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An Ultra Love Story is the twenty ninth episode of Pokémon Tales: Extra. It aired 11/26/23.


This story takes place several years in the past, featuring Lusamine in her freshman year studying at Striaton University for a business major. Her friends Burnet and Wicke convince her to go along with them on spring break to the Alola region. The three young ladies disembark from the seaplane on Melemele Island. Lusamine noticeably has shorter hair and wears a yellow blouse to match her hair. Burnet has caucasian skin and sports her lab coat with her beach wear. Wicke has her hair let down and wears a pink top with pink pants to go with them.

Burnet: (Inhales deeply) Ah just smell that Alola sun! This place is beautiful!

Lusamine: I cannot believe you two dragged me out here. I have several policies and modules to study for finals.

Wicke: In a few months! You have been working too hard and need to relax. You promised to not work on school while here.

Lusamine: Let’s just get this vacation over with.

The beachside is bustling with people and Pokémon alike. On the sands features trainers with their Machop, Crawbrawler, Poliwag, Slowpoke and Lillipup. The boardwalk has people welcoming Pikipek onto their shoulders, Alolan Meowth scampering around and Petilil floating about. Wicke wanders the mall as she spots Lusamine at a Malasada Stand interrogating a worker there.

Lusamine: How much would you say is the gross net income of your franchise here?

Employee: Uh, I work here part time?

Wicke rushes to intervene.

Wicke: I am sorry about my friend. Two malasadas please.

The two walk as they eat their malasadas, Lusamine more interested in the growing line back at the stand.

Lusamine: At $4.95 a pop, that line is at least 40 people long right now. That’s easily $200 of sales if they can get them all served within the hour.

Wicke: You’re doing it again.

Lusamine: Huh?

Wicke: You’re trying to figure out how all these businesses operate when you should be trying to relax!

Lusamine: You know I can’t help it. Once I have an obsession I pour all of my energy into it.

Wicke: Then how about we get obsessed with having fun? Burnet found a local scuba diving instructor and has already contracted him.

Lusamine: (Appalled) Local?! As in he runs his own business?

Wicke: I suppose?

Lusamine: (Smiles) In that case, I think I can tolerate tagging along.

Wicke: (Laughs sheepishly) Sure. Tolerating is a good start.

 End Scene

A small dinghy sails out to the open ocean, eventually dropping anchor. The diving instructor is Mohn with a slimmed up body made more evident by his diving suit. The ladies have their dive suits on as Mohn helps to situate them with their oxygen tanks.

Mohn: The most important thing about diving is keeping your cool. The Pokémon in these seas are friendly but that doesn’t make them predictable. Continue with slow, steady breaths and whenever you plan to come back up to the surface, do it slowly.

Lusamine: Tell me, is this how you spend your days? Taking people out to sea for such a low overall fee? How do you maintain the business?

Mohn: Ha-ha! An astute one you are. No, I’m only filling in for a friend who took his own vacation this week. I do this so I can study underwater ecology.

Burnet: So you’re a researcher?

Mohn: Researcher, conservationist. I moved here a few years back and have been in love ever since. (Stares right at Lusamine) You shouldn’t ignore the most beautiful of things.

Lusamine: So does your research operate off grants?

Mohn: Ha-ha! Another question straight to the heart of things! No, I currently rely on the generosity of the Alolan people. You will find that there isn’t a more giving community in the world!

Lusamine: How do you fund yourself? What do you study that would warrant their support?!

Mohn: I would love to discuss all of this and more with you, my Lilligant, but it is time to dive. I’m more than willing to answer all your questions, maybe over dinner?

Lusamine: I–

Wicke: She would love to.

Mohn: Wonderful! I look forward to it. I’ll get the dive Pokémon ready.

Mohn goes to the port side as Lusamine confronts Wicke.

Lusamine: What are you doing? Speaking up for me–

Wicke: (Giddy) Lucy, don’t you see? He asked you out on a date! He finds you beautiful!

Lusamine: Huh? Me with him? He’s penniless, ambitionless! Dependent on others! Why would I–

Wicke: I am not saying that you have to go out with him again. But this is a vacation! You are a thriving and attractive young woman! If this man helps you have fun then you should go for it! You never have to see him again once we leave anyway.

