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A Battle of Galactic Proportions! (Part 2) is the 30th episode in Dawn to Dusk, being part of a two-part special. In this Episode, Dawn and Dusk battle against Palkia, the god of space.


(The Episode begins exactly where Episode 29 ended, with Palkia loudly roaring as the space surrounding it warps.)

Dusk: “Okay, uhm, before we do this, we might need to heal our Pokemon. They’re in pretty bad shape after going through Team Galactic.”

Lucas: “I can help with that. Take this!”

(Lucas tosses a bunch of Max Revives at Dawn and Dusk. Comedically, a set of Max Revives hits Dawn and Dusk’s faces.)

Dawn: “Ow!”

Dusk: “Hey!”

Lucas: “Oops… I probably shouldn’t have thrown all of those objects at once.”

Dusk: “Thank you, regardless.”

(Dawn and Dusk pick up the Revives and tap each of them on their Pokeballs, causing the Max Revives to disappear and their Pokemon inside to be revived from fainting.)

Dawn: “Okay, now we’re ready! Let’s do this!”

Palkia: “Paaaalkia!”

Dawn: “Use Ice Fang!”

(Hippowdon runs up to Palkia and attempts to give it an icy bite! Palkia, however, catches it with its space powers and throws it across the field!)

Dawn: “Wow!”

Dusk: “Explain to me how we’re going to do this.”

Dawn: “I dunno, we just gotta do it somehow!”

(Palkia begins to charge up a powerful move!)

Dusk: “Crap, crap… Uhh, Use Night Slash, Honchkrow!”

(Honchkrow slashes at Palkia! The attack, however, virtually does nothing to the Pokemon.)

Dusk: “As I thought, that did nothing.”

(Palkia is about to launch a huge spacial attack!)

Dusk: “We’re screwed!”

(The Lake Guardians, who are around Palkia, launch a strange psychic power on it, causing Palkia to stop its attack!)

Palkia: “Palkia!”

Dusk: “Huh? Oh, those Lake Pokemon are still helping us!”

Dawn: “Sweet! We should be able to hurt it more that way!”

Dusk: “I’m sure if they weren’t here, we’d become mush by now.”

(Meanwhile, in Eterna City, Gardenia is leaving her Gym timidly.)

Gardenia: “Is the weird sky gone…? What was that?”

(The sky appears to be back to normal.)

Gardenia: “Phew… I…”

(Gardenia looks at Mt. Coronet, and sees the crazy action going on in the distance.)

Gardenia: “What’s going on up there?!”

(There is a flash of magenta light above Mt. Coronet.)

Gardenia: “Eeek! Is that where the strange sky came from?! Well, whatever is going on up there, I hope things turn out okay. I should probably call Dusk…”

(The screen fades back to Mt. Coronet)

Dawn: “Anyways, get back up, Hippowdon! Let’s try to use Earthquake instead!”

(Hippowdon gets up despite being injured. It slams the ground and starts an earthquake that damages Palkia a bit! Meanwhile, Mesprit stops blasting energy at Palkia and uses Confusion on it as well! Mesprit continues to use its nerfing energy on Palkia shortly after.)

Dusk: “Use Fly, Honchkrow!”

(Honckrow flies up into the air and rams itself into Palkia!)

Dusk: “Good job!”

(Dusk’s Poketch begins to ring.)

Dusk: “What the? I can’t call right now, Gardenia!” (Declines the call)

(While Honckrow is still near it, Palkia manages to attack it with a Dragon Claw! Honckrow faints from the move.)

Dusk: “Hm…” (Looks at Lucario’s Pokeball) “I think I’m going to use Ri.” (Sends out Lucario)

Dawn: “How about we use Sand Tomb this time, Hippowdon?”

(Hippowdon launches a dust devil at Palkia, hurting it for chip damage. Palkia responds by launching water at Hippowdon, easily taking it out.)

Dawn: “Huh?! It can use water moves? That’s weird.” (Sends out Heat Rotom) “If that’s the case, then maybe my Rotom can do something!”

(Azelf begins to use Uproar, screeching at the Legendary Pokemon!)

Dusk: “Ah, I know what we can do! Ri, use Dragon Pulse!”

(Lucario launches a purple energy wave from its body, attacking Palkia and actually hurting it a bit!)

Palkia: “Palk!”

Dusk: “That did something.”

(Palkia looks at Lucario angrily and then causes the ground beneath her to break by using Earth Power! Lucario is hurt quite a bit, but manages to hang on.)

Dusk: “Oh my… Don’t worry Ri, we got this! I hope.”

