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An Undesired Conclusion is the eleventh episode of the third season of University of PocketMon. It aired 3/24/21. Stay tuned for the Season 4 teaser trailer at the end.


Entei Stadium is now in shambles. The Will of Yamask attack leaves the integrity of the stadium in ruins. The stadium is surrounded with EMTs, police and firefighters helping to get people outside. Portions of the stands are broken apart from the use of Z-Moves. The VIP box was blown up. Traumatized students from PTU all give their reports and try to calm each other. The students of UoP compile their experiences from the event with no noted trauma between them.

Sahara: Except the explosion. That was surprising.

Weiss: Surprising for you maybe! I heard them give the command and had like three seconds to protect myself!

Mai: Well I never knew that Geo here could be so handy! He orchestrated our efforts and defeated three Pokémon with a single Z-Move!

Geo: It’s not a big deal.

Sarada: I managed to deflect a Z-Move which was equally as strenuous. There were too many sleeping bystanders to allow it to escape!

Garnet: The important part of this all is that we are all okay.

Rolan: Almost okay.

The PTU students gather as Victor is taken off in a stretcher, suffering from contusions since Probopass landed on him.

Mei: Victor! Keep it tough yo!

Victor: (Painful chuckle) Girl, you know I will.

Albedo: What of the battle? Did you defeat that loser from the other school?

Victor: Hey, we don’t deserve to call them losers. He defeated a Mega Evolution and probably would’ve beaten another if they hadn’t fled.

Aelita: Victor’s right. Without them and the professors, that could’ve been a lot worse.

Tim: I never imagined…

Jim: …that Professor Volkner could use a sweet Z-Move like that!

Jack: Yeah, yeah. Big whoop. The teacher’s strong. But what about the battle then?! If you guys didn’t technically battle, then it doesn’t count. (Eyes sparkle) Which means…

Albedo: We have unfinished business with them.

Annabeth: Do you think that any of them would be willing to battle after all of that?

Jack: I just need one of them too. (Walks out partway) Hey hijab girl!

Sahara: Huh?

Jack: I challenge you to a battle! This will be the decisive victory to prove that I, Jack Spicer, am the undoubted genius of the group that will declare victory for our school once and for all!

Weiss: Is he serious?

Rolan: I guess my battle didn’t technically count.

Sahara: I’m gonna do it. That’s what the reserve member is for, right? To pick up the slack when something unexpected happens.

Claire: You have no reason to battle them.

Sahara: Except that he challenged me. And pros don’t turn down challenges.

Thalia: If you’re committed to this, you better win.

Korra: Who do you think you’re talking to? Sahara can win easy!

Sahara steps out, the crowd forming an impromptu battlefield.

Sahara: My name is Sahara Baghdad and I accept your challenge! My Pokémon choice is Palossand!

Sahara throws her Pokéball, choosing Palossand.

Palossand: Palo!

Jack: Ha! Too easy. Zarude, ATTACK!

Jack throws his Friend Ball, choosing Zarude.

Zarude: ZARUDE!

Rikochet: Ay caramba! Who’s that Pokémon?

Geo: Zarude. A supposedly Mythical Pokémon. Grass and Dark combo.

Adrien: Both of those types are strong against Palossand!

Jack: Ha! What do you think? This is the secret reserve that PTU tried to hold back! They knew that with my genius and Pokémon, the tournament would’ve been too easy for them!

Sahara: Ah! So cool! I’ve always wanted to face a Mythical Pokémon! Let’s start! Palossand, Sandstorm to Shadow Ball!

Jack: Vine Whip, ATTACK!

Palossand breaks apart and forms a Sandstorm around the impromptu battlefield, garnishing the attention of officials and Officer Jenny.

Jenny: Hey, what’s going on here?! This is a trauma area!

Claire: I am so sorry, officer! My name is Claire Nuñez, the congresswoman’s daughter. She agreed that the final tournament battle should be finished, even if it is in an unofficial capacity. This will give clarity and closure for us students!

Officer Jenny glares Claire down unconvinced, but sighs at the development.

Jenny: Tell them to finish up. Fast.

Zarude extends the green vines on its arm and whips them through the Sandstorm. They do nothing to hit their target. A Shadow Ball into Zarude, it chattering angrily at the would-be attacker. Zarude is buffed by the Sandstorm.

Jack: Zarude! What are you doing?! Hit them already! Darkest Lariat, ATTACK!

Zarude holds its arms out and spins like a top, building up centripetal force that draws in the Sandstorm.

Sahara: Get it with Scorching Sands!

The sand drawn in soon begins to steam and glow red, sucked in and clinging to Zarude as it ignites with the heat. Zarude screeches in terrible pain as it stops spinning, suffering from a burn. It is buffed by the Sandstorm.

