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A Lake-Day Crisis! is the 26th episode in Dawn to Dusk. In this Episode, Dawn and Dusk are tasked to look for a Pokemon at Lake Valor, but their plans go awry when Team Galactic blows up Lake Valor.


(The Episode starts with Dawn and Dusk both peacefully sleeping in a hotel room's beds. However, the two are abruptly awakened by Dawn's Poketch ringing.)

Dawn & Dusk: (Both jump out of their beds) "Ahhh!"

Dawn: "The hell?! Bro, why did you set the alarm so early?!"

Dusk: "That's not the alarm, Dawn. It's your Poketch ringing"

Dawn: "Who could be calling me at this hour?!"

(Dawn picks up the Poketch and answers it.)

Dawn: "Hello?"

Prof. Rowan: "Hey Dawn! Is your brother with you?"

Dawn: "Yeah?"

Prof. Rowan: "Can the two of you come meet me and my assistants in the Canalave Library? We have an important task for you two."

Dawn: "It's 5:39 in the morning, I’m not gonna come that early!

Prof. Rowan: "Well… Hm? Okay, Barry says he's gonna fine you 200 million Pokedollars if you two don't come."

Dawn: (Groans) "Fine… We'll see you there." (Hangs up) "Professor Rowan wants to see us at the Library, or something."

Dusk: "Can't we sleep for a few extra hours?"

Dawn: "It's something urgent, apparently. Ugh, it better be worthwhile, I was having a good dream!"

Dusk: "Was it the one where you were saving Lucas from Pizza Pokemon?"

Dawn: "How did you know?!"

Dusk: "You've had that same dream for the third time in a row now."

(The screen fades to the inside of Canalave Library. Dusk and Dawn both enter, looking very grumpy.)

Dusk: "This place better have a cafe."

(The two trainers begin to walk around.)

Dawn: "All of these books… It reminds me of school."

Dusk: "I remember when you decided to pick Goosebumps as a part of a project during your sophomore year. Your peers laughed really hard at that."

Dawn: "Those were genuinely good books! Those people can suck it!"

Dusk: "Didn't you get a D in that project?"

Dawn: "Shut up! Ugh... where is that professor?"

Prof. Rowan: "I'm over here."

(Professor Rowan, Lucas, and Barry are all sitting at a table. Dawn and Dusk join them there.)

Dusk: "So, what exactly do you need from us?"

Prof. Rowan: "You see, I've been recently trying to research evolution for the past couple of decades. What exactly makes a Pokemon evolve? Why do some not evolve?"

(Dusk and Dawn both start to fall asleep.)

Prof. Rowan: "What significance does Evolution have for a Pokemon? Does it correlate with age and maturity, or does it not?"

(Dawn and Dusk fall asleep as Professor Rowan speaks.)

Prof. Rowan: "That's where I come in, to attempt to figure out these questions. One theory I have is…"

(The screen fades as we see a quick time skip. Text stating "15 minutes later…" briefly appears in the corner of the screen.)

Prof. Rowan: "...Pokemon evolve by rapidly changing their DNA structure…"

Lucas: "Professor."

Prof. Rowan: "...And these changes send commands to the body to completely change its cell structure."

Lucas: "Uhm, Professor."

Prof. Rowan: "And once its body finishes rearranging itself, you get a completely different Pokemon!"

Barry: “PROFESSOR!!!”

Prof. Rowan: "What now, you two? Can't you see that I'm in the middle of an explanation?"

Lucas: "I know, professor, but these two fell asleep."

Prof. Rowan: "Well then, wake them up."

(Barry slaps Dawn and Dusk awake.)

Dusk: "Ahh!"

Dawn: "Agh, what are you-! Huh…?"

Prof. Rowan: "Were you two even listening to me?"

Dusk: "Uhhhh…"

Dawn: "...Yeah, we were… totally listening to your explanation! Uh, can you like, get straight to the point, though?"

Prof. Rowan: "...Alright then. To help me figure out evolution better, I need you two to head to Lake Valor to find a legendary Pokemon living inside of an island cave."

Dusk: "Yeah we can do that."

Prof. Rowan: "Lucas and I will take care of Lake Verity, and Barry can head to Lake Acuity."

Barry: "Why do I have to go to the snow-filled tundra?!"