Lusamine: Hm. I suppose this would be a way to cut loose. (Sighs) Fine but you owe me for speaking for me.

Wicke: Of course.

Mohn opens four Pokéballs, choosing Sharpedo, Huntail, Gorebyss and Milotic.

Mohn: These Pokémon have been trained to help dive down and keep you safe. Ms. Burnet, Huntail will be the best for you as he’s the swiftest and most explorative.

Burnet: Sweet! Thanks man!

Mohn: Ms. Wicke, the Gorebyss for you. He is gentle and observant, allowing you to get the best field of vision wherever you are.

Wicke: How considerate of you!

Lusamine: I suppose I get Milotic. Is he hyper focused on particular aspects of the environment?

Mohn: Uh, this is a female Milotic. You can tell by the length of the eyebrows here. But no. She is a major judge of character and will only permit those she deems as elegant as her to ride her.

Milotic goes over and inspects Lusamine, tapping her forehead with her own.

Mohn: You’ve passed!

Mohn goes over to Sharpedo as the ladies go to their designated Pokémon. They get their dive masks and oxygen tanks on as they all dive and descend.

The underwater canyons are bathed in a Corsola reef, bombarded every so often by Mareanie. Finneon, Chinchou, Goldeen and Wishiwashi swim by undeterred. Whiscash rests on a rockbed with their mouth open, as a Remoraid accidentally swims in and flees. Red striped and Blue striped Basculin clash against each other before swimming off. Burnet goes deeper while Wicke holds back and observes everything from above.

Mohn swims back over to Lusamine, motioning her to follow him. He leads her to a nest of Clamperl, tapping Sharpedo to swim on their own. Their fin scrapes the top of the Clamperl shells, causing them to open and reveal their pearls glimmering in the deep. Lusamine’s eyes sparkle with the pearls as the experience is short-lived. All the Clamperl close up as a Bruxish dives and bites into one of the shells, carrying a Clamperl away. They struggle to carry the weight and eventually drop the Clamperl. Mohn swims over with Sharpedo and catches the Clamperl in his arms, returning them to their perch. The Clamperl opens up and gives him a pearl in thanks.

Later, the ship returns to the dock as the group returns their diving equipment. Mohn approaches Lusamine.

Mohn: So I know you agreed to dinner. I was wondering though if we could meet up tonight?

Lusamine: Oh! Uh, I was going to… You know what? Nevermind. Yes, tonight is fine.

Mohn: Great! I’ll pick you up from the Pokémon Center around 6!

Lusamine: May I ask what restaurant we’ll be going to?

Mohn: Uh, it’s a surprise! Something unique that you can only experience here in the Alola region.

Lusamine: Sure? This trip is all about having fun, or so I’m told.

Mohn: That’s the spirit. Until then. Oh, and wear comfortable shoes!

Mohn takes Lusamine’s hand and gives it a kiss. He grins wholeheartedly as he rushes off. Lusamine takes her hand to her chest.

Lusamine: What a strange man.

End Scene

Mohn leads Lusamine through the forest of Melemele as they approach a treehouse. A giant Drampa sits outside feasting on a Haban Berry drink. Mohn leads Lusamine up the stairs.

Lusamine: What is this? Some sort of forest bar? Who even frequents this place?

Mohn: You’d be surprised! While it is quite popular with humans, this is primarily a place for Pokémon!

The two enter to see the juice bar to be bustling and lively. A Shiiontic sits on a swing above, Illuminating the partially darkened area. Pancham and Pangoro feast on bamboo at the bar. Paras and Vibrava enjoy their own juices as Spinarak hangs from the ceiling with their treat. A Behind the bar is an Oranguru who whips up a Flower Nectar Spring dish. She gives the dish to a young Oranguru who eagerly transports it to a table with Cutiefly and Ribombee. The Ribombee offers two Pecha Berries as payment which the young Oranguru takes back to her mother.

Lusamine: They have a bartering system.

Mohn: It is a business after all! How else are they going to keep the place running?

Mohn waves to Pancham and Pangoro as Pancham moves over to allow them space at the bar. Oranguru comes up to them.

Teacher: Guru guru.

Mohn: I’m doing fine, teach! We are famished so two of those Fluffy Radish Burgers you made last time please! And some Pinap berry juice.