Dawn: “Yeah, we do! Use Thunder, Rotom!”

(Heat Rotom summons a thunderbolt, but Palkia notices the bolt and uses its space manipulation to prevent the lightning from attacking it. The thunder spreads through the air a bit, causing Uxie to be attacked by accident.)

Uxie: “Uxie!”

Dawn: “Oops, sorry!”

(Palkia gets attacked by another Uproar thanks to Azelf. Uxie is a bit dazed, but keeps stopping Palkia from using its full power.)

Dusk: “Use Dragon Pulse again!”

(Lucario launches another purple shockwave at Palkia! However, Palkia uses another Earth Power. This time expecting the attack, Lucario hops off the ground and dodges the attack!)

Dusk: “Good job, Ri!”

(However, when Palkia notices that Lucario dodges the attack, it freezes the Pokemon in the air, and begins to charge up an attack! Palkia uses Spacial Rend on Lucario, knocking it out!)

Dusk: "Agh… Alright, I'll use Torterra instead." (Sends out Torterra)

(Uxie snaps out of its daze and uses Extrasensory on Palkia, hurting it with the psychic projectile it launches out.)

Dawn: "Anyways, I guess I'll use Shock Wave instead. That can't miss!"

(Heat Rotom launches a wave of electricity at Palkia, only hurting it slightly.)

Dawn: "Ehhh? That did less than I was thinking."

(Palkia responds to Heat Rotom by using Dragon Claw on it. Heat Rotom is taken out!)

Dawn: "Ugh, that didn't work. Hmmm… Can Empoleon do anything?" (Takes out Empoleon)

(The screen then fades to Pastoria City. Crasher Wake walks into the scene, looking tired.)

Crasher Wake: "Whew! Refilling an entire lake sure is hard work!"

(Some earthquakes are felt across the city.)

Crasher Wake: "What was that?! There better not be another explosion going on! My Pokemon had to work overdrive to fill up a TENTH of Lake Valor!"

(Crasher Wake looks up at Mt. Coronet, seeing strange things at the mountain's peak.)

Crasher Wake: "Huh…? Looks like that weird activity isn't over! Somebody needs to stop this chaos!"

(The screen fades back to Spear Pillar.)

Dusk: "Hmmm… I think I have an idea… Use Leech Seed!"

(Torterra launches seeds at Palkia that get attached to it.)

Dawn: "What's that supposed to do?"

Dusk: "Oh, you'll see."

Dawn: "Eh, whatever."

(Uxie uses yawn on Palkia, making it grow drowsy.)

Palkia: "...Kia…"

Dawn: "Aw, yeah, it's getting tired!"

Dusk: "Let's use Wood Hammer, Torterra!"

(A hammer forms from Torterra’s tree as it swings the hammer onto Palkia! Palkia sleepily uses another Spacial Rend on Torterra to take it out before falling asleep from the yawn.)

Dusk: “Okay… Okay, good… I don’t think we’re out of the woods yet, but at least we have a breather here.”

Dawn: “I think we only made a dent in this guy so far!”

Dusk: “At least we’re making progress.” (Sends out Wash Rotom) “Alright, use Thunderbolt.”

(Wash Rotom sends a thunderbolt down onto Palkia!)

Dusk: “Slow and steady wins the race.”

(Azelf and Mesprit both take this opportunity to use swift and confusion on Palkia respectively. Despite the attacks, Palkia is sleeping like a baby.)

Dawn: “Use Steel Wing, Empoleon!”

(Empoleon’s flipper becomes metallic as it slaps Palkia with it.)

Barry: "Man, this fight is getting kinda boring."

Dusk: "How about you try and deal with an angry space god?"

Barry: "Uhhhhhh…"

Dusk: "I rest my case, just be happy that it’s asleep right now.”

Dawn: “I think I’m gonna hit it again with Flash Cannon!”

(Empoleon charges up a steel projectile and shoots it at Palkia! Roots are now on Palkia's legs, causing it to whimper.)

Dawn: "What's going on?"

Dusk: "That leech seed I used is now in effect! It'll help us damage Palkia faster."

Dawn: "Oh, right! Like the battles on TV!"

(Mesprit uses confusion on Palkia to add to the damage.)

Dawn: "Let's use another Steel Wing, Empoleon!"

(Empoleon runs up to Palkia to attack it again, but Empoleon suddenly stops and floats in the air! It turns out Palkia is finally awake again! It throws Empoleon across the ruins!)

Dawn: "Holy crap!"

(Empoleon faints when it crashes into a piece of mountain.)

