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A Step In The Right Direction is the second episode of season two of A Random Pokemon Show (Reboot). It first aired on June 24th, 2020.


Dakota and Lucas the Lucario are facing each other in a forest clearing. Dakota extends his hand, sending a blast of dark aura, which Lucas blocks with a shield of blue.

Lucas: Your Giratina magic is too strong.

Dakota: We’re training. Adapt and overcome.

Fein: Yeah! Go Dakota!

Lucas huffs and turns around to find Fein cheering on the sidelines.

Lucas: Tell your pet to go. His aura is overpowering.

Dakota: He’s not my- (Lucas gives him the eye) Fine. Fein, I-

There’s a huge gust of wind as a Dragonite lands in the clearing. On its back is a Hooded Figure. Dakota tenses up.

Dakota: Fein, go back to the base. Take Lucas.

Fein: But-

Dakota: Go!

Fein sighs and walks away, Lucas following. The Hooded Figure dismounts the Dragonite and approaches Dakota.

Dakota: We have much to discuss. (He flicks his wrist, causing a strong wind to blow, knocking off the figure’s hood and revealing him to be…) Lance.

Lance: Indeed we do. Sit.

Steve is in his bedroom, sleeping. Lana quietly opens the door and sneaks around.

Lana: Aw, he's so peaceful when he's sleeping. Blame if I were...to you know...ruin it.

Lana stretches and jumps on the bed, setting off an alarm.

Lana: W...what?!

Steve sits up, however it's revealed to be a dummy.

Lana: What's going on?

A rope hangs down, grabbing Lana by her waist. Oshawott pops out of his Pokeball and sprays her in the face with a Water Gun. Steve enters the room, laughing. 

Steve: Hahahahahahaha.

Lana: Steve! What's the meaning of this?

Steve: You always mess with me. I thought I'd get you back.

Lana: Why didn't you do this to Dakota or someone else?

Steve: Dakota's busy today and I don't know where the others are. So it's just me and you.

Lana: Gee, how romantic. You’d rather set a trap than spend time with m- Hey, that sounds familiar.

Steve: Jeepers?

Lana: Jeepers.

Oshawott: Ruh-roh.

Later, Dakota is walking through an empty hallway. His footsteps echo as he walks. He approaches a grand door and flicks his wrist, it blowing open. He walks into a room, where he finds four men waiting for him- a dark skinned young man wearing red robes, Ash. A tanned young man in a white tank top and jeans, Ian of Mixas. Another tan young man wearing a blue jacket and pants, Jacob. And a brown skinned young man wearing purple robes, Ahmad.

Ahmad: What have you called us here for, Dakota?

Ian: It better be good.

Jacob: I trust you wouldn’t bring us here for anything less.

Dakota: I have some bad news.

Ash: Great.

Dakota: I’m… well, it’s not easy for me to say this. In light of a new job opportunity provided to me by-

Ian: Just spit it out!

Dakota: I’m resigning as champion!

There’s a silence hanging in the air. No one says anything, as if afraid to speak.

Ash: You’re… what?

Dakota: Resigning. As champion. For this job.

Jacob: Who… who will lead?

Ahmad: I call dibs.

Dakota: No! None of you will be leading.

Ian: Who then?

Dakota: Someone with more guts than the four of you combined. Someone who beat you all.

Ash: You don’t mean-

Dakota whistles. In a flash, Cedric teleports in, accompanied by Celeste. Celeste waves cheerfully.

Celeste: Hello, boys. Looks like I’m in charge now. First things first… the smell. Ian, some deodorant, ASAP.

The boys groan as Dakota and Celeste smile and high-five.

Steve is in the kitchen, making a sandwich. Oshawott sits on the table.

Steve: Hmmm..needs more barbeque sauce.

Steve opens the fridge, as net jumps out of it, capturing Steve who falls down.

Steve: What the hell? Lana!

Lana enters the kitchen, smiling innocently.

