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Battle at Sandshrew Desert A Badge Without Gym

A Dig-Able City is thirteenth episode of Pokemon New Generation


As Zack and team arrived at Cactus City Zack can't wait for his gym challenge

Zack: I want battle, I can't wait, and yes what is his name again?

Bonk: She's name is Jordane

Zack: And what type gym is it?

Ariana: Ground

Zack: And where it is?

Bonk: Here

Zack: Hooray!

Ariana: Idiot!

Zack saw such of holes in the town

Zack: Why here is so many holes?

Ariana: Is it Kondan again?

Bonk: No, the most of people in here uses ground type pokemon and everybody's favorite move is Dig. So this city mayor able trainers to dig anywhere

Zack: I want to have my ground type pokemon, too

Ariana: Then catch it

Zack: I am lazy

Bonk: For catching pokemon?

Zack: Right

Ariana: Don't care, every team have one silly member at all

Bonk: True

Zack: Ariana, do you mean that you are silly?

Ariana: No

Zack: Bonk, you?

Bonk: No

Zack: So that means Bire is silly? Bire is clever

Ariana: Ahhh!

Zack went into the gym

Jordane: Hi, I am the gym master Jordane

Zack: Hi I am going to challenge you and beat you

Jordane: In your dreams

Referee: This will be a two-on-two battle and it will be over once each Pokemon of one side is unable to fight. This battle will start now!

Jordane: Go, Herbicanion

A mole pokemon jumped out from pokeball

Zack: Go Herial

An ice hedgehog pokemon jumped out from pokeball

Jordane: You start

Zack: Ok, use water gun attack

Herial shoot water beam to Herbicanion

Jordane: Dig!

Herbicanion digged and missed herial's attack

Jordane: Now dig out

Herbicanion digged out and attacked Herial

Herial knocked down

Referee: Herial is unable to battle, Herbicanion wins

Zack: Impossible! Water is strong against ground

Jordane: Who cares about types?

Zack: Go, Bire!

Bonk: No you have to choose boaris.

Ariana: Why you're so dumb

Zack: Use ember

Bire: Bire!

Bire breath fire from it's mouth and tried to attacked Herbicanion

Jordane: Use dig again

Herbicanion digged again

Jordane: Dig out

Herbicanion digged out

Zack: Dodge it

Bire dodged it

Jordane: Bullet Shot now

Herbicanion shot wooden bullets from its gun and attack Bire

Bire fell off

Referee: Bire is unable to battle, Herbicanion wins

Jordane: Ha! I won

Zack: I lost

Jordane: Yes you lost, now go away

Zack went into hotel and locked into the room