Prof. Rowan: "You're a hardy trainer, are you not?"

Barry: "...Yes I am."

Lucas: "Plus, there's a gym up there."

Barry: "Sweet!"

Rowan: "Anyways, now we should go and capture them at a quick pace, I feel like we'll be able to-"

(Suddenly, everything starts to shake!)

Dawn: "WAH?! HOLY CRAP!"

(Dawn and Dusk immediately take cover under the table. Lucas, Barry, and Rowan follow after.)

Barry: "Why is there a sudden earthquake?!"

Lucas: "There wasn't one scheduled today."

(Eventually, the shaking stops.)

Dusk: "Well, that woke me up."

Prof. Rowan: "What was that? I'm going to check outside, Stay here in case another quake happens."

Lucas: "Good luck, Professor. Make sure to not stop on any cracks!"

Barry: "Why not?"

Lucas: "Because he'll break his mother's back!"

(Prof. Rowan leaves.)

Dusk: "Not. Now."

Dawn: "Hah, that makes me wonder how destroyed Canalave City looks. Reminds me of that level from Tony Hawk!"

Barry: "Ooh, I should start playing that game again sometime!"

(Professor Rowan comes back.)

Prof. Rowan: "Okay, you four can come outside."

Dusk: "Okay…?"

(We see a quick jump cut, where Rowan, Barry, Dusk, Lucas, and Dawn head out of the Library.)

Barry: "What?! Everything's fine?!

Prof. Rowan: "It appears so."

Lucas: "That's… abnormal."

(The group heads back inside the Library.)

Dusk: "So, uhh, to recap what you said, you wanted us to find and capture-"

Dawn: "Hey guys, look at the TV!"

Dusk: "Dawn, can't you see I'm talk… Huh?"

(We see a TV in the Library. It has the text "BREAKING NEWS" on it. It then cuts to a woman talking about the news.)

Roxy: "This just in! It appears that the earthquake felt across Sinnoh has stopped. Residents of Veilstone and Canalave City have confirmed that the earthquake might have not come from natural occurrences, and instead came from a bomb originating from Lake Valor."

Dawn: "Lake Valor?! That's the lake we're going to!"

Dusk: "Did that lady just say bomb?! We're gonna be seeing something crazy there, I'm sure of it."

Prof. Rowan: "Well then… I suppose we'll continue our plans for today. I wish you two good luck for whatever is going on there."

Dusk: "Thanks, let's go, Sis."

Dawn: "Okay!"

(Dawn and Dusk both run off. The screen fades to them flying with Staraptor and landing in Valor Lakefront.)

Dusk: "There sure are a lot of rocks around here."

Dawn: "Let's go see whatever is happening inside!"

(Dusk and Dawn walk towards the lake to see what's going on. When the two reach the lake, they look horrified.)

Dusk: "Holy-"

(The screen pans out, showing that Lake Valor was blown up and destroyed. There are a bunch of Team Galactic Grunts within the lake's crater as well as many Magikarps flopping around.)

Dawn: "Mother of Arceus, what happened here?!"

Dusk: "Someone must have blown up this place, or something!"

(Within a cave in the middle of the crater, we see Saturn exiting from it.)

Saturn: "Okay, so that might have worked way too well. We're undoubtedly going to get attention. I got the Pokemon, let's just retreat and report back to the boss." (Notices Dawn and Dusk) "Huh? Hey, wait a minute! Those brats are back again!"

Dusk: "I… Ah, crap, they spotted us!"

Saturn: "Why is it that every single time we attempt some sort of plan, you two are closely following behind?!"

Dusk: "Wait, you guys blew up the lake?!”

Dawn: “Huh, I guess they were serious about blowing up that town.”

Dusk: “What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Saturn: "It's the most efficient way to get the Pokemon out of hiding, according to our boss."

Dawn: "Wait, couldn't you just surf across the water and enter the cave to catch that Pokemon?"

Saturn: "Don't ask me, ask my boss about that move!"

Dawn: "Whatever, we're gonna kick your butt!"

Saturn: (Sighs) "I don't have time for this." (Hands a Team Galactic Grunt a Master Ball.) "Alright, If you want a fight, then here's a fight you two are gonna get! Everyone return to the base!"

(The grunts run away as Saturn sends out his Broznor, Kadabra, and Toxicroak.)

