A Blossom to Remember is the 33rd episode in Dawn to Dusk. In this Episode, Dawn and Dusk meet a woman named Marley, who needs some help from them.
(The episode begins with Dawn and Dusk within Victory Road. Dawn looks depressed.)
Dawn: “You know, I just can’t believe it! All of this time we’ve spent on this journey and Barry came in to ruin it!”
Dusk: “I mean, I’ll admit that it was a pretty fun ride. And, uh, you do know we can just fight Barry later, right?”
Dawn: “Eh, true; I guess I just feel a bit discouraged.”
Dusk: “How about this? Let’s just focus on what we have wrong with our team. That way, we can head back to the League and defeat Barry.”
Dawn: “Alright! What should we focus on first?”
Dusk: “I think we might want to look for a sixth Pokemon to obtain.”
Dawn: “That’s easy-peasy!” (Looks around) “Hmmm, there isn’t anything here of my interest, however!”
Dusk: “Let’s look elsewhere, a cave doesn’t exactly have interesting Pokemon.”
Dawn: “Yeah, it’s not like our solution is going to walk into us!”
(All of a sudden, Dawn walks into a woman in a black dress! The two almost lose their balance.)
Marley: “W-whoa!”
Dawn: “Oops, sorry about that, ma’am!”
Marley: “T-t-thanks…”
(Dawn and Dusk walk past Marley.)
Marley: “Hey, wait! C-come b-back!”
Dusk (Turns around): “Huh?”
Dawn: “What do you want?”
Marley: “...Uhm… I-I’m r-really s-sorry to disturb you two… Uh, I-I need your help…”
Dawn: “You want our help?”
Marley: “...Yes… I want to get through this tunnel...”
Dawn: (Points behind) “The Pokemon League is that way.”
Marley: “...No, not that exit, uhm… I-I mean the other exit… The one that leads east…”
Dusk: “I don’t think I know where that is.”
Marley: “...Don’t worry, I d-do…”
Dawn: “Then why do you need our assistance?”
Marley: “...Well, you s-see… There are these rocks… In the way… Some trainers had a massive battle, I t-think… I’d break them m-myself… But all I have is an A-arcanine….”
Dawn: “I see. Yeah, we can help you!”
Marley: “Okay… Uhh… Fol… I’ll… I’ll show you the issue…”
(Marley walks to the eastern part of Victory Road as Dawn and Dusk follow. She leads them to a caved-in part of Victory Road.)
Marley: “...Here it is…”
Dusk: “Yikes, they did a lot of damage here!”
Dawn: “Alright, it’s time to break some rocks!” (Sends out Toxicroak) “This dude is gonna go straight through this barrier, I bet!”
Toxicroak: “It’s croakin’ time.”
(All of a sudden, Toxicroak attempts to throw a rock at Dawn! Dawn dodges, however.)
Dawn: “WHOA! Okay, okay, I won’t use you!” (Sends out Hippowdon) “Use Strength on those boulders!”
Hippowdon: “Hippowdon.”
(Hippowdon backs up and slams into the rocks, slowly crushing them a bit. It begins to repeat this action. Dusk sends out his Lucario.)
Dusk: “We need to deal with these rocks. Do you think you could use Close Combat on some of these to crush them up and push them out of the cavern?”
Ri: (Telepathically speaking to Dusk) “Sure, I can do that!”
Dusk: “Great! I hope you enjoy being out of your ball for a bit!”
Dawn: “Why do you keep talking to your Lucario like that?”
(Lucario begins to smash the rocks alongside Hippowdon.)
Dawn: “Alright, looks like that’ll do the trick after a bit!”
(As Lucario breaks the rocks, it makes it easier for Hippowdon to push the smaller rocks out of the way. Meanwhile, Toxicroak is just relaxing on a random stone.)
Marley: “...I should help…” (Sends out Arcanine) “...Uhm, use R-rock smash…”
(Arcanine aids Lucario and Hippowdon by slamming into the rocks to break them.)
Dawn: “Cool Pokemon!”
Marley: “...T-t-thanks…”
Dawn: “So, what’s your name?”