Jack: No, no! Heal up with Jungle Healing!

Zarude shouts to the sky as a grass energy dome surrounds it. Healing energy resonates through it, tending to its wounds and alleviating its burn.

Jack: Haha! You can’t handle this! Vine Whip, ATTACK!

Annabeth: For a self proclaimed “genius”, he’s not doing too well.

Aelita: Perhaps it was just a title.

Albedo: I chose him for this team for a reason. Because of his tenacity and the strength of the Mythical Pokémon.

Tim & Jim: Doesn’t look too strong here.

Shadow Balls bombard Zarude as it tries to strike with Vine Whip. It continues to be buffed by Sandstorm until it eventually fades and Palossand returns.

Jack: Gotcha! Darkest Lariat, ATTACK!

Sahara: Now! (Strikes Z-Poses) The desert is cruel; extinguishing life, purpose, hope. But when the wind blows to reveal that beneath the surface, you see the blossoming world around you! Go! Z-Sandstorm!

Palossand breaks apart as the sand forms a Sandstorm cyclone over the field. Zarude looks around as it is pelted heavily by the Sandstorm.

Jack: Don’t let up! Darkest Lariat, ATTACK!

Sahara: Scorching Sands!

The Z-Sandstorm condenses on Zarude’s Darkest Lariat, becoming a simple sand whirlwind. The Sandstorm fades as Palossand reforms, allowing Zarude to drop defeated.

Garnet: Palossand wins.

Jack: (High pitched) AAHHH!

Albedo: (Scrunches forehead) Useless.

Sahara: Alright! We won!

Bede: Hey Agreste! Schnee! Nuñez!

Bede rushes over to join the group, panting heavily.

Bede: You gotta talk some sense into your parents! They wanna fire Earl!

End Scene

Congresswoman Nuñez stands in front of news cameras with the reporter off to the side.

Mrs. Nuñez: We were here at the attack on the Entei Stadium today, me and several other prominent members of the city’s council. Today, a radical group from UoP campus known as the Will of Yamask launched an attack during the annual exhibition tournament, causing millions in property damage. While their actions are not directly approved by the university, they have been unable to contain the threat which is now spreading out into the city of Pokyo. My fellow members and I have discussed at length and will move to strike Earl as principal for allowing such tragedies to occur. Thank you.

Reporters hound Congresswoman Nuñez with questions as she joins up with Gabrielle Agreste, Jacque Schnee, Senator Izinski, Principal Earl and others.

Claire: Mom!

Claire, Weiss, Adrien and Bede all rush over to the sight.

Claire: What are you talking about, firing the principal?! He is one of the people most adamant in stopping the Will!

Mrs. Nuñez: Which he has failed miserably to do so!

Weiss: Perhaps if you didn’t remove my sister from the campus then they actually would’ve made some headway.

Mr. Schnee: Oh dear, are you still under the impression that Winter was there to solve the situation? She was there as a figurehead, nothing more.

Weiss: Despite what you believe, she was doing real good there.

Adrien: Father, you can’t truly believe that Principal Dervish is responsible for this, do you?

Gabrielle: No. What I do believe is that he has kept the situation under the radar, and neglected to inform the parents of the students of the impending danger. Not only do I support this decision, I am pulling you from the school effective immediately.

Adrien: But father! I want to finish up the semester with my friends! I want to be a pro trainer! This isn’t fair!

Gabrielle: Fair isn’t what will keep you safe.

Bede: Earl, don’t tell me that you are going to roll over and be complacent with this! Fight back against it!

Earl: (Sighs) Sadly, there is no more I can do. When the threat was contained to the campus I was confident I could handle it. But now…

Bede: You all are idiots! This is what the Will wants! For you to fire the only guy who gives a damn what happens to your kids!

Mrs. Nuñez: Mind your tongue, young man!

Bede: If you all weren’t so preoccupied by your own careers and how this bodes ill on you, then you wouldn’t make such a stupid decision!

Weiss: What’s next then? Are you going to stop supplying the school with Z-Crystals?

Mr. Schnee: Heavens no! UoP is one of our biggest customers of Z-Crystals! I trust we can find a replacement that will keep that deal in place.

Weiss: Unbelievable.

Mrs. Nuñez: I’ve heard quite enough of this. If I didn’t believe that we were making the best decision, then we wouldn’t be at this conclusion. Vice Principal Anabel will be in charge until we find a suitable replacement.

Congresswoman Nuñez heads off, followed by the others. Earl goes over to Bede.

Earl: Thank you for the defense, Bede. I appreciate it.

