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A New Spark of Life! is the 31st episode in Dawn to Dusk. In this Episode, Dawn and Dusk pick up their journey after a break and battle against Volkner.


(The episode begins with Dawn and Dusk both in their rooms. Dawn and Dusk both wake up.)

Dusk: "Welp, I guess it's time for another day."

Dawn: "Yep! I bet we can play a nice game of Mario Party with Barry!"

Dusk: "We did that yesterday."

Dawn: "...Right." (Sighs) "I'm bored!"

Dusk: "...Me too. I guess we should head out and get our last Gym Badge.”

Dawn: “Yeah, I miss heading out! It's been like what, a week?”

Dusk: “I think so.”

(The screen cuts to the kitchen in Dawn and Dusk's house. Johanna is cooking some breakfast.)

Dawn: “Hey Mom, we're heading out to continue our Pokemon Journey.”

Johanna: “Oh, you two are leaving again?”

Dusk: “We still have a gym badge to get. And probably also the Pokemon League too, if we're daring enough.”

Johanna: “Don't you at least want to have some poffins before you two go?”

Dawn: “Aw yeah, of course!”

(The screen cuts again to Dawn and Dusk leaving their home. Dawn is eating a poffin.)

Dusk: “Let me see here…” (Looks at his Poketch and opens the map app) “...Where haven't we been yet?”

Dawn: “Hmmm! Have we been to Sunyshore City?”

Dusk: “Sunyshore? No, I don't think so. I believe that place has had a blackout for a really long time now. We probably can't go there.”

Dawn: “We can't? Pokemon Battles don't require power! And besides, I think I heard something about Sunyshore solving their power situation yesterday.”

Dusk: “Well, if that's the case, we'll go there.”

Dawn: (Sends out Staraptor and gets on top of it) “Let's go then!”

(Dawn and Dusk fly away. The screen fades to Sunyshore City, where Dawn, Dusk, and Staraptor land. The buildings do have power.)

Dawn: “See? I told you this place has power!”

Dusk: “I guess it does! I wonder how they were able to restore it.”

(A Man in red hair exits the Pokemon Gym, and notices Dusk and Dawn.)

Flint: “Huh? Oh! Hey, you two!”

(Flint heads up to Dawn and Dusk.)

Dusk: “Eh?”

Flint: “Yo, are you the two that dealt with that strange sky on the news?”

Dusk: “Uhhhhh… Yes?”

Flint: “Wow, how awesome! Anyways, I’m Flint!”

Dawn: “Oh, cool! Say, are you the gym leader around here?”

Flint: “Oh, no, I’m a member of the Elite Four!”

Dawn: “What?!”

Flint: “You’re hearing me right; I’m an Elite Four member!”

Dawn: “Neato! Anyways, where is the Gym Leader?”

Flint: “If you’re looking for Volkner… …well, the poor fella’s been down in the dumps lately.”

Dusk: “What’s wrong with him?”

Flint: “Well, he hasn’t had a good challenger in a while, for one. He’s gotten pretty strong, so few trainers can do much to his party of Pokemon. He hasn’t had that same spark of life that he had a while ago.”

Dusk: “Hm, I see.”

Flint: “On top of that, in an attempt to renovate his gym to attract more trainers, he accidentally caused a massive blackout in the city. It took a while to fix and they had to reinforce the bridges with even more solar panels. That surely didn’t help his mood, either.”

Dawn: “Well, if he’s all depressed and stuff, Dusk and I can try to make him happy again so we can get our final badges!”

Flint: “Alright! I think I last saw him at the Vista Lighthouse, so try looking there.”

Dawn: “We'll see if we can drag him out for a battle!”

Dusk: “If he's up to it.”

(Dawn and Dusk both walk to the Vista Lighthouse. There is a quick jump cut to the twins at the lighthouse.)

Dusk: “This must be it. I'm guessing he's at the observation deck.”

Dawn: “Man, I remember heading here one time! The view was amazing!”

(Dusk and Dawn enter the elevator at the front. We then see Volkner at the observation deck, staring at the distance. Dawn and Dusk arrive at the scene.)

Dusk: “You know, I kind of expected there to be a gauntlet of trainers we had to deal with.”

Dawn: “I see someone over there. Hey, Hey you!”

(Volkner looks at Dawn.)

Dawn: “Are you Volkner?”

Volkner: “Uhm, yes…?”

Dawn: “Cool! My brother and I want to fight you for your gym badge!”

Volkner: “An actual challenger for once? Well, I haven't fought anyone in weeks… alright, I accept your challenge, but if you two are just like most other trainers, then I'm going to take on the Elite Four!”

Dusk: “...Fair enough, I guess. We'll make this last battle count.”

(Dawn, a bit curious heads up to the binoculars and looks at them.)

Dawn: “This place still has an amazing view! Hey, wait… Is that the Pokemon League?”

(Dusk looks into the Binoculars as well. We see a large, castle-like structure.)

Dusk: “I think it is.”

Dawn: “Huh, so that’s where we’ll be someday. Fancy!”

Volkner: “Uh, are we going to my gym, or…?”