Marley: “...M-M-M-Marley…”
Dawn: “Ah, cool! I’m Dawn! I tried to get to the Pokemon League, but I sort of lost a battle with my friend! I’m a pretty strong trainer, still!”
Marley: “...H-Huh… U-uhm, cool…” (Quietly to herself) “...G-geez, she’s chatty…”
Dawn: “So, what are you doing around here?”
Marley: “...Uhm… Well… Uh…”
Dusk: “Uh, are you okay?”
Marley: “...I-I’m fine… I’m just not good with talking to o-other people… I-I’m just trying to get to R-r-route 224…”
Dawn: “I see! And what are you gonna do there?”
Marley: “...I-I-I’m just going to meet an old f-friend of mine…”
Dawn: “Okay. Oh, look, looks like the path’s almost cleared!”
Dusk: “Yeah, most of the rocks have crumbled up. We just need to push it all out now.”
Dawn: “Sounds simple enough! Let’s have all of our Pokemon use strength!”
Marley: “O-Okay…”
(Lucario, Arcanine, and Hippowdon all begin to shove the dirt in the way, slowly pushing it out of Victory Road! Dawn, Dusk, and Marley head outside Victory Road and return their Pokemon.)
Marley: “...U-uhm, hey…. S-sorry if I’m acting so w-weird… I… I just don’t want to hurt anybody with my w-words…”
Dusk: “It’s fine. You aren’t saying anything offensive at all. And even then…” (Points at Dawn) “...She probably could come up with something ten times worse than you.”
Dawn: “Hah, that’s right!”
(The Pokemon have finally cleared the path. The remaining dirt and pebbles have dispersed throughout the floor, making only a slight incline on the ground.)
Dawn: “Alright, looks like we’re done!”
Marley: “...T-thank you so much… I mean it… I’m sorry if I w-wasted your time…”
Dusk: “Eh, it’s not like we’re doing anything too important right now.”
Marley: “...I-I-If you want to know why I-I wanted to get here… Then y-you can continue to follow me… M-m-maybe you can see something interesting…”
(Marley walks away. A moment later, Dawn and Dusk look at each other and shrug simultaneously. The two decide to follow Marley.)
Marley: “...Where is it…”
Dawn: “Whatcha looking for?”
Marley: “...Uhm… I’m l-looking for a certain rock…”
Dawn: “Okay…?”
Marley: “...I-it's special… …It's said that i-it can take you to the Pokemon among flowers…”
Dusk: “Pokemon among flowers? What's that?”
Marley: “...W-w-well… …Oh!”
(There is a white rock at the edge of the island.)
Marley: “...There it is, the rock!”
(Marley runs up to the rock, crouching down next to it.)
Dusk: “Aren't you gonna answer my question?”
Marley: “...Y-yes… Uhm, a-a-about this rock… If you write the gratitudes for someone you l-love dearly on it, i-it's said that your wishes will come true…”
Dusk: “Okay…”
Marley: “...I guess I'm g-gonna have to say wh-what I write out loud to satisfy y-your curiosity… T-this might be a bit h-hard…”
(Marley pulls out a black marker. She begins to write what she says on the rock)
Marley: “...I-I-I wish to give out my gratitude to my father. He was such a helpful man a-and gave me so much love and care as I grew up into the lady I am today. I-i-if only he was still with me to this day…”
(Marley pauses her writing, shedding a tear.)
Dusk: “I… I’m sorry for your loss…”
Marley: “...Thanks, it was a few years ago when he died.”
(Marley continues to write.)
Marley: “...My wish, however, is something different… …W-when I was a child, I met a special Pokemon known as Shaymin…”
Dusk: “Shaymin, eh?”
Marley: (Stops writing) “...Y-y-yes. I remember vividly what happened on that day...”
(We begin to see a flashback, with a child Marley exploring the woods by herself.)
Marley (Outside Monologue): “...I was lost, d-deep in a forest…. I was simply t-trying to find my way home...”
Young Marley: “Papa?! Where are you?! Papa-”
(Marley trips on a tree root, causing her to yelp and land in a flower field.)
