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Leader of the Will of Yamask | Thus the World will Turn to Sand |
A Cult vs. Space Invaders is the seventh episode of the fourth season of University of PocketMon. It aired 8/11/21.
Korra leaves the Groundium-Z exam, holding up her new Z-Crystal. Guzma shoves through as he approaches the field.
Nanu: You didn’t sign up for this exam. Leave.
Guzma gets right in Nanu’s face, the two staring each other down.
Guzma: Keep this new teacher around. Most of those testers just left without warning. Shit’s going down today.
Nanu: You were supposed to stop it.
Guzma: What can I say? I know a losing battle when I see it.
Nanu takes Guzma’s hand, shoving something in it.
Nanu: Then win.
Sahara wakes with a start, being chained to a boiler. She thrashes against the chains to break free, to no avail.
Weiss: Trust me, that won’t work.
Sahara turns, seeing Weiss, Chumley and Hunk all chained with her. Gordie sits off to the side avoiding eye contact.
Sahara: Mr. Gordie! Help!
Chumley: Forget it, dude. He’s on their side.
Gordie: I ain’t on their side! I’m on my side!
Weiss: Yeah, against us!
Hunk: Can someone please explain what is going on?! I am so lost!
Weiss: The Will is going to fight aliens, while my brother and Vega Labs are trying to profit off of it.
Gordie: Not true! This is totes legit research!
Sahara: Ah! Guys, Ms. Anabel is the Will leader and she’s preparing for a battle against Zarkon! We gotta get out of here!
Hunk: Zarkon? That is not a pleasant sounding name.
Gordie: Listen, you guys need to chill. Geo and Thorton need a little time to get their plan moving. Then I’ll let you out to battle.
Weiss: They stole my Pokémon! I will get it back.
End Scene
The entirety of the Will of Yamask stands at attention in the quad of the university. Leader looks to the sky as Knight kneels at her side.
Knight: Mother, are the masks still required? It sounds as if many students know each other’s identities.
Leader: (Sighs) I suppose with them all interfering, it couldn’t be helped.
Leader turns to face their followers, Yamask coming off her face to reveal herself.
Turbo: Vice Principal Anabel?
Anabel: I am sorry for deceiving you all. But now is the time for us to come together and fight! I will not require you to reveal your face if you choose not to. But I shall face my enemy with pride and honor.
Knight removes his robes, revealing himself in Accelgor armor with Cryogonal on his back and Honedge at his waist. Accelgor peels off his face to reveal Rolan.
Turbo: The strongest student in our class was already in the Will?
Sorceress: That means we’ve always been one step closer.
Turbo and Sorceress remove their masks, Tenya and Claire stepping forward.
Claire: As class representatives, we stand proud against this threat.
Hunter and Darkness step forward, revealing themselves as Kiba and Riku. Giant and Thorn remove theirs to reveal Jewelry and Akiza. Harpie and Serpent reveal they are Mai and Kaido. Assassin, General, Shield, Nightmare, Cannon, Noir and Hook retain their masks.
Jewelry: What’s wrong, tranny? You too embarrassed to show you—
A Shadow Ball soars right in front of Jewelry’s eyes, her flinching and falling over. She lunges towards Anabel, who’s Yamask guards her.
Anabel: Whatever animosities you have towards each other, they must fade. If we are divided, we will lose. Those who retained their masks are fine as they are.
The air cracks as the surrounding color fades away. The crack forms a tear as an Ultra Wormhole pierces the sky. An echoing roar shatters the sound barrier, as Dusk Mane Necrozma rushes out of the Wormhole. It lands on the ground, allowing three warriors to disembark. The leader is a tall alien with grey skin, crimson armor and glowing purple eyes. The second is a blue alien girl with four arms, and technological runes on her armor. The third is a soldier with a serious face and wearing silver steel armor.
Zarkon: I am Zarkon. Your world is filled with quintessence. Your sacrifice will be a tribute to the empire.
Anabel: I am Anabel. Years ago, you destroyed my home world, draining it of light. I will not allow you to do the same to this one!
The soldier steps forward, face stern and serious.
