A Rock-Hard Rematch with Brock! is the 5th episode of the 1st season of Spencer Twis's Kanto Adventure.
A Rock-Hard Rematch With Brock! | |
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Spencer does a rematch against Brock. With a new Pokemon with new potential, he might win. However, will a malfunction throw off the match?
(Spencer and Rhonda are walking towards the Pewter Gym)
Rhonda: Don't worry about losing. You have a great new Pokemon, and that strategy we came up with!
Spencer: Yah! Time to Rock the Brock! (goes into the Gym)
Brock: Hmm, I know a lot of trainers who would give up if they were you... I'm impressed!
Spencer: Yah, prepare to be... ROCKED!!
Brock: Seriously? Let's just get this over with... I see you have a new Pokemon... Since I have two, you need to choose two of yours...
Spencer: Charmander and Porygon!
Brock: Ok... Go, Geodude! (sends out Geodude)
Geodude: Geo-duude!
Spencer: Go, Charmander! (sends out Charmander)
Charmander: Charman!
Brock: Geodude, use Rock Throw!
Geodude: Geooo-Dude! (grows a rock in hand and throws it at Charmander)
Spencer: Charmander, use Scratch!
Charmander: Char! (breaks the rock with its claws)
Spencer: Now use Ember!
Charmander: Chaar-man! (shoots small fireballs at Geodude, weakening him)
Brock: Use Tackle!
Geodude: Geooo! (charges at Charmander)
Spencer: Charmander, use Scratch!
Charmander: Chaaar! (charges ar Geodude)
Brock: Geodude, use Defense Curl!
(Geodude curls up into a ball just as Charmander lands its hit)
(Geodude flies across the gym, then uncurls)
Spencer: Now! Charmander, use Dragon Rage!
Charmander: Chaaaaaar! (a blue beam comes out of Charmander's mouth, hitting Geodude and knocking it out)
Spencer: Yay! Training does help!
Brock: Well, that's 1 out of 2. Go Onix! (sends out Onix)
Onix: (roars)
Brock: Onix, use Tackle!
(Onix charges towards Charmander)
Spencer: Charmander, use Scratch on the horn!
Charmander: Char-mand! (Slashes Onix's horn, damaging it)
Onix: (roars)
Spencer: Charmander, use Dragon Rage!
Charmander: Chaar-maaan! (Fires a blue beam from his mouth)
Brock: Onix! Dodge!
(Onix curves to dodge Dragon Rage)
Brock: Now use Rock Tomb!
(Onix compresses Charmander in rocks, knocking him out)
Spencer: Get well soon, Charmander (withdraws Charmander). Go, Porygon! (sends out Porygon)
Porygon: Pory-y-gon!
Brock: Onix, use Rock Tomb!
(A wall of rocks starts grinding on Porygon)
Spencer: Porygon, use Sharpen!
(White lines fly out in between the rocks)
Spencer: Cut through the rocks!
(Porygon cuts through a rock with its body, freeing itself)
Brock: Use Constrict!
(Onix wraps itslef around Porygon)
Spencer: Use Conversion 2!
Porygon: Por-y! (turns blue, indicating that it is a Water-type)
(Onix hurts itself by touching Porygon, so it lets go. Conversion2 then wears off)
Spencer: Finish him off with Psybeam!
Porygon: Pory-y- (starts malfunctioning) -eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-
Spencer: Come on! Another malfunction!
Brock: Onix! Use Tackle!
(Onix rams into Porygon, knocking him across the gym)
Porygon: Poooor-eeeeee...
Spencer: Go Porygon! I beleive in you! Por-y-gon! Por-y-gon! Por-y-gon! Come on, Rhonda!
Spencer and Rhonda: Por-y-gon! Por-y-gon! Por-y-gon! Por-y-gon!
Porygon: (gets up and starts levitating weakly)
Brock: Oh, you got to be kidding me! Onix, use Tackle!
(Onix lunges towards Porygon)
Spencer: Porygon, use Psybeam on the horn!
Porygon: Por-eee! (Shoots a pink beam at Onix's horn, messing up Onix's head magney)
Onix: (roars) (due to Onix's magnet being mixed up, it swings its head around the gym until it hits its head on the side, knocking him out)
Spencer: Yay! (runs over to Porygon to congratulate him)
Porygon: Pooor-yyy- (falls over, fainted)
Spencer: Don't worry! I'll heal you! (withdraws Porygon)
Brock: Hmm, I haven't seen dedication like that in years. Here, take the badge... (gives Boulder Badge)
Spencer: Yay! (puts badge in badge case)
Rhonda: You go on to the Pokemon center. I'm gonna battle Brock myself)
Spencer: OK! (runs off)
(Later, at the Pokemon Center)
(Spencer, Pidgey, and Charmander are eating Miltank Moo-Moo Dogs. Porygon is watching)
Spencer: (turns on Pokedexs translator) Can you even eat, Porygon?
Porygon: (through translator) I do not have to consume food, but I can still taste it. Still, I do not want these Miltank Moo-Moo Dogs. According to my online searches, do you know what goes into them?
Spencer: Nope!
Rhonda: (walks in) Well, Brock was easy. I guess it is to anyone with a good Water-type. So, where do you wanna go next?
Spencer: The Pewter Museum!
Charmander: (through translator) Yah, I've always wanted to see it. Professor Oak told me about it, but never showed me it.
Porygon: (through translator) History is pretty great. Plus, I can download a tour guide program to help you.
Pidgey: (though translator) What's history? What's a museum? What's a Pewter?
Spencer: Well you're about to find out! Let's go!
(They all walk towards the Pewter museum)
(Meanwhile, in a dark place)
(A figure is seen on a computer)
(On the computer screen, there is a blueprint of the Pewter Museum)
???: (zooms into an artifact) Hehehehe (stands up) Get ready world, Plan X is in action!
(On the computer, the artifact zommed in on is labeled THE PAWAFURU STARMAPPING)