Dawn: “Oh, right! Let’s do that!”

(Dawn and Dusk walk away from the binoculars. There is another cut where we see Volkner, Dusk, and Dawn leave the Lighthouse. Flint is outside.)

Flint: “Well, hey, look who it is! How are you doing, Volky? I bet you’re all fired up to fight those two trainers!”

(Volkner slowly blinks.)

Volkner: “I’m enthralled.”

Flint: “Come on, you gotta show more enthusiasm like that!”

Dawn: “Yeah! You’re the last Gym Leader we need to fight, after all!”

Volkner: (Sighs) “How about I show you two something?”

Dusk: “Uh, sure?”

(Volkner walks to his gym and enters as Dawn and Dusk follow. The Gym is quite dark.)

Volkner: “Now, I’m not even sure if this can run even with the new solar panels, but if you two want a show, then I’ll give you it.”

(Volkner goes to a large, gray lever. Volkner pulls the lever upwards. Suddenly, light fills the room as beacons, teslas, and bulbs shine brightly! Gears and springs spin around on the walls all over the room.)

Dawn: “Holy crap, this is AWESOME!”

Dusk: “...Wow, Impressive! I can see why this caused such a massive blackout!”

Volkner: “Alright, let’s do this.”

(Volkner sends out his Raichu and Ambipom. Dawn hesitates a bit.)

Volkner: “Don’t you two hold back now!”

Dawn: “Uhhh… That Ambipom isn’t an electric type.”

Volkner: “I know. Even as a Gym Leader, I know it’s useful to have variable types.”

Dawn: “Whatever. Go Hippowdon!” (Sends out Hippowdon)

Dusk: “Go, Torterra!” (Sends out Torterra)

Volkner: “Alright, use Brick Break, Torterra.”

(Raichu runs up to Torterra and punches it hard!)

Volkner: “As for you, Ambipom, use Nasty Plot.”

(Ambipom thinks up a plan, raising its offenses.)

Dawn: “Alright, bro! How about this? Let’s do a double Earthquake!”

Dusk: “Two earthquakes? That might be a bit overkill.”

Dawn: “It’ll be fun, though!”

Dusk: “Alright, we can do it.”

Dawn: “Okay! Hippowdon, and Torterra, use Earthquake!”

(Hippowdown and Torterra both slam into the ground at once, causing a massive quake that instantly takes out Raichu and does severe damage to Ambipom! The entire building jolts from the attack!)

Dusk: “W-whoa… Okay, maybe that might not be the safest thing to do.”

Volkner: “How clever of you two. Ambipom, use Baton Pass.”

(Ambipom converts its energy into a beam that launches into the air before returning to Volkner. Volkner sends out his other two Pokemon, Luxray and Octillery. Octillery catches the beam of energy, gaining a lot of power.)

Volkner: “Now, Octillery, use Aurora Beam.”

(Octillery charges up and then launches a huge colorful beam at Torterra, making it instantly faint!)

Dusk: “Oh wow! No matter, I’ll use Ri.” (Sends out Lucario) “Use Close Combat on that Octillery, Ri.”

(Lucario runs up to Octillery and pummels it rapidly! Octillery manages to tank the hit.)

Volkner: “Use Crunch on that Hippowdon, Luxray.”

(Luxray bites down on Hippowdon, dealing a considerable amount of damage.)

Dawn: “That’s not gonna stop me! Use Earthquake again!”

(Hippowdon smashes the ground, causing it to shake more. Luxray and Octillery are both hurt by the quake.)

Volkner: “Now, use Octazooka on Hippowdon.”

Dawn: “Wait, is that a real move?”

(Octillery charges up again and shoots a large ball of Inky Water at Hippowdon!)

Dawn: “Hahahaha, It is!”

(The projectile of ink, however, knocks out Hippowdon.)

Dawn: “Huh? Ah, crap! At least that was cool to watch.” (Returns Hippowdon and sends out Heat Rotom)

Dusk: “We're gonna need to take care of that Octillery. Use Close Combat again.”

Volkner: “Use Bullet Seed on that Lucario.”

(Lucario rushes to Octillery to give it more punches. Octillery launches a seed projectile at Lucario, but that doesn't stop it from knocking Octillery out.)

Volkner: “Hmm… What is this? Am I actually getting into a tense situation?”

Dawn: “That's right!”

(Volkner sends out his Ambipom.)

Volker: “Use Thunder Fang, Luxray!”

(Luxray bites down on Lucario with a mouth full of electricity, managing to take it down.)

Dusk: “Alright, I guess I'll use my own Ambipom.” (Dusk sends out his Ambipom.) “Use Iron Tail!”

(Dusk's Ambipom's tails glow gray and slam them into Volkner's Ambipom. Volkner's Ambipom faints from the attack.)

Volkner: “Uh oh, this isn't good! Their skills are impressive… …it makes me feel alive!”

Dawn: “Okay, use Overheat!”

(Heat Rotom charges itself up and blasts a big flare at Luxray!)

Volkner: “Okay, use Crunch on the Rotom!”

