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A Lack of Respect for the Dead! is the 39th episode in The New Bark Trio. In this episode, Ethan, Kris, and Lyra go to Lavender Town and try to buy a tea set, but a sudden power outage causes Ethan to investigate what happened to the Pokemon Tower.


(The episode starts with Kris, Lyra, and Ethan entering a random town.)

Kris (Narration): “Hi, I’m Kris! You know, some people, like my boyfriend, Ethan, are terrified of ghosts. But, despite that, he’s still pretty respectful to those who died. Unfortunately, there are some people who don’t feel the same was as he does.”

Ethan: “Hey, do any of us know where we’re going right now?”

Kris: “Uhm… N-not really…?”

Ethan: “Why are we going into random directions? Shouldn’t we pull out a map to see where we need to go next?”

Kris: “Y-yeah, I sh-should have thought of that, my bad.” (Pulls out Pokegear and checks map) “Looks like we just entered Lavender Town.”

Ethan: (Freezes up) “Wait just a second, we are in LAVENDER TOWN right now?!”

Kris: “Uhm… y-yeah…?”

Ethan: “Oh… Oh no, I didn’t think we would manage to wander into this town of all things!”

Lyra: “What’s wrong with this town, Ethy?”

Ethan: “Haven’t you heard about the rumors of this town, Lyra?! It's said to be infested by creepy ghosts and spirits!”

Lyra: “Oh… I see. It’s okay, Ethy, nothing’s gonna pop out and scare us!”

(Ethan’s bag shakes a bit, causing him to leap into the air and scream loudly.)

Ethan: “I-! what the-!” (Looks at bag) “Oh, phew, that was just something in my bag. Wait, why is my bag shaking all of a sudden?”

(Ethan reaches into his bag and pulls out the shaking object, that being Ho-Oh’s Pokeball.)

Ethan: “What is this, Ho-Oh wants to be out of its Pokeball?”

(Ethan releases Ho-Oh from its Pokeball. Ho-Oh squawks a bit.)

Kris: “Oh, that’s rather strange.”

Ethan: “What is it, Ho-Oh, do you sense something wrong in this town?”

Ho-Oh: “Ho-Oh.”

Kris: “H-huh…? I guess it might be… I wonder what it's sensing…?”

Ethan: “I have a bad feeling about this town. Let’s go and leave this place if possible.”

Lyra: “Aw, Ethy, don’t be so anxious, let’s at least visit a couple of places before we go!”

Ethan: “I… I don’t know… I don’t think there is any place we care about here.”

Lyra: “Hmmm… Oh, I know! Maybe we can buy you a new tea set here, Ethy?”

Ethan: “Ah, you think you should get me my new tea set here…? I suppose we could find one, or something, but once we’re done, we’re leaving, okay?”

Lyra: “Alright, deal!”

Ethan: (Sighs a bit) “Why do you even want to be here so badly, Lyra?”

Lyra: (Looks around) “I dunno, this town has an interesting atmosphere to it!”

(Ho-Oh looks at the Pokemon Tower with an irritated expression.)

Ethan: “Hey, Ho-Oh, I’m gonna return you to your Pokeball since we’re going to head to a store, okay?”

(Ho-Oh looks at Ethan.)

Ho-Oh: “Ho-Oh.”

(Ethan returns Ho-Oh to its Pokeball and then we see the three trainers walk off-screen. The screen fades to Ethan, Lyra, and Kris at a store, looking around.)

Ethan: “Man, they have a lot of interesting trinkets in here! I guess Kanto has some interesting stuff, don’t they?”

(Ethan looks around the shop. Ethan takes a look at a doll, but the doll suddenly floats up.)

Ethan: “GAH!” (Backs away.)

(We see the shopkeeper laughing as we see him pulling a string. He stops pulling on the string, causing the doll to drop.)

Shopkeeper: “Hah, looks like I got you!”

(Ethan looks at the shopkeeper and sighs, a bit annoyed.)

Ethan: “What was that for?!”

Shopkeeper: “I can tell you aren’t from Lavender. I like to give any passersby a little joke or two when coming here.”

Ethan: “I didn’t really find that funny at all, you know!”

Kris: (Off-screen) “Hey, Ethan, come here.”

(Ethan walks up to Kris. We see her looking at a purple and white teapot.)

Kris: “What do you think about this teapot?”

Ethan: “Oh, that looks quite pretty!I think I’ll go buy this one.”

Kris: “Okay. I’ll go find us some teacups.”