Dusk: "Not sure why you want to do this. Go, Rotom!" (Sends out Rotom)

Dawn: "This'll be fun! Go, Prinplup!" (Sends out Prinplup) "Use Surf!"

(Prinplup summons a giant wave. It washes away the three Pokemon!)

Saturn: "Don't just stand there and take it, use Revenge, you Pokemon!"

(Toxicroak gets right back up, punching Prinplup in the face with a deep, glowing fist.)

Dusk: "Let's use Ominous Wind, Rotom!"

(Rotom sprays wind onto Kadabra and Broznor, dealing considerable damage to them.)

Saturn: "Use Hypnosis, Broznor!"

Dusk: "Quick, dodge!"

(Broznor shines a bright light at Rotom, but Rotom zips away before it sees the light.)

Dusk: "Good!"

Saturn: "Ugh, this is just great… I'm gonna embarrass myself when I tell the other groups this."

Dusk: "Wait, other groups?"

Saturn: "I didn't say anything important!"

Dawn: "...Really?"

Dusk: "Are you implying that there are other groups of Team Galactic doing something else?"

Saturn: "What?! N-no!"

Dawn: "Only one way to find out! Use Surf again!"

(Prinplup begins to glow before it does its command.)

Saturn: "Uh oh… That thing's evolving!"

(Prinplup evolves into an Empoleon! Empoleon summons a massive wave that washes away Saturn's Pokemon and makes them all faint.)

Dawn: "Hah, that was awesome!"

Saturn: "Whatever! My work here is complete regardless."

(Saturn runs away.)

Dusk: "I'm concerned about those other Galactic groups. What if they're heading to the other lakes or something?"

Dawn: "Right, we should probably help Lucas and Professor Rowan!”

Dusk: "Isn't Barry by himself?"

Dawn: "I'm sure he'll be fine!"

Dusk: "Okay."

(The screen fades to Lucas and Rowan staring at something, surprised. We see a lot of Team Galactic grunts and Mars at the lake doing operations.)

Mars: "Alright everyone, we got the Pokemon!"

Lucas: "Looks like somebody has beaten us with catching that Pokemon."

Mars: "Who said that?" (Notices Lucas and Professor Rowan) "...What are you two looking at?"

(Dusk and Dawn fly into the scene using their Staraptor. Dawn returns her Pokemon when they land.)

Dawn: "Alright, Team Galactic! We're here to stop you!"

Mars: "Oh, it's you two again!"

Prof. Rowan: "You two came here fast."

Dusk: "So, uh, Team Galactic were the people who blew up the lake, and they took the Pokemon before us."

Mars: "Ssssh, quiet! You don't know that!"

Prof. Rowan: "That explains a lot, actually. You three need to stop them!"

Mars: (Sighs) "...Great."

Lucas: "Alright, then, We'll be abducting your victory away!"

Dawn: "Hah, and… and we'll knock you out of orbit!"

Dusk: (Groans) "Don't join in now, Sis…"

Mars: "Wow, how flattering. Are you two, like, some sort of couple, or whatever?"

(Dawn’s face is red.)

Lucas: "Uhhhhhhhhhh…"

(Dawn approaches Mars.)

Dawn: (Whispering to Mars) "I'm gonna be honest with you here, and you're gonna laugh at this, but I totally have a crush on Lucas."

Mars: "Oh my god, really? Hahaha, I didn't realize!"

Lucas: "Uhhh, what are you two talking about?"

Dawn: "...Nothing!"

Dusk: "Can we just start fighting already?"

Dawn: "Uh… Yeah… Go, Toxicroak!"

Dusk: "Go Honchkrow!"

Lucas: "Go, Electabuzz!"

(Dusk, Lucas, and Dawn send out their Pokemon as Mars sends out her Golbat, Broznor, and Purugly.)

Lucas: "Use Discharge on the Golbat!"

(Electabuzz charges up some electricity and then launches it to Golbat, hurting it quite a lot.)

Mars: "Use Supersonic, Golbat!"

(Golbat launches a wave at Toxicroak, confusing it!)

Dawn: "Aww, what?"

Dusk: "Let's get that Golbat, Honchkrow! Use Faint Attack!"

(Honchkrow flies behind Golbat then rams itself into it, making the Pokemon faint.)