Teacher nods as she goes over to the Torkoal in the corner and places a pan on their shell to heat up. Lusamine’s eyes are wide as she takes in everything.

Mohn: So? What do you think?

Lusamine: This place is divine! How does something like this even start?!

Mohn: A friend of mine, Abe, works in the restaurant business. He was traveling in the forest one day and got hurt. Teacher here found him and helped him out.

Lusamine: Where did the name teacher come from?

Mohn: Ha-ha! Because she taught Abe some delicious berry juice recipes and he became famous for them! He spread the word about Teacher and we would come to visit. One day we decided to build this shack for her in thanks and so everyone could enjoy the ambiance! This is what the Alola region is about. Humans, Pokémon and nature co-existing with each other!

Lusamine: But doesn’t this take away business from other restaurants?

Mohn: Nope! The community here is tight knit so they often will alternate which restaurants they would go to. If anything, this is a popular place for restaurant workers to decompress! Teacher is great at listening.

Teacher places two Fluffy Radish Burgers on the bar along with the drinks. The burgers are topped with honey, nuts and the Pecha berries from earlier. Mohn reaches into his bag and pulls out the pearl from earlier. He offers it to Teacher who accepts it.

Lusamine: That’s the pearl from our diving trip. That could be worth at least a few thousand dollars! Why give it here?

Mohn: It keeps the economy going! Teacher can use that to go shopping in town and–

Lusamine: I’m sorry. A Pokémon shopping? That sounds ridiculous.

Mohn: That’s how integrated Alola is. Anyway, everyone knows not to shortchange Teacher here. She is wicked smart. So she’ll use that to buy berries or imports to grow in her garden. These Fluffy Radish Burgers? They are made of Poni Radishes from Poni Island. Not exactly cheap or easy to get here on Melemele.

Lusamine: So the expectation of providing high priced goods is to assist in providing hard to get ingredients.

Mohn takes a bite out of his burger, sighing with satisfaction. Lusamine decides to do the same. Her face lights up instantly.

Lusamine: This is delicious! A Pokémon can do this?

Mohn: And so much more! That’s what I love about this region. The culture of unity and togetherness. There’s a phrase here, “manalo.” It means, “you and I living together.”

Lusamine: Wow. Um,

Lusamine turns away, blushing.

Lusamine: Thank you for this experience. This is truly wonderful.

The young Oranguru stands below Lusamine, holding her hand out.

Lusamine: Why, hello little one. It is nice to meet you.

Lusamine takes young Oranguru’s hand, her eyes flashing multi-colored for a Future Sight. The vision ends as young Oranguru rushes out of the bar.

Teacher: Gu! Gu!

Mohn: It’s okay, teach! I’ll bring her back! Box my food up for me if you would!

Mohn takes a big swig of the Pinap Juice before running after young Oranguru. Lusamine follows suit.

Lusamine: Is this why you said to wear comfortable shoes?!

Mohn: No! It’s because those heels of yours would’ve never let you make it here in the first place!

Lusamine: Those are at the height of fashion!

Mohn: You’re already the height of beauty without them! As beautiful as a blossoming star!

Oranguru: Guru!

Oranguru points to a tear in the sky, Mohn gasping in excitement.

Mohn: I’ve finally found one! An Ultra Wormhole!

Lusamine: A what?

Out of the forest, a silhouetted Pokémon appears and kicks Oranguru away. Mohn catches her from tumbling as the tall white insectoid Pokémon towers over them. Lusamine stares up, eyes dazzling.

Lusamine: It is beautiful!

Mohn: It is dangerous! That’s an Ultra Beast! Look out!

The UB-Beauty appears knee raised, going to Lunge at Lusamine. A Pokéball opens as Milotic wraps around her and uses her body as a shield from the attack. She groans from the hit.

Mohn: Milotic, keep Lusamine safe! Zoroark, let’s go!

Mohn throws his Pokéball, choosing Zoroark.

Zoroark: Zoro!

Mohn: Use Low Sweep!

Zoroark charges and kicks with Low Sweep as UB-Beauty blocks it with its leg. It spins and Triple Kicks Zoroark in quick succession, buckling down.

Mohn: A Fighting type? This makes things harder for us. Lusamine, you’ll need to command Milotic. I need help to defeat and capture it.

Lusamine: I am not a battler! And what is this thing?!