(Kris walks off-screen as we see Ethan pick up the teapot.)

Ethan: “I’m going to enjoy looking at this work of art while drinking tea.”

(All of a sudden, the lights flicker out! This causes Ethan to jump, scream, and rush out of the shop, accidentally dropping the teapot on the floor and making it break!)

Kris: (Peeks from another aisle.) “E-ethan…?!”

(We cut to Ethan hiding on the side of the shop, shaking and whimpering.)

Ethan: “Nonononono, I knew we shouldn’t have stayed here for this long!”

(We see Kris come out of the store. She manages to locate Ethan.)

Kris: “E-e-ethan…?” (Approaches Ethan) “Hey, it’s okay, Ethan.” (Hugs Ethan to comfort him.)

Ethan: “Ugh, I tell you, Kris, this place is haunted by ghosts!”

Kris: “It’s okay, Ethan. I know you’re a bit unsure about this place, but I assure you, this place isn’t haunted.”

Ethan: “I… Isn’t haunted… ah, right, that guy who runs the place must have flickered the lights to get me again… Thanks a lot for the comfort, Kris.” (Hugs Kris back)

Kris: “Of course, Ethan.”

(We see Ethan letting go of Kris and heading back into the store. Ethan looks at the shopkeeper.)

Ethan: “Hey, did you turn off the lights?!”

Shopkeeper: “Huh? Oh, that? Uhhhh, no, that wasn’t me.”

Ethan: “Wait, that wasn’t you who turned off the lights?! Then who or what turned off the lights?!”

Shopkeeper: “I don’t know. If you don’t believe me…” (The shopkeeper points to the light switch, which is pointed to ‘ON’ despite the lights being out.)

(Ethan approaches the switch and flicks it a few times, but the lights don’t go back on.)

Ethan: “Oh… oh no… this isn’t good… this isn’t good at all!!!”

(Kris enters back into the store.)

Kris: “What’s wrong, Ethan?”

Ethan: “Kris, the lights just went out for some unknown reason! I think there might be a ghost in this place!”

Kris: “E-ethan, I wouldn’t immediately assume something like that. I would try to go around the town to search for answers.”

Ethan: “Right… I should probably go figure out what just happened first.”

Shopkeeper: “I’d pay for that teapot you just broke first if I were you.”

Ethan: “Uhh… yeah, my bad, I’ll go ahead and do that for you, sir.”

Kris: “...I’ll get you a new one.”

(We see Kris walk off-screen as Ethan hands the shopkeeper some money. Ethan then heads out of the store, where we see him back outside.)

Ethan: “Ugh, I’ve only been here for a few minutes and I already want out of this nightmare. I-”

(Ethan’s bag shakes again.)

Ethan: “Huh, is Ho-Oh wanting to be out of its Pokeball again?” (Pulls out Ho-Oh’s Pokeball and sends it out) “What’s been bothering you about this town so much, Ho-Oh? Are you sensing some sort of eerie presence here too?”

Ho-Oh: “Ho-Oh.” (Points its wing towards the Pokemon Tower)

Ethan: “You’re sensing something wrong with the Pokemon Tower? Okay, I guess we can check out what’s wrong with what’s going on there right now.”

(Ethan and Ho-Oh go up to the tower.)

Ethan: “Wait a minute… what’s this?”

(Ethan reads the sign on the Pokemon Tower.)

Ethan: “This building is the Kanto Radio Tower? That doesn’t sound right. I’m pretty sure this is the tower where Pokemon and people were buried.”

Ho-Oh: “Ho-Oh!”

Ethan: “So you’re telling me that this is the Pokemon Tower I’m thinking of, Ho-Oh? If that’s the case, then why is it suddenly a radio tower of all things?”

Ho-Oh: “Ho-Oh…” (Looks a bit maddened.)

Ethan: “I…” (Shivers a bit in realization) “Oh god, you aren’t telling me…”

Ho-Oh: “Ho-Oh!”

Ethan: “You aren’t telling me they replaced a burial site with some sort of radio tower?!”

(Ho-Oh looks at Ethan, displeased.)

Ethan: “That’s just… I’m not so sure what to say about that sort of thing! That’s just awful! Not to mention, disrespectful to the many Pokemon and people who have died!”

(Ho-Oh nods in agreement.)

Ethan: “...I suppose we should try to get to the bottom of this and what happened, shouldn’t we?”

(Ethan attempts to enter the tower, but the doors are locked.)