Dawn: "Geez, this is starting to get tense!" (Returns Empoleon and takes out Toxicroak) "I wonder if Toxicroak can do any more to this guy?”

(The screen fades to Candice at a coffee shop, looking depressed. She sighs sadly. Maylene suddenly runs in a panic.)

Maylene: “Candice! Candice! Did you see the sky go crazy all of a sudden?!”

Candice: “...What?”

Maylene: “You probably wouldn’t believe me, but the sky was all warped and colorful!”

Candice: “...I noticed.”

Maylene: “What’s wrong?”

Candice: “...Candice was just thinking about someone.” (Looks outside.) “I wonder what he’s doing right now…”

(Suddenly, there’s a bright flash of light in the distance!)

Candice: “Huh?! Hey, Maylene, did you see that?!”

Maylene: “...See what…?”

Candice: “I saw a flash of light!”

Maylene: “That’s odd. Is the weird sky gonna come back?”

Candice: “I don’t know. I guess Candice is just going to head back home.”

Maylene: “Okay.”

(The screen fades back to Spear Pillar.)

Toxicroak: “It’s Croakin’ Time!”

(Toxicroak launches a toxic orb at Palkia!)

Dusk: "Hmmm… I'm gonna go ahead and slow this guy down. Use Thunder Wave!"

(Wash Rotom sends an electric wave at Palkia, paralyzing it!)

Palkia: “Kia…”

(Uxie also uses Confusion on the Legendary Pokemon.)

Dusk: “Use Discharge, Rotom!”

(Rotom zaps Palkia with more electricity! Palkia, in response, slowly attempts to use a Dragon Claw. Before Palkia can do much, Toxicroak punches Palkia in the stomach, interrupting its attack! Palkia is too paralyzed to move now.)

Dawn: “Yahoo!”

Dusk: “Great, let’s use Ominous Wind now!”

(Rotom blows dark wind at Palkia. The Pokemon, exhausted yet miffed, angrily roars, causing a large space wave to appear! The wave makes Dawn and Dusk lose their balance and blast Toxicroak and Wash Rotom away.)

Dusk: “Agh!”

(The Lake Guardians use their powers to restrain Palkia again. Toxicroak and Wash Rotom were both knocked out from being thrown away by the space wave.)

Dawn: “Oof!”

Lucas: “Agh, he really doesn’t want you to get into his personal space?”

Dusk: “Do you SERIOUSLY have to make puns at this time?!”

(Palkia is panting.)

Dawn: “Hey, at least I think it’s getting weak!” (Sends out Staraptor)

Dusk: “You know, I’m surprised that we’re doing this.” (Sends out Ambipom) “Alright, Ambipom, use Shadow Claw!”

(Ambipom's tails become shadowy and sharp, using them to attack Palkia!)

Dawn: "Let's use Brave Bird, Staraptor!"

(Staraptor flies up into the air and glows orange! Staraptor then flies towards the ground at a rapid pace, crashing hard into Palkia! Mesprit uses confusion once again, causing Palkia to stumble around in a muddying manner. Palkia attempts to use Spacial Rend again!)

Dusk: "Quick, dodge!"

(Palkia launches another space wave, but Ambipom jumps above the wave to avoid the attack! Palkia then clumsily hits itself in confusion.)

Dawn: "Ha ha! I guess this guy isn't so legendary after all! Let's finish this guy off, Bro! Use Brave Bird Again!"

Dusk: "And let's use Swift, Ambipom!"

(Ambipom charges up a strong attack as Staraptor flies up to perform another attack! Palkia looks at the Pokemon with a bit of dread. Eventually, boom! Ambipom launches many stars at Palkia as Staraptor slams into the legendary with great force!)

Palkia: "Palki…" (Stumbles a bit) "Aaaaah!"

(Finally, Palkia collapses and faints with a big plop.)

Dawn: (Jumps triumphantly) "YEAH! We did it!"

Dusk: "We really did!"

Barry: "You two were amazing!"

Dawn: "Aha, thanks!"

(The screen quickly fades to Roark and Byron in their house. Roark heads outside.)

Roark: "I think the chaos is gone, Dad!"

Byron: "It is?" (Heads out with Roark) "Wahaha, Well then! Looks like we can get back to work!"

Roark: "Hopefully something like that will never happen again."

(The screen then fades to Fantina and Johanna, who are both at the Super Contest Hall.)

Johanna: "I think the weird lights from Mt. Coronet have stopped."

Fantina: "Genial!"

Johanna: "It does make me wonder who caused those lights, and who stopped them…"

Fantina: "I might much not matter. At least that sky has given my inspiration for my next spectacle!"