Mars: "Eh, he did his job well. Now, uh, let's use Extrasensory, Broznor!"

(Broznor sends out psychic signals to Toxicroak, damaging it drastically.)

Dawn: "Wow! Okay, are you going to hit yourself in the face?"

(Toxicroak hits itself in the face.)

Dawn: "...Yep."

(Toxicroak faints from attacking itself.)

Mars: "Hah, my strategy worked!"

Dawn: "Not bad at all!"

Mars: "Thank you!"

(Dawn sends out her Staraptor.)

Mars: "Okay… Use Hypnosis, Purity!"

(Purugly's eyes glow, causing Electabuzz to fall asleep.)

Lucas: "...Okay…"

Prof. Rowan: "Looks like this lady has some interesting ideas with her Pokemon."

Dawn: "I'm gonna take care of Purity with Close Combat!"

Dusk: "Combine that with another Faint Attack, Honchkrow!"

Mars: "Uh oh."

(Staraptor summons a set of glowing fists and begins to pummel Purugly with them. Once Staraptor stops its rapid punches, Honchkrow comes up from behind and finishes Purugly off by attacking it from behind.)

Mars: "Oh my, I'm gonna lose again!"

(Meanwhile, Electabuzz is sleeping like a baby.)

Lucas: "Man, Electabuzz, you can be such a snore."

Mars: "My boss is gonna be REALLY angry if that happens! Use Iron Defense, Broznor!"

(Broznor glows in a silver light, increasing its defenses.)

Dusk: "That won't stop us from defeating you! Use Shadow Ball, Honchkrow!"

Dawn: "And my Staraptor shall use Close Combat again!"

(Staraptor flies up to Broznor and begins to beat it up just like Purugly. Meanwhile, Honchkrow is charging up a ball made of darkness. Once Staraptor is done punching, Honchkrow launches its shadowy ball at Broznor. Staraptor prepares for one more punch, this time hitting the Shadow Ball, boosting its speed and power as it flies toward Broznor. Broznor gets hit by the ball and is very hurt.)

Prof. Rowan: "Hm! What a combination of attacks!"

Mars: "Uhhh… Welp, I should probably go, I think-"

(Electabuzz finally wakes up!)

Lucas: "Oh, good! Had any good dreams, Electabuzz?"

Electabuzz: "Buzz…"

Lucas: "Ah, never mind. Use Thunder Punch!"

(Electabuzz runs up to Broznor.)

Mars: "Hey, wait! I surrender-"

(Electabuzz gives Broznor an electrical knuckle sandwich, knocking it out!)

Lucas: "Oh… Oops."

Mars: (Sighs) "Thanks a lot! Now I need to revive all three of my Pokemon."

Dawn: "Sorry!"

Mars: "Wait, what am I doing? I should get out of here!"

(Mars turns around and sees that her grunts are just watching the battle.)

Mars: "I… were you guys just watching me?!"

Team Galactic Grunt 1: "...Yeah…?"

Mars: "Don't just stand there now! Why didn’t you help me?!” (Sighs) “Let's just get out of here already."

(The group of Team Galactic members run away.)

Prof. Rowan: "Well, it looks like we dealt with them. Wait, we should have taken the Pokemon they caught."

Dawn: "Crap, right, we forgot! We should probably go after them."

Lucas: "They ran into the woods… It'll be hard to track them down that way."

Dawn: "Damn it!"

Prof. Rowan: "Now, now, don't worry too much. There's still one lake we should deal with, and Barry is going to need some help if Team Galactic is also there.”

Dusk: "True, we should probably fly up to Lake Acuity to help him. Let's go, Dawn."

Dawn: "Okay! I'd love to see how snowy the place is!"

(The screen fades to Route 217. Dawn and Dusk both fly into the area.)

Dawn: "The news channel wasn't wrong, there's so much snow here!"

Dusk: "Yeah, this place is in a perpetual winter, I've heard."

Dawn: "I don't mind it, it's really pretty! It reminds me of Christmas! Oooh, let's have a snowball fight!"

Dusk: "Uhh, let's just focus on helping Barry for now."

Dawn: "Right! Right."

(The two begin to walk through the snow.)

Dawn: "Geez, isn't this snow deep? It's going into my boots!"