(Luxray crunches down on Heat Rotom! Heat Rotom faints from Luxray's attack!)

Dawn: “No worries, we got this in the bag!” (Sends out Toxicroak)

Dusk: “Use swift on Luxray, Ambipom!”

(Ambipom launches a bunch of stars at Luxray, hurting it and making it vulnerable.)

Dawn: “Alright, Toxicroak, let's finish this battle!”

Toxicroak: “It’s croakin’ time!”

(Toxicroak launches a ball of mud at Luxray, dealing devastating damage! Luxray collapses from the mud bomb.)

Dawn: “Yeah, we did it!”

Volkner: “Ahahaha…”

Dusk: “Uh, are you okay?”

Volkner: “Hehehe, Ahahahaha! I've never felt any better! For as long as I can remember, I haven't experienced a battle that exciting, let alone one where my team was taken down like cardboard in a storm!”

Dusk: “Well, uhm, thank you. I'm glad that we made you happy once again.”

Volkner: “You two have more than proven your worth to me! Because of that, I present you two the Beacon Badge!”

(Volkner hands Dawn and Dusk their 8th gym badge. The two hold it up triumphantly)

Dawn: “Yeah!”

(Suddenly, the power of the building goes off.)

Dawn: “Ah, what?!”

Volkner: “Don't worry about that.” (Switches the lever off.) “I'm honestly surprised that the lights even lasted this long.”

Dusk: “Say, I think we have all 8 badges in the Sinnoh Region!”

(Dawn opens her badge case. We see the seven other badges she has.)

Dawn: “Hey, you're right!”

Volkner: “Well, hey, it looks like you two can head to the Pokemon League and take on the Elite Four!”

Dusk: “I guess we can! You know, it's quite impressive that we were able to do as much as we have in such little time.”

Dawn: “That just shows how strong we are!”

Volkner: “I will warn you two, those Elite Four members are even tougher than I. Especially that champion.”

Dawn: “We can take down anything! Even a space god!”

Volkner: “I wish you two the best of luck.”

(The screen jump cuts to Dusk and Dawn leaving the gym.)

Dawn: “Alright so, how about we head out to the League Tomorrow to try it out?”

Dusk: “Isn't that a bit too soon?”

Dawn: “What else will we do?”

Dusk: “Shouldn't we prepare our teams?”

Dawn: “It shouldn't take that long to prepare. We'll be fine.”

Dusk: (Sighs) “I’m not too sure about this. It’s like that time you tried to do a break dance during one of our contests and made an embarrassment of yourself.”

Dawn: “It was embarrassing to be in a contest in general!”

(A lady in a white dress walks into the scene. She notices Dusk and Dawn.)

Jasmine: “Oh…?” (Walks up to Dawn and Dusk.) “Hey, I think I saw you two on the news.”

Dusk: “Huh? Who are you?”

Jasmine: “Right, where are my manners… I'm Jasmine, a Gym Leader who lives in Johto.”

Dusk: “Ah, so you live down south in the nation.”

Dawn: “That explains your accent!”

Jasmine: “Well, I'm no Hoennian, but I must say that this region is quite chilly. Uhm, that was impressive dealing with such a strong Pokemon. You two kind of remind me of these three trainers back in my home region, they're quite strong themselves.”

Dawn: “You say?”

Jasmine: “Yeah, they were kind of an odd bunch, but they helped with curing my Ampharos back in Johto and even defeated Team Rocket.”

Dawn: “How cool!”

Jasmine: “Heh, who knows? Maybe if you get strong enough, you might meet them someday. Uh, s-sorry, I must be droning on… How about this?” (Pulls out an HM) “I was thinking of using this disc to help get my Pokemon stronger, but none of them can learn the move. It’s been burning a hole in my pocket, so maybe you two can take it from me?”

Dusk: “Sure, what TM is it?”

Jasmine: “Actually, it’s an HM for Waterfall.” (Gives the HM to Dusk)

Dusk: “I see. This might be useful.”

Dawn: “Yeah!” (Sends out Empoleon) “Give that HM to me!”

(Dawn takes the HM from Dusk and taps it onto Empoleon’s head. The Disc glows as Empoleon learns a new move.)

Dawn: “There we go, you should know that move now!”

Jasmine: “Heh, what a cute Pokemon. I wish I had something like that in Johto. Anyway, I’m gonna go explore this town a bit more; it reminds me of my own home.

Dusk: “Alright, goodbye.”

(Jasmine leaves.)

Dawn: “That was kinda weird, but at least Empoleon knows a new move!”

Dusk: “I suppose so.”

Dawn: “Welp, let’s rest for the night, but tomorrow, we’re heading straight towards the Pokemon League!”

Dusk: “Alright, if you insist.”

Dawn: “I’m sure by tomorrow, we’re going to be champions of Sinnoh! Nothing can get in the way of us!”

(Dawn and Dusk leave the area as the episode ends and fades to black.)

Major Events[]

  • Dawn and Dusk battle and defeat Volkner, obtaining his badge.


Previous episode: Next episode:
A Battle of Galactic Proportions! (Part 2) Victory's Just Out of Reach!