Ethan: “What’s going on now with this building…?”

(Ethan reads a second sign on the door.)

Ethan: “...Due to a recent attack on Johto’s Radio Tower, this tower will only let authorized personnel into the building. Ah, they must have some sort of security up because of that whole attack.” (Sighs and looks down) “I guess we won’t be able to confront these people directly, huh?”

Ho-Oh: “Oh.” (Looks around)

Ethan: (Looks up at Ho-Oh) “You believe we should try to locate the bodies as a second option? I suppose that we could get info that way. We’ll be able to meet up and confront the person who runs that place instead.”

(Ho-Oh nods in agreement. Ethan boards on top of Ho-Oh.)

Ethan: “Ugh, this place gives me the creeps; let’s see if we can locate the bodies faster by flying, Ho-Oh.”

(Ho-Oh takes off and starts to fly around Lavender Town. Ethan looks across the buildings throughout the town. The screen fades back to Lyra, who is searching around the store. Lyra spots a small device.)

Lyra: “Oooh!” (Picks up the object) “I remember this thing!”

(We see Kris enter the scene. She is holding a basket, which has a few teacups, tea bags, and crystals inside.)

Kris: “Hm? Oh, is that a Pokewalker?”

Lyra: “Yeah, this seems to be one! Ah, this brings back memories!”

Kris: “You always carried that thing around you, didn’t you?”

Lyra: “Yeah, it was so fun walking around to catch Pokemon and make them happy!” (Looks down sadly) “Wah, too bad my old one broke when I accidentally dropped it!” (Puts down the Pokewalker) “Say, where’s Ethy right now?”

Kris: “I think he’s currently investigating where the power outage came from, or something.”

Lyra: “Right, the blackout! I hope Ethy can figure things out soon! …What’s with all the crystals in your bag?”

Kris: “Ah, I was just getting some stuff for myself, too.”

(The screen fades to the skies of Lavender Town, where we see Ethan and Ho-Oh flying above. Ethan spots a beige building with a dome and flowers nearby.)

Ethan: “Hmm, that building looks pretty grave-like. Lt’s go down there, Ho-Oh.”

(Ho-Oh flies down to the building. Ethan gets off of the legendary and looks at the sign of the building.)

Ethan: “So, this is the House of Memories, huh? This must be the new spot where they put the graveyards, Ho-Oh.”

(Ethan returns his Ho-Oh and enters the building. He looks around for a bit, seeing all of the graves.)

Ethan: “Hmmm… how odd, there are much fewer gravestones here than I thought… is this truly all of the graves that were in the Pokemon Tower?”

(Ethan walks around.)

Ethan: “Man, this place is quiet. I hope it isn’t closed, either.”

(An old man exits a chamber.)

Mr. Fuji: “Oh, is someone here?” (Approaches Ethan) “Are you here to mourn anyone?”

Ethan: “Oh, hello, I’m not here to mourn for anyone, actually. I’m assuming you work here, is that correct?”

Mr. Fuji: “Why yes, I’m Mr. Fuji, the owner of this place.”

Ethan: “Ah, so, you're the owner of this building, huh? Well, if that’s the case, then I have a question for you.”

Mr. Fuji: “Yes, what is it?”

Ethan: “Why… why did you move these bodies from their original resting place?”

Mr. Fuji: (Sighs) “Right… that…”

Ethan: “That wasn’t a very respectful thing to take those bodies to a different place, you know!”

Mr. Fuji: “Yes, it wasn’t respectable for me to do such a thing.” (Looks down)

Ethan: “Then why did you do such a thing to begin with?!”

Mr. Fuji: “Well, you see, I didn’t exactly move the bodies at will. Some corporation bought out the old Pokemon Tower.”

Ethan: “Wait, so you're telling me a company bought out the Pokemon Tower?!”

Mr. Fuji: “Yes, I wasn’t the reason that these bodies were taken from their original resting place. I protested the tower being bought out, but the other people who ran the tower disagreed with me since the company was offering a pretty penny for the tower.”

Ethan: “Oh… oh my… that must have been awful to get through.”

Mr. Fuji: “I don’t know why, but those people decided to take the tower and change it from a burial ground to a radio station. I had to take the bodies to a new spot to rest, so I bought this new building and placed the bodies here. I can tell that the spirits here have been a bit restless because of it.”

Ethan: “I see… that’s a terrible thing that happened to both you and the spirits of the tower, just because some corporation wanted to build a radio station.”