Dusk: "We're going to have wet socks after this…"

(A snowball hits Dusk's back.)

Dusk: "AH! Hey!"

Dawn: "Hahahaha! Got you!"

Dusk: "I said I didn't want a snowball fight!"

Dawn: "I know! You aren't a very good opponent anyway."

Dusk: "Oh, I don't know, is it because you and Barry always tag-team me whenever we have snowball fights?"

Dawn: "You just need to get better at it!"

Dusk: (Sighs) "I think that's the lake in the distance."

Dawn: "I see it!"

(There are two figures at the lake, looking like Barry and Jupiter.)

Dawn: "Is that Barry over there? I think it is!"

(Dusk and Dawn tread through the snow as fast as they can to get to Barry. Eventually, they get to him.)

Dusk: "Hey, Barry, we're- Uh, here…?"

Jupiter: "Hohohoho! Well, it looks like I've defeated you once again!"

Barry: "Ugh, no!"

Jupiter: "Now with that Uxie Pokemon, we'll be able to finally perform Team Galactic's plan once and for all!"

Dawn: "Not if we have anything to say about it!"

Jupiter: “Huh? Oh, it’s you, the lady in the pink skirt.”

Dawn: “I’m wearing a dress!”

Jupiter: (Looks at Dusk.) “I see you’re the brother Mars and Saturn told me about.”

Dusk: “Yes. We’re going to defeat you!”

Jupiter: “...Nah, I’m in a hurry right now, my show is on in a few minutes. If you’re looking for that Pokemon I got, it’s not with me at the moment.”

Dawn: “What?”

Jupiter: “Fighting me would only waste our time. I’ll head back to the Veilstone HQ now, this place is disgustingly cold.”

(Jupiter walks away.)

Barry: (Shivering) “You can say that again!”

Dusk: “So, you lost against Jupiter, huh?”

Barry: “Yeah. Uxie, or whatever its name was, seemed to be in a lot of pain when Team Galactic was capturing it. I tried to fight back, but well, my Pokemon couldn’t take the cold well.”

Dusk: “Ah, we were too late… Damn it.”

Barry: “Wait… Aren’t you two supposed to be at Lake Valor?”

Dusk: “We were, Barry. Team Galactic was also there and at Lake Verity.”

Barry: “Geez, am I behind! I blame this stupid cold! Hey, do you, like, want to find the Gym Leader and leave this place shortly after?”

Dawn: “Yeah!”

(The three trainers begin to walk towards Snowpoint City. Meanwhile, Dusk calls Professor Rowan on his Poketch.)

Prof. Rowan: (On the Poketch) “Hello?”

Dusk: “Hey, this is Dusk. So, we made it to Lake Acuity and witnessed Team Galactic there just like the other two lakes. They defeated Barry and we were only able to see the end of the battle.”

Prof. Rowan: (On the Poketch) “Hm…”

Dusk: “So, I think they were able to catch all three of the Pokemon you wanted to examine or something. What motives they have to catch them is something only Arceus knows about.”

Prof. Rowan: (On the Poketch) “It’s… Concerning. If you’re able to help free those Pokemon anytime soon, it would be a monumental thing for you to do.”

Dusk: “I’ll see what my Sister and I can do.”

Prof. Rowan: (On the Poketch) “Anyways, I need to return to the lab. See you, Dusk.”

Dusk: “Bye, Professor.” (Hangs up) “Alright, I’ve informed Professor Rowan about what happened.”

Dawn: “Oh, good!”

Dusk: “Do you think we should try and rescue those Pokemon sometime?”

Dawn: “Eh, it might be an important thing to do. But let’s face the next Gym Leader first!”

Dusk: “Alright.”

(The three trainers continue to roam through Acuity Lakefront as the screen pans out.)

Barry: “Hey, how the heck are you two not freezing at all?!”

Dawn: “I dunno, I don’t feel that cold.”

Barry: “There’s snow everywhere!”

Dusk: “I don’t feel it, either.”

Barry: “Are you two going numb from the cold, or something?”

Dawn: “I don’t think so?”

Barry: “H-h-how?! Just how?!”

(The episode ends as the screen fades to black.)

Major Events[]

  • Lake Valor blows up.
  • Dawn's Prinplup evolves into an Empoleon.


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The Aura Guardian Really? I Didn't Bring a Jacket!