Bede: Tsk! (Turns away) It’s not for you. The campus is doomed without you there. These idiots don’t understand what they’re doing.

Earl: They do not. I’m not gone yet, however. The Fairium-Z exam is next weekend, and I am the examiner for it. It’s too late to get a replacement so I will hold the office until the exam is completed. That will be enough time to finalize my things.

Bede: But, what will you do after this? What will we do?

Earl: Oh, I have enough money kept away to pay you through your time here. It being free since you were my child was nice, but nothing but the best education for my son.

Later that day, the bus takes the UoP students back to campus. The students solemnly trudge back to the dorms as the other students are anxiously waiting.

Bow: You guys are all okay!

Helen: We’re not safe anywhere! We heard about the attack on the news!

Bernadetta: Ah that seemed terrifying! I am so glad I decided to stay in my room instead of go out!

Kiba: Is it true you guys all took on the Will? It sounds like there was a dozen of them!

Sahara: No. Just like nine or so.

Jewelry: (Spits out food) Nine?! What the blazes did they send nine people for?!

Megumi: Sahara, are you okay? It sounds like this was a win.

Sahara: No, it isn’t. The, he,

Sahara dashes off, pushing through the group.

Rayla: ‘Ey, where’s Adrien at anyway?

Weiss: Adrien, has been pulled out of UoP.

Claire: And at the end of next week, Principal Dervish will be officially removed from his post.

Bow: They can’t do that!

Helen: Why not? This all happened under his watch. People are really good at blaming others for their problems.

Bede: He does not deserve the blame.

Helen: He doesn’t. But he’s at the top. And in this type of situation, the blame falls at the top of the pyramid instead of the bottom. Who’s replacing him?

Claire: Vice Principal Anabel until the school board finds someone else.

Helen: That’s the only blessing there.

Weiss: Unlikely. I feel that she’ll be pressured to obey all of the council’s demands to keep her position. Which means a rough rest of the year for us.

Main Events[]

  • Sahara defeats Jack Spicer, thus unofficially winning the exhibition match for UoP.
  • Earl is terminated from his position as principal
  • Adrien is pulled out of classes at UoP




  • Annabeth Chase
  • Albedo Galvin
  • Mei Hatsume
  • Tim Possible
  • Jim Possible
  • Aelita Schaeffer
  • Jack Spicer (minor)
  • Victor Stone


  • Jacque Schnee
  • Congresswoman Ophelia Nuñez
  • Gabrielle Agreste
  • Senator Izinski
  • Judge von Varley



  • This episode revealing the fallout of the attack is similar to TV shows featuring large events as the penultimate season finale. This particular idea was inspired by HBO's Game of Thrones.
  • This episode was always intended to feature the reserve trainer battle after the stadium attack. This was so all the students could participate.
    • Originally, Weiss would've been the reserve where she battled Jack Spicer Legendary to Legendary.
  • Jack Spicer using Zarude is to tie to his home series, where his signature Shen Gong Wu is the Monkey Staff. The fact that Zarude is a Dark type, and Jack is "evil" helped.
    • I also wanted to feature Zarude.
  • Earl being fired is based off real life implications. When traumatic situations occur due to a considered failure of leadership, the leader typically resigns.
  • This episode creates strife between Claire and her mother.
  • Adrien being removed from school is based off his home series where his father tried to homeschool him and threatened multiple times to pull him from classes.

Season 4 Trailer[]

Earl: It is with a heavy heart that I step down from the position of being your principal.

Guzma: Bring it on, bitch!

Golisopod charges at Noir’s Perrserker, the two clashing claws.

Anabel: Due to new regulations from my superiors, I am lifting the curfew that my predecessor set. I trust most of guys are strong enough to handle any attack, as well as intelligent enough to not travel alone.

Bede: Twinkle Tackle!

Sahara: Tectonic Rage!

Bow: Breakneck Blitz!

Bede and Golbat-Man battle against Marsupial.

Bede: I know who you are there.

Marsupial: So what? You going to get me expelled?

Bede: Just the opposite. I want you to get us access into a meeting.

Assassin tries to press a dagger to Golbat-Man’s throat, his Golbat parrying the strike. Greninja chases Bede as he evades Water Shuriken.

Guzma: These kids are crazy! They honestly think that something is going to come at them from the sky!

The entirety of the Will of Yamask stand in the quad with Leader standing at the front of them. An Ultra Wormhole opens as Dusk Mane Necrozma runs out with a grey skinned alien with crimson armor and violet glowing eyes rides upon it. They land as two more soldiers exit the wormhole.

Zarkon: I am Zarkon. Your world is rich in quintessence. Your sacrifice will be a tribute to the Empire.