Mr. Fuji: “Yes, it was. If I could have prevented it, I would have.”

Ethan: (Looks down) “My apologies for pursuing you about this. I didn’t exactly know what happened, and now that I do, I kind of regret being angry at you initially.”

Mr. Fuji: “I understand, sir, you were simply looking for some sort of answer or justice. Unfortunately, what has happened has happened, and you can’t change the past.”

Ethan: “You’re certainly right about that, I can’t exactly do much aside from protest the radio station, I suppose.”

Mr. Fuji: (Sighs) “I’ve honestly been scared so lately. First, the tower got sold, then the radio tower in Johto got raided by Team Rocket, and now this blackout hasn’t been helping my spirits.”

Ethan: “I understand, that whole raid was pretty crazy. I was one of the people who stopped Team Rocket there.”

Mr. Fuji: “You say? I do remember hearing that on the news… Ethan, was it? Thanks for doing such a risky, yet heroic action.”

Ethan: “You’re welcome, sir, me and my partners try our best to help others whenever we can.”

Mr. Fuji: “Heh, you remind me of the young man who helped with the Pokemon Tower and a Cubone’s dead mother a while back.”

Ethan: “Oh, that’s very generous of him to do such a thing for a spirit.”

Mr. Fuji: “I heard he hasn’t been around these parts anymore; I hope he’s doing fine.”

Ethan: “I hope that guy is doing fine as well.”

(Ethan looks at a sign at the stairs that says ‘B1F Graves - OFF LIMITS’ on it.)

Ethan: “Uhm… hey, why are the lower levels of this house off limits?”

Mr. Fuji: “Oh, right, well, you see, only I’m allowed to access the lower levels.”

Ethan: “...Why can only you access the lower levels?! What if a family wanted to see their lost ones?”

Mr. Fuji: “I don’t want anybody to harm the bodies down there.”

Ethan: “I don’t think many people would want to do such a thing. And even then, this building and the floors below guard these bodies pretty well to begin with.”

Mr. Fuji: “I suppose that’s true. I’ve just been very worried about everything lately.”

Ethan: “I… hmmm… don’t worry, everything is going to be okay. How about I show you something that might lift your spirits?”

Mr. Fuji: “What could you potentially show me to make me less worried?”

Ethan: “I have a Pokemon that is said to grant you eternal happiness if you lay eyes upon it.”

Mr. Fuji: “You say, hm?”

Ethan: “Yes, let me show you the Pokemon that I am referring to.”

(Ethan sends out Ho-Oh. Mr. Fuji looks at the legendary Pokemon in shock.)

Mr. Fuji: “My my… is that…”

Ethan: “Yes, this is Ho-Oh, the guardian of the skies as some may call it.”

Ho-Oh: “Ho-Oh!”

Mr. Fuji: “You have a legendary like this?!”

Ethan: “Yes, I do have Ho-Oh as one of my Pokemon. I wish to help people and other Pokemon alongside it. …And perhaps learn more about Pokemon too.”

Mr. Fuji: “I didn’t think a magnificent Pokemon like this would want to be with a trainer.”

Ethan: “Well… Ho-Oh wanted to be with me since I proved my strength to him as well as my heart to help others.”

Mr. Fuji: “Helping others, huh?” (Looks at Ho-Oh) “Just witnessing this Pokemon has already calmed my nerves...”

Ethan: “Ho-Oh has that tendency to make people happier with its rainbow appearance.”

Ho-Oh: “Ho-Oh!”

(Ho-Oh would spread out its wings, making them flash various colors. Mr. Fuji smiles at Ho-Oh’s appearance.)

Mr. Fuji: “What a gorgeous-looking Pokemon! Thanks for letting me witness it.”

Ethan: “You’re welcome, sir. I can tell that you needed it.”

(Ho-Oh would look at the graves. It turns around towards the graves and flashes its rainbow body at them.)

Ethan: “Ah, what are you doing right now, Ho-Oh?”

Mr. Fuji: “I think Ho-Oh is trying to calm down the spirits.”

Ethan: “Ah, I suppose that makes sense. I can feel the atmosphere of this place becoming calmer.”

Mr. Fuji: “Yes… for a cemetery, this house is feeling a lot more lively all of a sudden.”

Ethan: “Perhaps you should let Ho-Oh on the lower floors so that it can calm the spirits there?”

Mr. Fuji: “Sure, I can let Ho-Oh do that, I suppose. Just don’t harm the graves too much.”