Mohn: It’s an Ultra Beast from another dimension! This is what I’m researching in Alola and I may never get this chance again!

Lusamine: Uh, okay. Milotic, use Hydro Pump?

Mohn: Zoroark, use Fake Tears!

UB-Beauty charges again as Zoroark lets off a sobbing cry. This startles UB-Beauty long enough for Milotic to fire Hydro Pump to wash it back. Mohn puts on a Z-Power Ring.

Mohn: A gift from the deities and beings beyond our world! Let us harness its power and use Blackhole Eclipse!

Z-Energy is released and transferred to Zoroark who leaps into the sky. They curl into a ball and form a black hole around themselves, sucking everything in. Milotic keeps Lusamine in place as Mohn protects Oranguru. She places his hand on Mohn and reads his future with Future Sight.

UB-Beauty is sucked up into the Blackhole Eclipse which then explodes and sends it flying. It takes this opportunity to leap atop the trees before leaping up into the Ultra Wormhole in the sky. The portal closes as all is silent again. Zoroark lands on the ground.

Mohn: Darn it! It got away!

Mohn drops down to his knees, pounding into the dirt. Lusamine goes over and places her hand on his back.

Later, they sit on a large tree stump eating their Fluffy Radish Burgers while looking up at the starry sky.

Lusamine: So you are researching Pokémon that aren’t of this world, but of another?

Mohn: Alolan legends tell of how Ultra Beasts came and attacked from another world, only to be driven off by the Tapu guardians and the Kahuna. There have been limited sightings like this over the years and I wanted to learn more. So I uprooted my life and now spend my days researching here.

Lusamine: Isn’t it hard? Giving up everything else?

Mohn: I didn’t have much before anyway. But when you are truly passionate about something, then you need to face it head on and go for it. There’s no reason to hesitate. (Looks at Lusamine) Heh. You have a little honey on your face.

Mohn leans over, kissing the corner of her lips where the honey is. He then goes again, giving her a full on kiss.

End Scene

Time accelerated after this chance encounter, as did Lusamine’s own ambitions and drives. Having fallen in love with both Mohn and the Alola region, she declared that she would develop and run a research center for Mohn to effectively research the Ultra Beasts. Her father, Mr. Narzisse, is a highly influential and wealthy man in the political sphere. He provided the initial funding for this research center and coordinated with associates to get a solid business foundation.

Lusamine and Mohn kept in constant contact despite the distance, with both visiting the other often. After graduating from Striation University, Lusamine wasted no time in making a home and starting a family with Mohn. Mohn’s love for Pokémon influenced Lusamine to love them just the same. She gave birth to a wonderful baby boy named Gladion.

While construction of Aether Paradise was progressing on schedule, they began to get resistance from the people of Alola who saw this as a push against their harmonious way of life with nature. This was further complicated by the sudden passing of Mr. Narzisse. While Lusamine inherited his fortune, she did not possess the same level of influence with the Board of Directors that her father had established.

Lusamine and Mohn stand in front of the Board of Directors. Lusamine wears a black dress and veil, still in mourning over her father’s passing. The Board consists of Shigeru Miyamoto, Asuka Iwashita, John Loeffler and Theresa Buchheister. Sitting at the head of the table is Mr. Cob, who has taken over the chair in place of Mr. Narzisse.

Cob: This is a somber moment for this project. Lusamine, you must understand that without your father to provide you guidance, there is little faith that you will accomplish this feat.

Lusamine: I have worked on developing small businesses during my schooling to figure out the inner workings of business. Along with that I’ve worked with my husband to gain the trust of the Alolan people.

Shigeru Miyamoto: The region is, how do you say, not pleased with this facility.

Theresa Buckhheister: They call the Aether Paradise an abomination. A slab of steel of the industrialized world invading their simple way of living. Even if their largest city is becoming more industrialized, that doesn’t mean the rest of the region smiles upon the idea.

Asuka Iwashita: Then there is the research. Ultra Beasts? This research doesn’t require such a facility.

Lusamine: But it does. Ultra Beasts come from another world, far beyond our current means to reach them. My husband needs state of the art technology and the facility to be able to detect and locate them when they open, and to potentially open them ourselves.

John Loeffler: So he can study them. Sure. But if the people of Alola kick you out, that is billions of dollars down the drain that you will owe us. This is a serious matter that we cannot ignore.