Murtagh: You don’t truly intend to face our supreme emperor with this pitiful army?
Aja: (The girl) They got a lot of followers there. And they were somehow ready for us. Maybe a retreat is in order.
Zarkon: Silence your tongue, princess. They wish to die? Let them. Voltron.
Voltron the Necrozma leaps and soars into the sky, aiming its trajectory at the Will. It is surrounded in a black sun as an energy blade forms in its mouth.
Anabel: Rally up! Defend and deter!
Shield steps forward, choosing Pyukumuku. Harpie chooses Skarmory which picks Pyukumuku up to fly directly at Voltron.
Shield: Use Counter!
Harpie: Skarmory, lay a Spikes!
Skarmory tosses Pyukumuku upwards, it glowing orange to clash head on with Sunsteel Strike. Skarmory fires energy spikes to surround the invaders. The sky clash begins letting off pulses of energy as Pyukumuku punches Voltron with Innards Out before being blasted away. Voltron continues its dive as Jewelry chooses Trevenant, a Forest’s Curse forest rising as a shield. Voltron crashes through it, the heat of its attack burning it.
Jewelry: That won’t hold!
Claire: Someone give me a boost! Cursola, use Grudge!
Nightmare: Always so weak! Chimecho, use Extrasensory!
Cursola leaps up, Chimecho releasing golden rings to form a shield with Cursola in the middle of it. Voltron crashes into the attack, defeating Cursola instantly. A Perish Song echoes while the incantation of a Grudge takes hold of Voltron. Sunsteel Strike ends as it retreats back.
Claire: Our Perish Body ability activated a Perish Song countdown! We only have to survive a few more hits before it falls!
Riku: What kind of challenge is this if it falls like that? We should conquer them!
Aja: Perish Body?
Zarkon: An annoying ability. But circumvented by removing the affected from battle.
Zarkon draws a Dark Ball, returning Voltron. The laser hits Voltron and breaks however, keeping it out. Cannon and Magneton become pertinent through the crowd.
Cannon: Pokémon identification complete. Necrozma, the Prism Pokémon. Merged with Solgaleo, the Sunne Pokémon. This combination makes it a Psychic and Steel type. Magneton's Magnet Pull ability prevents it from escaping before the allotted time for Perish Song diminishes.
Jewelry: A Steel type? Our Forest’s Curse just added a Grass type to it! Burn it with Fire attacks!
Anabel: Understood. Blacephalon!
Anabel opens a Beast Ball, choosing Blacephalon. Rolan chooses Charmeleon, Jewelry chooses Chandelure, General chooses Turtonator, Kiba chooses Growlithe, Noir chooses a male Pyroar, Tenya chooses Carkoal, Kaido chooses Magby, Nightmare chooses Meltan and Claire chooses Stonjourner. Stonjourner’s Power Spot ability activates to empower all the available Pokémon. Akiza holds her hands out, psychic energy empowering the Pokémon as well.
Zarkon: So she is from Ultra Space. Target Magneton and Meltan. Their Magnet Pull abilities will hinder Voltron’s recovery.
Anabel: Mind Blown!
Blacephalon takes its head off its body glowing white, tossing it at the opponents. Murtagh opens a Beast Ball to choose Guzzlord, it taking the Spikes and Mind Blown for Voltron. Voltron moves airborne as the others attack. Charmeleon breathes Flamethrower, Chandelure Inferno, Turtonator Overheat, Growlithe Flamethrower, Pyroar Fire Blast, Carkoal Incinerate, and Magby Fire Spin.
Zarkon: Photon Geyser.
Voltron opens its mouth, gathering in a black light to fire a high powered laser.
Shield: Wobbuffet, use Mirror Coat!
Shield chooses Wobbuffet, moving forward and glowing green and taking the attack. Wobbuffet repels Photon Geyser back, as Guzzlord leaps and takes the attack immune.
Murtagh: Stomping Tantrum!