Ethan: “Of course, sir. I’m sure that Ho-Oh knows what to do.”

(Ethan and Ho-Oh head down to the lower floor, where a lot more graves are located.)

Ethan: “I still don’t understand why you won’t let others in here. This place doesn’t look very confidential, or anything.”

(Ho-Oh would head up to the graves on this floor and shine its wings for them.)

Mr. Fuji: “You know… I’m not so sure myself now. Perhaps I was just too worried that a repeat incident with Team Rocket was going to happen, or some delinquents wanting to trash the place.”

Ethan: “I’m sure you can secure the place in other ways, like with cameras or with guards.”

Mr. Fuji: (Sighs) “That’s one other issue; I need more people to help me since my friends left with the money the company offered to them.”

Ethan: “Man, they don’t sound like very nice people at all.”

Mr. Fuji: “To be fair, they were getting old and wanted to retire, but I ought to get some new people to help me run the place.”

Ethan: “I would personally try to get some people to apply for a potential job here, like to watch the place or to be a gravedigger.”

Mr. Fuji: “That would certainly help. You don’t want to know how long it took to bury all of these bodies, especially at my own age.”

(Ho-Oh approaches Ethan and Mr. Fuji.)

Ho-Oh: “Ho-Oh!”

Ethan: “Do you think that our business is done here, Ho-Oh?”

Ho-Oh: “Ho!” (Nods in response)

Ethan: (Breathes in deeply) “I might not be able to see it, but I can already tell that the spirits have been relaxed thanks to you, Ho-Oh. The atmosphere here feels a lot more peaceful than it initially was when we came here.”

Mr. Fuji: “So, you two are going to leave now?”

Ethan: “I suppose we will go ahead and leave this place.” (Returns Ho-Oh) “How about you go take care of yourself and hopefully make this location a better place for both the living and the dead?”

Mr. Fuji: “Of course, I’ll go ahead and open this section of the house of memories to everyone and try to get some hires for it.”

Ethan: “Anyways, I hope to see you again sometime. Er, hopefully not because anybody has died, heh.”

Mr. Fuji: “Alright, see you, Ethan!”

(Mr. Fuji waves as we see Ethan walk off-screen as the screen fades to the House of Memories, where Ethan exits the building.)

Ethan: “Alright, looks like I was able to solve that mystery relatively easily. Now I should probably go ahead and find Kris and Lyra.”

(We see Kris and Lyra enter the screen. Kris is holding a bag in her hand.)

Kris: “Ah, there you are, Ethan! We’ve been looking for you.”

Ethan: (To himself) “...I guess they already found me, haven’t they?” (To Kris and Lyra) “Hey there you two, have you finished shopping at that store?”

Kris: “We sure have, Ethan.” (Holds up a blue teapot) “I found this pretty teapot for us to use for tea.”

Ethan: “Ah, great, I’ll go ahead and take that Teapot from you, Kris.”

Kris: “Alright, just don’t break it this time.” (Giggles as she places the Teapot into the bag she is holding and gives the bag to Ethan)

(Ethan places the bag into his satchel carefully.)

Lyra: “So Ethy, have you figured out the whole issue with the sudden blackout yet?”

Ethan: “Uh, I didn’t. I kind of got a bit distracted trying to figure out what happened to the Pokemon Tower.”

Lyra: “I see. Let’s go ahead and figure out that whole blackout issue!”

Ethan: “Yeah, we should go ahead and do that. Lavender Town might not be the only town that was affected by this power outage. I think I know where we should go. Let’s see if there’s an issue at the Kanto Power Plant.”

Lyra: “An issue at the Power Plant would make a lot of sense. Alright, let’s go there!”

(Ethan begins to set off north. Kris and Lyra follow after him as we see a view of Lavender Town.)

Ethan: “So, let me tell you what exactly happened to the Pokemon Tower: They converted it from a burial ground to a radio station of all things!”

Kris: “What, are you serious?!”

Ethan: “Yeah, I’m not making that story up. Some company bought out the tower and really turned it into a radio tower.”

(The episode begins to fade to black as we see Kris, Lyra, and Ethan fade into the horizon.)

Kris: “Oh wow…I’m… uh… I’m not so sure what to s-say about that.”

(The episode fully fades to black and ends.)

Major Events[]

  • The power goes out in Lavender Town.



  • This episode was made for the July 2024 Pokemon Fest, which featured Ho-Oh and Lugia. This episode focuses on Ho-Oh specifically.
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