Lusamine: Then I propose a solution. This region is all about being connected to Pokémon and nature. But sometimes nature and people can be cruel. Pokémon receive injuries that would otherwise end them. In addition to this being a research station of Ultra Beasts, it will also function as a Pokétarian refuge where we tend to sick, weak or dislocated Pokémon until they are able to return to the wild.

Cob: You want to be able to care for Pokémon?

Lusamine: By starting up a medical branch, we can improve research into Pokémon care and provide the people of the region with the resources to do so. The people don’t trust this place because it isn’t doing anything for them. So we respond by making ourselves indispensable to the region. That is surely enough of a reason to continue your obligated funding as agreed to with my father.

Cob: (Smiles) You certainly inherited your father’s gall, that’s for sure. I vote to continue funding this project. All in favor.

The other board members look around nervously, but eventually all raise their hands. Lusamine keeps her stone cold exterior.

Cob: The motion is approved. Make us proud, dear.

Lusamine: Thank you.

Lusamine and Mohn leave the board room, where Lusamine immediately jumps for joy.

Lusamine: Ah-ha! We did it!

Mohn: You mean you did it! My blossoming star!

Lusamine leaps into Mohn’s arms as he spins her around before kissing her.

Lusamine: There’s so much to do now. We need medical staff, supervisors, and equipment. Not to mention assistants for your research into Ultra Beasts and –

Mohn: Honey, one step at a time. For now, we need to celebrate. (Rubs Lusamine’s belly) For more than one reason.

Lusamine: Yes, yes. I think I have some friends to reach out to.

The two had a mansion built on Melemele Island, with an expansive garden area for Pokémon to come in and out as they please. Baby Gladion waddles over to Lillipup which licks his face as a 6 year old Wyatt initiates play with them. Lusamine, Mohn, Wicke and Burnet oversee them from the patio.

Lusamine: So you adopted Wyatt from an orphanage?

Burnet: It’s crazy right? I went there one day to help Fennel with dream research in alleviating trauma symptoms when I met him. Something just clicked and before I knew it, I was working on my doctorate’s thesis while trying to feed this little one!

Wicke: I love how you were willing to do that.

Burnet: It’s not been easy, I’ll tell you that. So if I work for you, can you ensure an affordable wage and child care?

Lusamine: Absolutely! The price for housing and food is less here than in the Unova region. What’s more, the island is a community. There will be no shortage of help for your little one. As for mine.

Wicke: Yes, congratulations on your next one! Do you know if it’s a girl or boy yet?

Mohn: It’s a girl! I’m so excited! I have a gift that I’m working on fixing up for her already!

Burnet: That is wonderful!

Lusamine: What about you, Wicke? Are you up to running the medical side of things?

Wicke: I am honored that you thought of me and I will do my best! I’ll continue my own research into infectious diseases if that’s okay too.

Mohn: The more research that can benefit the Alolan people, the better! And I’ve reached out to a friend of mine who knows a tech guy in Kanto. He lost his job recently from Silph Co. and was willing to relocate and join us!

Lusamine: Wonderful! Once he arrives we can begin working on fully developing our programs and begin research. The best start will be community outreach and provision of local resources.

End Scene

Within a year after opening, the Aether Foundation became the quintessential aid program in the Alola region. Countless Pokémon cycle in and out with conditions ranging from injuries, abandonment and territory loss. They all heal and are able to be released back into the wild. They are considered one of the greatest things to happen to the region.

While the Pokétarian aspect of their business thrives, Mohn’s own research is met with constant obstacles and dilemmas. Faba, their chief scientist, assists him in building a Dimensional Shifter to be able to access Ultra Space.

Faba: The biggest issue is powering it. To pierce across how many light years, there is no way we can calculate that with any certainty.

Mohn: We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. How is Project: Sivally going?

Faba: (Groans) With less success, Mr. Mohn. The Pokémon all rampage when released so they all have containment helmets on them now. I have deemed them as Type: Null because of this change.

Mohn: Keep at it there. Leave the power source problem to me.

The conservatory is full of Pokémon as a 3 year old Lillie plays with Cleffa with the other Pokémon. A 5 year old Gladion keeps close. Burnet emerges from diving into the lake, splashing at the children. Absol lounges upon a rock. Lusamine and Wicke observe from the office above. Lusamine now sports her signature white dress.