Guzzlord comes crashing down, cratering the quad and shooting dozens of boulders at the Will. Trevenant uses Growth to grow, the trainers taking shelter behind it. Wobbuffet repels the attack back with Counter, though all the Fire types, Magneton and Meltan are hit and defeated. Guzzlord roars as Beast Boost activates and powers it up.
Zarkon: Return.
Zarkon attempts to return Voltron again, once again with no success. Zarkon’s eyes hone in on Wobbuffet, seeing the black aura emitted from his tail.
Zarkon: A Shadow Tag ability.
Aja: I got that one! Buzzwole, use Lunge!
Aja throws her Beast Ball, choosing Buzzwole which takes Spikes damage. It charges with its elbow and clashes into Wobbuffet’s Counter. Air Slash blades hit Buzzwole from above, Skarmory circling around.
Mai: I’m not too keen on Bugs. And that looks like a big one.
Counter repels Buzzwole as Rolan suddenly speeds in. Honedge’s blade glows blue as he slashes through with Aerial Ace. Buzzwole stops the force with its arm, swatting him away. Rolan flips and recovers. Chimecho floats in front of Buzzwole.
Nightmare: Use Hypnosis!
Chimecho sings for Hypnosis, Buzzwole beginning to sway. Aja chooses Xurkitree, it suffering from Spikes. It emits an Electric Terrain on the quad, snapping Buzzwole awake and it striking with Lunge to defeat it. Buzzwole powers up from Beast Boost.
Riku: They have more than one Pokémon?! That laser seemed like a Psychic type attack. Tyranitar!
Riku chooses Tyranitar, Mega Evolving it shortly afterwards. Mega Tyranitar lets off a Sand Stream.
Claire: Stonjourner, use Rock Slide!
Riku: Rock Throw!
Boulders soar across the field, bombarding Buzzwole. Zarkon seems to take an interest again.
Zarkon: Night Slash.
Voltron roars as the claws that resemble wings enlarge and form blades. Voltron flies through and slashes through everything. Stonjourner and Mega Tyranitar stay up, but Wobbuffet, Skarmory and Trevenant are defeated.
Anabel: Gengar, Mega Evolve!
Anabel chooses and Mega Evolves Gengar, its Shadow Tag preventing Voltron from being swapped out once again.
Anabel: Ha! What do you do now? Only one attack left before that Perish Song take effect.
Zarkon: You seem to be under the impression that this worries me. Voltron, discard!
Voltron roars in pain as the crystals on its body begin to peel off. Solgaleo is left behind as Voltron the Necrozma floats overhead. It screeches in pain as it flutters around. Solgaleo mumbles as it visibly suffers from Perish Song.
Zarkon: Voltron infected it like a parasite. So Solgaleo took the Perish Song. Use Flash Cannon!
Solgaleo hesitates but fires Flash Cannon. Yamask floats out and uses Protect to block it. Solgaleo faints afterwards.
Zarkon: Like I need that to handle you.
Cannon: Data updated. Necrozma, the Prism Pokémon. In this form, it is a pure Psychic type.
Riku: Then let’s finish it! Tyranitar, Hyper Beam!
Noir: Liepard, Black-Hole Eclipse!
Mai: Mandibuzz, Dark Pulse!
Tenya: Sharpedo, Mega Evolve to Crunch!
Assassin: Kartana, Night Slash!
Serpent: Sandaconda, Sand Tomb!
Anabel: Gengar, Shadow Ball!
Liepard, Mandibuzz, Sharpedo, Kartana and Sandaconda arę chosen. Sand Tomb blankets the field, trapping Guzzlord, Xurkitree, Buzzwole and Solgaleo in place. Necrozma fires Photon Geyser, Mega Tyranitar countering with Hyper Beam. Photon Geyser wins, but Mandibuzz and Mega Sharpedo push through unharmed. Mega Sharpedo Crunches into Necrozma while Mandibuzz hits it with Dark Pulse. Kartana zips through with Night Slash as Mega Gengar hits it with Shadow Ball.
Noir strikes Z-Poses as Liepard forms a Black-Hole Eclipse overhead. Zarkon grins as Voltron screeches while absorbing the light of the Z-Crystal, canceling out the attack.
