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Back to School is the eighth episode of the fourth season of Pokémon Tales: Violet. It aired 5/27/20.
Violet, Eevee, Hazel, Flabébé, Sorrel, Ritchie and Sparky the Pikachu return to the Pokémon Center.
Voice: Hey Violet!
Violet turns, as Luculia runs up to her. Violet smiles.
Violet: Luculia. You made it into the tournament.
Luculia: I did! Following the training you did with me, I was able to excel through the advance courses and become a candidate for the competition. Thank you so much for all of your help.
Violet: You performed that on your own. I am glad you were able to accomplish your dream.
Ritchie: How is Spencer doing?
Luculia: Great! We’ve been able to get him some extra therapy and he’s been able to help out a lot more. It’s the only reason I felt comfortable enough to come on my own.
Hazel: I assume this means that you made it past the first round?
Luculia: Yes! I won on the Water field.
Sorrel: Water field, that means you’re in the same round as Violet? You two may compete against each other.
Hazel: Please! The odds of them facing are, are, are…
Her voice trails off as she looks at the match up screen. It shows Violet and Luculia are paired up against each other.
Hazel: Why am I surprised?
Luculia: I’m battling you? (Determined) Okay! I’m going to give it my all and beat you!
Violet: I am honored to battle against you. But I do not plan on losing either.
End Scene
Violet and Luculia face each other across the rock field, the referee standing in position.
Referee: This will be a three-on-three battle! The winner will be the trainer with Pokémon still able to continue! Substitutions will be allowed!
Luculia: Okay. (Breathes deep) I can do this! Sunflora, I choose you!
Luculia throws her Pokéball, choosing Sunflora.
Sunflora: Sunflora!
Violet: Hitmonchan, let us participate in battle together.
Violet throws her Pokéball, choosing Hitmonchan.
Hitmonchan: Hitmonchan!
Announcer: My goodness! That Hitmonchan is missing an arm! Violet’s team is full of wonders!
Violet: Sky Uppercut.
Luculia: Sunny Day to Solar Beam!
Hitmonchan speeds in and punches Sunflora, knocking it back into a boulder. Sunflora glows gold as the sunlight turns harsh. It instantly fires a golden Solar Beam after the retreating Hitmonchan, blasting it into a boulder across the field.
Sorrel: A Sunny Day Solar Beam combo. Classic technique.
Hazel: It gets better. Sunflora have the ability Chlorophyl which doubles its speed. Against Hitmonchan it’ll be a battle of speed.
Violet: Agility to evade its attack and use Ice Punch.
Luculia: Solar Beam!
Sunflora fires Solar Beam, Hitmonchan disappearing and dodging. He appears for Ice Punch as Sunflora sidesteps and dodges to fire another Solar Beam. Hitmonchan skids away.
Luculia: Let’s use Grassy Terrain!
Sunflora glows green as the energy spreads over the rock terrain. The rocks are all covered in grass, as the nutrients rise up and heal both Sunflora and Hitmonchan.
Ritchie: What does that move do?
Hazel: They’ll both heal since they’re touching the ground, and Grass type moves gain a major boost!
Luculia: Solar Beam!
Violet: Dodge it!
Hitmonchan dodges the first Solar Beam, but is hit by a second one. Hitmonchan heals from the Grassy Terrain but is down on one knee.
Violet: Hm. There is no progress here. Hitmonchan, return.
Hitmonchan scowls but returns to his Pokéball.
Violet: Oricorio, let us participate in battle together.
Violet throws her Pokéball, choosing Pa’u form Oricorio.
Oricorio: Oooo.
Violet: Oricorio, use Teeter Dance.
Luculia: Use Solar Beam!
Sunflora fires Solar Beam, Oricorio jumping and flying to evade it. It lands on a grass covered boulder, dancing and releasing a pink mist. Sunflora begins dancing with Oricorio flying into the air.
Violet: Aerial Ace.
Oricorio flies forward and strikes Sunflora with Aerial Ace. Sunflora stumbles in confusion as it heals from Grassy Terrain.
Luculia: Solar Beam!
Violet: Aerial Ace.
Sunflora fires Solar Beam all around, Oricorio able to fly and evade the attacks. Oricorio strikes Sunflora repeatedly, faster than it can heal. Oricorio flies in with one more Aerial Ace, defeating Sunflora. The Sunny Day fades.
Referee: Sunflora is unable to battle! The winner is Oricorio!
Announcer: Violet has taken an early lead in the battle! Luculia, a trainer from the Violet City Pokémon Academy, has to continue to fight in order to keep in the tournament!
Luculia: (Returns Sunflora) Okay. I don’t know what type this form is. But I know it’s still a Flying type! Bibarel, I choose you!