Wicke: Burnet seems so happy since she started dating Professor Kukui. It is a shame he won’t work for us.

Lusamine: How are our numbers looking?

Wicke: We are operating steadily at 100 employees. Those in the medical field are mostly from out of region, but we have distributors, mechanics and suppliers all from in the region.

Lusamine: Good. Now I think I’ll check on the numbers.

Wicke: How about checking with Mohn, Lucy, I mean Ms. Lusamine? He has been struggling as of late.

Lusamine: He will be fine. I trust his vision will last us.

Absol lifts their head up, looking down towards the ground and growling softly.

That evening, Mohn is working late in the subsections of Aether Paradise on the Dimensional Shifter. He takes a Z-Crystal as he inserts it into the machine, reacting and destroying the crystal in the process. The Dimensional Shifter begins reacting in response.

Mohn: It’s working. It’s working!

Young Lillie: Papa!

Young Lillie, Young Gladion and Lusamine advance towards him, a sense of panic now rising.

Mohn: No, stay back!

The Dimensional Shifter releases a burst of energy, creating an Ultra Wormhole. In one of the laboratories, Faba is tending to a Type: Null.

Faba: Ridiculous beasts! To think I have to figure out how to tame you. Just because I assisted in creating the species Porygon doesn’t mean I can ack!

Type: Null reacts and roars, swatting Faba away to hit the desk. It charges and rams through the door, sprinting off.

A white tentacled Ultra Beast emerges from the Ultra Wormhole, curious about its new environment. It hones in on young Lillie and snares her up in an instant.


Mohn: Lillie! Zoroark, please rescue her!

Mohn chooses Zoroark, who charges at UB-Symbiont. The Ultra Beast swings a tentacle and blasts Zoroark with a blue Power Gem, crashing away. Young Gladion is frozen in terror as Lusamine grabs hold of him. UB-Symbiont rises up.

Lusamine: My child! Milotic, use Hydro Pump!

Lusamine chooses Milotic which fires Hydro Pump, missing its mark. A roar occurs as Type: Null dashes and leaps up, catching UB-Symbiont unaware. Young Lillie sees the terrifying Pokémon lunging and screams, passing out afterwards. Type: Null strikes UB-Symbiont with its claws, causing them to release young Lillie. Mohn dashes and dives to catch her, putting her down gently.

Type: Null is blasted away as the tentacles shoot at young Lillie again. Mohn stands and shields her, being ensnared in its place. The Dimensional Shifter begins to overheat and malfunction, the Ultra Wormhole beginning to fade. UB-Symbiont rises to return through it.

Lusamine: NO! MOHN!

Mohn: Don’t worry honey! Everything will be alright! Gladion, Lillie! I love you!

UB-Symbiont and Mohn disappear into the Ultra Wormhole as the Dimensional Shifter erupts a stream of smoke and shuts off. The portal vanishes as Type: Null instinctively circles the spot. Faba arrives and returns Type: Null to its Pokéball. Lusamine and young Gladion are in tears as Milotic wraps around them. Zoroark is nowhere to be seen.

Faba: It worked. He actually did it. But how?


End Scene

The disappearance of Mohn led to a shock to the Alola region. Lusamine rallied the region in support of the Aether Foundation’s work with the financial backing of Cob. The foundation began expanding to set up branches in the Unova region. Lusamine’s dedication to the success of her enterprise and the research of Ultra Beasts continued to one day bring her husband home.

10 years after losing him, Mohn was brought back home. He came back void of his memories but had inklings, feelings of who was important to him. Lusamine suffered from the effects of Nihilego and remains in a weakened state. They were both transferred to a hospital in the Kanto region where they received the best physical and psychiatric care.

Lusamine trudges along the halls of the hospital, pushing her IV stand along with her. Mohn wanders aimlessly as he spots her coming.

Mohn: Hello there! (Brows furl) Have we met? You seem so familiar. As beautiful as…

Lusamine: (Weakly) A blossoming star. Yes Mohn. We’ve had this conversation.

Mohn: Are you, are you my Lusamine?

Mohn hugs Lusamine, struggling to keep on her feet from the rush. Mohn backs off gently.

Mohn: I’m sorry. I keep forgetting we’re in a hospital.