Zarkon: So you do have this power. Good.
Voice: Zarkon!
The battle stops momentarily, Geo walking out in the middle of it. Murtagh prepares to attack when Zarkon has him stand down.
Zarkon: State your business, boy.
Geo: My name is Geo Stellar. I’ve come to bargain. My father, Kelvin Stellar, disappeared into an Ultra Wormhole. I will give you an army to conquer this world in exchange for my ability to search for him.
Aja: Are you mad?! If he went into space, he’s probably—
Zarkon holds his hand out, silencing her.
Zarkon: You promise an army? Show me.
Geo: If I may.
Anabel: Geo! What are you doing?
Geo: What is necessary. I will find him.
Geo opens a Pokéball, choosing Solrock and Lunatone. Solrock glows and extends a Psychic Terrain over the field, replacing the Electric Terrain. He flashes his Z-Ring as Z-Energy builds in Lunatone. Voltron screeches as if to drain it, but Zarkon signals it to stand down.
Geo: Z-Hypnosis!
A blinding Hypnosis wave washes over the quad, Yamask placing itself firmly on Anabel’s face with Protect. When the light fades, all unmasked members of the Will are entranced and turn to Zarkon’s side. Jewelry, Kiba, Rolan, Claire, Mai, Tenya, Riku, Akiza and Kaido all join the enemy. Cannon joins Geo’s side, removing the mask to reveal Sam. Assassin, Noir, Nightmare, General, Shield and Hook remain on Anabel’s side.
Geo: Rayla, why don’t you join me too? I bet you have family scattered across Ultra Space too. We can find them together.
Assassin removes her mask, revealing Rayla.
Aja: It’s her! I thought we—
Rayla: You’s got a lot of nerve! Anabel and I are trying to stop dis world from fallin’!
Geo: Who cares whether this world lives or burns? This is my only opportunity to enter Ultra Space and I am not letting it go.
General: Whoa, whoa! What is happening?! Why is everyone against us now?!
Hook: Looks like we were the victims of another plan. And we bit hook, line and sinker.
Zarkon: Young Geo, you say? You have earned my admiration. Once the resistors are all crushed, your wish shall be granted.
Geo: In that case, crush them.
Anabel: Geo, this isn’t the way! He will not keep his word!
Mega Gengar prepares to attack as Mega Tyranitar Crunches into it. Sandaconda extends with Dragon Rush, knocking it out. Mega Sharpedo goes for Crunch as Kartana parries it. The power up of Stonjourner’s Power Spot forces Kartana back. Mandibuzz dives at them with Sky Attack, Hook choosing Drednaw to trap it with Jaw Lock. Rolan speeds over, preparing to impale with Honedge. Hook opens a Dive Ball and grabs Arrokuda, which Bites to catch the Honedge slash.
Nightmare: Sokka?! (Removes mask)
Nia: You’re with us?
Hook: (Strains) Yeah! Little help though!
Liepard leaps and strikes with Night Slash, forcing Rolan to retreat.
Anabel: Rolan, my son! Please don’t do this! You have to fight this!
Geo: You won’t be able to wake him like that. Not after I used a Z-Powered Hypnosis on him. You’re better off just surrendering and allowing me to fulfill my mission.
Anabel: Never! This is my mission, I’ve spent years fighting to defend this world when no one else would! I will fight until the end!
Rolan charges Anabel this time, Yamask raising a Protect barrier. The Accelgor armor speeds up and rams the Protect with Feint, causing it to drop. Rolan then thrusts the blade at Anabel, her closing her eyes.
Voice: First Impression!
The blade clashes against armor, Anabel opening her eyes to see Golisopod. It swings its arm and rams Rolan, injuring the Accelgor armor and forcing it back. Guzma stands alongside his Pokémon.
Guzma: The hated boss who beats you down, and beats you down, and never lets up. Name’s Guzma, and it appears it’s my job now to kick your asses.
Main Events[]
- Zarkon, Murtagh and Aja invade. The Will of Yamask fight back.
- Geo betrays the Will for Zarkon, hypnotizing half the students.