Lana: Yes?

Steve breaks free from the net.

Steve: Really? A net? That's the best you could do.

Lana: It got you, didn't it?

Steve: Not very well.

Lana: Traps aren’t my thing, Fr- Steve!

Steve: Obviously not Daph- Lana!

Lana: Only one way to settle this!

Steve: A battle!

Lana: You’re on!

Fein pops up.

Fein: Can I join!

Steve and Lana: No!

Fein slinks down.

Steve and Lana stand on opposite sides of a battlefield. Steve throws a pokeball, revealing his female Meowstic. Lana throws her pokeball, revealing Araquanid.

Lana: Meowstic, huh? Thought you would've gone with Luxray or Boltund to have the advantage over me.

Steve: Didn't want to make this easy. I like a fair fight.

Lana smirks.

Lana: Bubble Beam!

Steve: Psybeam!

Araquanid fires a stream of bubbles, hitting Meowstic. Meowstic shakes it off and hits Araquanid with Psybeam, confusing it.

Lana: No!

Steve: Yes!

Dakota and Ahmad are in a hallway, talking and walking with each other.

Ahmad: So, what made you decide to quit being champ?

Dakota: It was time. I want something different.

Ahmad: I see, how's Steve these days?

Dakota: Oh, you know, same old same old.

Ahmad: He still strong as ever?

Dakota thinks for a second before nodding.

Dakota: Yeah...although not in the way you think.

Ahmad: What does that mean?

Dakota: Don't worry about it, I'll talk to you later.

He teleports away, as Ahmad is left there.

Ahmad: Well, ok then.

Steve’s Meowstic gets defeated by Lana’s Araquanid’s Lunge. The battlefield is completely torn up. Lana smirks. Steve scowls.

Steve: This isn’t over!

Lana: I won!

Steve: Not!

Lana suddenly gets an idea. She walks across the field and whispers in Steve’s ear. Steve’s face goes red.

Steve: Okay, you win.

Lana giggles as she leads Steve out of the battlefield.

Steve: You know, I should teach you how to build a proper trap next time.

Lana: I'd like that.

Dakota teleports in front of them.

Steve: Dakota!

Dakota: Gather everyone. I have an announcement to make.

The gang is gathered in the living room. Dakota stands in front of him.

Dakota: As of today, I've resigned as the Mixas champion.

All of their jaw drops.

Mallow: Seriously?

Lillie: But why?

Dakota: It was time, you know. I wanted a change.

Steve: Like when you joined Team Renegade?

Dakota: Different change than that.

Lana: Who's the champion now?

Dakota: Celeste.

Mallow: That makes sense. 

Lillie: She was the only one to match Dakota in strength.

Steve: Who?

Lana: She was literally there during the final battle against Renegade.

Steve: Don't remember.

He turns to Dakota.

Steve: What will you do now?

Dakota: Don't worry about it.

He walks off, Fein follows.

Steve: Well then.

Mallow: I'm going to bed. Night everyone.

Steve and Lana: Night.

She heads to her room, Steve and Lana evilly smirk as screaming can be heard a moment later.

Steve: Our trap worked!

Lana: You bet it did!

Lillie: Oh dear.

Mallow: STEVE! When I get out of here, you're dead.

The episode ends.

Major Events:[]

  • Dakota resigns as Champion of Mixas, putting Celeste in charge.


  • Dakota

  • Fein

  • Lance

  • Lana

  • Steve

  • Ash

  • Ian (Mixas)

  • Jacob

  • Ahmad

  • Celeste

  • Mallow


  • Lucas the Lucario (Dakota’s)

  • Dragonite (Lance’s)

  • Oshawott (Steve’s)

  • Cedric the Raichu (Alolan, Dakota’s)

  • Meowstic (Female, Steve’s)

  • Araquanid (Lana’s)


  • Steve and Lana make references to Scooby Doo.

  • The airing of this episode coincides with Pokemon Presents.