Luculia throws her Pokéball, choosing Bibarel.
Bibarel: Biba!
Luculia: Work Up to Water Gun!
Bibarel glows red, then fires a powerful Water Gun. Oricorio flies to evade the attack.
Violet: Use Revelation Dance.
Oricorio flaps its wings, releasing a psychic wave that blocks Water Gun.
Violet: Teeter Dance to Aerial Ace.
Oricorio dances, confusing Bibarel. Oricorio then flies in for Aerial Ace.
Luculia: Defense Curl then Hyper Fang!
Bibarel curls into a ball, Oricorio hitting it and bouncing back. Bibarel opens out with glowing fangs and strikes Oricorio. A white sparkle occurs as Oricorio falls back defeated. Grassy Terrain heals Bibarel’s minute injuries.
Referee: Oricorio is unable to battle! The winner is Bibarel!
Ritchie: Whoa. Even though Bibarel’s moves are still considerably basic, that was a powerful hit!
Sorrel: She’s really taking advantage of its Simple ability.
Violet: (Returns Oricorio) Hitmonchan, let us participate in battle.
Violet throws her Pokéball, choosing Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan heals up from the Grassy Terrain.
Violet: Sky Uppercut.
Luculia: Water Gun!
Bibarel fires Water Gun, attempting to keep Hitmonchan back. Hitmonchan evades and punches Bibarel, it skidding back with relatively no harm.
Sorrel: Its defense is that high after one use?
Luculia: Hyper Fang!
Violet: Counter.
Luculia: To the ground then Water Gun!
Bibarel goes for Hyper Fang, Hitmonchan ready for it. Bibarel changes her angle to strike the ground, it splitting and Hitmonchan losing his balance. Bibarel fires Water Gun at the ground, the force pushing Hitmonchan back.
Luculia: This seems too dangerous. Bibarel, return!
Luculia returns Bibarel, drawing a new Pokéball.
Luculia: Wormadam!
Luculia throws her Pokéball, choosing Trash Cloak Wormadam.
Wormadam: Worm.
Violet: Use Sky Uppercut.
Luculia: Confusion!
Hitmonchan charges with Sky Uppercut as Wormadam blasts him with a wave of Confusion. Hitmonchan is blown back, as the Grassy Terrain fades away.
Luculia: Mirror Shot!
Wormadam forms a silver energy sphere, firing it and striking Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan falls over defeated.
Referee: Hitmonchan is unable to battle! The winner is Wormadam!
Violet returns Hitmonchan.
Violet: Luculia. You have done well. I am impressed.
Luculia: Thanks Violet!
Violet: However, defeating you is my latest mis- I mean my desire. To continue in this tournament. I will not hold back.
Hazel: Whoa, she’s serious.
Sorrel: She never talks that much. Especially about what she wants.
Violet: Eevee, let us participate in battle together!
Eevee: Ee!
Eevee runs onto the field, raring to go. The monitor screen focuses in on her, especially her prosthetic.
Announcer: Eevee has a prosthetic foot, created by Silph Co according to Violet. Both trainer and Pokémon have a prosthetic right arm so I can imagine that the two have connected well together.
Luculia: I am aware just how strong that bond is. I’m prepared for you Eevee! Luculia, fire Mirror Shot!
Violet: Glitzy Glow.
Wormadam fires Mirror Shot, as Eevee’s forehead glows purple as she releases a telekinetic blast. Mirror Shot crashes into a Light Screen, Eevee closing one eye.
Announcer: What move was that?!
Violet: Bouncy Bubble!
Luculia: Dodge and use Mirror Shot!
Eevee fires Bouncy Bubble, it slightly off course and Wormadam dodging. Wormadam fires Mirror Shot as Eevee dodges and jumps up a boulder.
Violet: Baddy Bad.
Eevee crouches as her shadow merges with the shadow of the boulder and connects with Wormadam’s. A dark light blasts Wormadam, knocked back.
Violet: Bouncy Bubble.
Eevee leaps and fires Bouncy Bubble, hitting Wormadam.
Luculia: Confusion!
Violet: Glitzy Glow!
Both Pokémon fire psychic energy, the two clashing and sparking in the air. Confusion hits the Light Screen and weakens, allowing Glitzy Glow to push through. Wormadam is struck and defeated.
Referee: Wormadam is unable to battle! The winner is Eevee!
Announcer: What a show! Eevee has displayed not one, but three moves that I have never even heard of before!
Violet: They are ancient moves that were rediscovered by Bill.
Luculia: Now she’s got Light Screen and Reflect set up. My main concern is Veevee Volley though. Bibarel, go!
