's my little sister, and I love… loved her very much, but…
He looks down.
Colress: She is not a good person, Sylvia. What she does, what she enjoys doing, it hurts people, and she revels in it. I wish I could say I could help her, but…
Sylvia nods, a tear running down her face.
Sylvia: I'm sorry, Colress.
Colress looks at her, a tear in his eye as well.
Colress: I am too.
Sylvia nods and stands up, tears overtaking her as she exits the room. The room is quiet as Colress watches over his sister, nothing but the buzzing of the lights and the familiar BEEP… BEEP… BEEP…
Major Events[]
- Nightwing's Mienshao is shown to have recovered.
- Nightwing is absent due to his injuries, putting Prince in charge of a mission to the Lumiose Badlands.
- The Team frees the Kalos Power Plant from Oblivion control.
- An Administration Executive, The Associate, is forced into a catatonic state via Callisto's powers.
- She is revealed to be Audrey Weaver, the younger sister of Nexus' Colress.
- Charles West//Aether
- Clembot
- Olympia Jade//Supernova
- Ichigo Kurosaki//Reaper
- Sylvia Belladonna//Callisto
- Inez Cortez//Prince
- The Hermit
- Yui Hirasawa//Melodic
- Guards
- Prisoners
- Amanda Weaver//The Associate
- Colress Weaver
- Zeraora (Clembot's)
- Mienshao (Nick's)
- Ship the Rotom
- Abra (The Hermit's)
- Raichu (Alolan, Inez's)
- Binacle (Inez's)
- Lucario (Ichigo's)
- Jigglypuff (Yui's)
- Prinplup (Guard's)
- Dreamcatcher the Sigilyph (Sylvia's)
- Leafeon (Yui's)
- Reuniclus (The Associate's)
- This is the first episode in which Nightwing does not appear.
- Prinplup's appearance was due to the writing of this episode occurring during Piplup fest.
- Callisto's damage to The Associate was inspired by Miss Martian's assault on Manta in Young Justice: Invasion.
- Yui's Leafeon is shown to have made a full recovery.