(Finally, the screen fades to a mysterious gym. A strange man inside opens the blinds and looks out. Seeing the sky is back to normal, he makes a small grin. The screen heads back to Spear Pillar, where the Lake Guardians begin to launch a different type of psychic power at Palkia, causing the Pokemon to teleport away.)

Barry: "Whoa! What did they just do to him?!"

Prof. Rowan: "They must've returned Palkia to its home dimension."

Barry: "So, it has its own dimension?"

Prof. Rowan: "Yes, it and another Pokemon called Dialga live in a dimension where they observe and control the space and time here."

Barry: "Huh."

Lucas: "That was pretty awe-inspiring to watch, you too."

Dawn: "Thanks!" (Walks to Lucas) "So, uh, do you think I'm quite impressive, or…?"

Dusk: "Dawn, not now. Give Lucas some space."

(Everyone except for Dusk and Prof. Rowan laughs at Dusk's unintentional joke.)

Dusk: "I-" (Groans) "Not again!"

Prof. Rowan: "You two, do you realize? Keeping your emotions in control, having the willpower to face mighty Pokemon, and some knowledge and strategy, you guys just saved the world! No, the entire universe!"

Dawn: "Yeah, I guess we did!"

Dusk: "Thanks for the help, you three Pokemon!"

Mesprit: "Sprit!"

(The three Lake Guardians wave at Dawn and Dusk before teleporting away.)

Lucas: "That reminds me, we should probably leave this place; It's giving me the creeps."

Dawn: "Alright!"

(The screen fades away to a television. On the TV, Dusk and Dawn are being reviewed by Roxy and Oli.)

Roxy: "So, that's why there was a strange sky and other strange things yesterday?"

Dawn: "Yep! Palkia is a strong Pokemon!"

Roxy: "What Pokemon would you say helped you deal with Team Galactic and Palkia?"

Dusk: "Honestly, none of this would have been possible without those Lake Pokemon. If they weren't there, this entire universe literally would have been destroyed."

Roxy: "Thank you for the information. Anyhow-"

(The screen is abruptly turned off as the screen cuts to Dawn, Dusk, and their parents sitting on a couch.)

Johanna: "So, you were the ones who dealt with the sky and stuff?"

Dusk: "Yeah. We know, it was extremely dangerous for us to do, and-"

(Johanna tightly hugs Dawn and Dusk!)

Johanna: "You two were so brave and courageous! I'm so proud of you two!"

Dusk: "Y-yeah, thanks."

Dawn: "Mooom, we're twenty years old! Can you stop hugging us like this?!"

Johanna: (Stops Dawn and Dusk) "Right!"

Apollo: "So, since you two are back home, what will you do now?"

Dusk: "I suppose we'll rest for a while. We've been out fighting Pokemon for a while now."

Dawn: "Yeah, I guess it's time for a break!"

Apollo: "Alright. Remember that you two are always welcome here, my rays of sunshine!"

(Dusk and Dawn head towards their rooms.)

Dusk: "It's great to be back home. I know we're gonna need a rest."

Dawn: "Say, I wonder what happened to that Galactic Leader guy?"

Dusk: "Who knows? I hope he's getting his punishment, though."

Dawn: “Yeah.”

(Dawn and Dusk walk off-screen as the screen fades to black. The screen eventually fades back to a strange, purple dimension. We see Cyrus lying on the floor, knocked out. He gets up a few seconds later.)

Cyrus: “Uggh… Where am I…? What did that damn space Pokemon do to me?”

(Cyrus looks around. There are chunks of land, trees, and waterfalls floating everywhere. All of a sudden, a huge shadowy figure lies past Cyrus.)

Cyrus: “What was that?!”

(The figure flies past Cyrus again.)

Cyrus: “Reveal yourself!”

(A giant Pokemon rises up in front of Cyrus. It’s Giratina!)

Cyrus: “Oh… Oh no…”

Giratina: (Roars loudly) “Tinaaaaaaaa!”

Cyrus: “Aaaaaah!”

(The screen fades to black as the episode ends.)

Major Events[]

  • Dawn and Dusk battle and defeat Palkia.


  • Dawn
  • Dusk
  • Barry
  • Lucas
  • Professor Rowan
  • Palkia
  • Uxie
  • Mesprit
  • Azelf
  • Gardenia
  • Crasher Wake
  • Candice
  • Maylene
  • Roark
  • Byron
  • Fantina
  • Johanna
  • Volkner
  • Roxy
  • Apollo
  • Cyrus
  • Giratina
Previous episode: Next episode:
A Battle of Galactic Proportions! (Part 1) A New Spark of Life!