Marley (Outside Monologue): “...I instead found myself in a flower field...”
Young Marley: “Where am I…?” (Gets up)
(In the field, something small rattles in the flowers.)
Young Marley: “What was that?!”
(Marley slowly approaches the thing shuffling in the flowers. It pops its head out, revealing itself to be Shaymin.)
Marley (Outside Monologue): “...There, I found Shaymin...”
Young Marley: “Uh, hello!”
(Shaymin approaches Marley and runs up against her foot. Marley smiles at Shaymin.)
Marley (Outside Monologue): “...We quickly made f-friends, playing together in that flower field…”
(We see a quick montage of Marley and Shaymin playing together. Marley and Shaymin run around and hop through the flower field. Then, we see them playing hide and seek. Lastly, Marley and Shaymin are lying on the field together and laughing.)
Marley (Outside Monologue): “...E-e-eventually, Shaymin led me out of the forest a-and back to the town I came from… Shaymin fled b-back into the forest...”
(The flashback ends as we return to Route 224.)
Marley: “...E-e-ever since that day, I-I've wanted to be with Shaymin a-again… …I have a connection w-with the little Pokemon… …Every once in a while, I-I see glimpses of Shaymin... …I've seen Shaymin a-a lot in my dreams…. …Even the last gift my father g-gave me…” (Pulls out a special pink flower) “...W-was a Gracidea, the flower of Shaymin...”
Dusk: “Oh, wow.”
Dawn: “Hm! Interesting! So, are we done with this rock yet?”
Marley: “...R-right, I-I-I should finish up…” (Writes down on the rock) “...A-as for my wish, I want to see Shaymin… …I have a con-connection with it a-and I wish to be together with it for the coming years…”
(Marley finishes up writing on the rock. She gets back up and faces Dusk and Dawn.)
Marley: “...We're done…”
Dawn: “Cool! Is that all you need?”
Dusk: “...Uhm, is that rock going to do anything?”
Marley: “...P-probably… …I-I don't know how long it will take for the wish to come true… …I-it might be in a week, it might be in a day… It might even appear ri-right now for all I know….”
(Suddenly, the ground begins to quake, startling everyone!)
Dusk: “Ahhh, what's going on?! Is this an Earthquake?!”
Dawn: “Maybe it’s another cave-in!”
(The ground beneath Marley, Dawn, and Dusk turns green with grass. Then, colorful flowers pop out of the soil around them. Afterward, a large bridge begins to form out of the island with grass and flowers on top of it.)
Dawn: “Say whaaaat?”
(The earthquake causes the white rock to slide into the ocean. Eventually, the formation of the bridge stops after a few seconds, alongside the sudden tremor.)
Dusk: “...Uhhh… What just happened?”
(Marley walks towards the bridge.)
Marley: “...My… …My wish… …D-did it come true…?”
??? (In the distance): “Shaymin!”
Marley: “...S-Shaymin…?”
(Marley begins to walk onto the Seabreak Path. Curious, Dusk and Dawn begin to follow her.)
Dusk: “Uhh, do we know where this, uhm… …path… will take us?”
Marley: “...No… …B-but, I do know that it will take me to my wish…”
Dusk: “Are you sure?”
Marley: “...Yes... …I-I heard Shaymin...”
Dawn: “Oh, cool! Are you gonna catch that Pokemon?”
Marley: “...That’s what I want…” (Begins to travel on the Seabreak Path)
(Dusk looks at Dawn.)
Dusk: “Do you wanna follow her?”
Dawn: “Eh, I don’t see why not.”
(Marley turns around.)
Marley: “...Y-you’re following m-me?”
Dawn: “Yeah, we might as well see what we did for you!”
Marley: “...O-okay…”
(Dawn and Dusk follow Marley. A screen pops up with the text “A Few Minutes Later…” on it for a brief moment before cutting back to Dawn, Dusk, and Marley still walking through the Seabreak Path.)
Dawn: “How long is this pathway?!”
Dusk: “I don’t even see the other side!”
Dawn: “We must be crossing the entire ocean thanks to this bridge!” (Stays silent for a few seconds) “Hey, wait, does this area even have a name?”
