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A Shocking Battle is the 11th episode of Zero's White Nuzlocke Adventure.

Plot(Not Done)[]

Jaws: Zero, are you sure? I mean, I'm not even level 20 yet....

Zero: I'm sure. We have to battle her.

Frederick: Aye, don't worry laddy! We'll win like we always do!

Baconator: With my twainer, there's nothing we can't do!

Zero smiles faintly.

Zero: Nothing...

Peaches: S-So the gym is right here, right?

Zero: Yeah... Let's do this.

The gang walks into the gym, only to be amazed that the gym seems to be a huge, elaborate set of rollercoasters.

Zero: Oh.

Baconator: My.

Broccoli: Gosh.

The Gym Guy walks up to them, grinning.

Gym Guy: Hello there! I see you're here to challenge the gym?

Zero: Yeah. Do you have any advice?

Gym Guy: Electric is weak to ground!

Zero: Jaws, you hear that?

Jaws leaps into the air and Zero grins, but he feels like he's just been slapped when he hears the Gym Guy's next words.

Gym Guy: She uses two Electric/Flying-types though, so Ground moves are negated against them!

Zero: .......Two words: Tauros crap.

They hop into the rollercoaster, making a tight squeeze.

Broccoli: Get your face out of my arm pit!

Peaches: Get your arm pit out of my face!

Baconator: Rose, are you okay? You haven't been talking much...

Rose is quiet for a few seconds, everyone looking at her curiously, before she speaks in a very cautious voice.

Rose: I sense a darkness ahead.... This upcoming battle does not feel right.

Everybody shivers after hearing that, clearly being chilled. Regardless, they continue on through the gym, looking around in awe as they battle the trainers and successively win. After defeating all the trainers, Jaws is level 22, and the rest of the team is 25-27.

Frederick: I have a good feeling about this!

Everybody agrees in a chorus of glee, except for Rose, who stares solemnly ahead.

Rose: Please... Just remain careful.

Zero: Oh come on Rose, lighten up! We're always careful. We're not gonna lose this!

Broccoli: Yeah, stop being such a downer!

As they approach the final platform, they all jump off, landing steadily on the platform. They walk up ahead, where a spotlight is shining