Luculia throws her Pokéball, choosing Bibarel.
Bibarel: Biba!
Bibarel and Eevee stare each other down, both of them raring to go.
Violet: Baddy Bad!
Luculia: Defense Curl!
Bibarel curls up as Eevee’s Baddy Bad extends and blasts Bibarel. She rolls back then opens up.
Luculia: Work Up to Water Gun!
Bibarel uses Work Out then fires Water Gun. It crashes into Light Screen.
Violet: Bouncy Bubble.
Eevee fires Bouncy Bubble, it hitting and doing limited damage. Eevee shimmers as she heals.
Luculia: Bibarel is part Water, so you can’t heal as efficiently. Bibarel, Work Up to Hyper Fang!
Bibarel uses Work Up as she charges with Hyper Fang.
Violet: Sparkly Swirl.
Eevee howls to the sky, a sparkling pink cyclone forms around Eevee and travels forward. Bibarel is swept back by the cyclone and is knocked back.
Luculia: I’m worried about replacing Amnesia with Work Up, but I needed to be able to fight back. Bibarel, use Water Gun!
Violet: Glitzy Glow!
Bibarel fires a powerful Water Gun which is repelled by Glitzy Glow and Light Screen. Eevee strains as she skids back from the force of collisions, panting.
Sorrel: Luculia’s attacks are strong enough to cause major damage. Even with her defenses.
Violet: We are not going to lose. Are we, Eevee?
Eevee: EE!
Violet: Veevee Volley!
Announcer: A fifth move?!
Luculia: Now Bibarel! Defense Curl!
Eevee is surrounded in a golden aura as she rockets forward. Bibarel curls up with Defense Curl as she takes the attack. Eevee bounces back as Bibarel uncurls.
Luculia: Hyper Fang!
Bibarel crashes Hyper Fang into the Reflect barrier, Eevee howling from the damage. Eevee skids back, dropping to one knee.
Hazel: She survived their finisher! It’s still raring to go!
Luculia: Great job, Bibarel! Work Up to Water Gun!
Violet: Dodge and use Baddy Bad!
Bibarel uses Work Up to fire a high powered Water Gun. Eevee runs to dodge but is washed back into a boulder. Bibarel keeps up the pressure up to trap Eevee, unable to attack.
Violet: Sparkly Swirl!
Eevee raises Sparkly Swirl, breaking the Water Gun and traveling down the field. Bibarel takes the hit as Eevee struggles to stand.
Luculia: Again! Water Gun!
Violet: Sparkly Swirl!
Bibarel fires the powerful Water Gun as Eevee blocks it with Sparkly Swirl. However this attack breaks as Eevee is doused by water.
Violet: Baddy Bad!
Luculia: Water Gun!
Bibarel fires Water Gun as Eevee extends her shadow for Baddy Bad. Baddy Bad connects with Bibarel’s shadow and erupts, causing Water Gun to cease.
Violet: Glitzy Glow!
Eevee fires Glitzy Glow which slams Bibarel into a boulder. Bibarel stands up after it, then falls defeated.
Referee: Bibarel is unable to battle! The winner is Eevee and the victor is Violet!
Luculia: Oh.
Announcer: Violet wins yet again! Luculia made a great run in her first tournament, but Violet takes the day!
Violet picks Eevee up, which collapses from exhaustion. Luculia returns Bibarel.
Luculia: Bibarel, you were marvelous. I hope you rest well.
Violet and Luculia meet up, shaking hands.
Luculia: Congratulations, Violet. Good luck in the rest of the tournament.
Violet: Thank you, Luculia. Your brother will be proud of you.
Luculia: I know. But hearing you say that, means a lot.
Main Events[]
- Violet battles and defeats Luculia, advancing to the third round.
- Luculia's Bidoof is revealed to have evolved into Bibarel.
- Violet Evergarden
- Luculia
- Hazel
- Sorrel
- Ritchie
- Announcer
- Referee
- Hitmonchan (Violet's)
- Oricorio (Violet's, Pa'u style)
- Eevee (Violet's)
- Sunflora (Luculia's)
- Bibarel (Luculia's)
- Wormadam (Luculia's, Trash Cloak)
- Sparky the Pikachu (Ritchie's)
- Luculia's return was to provide another rival for Violet to face in the tournament.
- Luculia's battle style revolves around classic combinations and simplistic techniques. This is due to her learning from a school environment and not having travel experience.
- Bibarel is the first Pokémon shown to not only parry Veevee Volley, but to continue battling afterwards. This is due to Luculia being familiar with the move and preparing specifically for it.
- Violet has now used all 6 of her Pokémon in this tournament.