Dusk: “I think we saw its creation, so no.”
Dawn: “Welp, I’m gonna give it a name! I’ll call it the Seabreak Path! Because it stretches across the sea and its length is breaking my legs!”
Marley: “...Seabreak Path… …I-I like it…”
(Another screen pops up with the text “A Few More Minutes Later…”. A moment later, we cut back to Dusk, Marley, and Dawn still walking. Dawn is slouched down, bored.)
Dawn: “Uggggh… Are we done yet?”
Marley: “...I think I s-see an island in the distance…”
Dusk: “An island? Looks like we’re almost there.”
Dawn: “We better be!”
(A third and final screen pops up with the text “Eventually…” on it. We see Dawn, Dusk, and Marley finally at a flowery island. Dawn steps a few slow steps before collapsing on the ground.)
Dawn: “Oof! Finally!”
Dusk: “Whew, that was sure an exercise!” (Sits down) “I definitely didn’t skip leg day today.”
Marley: “...So, this is where the path t-took me…”
Dawn: “Uhm…”
(The island the three trainers are on is covered with flowers.)
Dawn: “What’s so interesting about this place? It’s just a bunch of flow-a-a-ACHOO! Damn it, my allergies are starting up!”
Marley: “...Is Shaymin here…? I-it likes to hide in grassy flowers…”
???: “Shaymin!”
Marley: “...Shaymin…?”
(Marley walks to a strange patch of grass and looks down. Something from the patch looks up. It’s Shaymin!)
Shaymin: “Shaymin! Shay!”
(Marley smiles happily.)
Marley: “...F-finally…! …Oh, Shaymin, it’s been so long…!”
(Dawn looks at Marley happily.)
Dawn: “Good for you! Ugh, I do NOT want to walk my way back here!”
(Marley holds her palms in front of Shaymin, wanting it to climb on top of her. Shaymin, however, looks at Dawn instead and runs up to her.)
Shaymin: “Shaymin!” (Snuggles with Dawn’s hat)
Dawn: “Ahahaha, hi there!”
Marley: “...Huh?”
(Shaymin climbs on top of Dawn’s hat.)
Dusk: “Hm, looks like Shaymin likes you, Dawn.”
Dawn: “Hahaha! Yeah!”
(Marley looks confused.)
Marley: “...D-d-don’t you want to s-see me again, Shaymin?”
(Shaymin walks on top of Dawn and sits on her tummy.)
Dawn: “H-hey, you’re gonna make me- a-a-ACHOO! Sneeze.”
(Marley picks up Shaymin. It wiggles its limbs around and squeals a bit.)
Shaymin: “Shaymin! Min! Min!”
Marley: “S-shaymin, I w-wanted to see you a-again…”
(Shaymin manages to release itself from Marley’s grasp and crawls around her.)
Marley: “....Huh? …W-what are you…”
(Shaymin grabs Marley’s Gracidea from her pocket and leaps off of her.)
Marley: “...S-s-shaymin… …Th-that’s mine…”
(Shaymin hands Dawn the Gracidea.)
Dawn: “Uhm, thanks? What am I supposed to do with this?”
(Shaymin headbutts the Gracidea, causing it to glow! It transforms into Sky Shaymin!)
Dawn: “Whoa! Did Shaymin just evolve?!”
Shaymin: “Min! Shaymin!”
Dawn: “Cool!”
Dusk: “It’s still saying its name; I think it’s just another form of Shaymin.”
Marley: “...I d-d-didn’t know it c-could do that…”
(Shaymin snuggles up with Dawn.)
Dawn: “Ahahaha! Stop that! Ahahaha!”
Dusk: “I bet Gardenia would have a field day here…”
(Marley approaches Dawn, looking sad.)
Dawn: “What? It just likes me more!”
Marley: “...B-b-b-but… …Sh-shaymin… …W-we were meant to be t-together!”
Dawn: “Hmmm… Let me do something.” (Gets up, and places Shaymin in between Marley and herself.) “Let’s see who Shaymin picks!”