Will of Yamask[]
- Leader/Anabel
- Knight/Rolan Caldia
- Turbo/Tenya Iida
- Sorceress/Claire Nuñez
- Hunter/Kiba Inuzuka
- Darkness/Riku Braveheart
- Giant/Jewelry Bonney
- Thorn/Akiza Izinski
- Harpie/Mai Valentine
- Serpent/Kaido Kauro
- Assassin/Rayla Xadia
- General
- Shield
- Nightmare/Nia Nal
- Cannon/Samberry Turnbuckle
- Noir/Adrien Agreste
- Hook/Sokka, son of Hakoda
- Zarkon
- Murtagh
- Aja
- Geo Stellar (joins)
- Guzma
- Nanu
- Justy
- Korra, daughter of Tonraq
- Sahara Baghdad
- Weiss Schnee
- Chumley Huffington
- Hunk Paladin
- Gordie
- Yamask (Anabel's)
- Blacephalon (Anabel's)
- Gengar (Anabel's)
- Mega Gengar
- Accelgor (Knight's)
- Cryogonal (Knight's)
- Honedge (Knight's)
- Charmeleon (Rolan's)
- Carkol (Tenya's)
- Sharpedo (Turbo's)
- Mega Sharpedo
- Cursola (Sorceress')
- Stonjourner (Claire's)
- Growlithe (Kiba's)
- Tyranitar (Darkness')
- Mega Tyranitar
- Trevenant (Giant's)
- Chandelure (Giant's)
- Skarmory (Harpie's)
- Mandibuzz (Harpie's)
- Magby (Kaido's)
- Sandaconda (Serpent's)
- Kartana (Assassin's)
- Turtonator (General's)
- Pyukumuku (Shield's)
- Wobbuffet (Shield's)
- Chimecho (Nightmare's)
- Meltan (Nia's)
- Magneton (Cannon's)
- Pyroar (Noir's, Male)
- Liepard (Noir's)
- Drednaw (Hook's)
- Arrokuda (Sokka's)
- Voltron the Necrozma (Zarkon's)
- Dusk Mane Necrozma
- Solgaleo (Zarkon's)
- Guzzlord (Murtagh's)
- Buzzwole (Aja's)
- Xurkitree (Aja's)
- Solrock (Geo's)
- Lunatone (Geo's)
- Golisopod (Guzma's)
- The aliens represent 3 franchises.
- Zarkon originates from Voltron, this version specifically from Voltron: Legendary Defenders alongside Hunk.
- Murtagh was an anti-hero from the Inheritance book series, debuting in Eragorn.
- Aja is a main character from Netflix's 3Below, and part of the Tales of Arcadia franchise.
- Zarkon was chosen from a large list of potential villains to be the big bad. As I wanted to use Necrozma as the Pokémon, Zarkon was chosen due to his appearance in Voltron: Legendary Defenders, where he piloted the Black Lion of Voltron for a time. This was mimicked with Dusk Mane Necrozma.
- Several new Will member identities are revealed.
- Darkness is Riku. This is a reference to his role in Kingdom Hearts, where he succumbs to the darkness in the first game.
- Harpie is Mai. This and her Flying focus is based off her signature Yu-Gi-Oh! card Harpie Lady.
- Knight is Rolan. In his origin series, he is a member of the Chess Pieces with the rank of Knight.
- Serpent is Kaido. In his origin series, he is characteristically compared to a snake, and makes a hissing noise.
- Hook is Sokka. This is based off the Water tribe being a fishing community, and he focuses on trapping and hunting with Water types.
- Zarkon is the Psychic type specialist among the adults, and Murtagh is the Dragon type specialist. Aja is a teenager, not an adult, and has an Ultra Beast themed team.
- She was originally going to be the Electric type specialist, but was replaced by Volkner.
- Geo betraying everyone to Zarkon is based off a trope of those who are desperate to get what they want switching sides to do so.
- Geo modified Nightmare's use of Psychic Terrain/Hypnosis to take control of everyone.
- Guzma is revealed to be on campus to prevent all this from happening. Now he has to fight it.