Lusamine: It is alright. I was coming to look for you. We have visitors coming today. In the garden.

Mohn: Ah, I know where that is! Allow me to escort you.

Lusamine: Heh-heh. Always a gentleman.

Mohn and Lusamine slowly make it to the garden where Lillie and Gladion wait for them. Lillie has Clefable and Magearna out while Gladion has Zoroark and Absol. Mohn opens his Pokéballs to let out Gladion the Marshadow and Lillie the Hisuian Zorua. They all exchange hugs and pleasantries before sitting down.

Lillie: …Then we finally were able to contact Ultra Megalopolis! Everyone there is elated to hear how your recovery has been going.

Gladion: It’ll be a while before we have a sustainable portal to Ultra Space. But at the very least, the investors are off our back.

Lillie: That is all because of your exceptional leadership skills, brother! He has been as strong a leader as you have, mother!

Gladion: (Chuckles) You’re one to give praise to someone else! Lillie has become the leader of the Ultra Guardians and has been fundamental in keeping peace within the region. Everyone says that she reminds them of the both of you.

Mohn: I am so happy to hear you have been doing well!

Lusamine: Forgive us for leaving our mess for you to solve.

Lillie: Nonsense, mother! That is what families are for. We care for each other in their time of need, and reconcile afterwards!

Mohn: I love the sound of that. I look forward to when I can finally go home and live as a family. It feels like it’s been so long.

Lusamine: Not a day goes by when I haven’t pictured this. Now it’ll come true. Thank you, Lillie, Gladion. You have truly become…

Lusamine & Mohn: Our blossoming stars.

Main Events[]

  • The story of how Lusamine and Mohn met, along with the formation of Aether Paradise, is gone into.


  • Lusamine
  • Burnet
  • Wicke
  • Mohn
  • Faba
  • Gladion (young and modern day)
  • Wyatt (young)
  • Lillie (young & modern day)
  • Mr. Narzisse (cameo)
  • Shigeru Miyamoto
  • Asuka Iwashita
  • John Loeffler
  • Theresa Buchheister
  • Cob



  • This episode was requested by M3.
  • I consider this episode one of the hardest I have written. Due to the importance of Aether Paradise and the foundation being tied into the climatic battle of the PT franchise, there were several features I had to integrate. These included but are not limited to–
    • Figuring out how long before PT: Hau this takes place. If Lusamine was a freshman in college at the beginning and is about 40 in PT: Hau, then the first episode occurred a little more than 20 years prior.
    • Cob being in the board of directors. At this time, this was Giovanni in disguise.
    • Having Burnet adopting Wyatt and paying attention to the age difference between Wyatt and Lusamine’s kids
  • The idea of having Lusamine being a business major is due to her serious business oriented mind I have set up in the franchise. It also served to assist in the idea of starting up the Aether Foundation, as in the games it was established by her father.
  • Lusamine’s maiden name, Narzisse, is the German name for Narcissus, a type of Daffodil flower. This follows the trend of Aether Foundation workers being named after flowers, specifically with German names.
    • The flower itself is based off the greek entity Narcissus, where modern day terminology gets the term “narcissist.” This fits into Lusamine’s personality in the PT franchise as she always seemed to think about herself.
    • Lusamine is currently the only PT character with an established maiden name but not a married name.
  • One of Mohn’s Pokémon has ended up with each member of his family.
    • Mohn gives Lusamine the Milotic she used from their diving trip, which became Lusamine’s first Pokémon.
    • Mohn had gotten Magearna as a gift for Lillie, which she finished fixing herself years later.
    • Mohn’s Zoroark eventually ended up with Gladion.
  • Two of Lusamine’s Pokémon have ended up with her children. Clefable now belongs to Lillie while Absol now belongs to Gladion.
  • Oranguru’s Place in the forest is based on the one in the Sun & Moon anime, debuting in “Mallow and the Forest Teacher!”
    • The young Oranguru follows the family, staying close due to reading their future. She is eventually caught by Lillie.
  • The Board of Directors featured in this episode features the names of real like workers on various Pokémon media, similar to the board members in Aether Contamination. The members are all different due to the amount of time that has passed.
  • It's revealed that Faba was part of the project to create the Pokémon Porygon before working for Aether Foundation. This made him perfect to create Silvally as well.