Marley: “...O-okay…” (Pats lap) “...Come here Sh-shaymin, l-let’s be friends again… …I’ll g-give you a nice home, a-and-”
(Shaymin turns around and goes to Dawn.)
Marley: “...O-oh…”
Dawn: “Welp, I’m sorry, lady; I think Shaymin just wants to travel with me!”
Marley: (Tears up) “...That’s… …f-fine…” (Begins to cry) “...Oh, Shaymin, why don’t you want to go with me instead? I thought we were friends…”
Dawn: “H-hey, don’t cry! I’m sure it’s simply Shaymin has just changed their opinion!”
Marley: (Sighs) “...I guess I-I came here all for n-nothing… …Th-thanks for coming here, a-at least…”
(Marley begins to walk away, depressed.)
Dawn: “Hey, this Shaymin might have not been the Shaymin you found when you were younger! I’m sure you can find another!”
Marley: “...M-mythical Pokemon are ex-extremely rare… …Th-there is probably only one Shaymin in all of S-sinnoh…”
Dusk: (Picks up the Gracidea) “Uhm, don’t you at least want your flower back?”
Marley: “...Just keep it… …I won’t need it anymore…”
Dusk: “Didn’t it come from your dead father?”
(Marley leaves the area, not responding to Dusk.)
Dusk: “Uhm… okay, never mind… we probably shouldn’t have come here.”
Dawn: “Ah well, at least I have myself my sixth Pokemon! Is that right, Shaymin?”
Shaymin: “Shay!”
Dusk: “At the cost of someone else.”
Dawn: “Well, true, but hey, that’s one of our problems solved!”
Dusk: “...Uhh, do you just want to head back to Sunyshore?”
Dawn: (Sends out Staraptor) “Yep! At least we won’t have to walk anymore!” (Looks at Shaymin “Oh right, before I forget, let me catch you, Shaymin!”
Shaymin: “Shay! Shay!”
(Dawn tosses a Pokeball at Shaymin, capturing it effortlessly! She collects the Pokeball and boards Staraptor.)
Dawn: “Get on, bro! Before I leave you in the dust!”
(Dusk gets onto Staraptor as well. The two then fly away.)
Dusk: “Alright, now that you got a sixth Pokemon like me, I suppose I’ll need to get one as well.”
Dawn: “Yep! I’m sure you’ll get it as easily as I did!”
Dusk: “Maybe…”
(Dawn’s bag shakes a bit.)
Dawn: “Huh?”
(Shaymin releases itself from its Pokeball! It begins to fly with Staraptor using its ears!)
Dusk: “Whoa! I didn’t know Shaymin could fly!”
Dawn: “Yeah, that’s cool!”
(Shaymin flies up to Dawn and leans its head towards her.)
Dawn: “You want me to pet you? Sure, I can do that!”
(Dawn pets Shaymin! Shaymin suddenly sprouts a bunch of flowers from its body!)
Dawn: “Ooh, I didn’t know you can do tha-a-ACHOO!”
Dusk: “Uh oh, those flowers are causing our sinuses to trig-a-a-ACHOO!”
(We see Shaymin and Staraptor flying off into the horizon.)
Dawn: “Shaymin, please retract those flow-a-a-ACHOO!”
Dusk: “Ugh, my eyes are so watery!”
Dawn: “I shouldn’t have petted you! I wonder how Marley was able to handle this!”
Dusk: “Maybe she doesn’t have all-a-a-ACHOO!”
Dawn: “What?”
Dusk: “Maybe she doesn’t ha-ACHOO!”
Dawn: “ACHOO! Excuse me?”
Dusk: “Never mind…”
(The screen fades to black. Before the episode ends, we see Marley sitting next to the waterfall near Victory Road. She sighs deeply.)
Marley: “...I don’t get it… …How could Shaymin betray me like that…? ….Why does it like that girl so much…?” (Sighs) “...No, Marley, don’t think so negatively… …I’m sure one day, I’ll have Shaymin… …One day, Marley, one day…”
(The screen fades to black a second time, marking the end of the episode.)
Major Events[]
- Dawn and Dusk meet Marley for the first time.
- Dawn obtains a Shaymin.
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