A Barry Surprising Encounter! is the 14th episode in Dawn to Dusk. In this Episode, Dawn and Dusk go to the Solaceon Ruins and encounter Lucas and Barry. The two duos decide to challenge each other in another battle.
(The episode begins with Dawn and Dusk on Route 209.)
Dusk: “You know, it was really nice for Mom to give us those outfits.”
Dawn: “Yeah! I… Have absolutely no idea what to do with it.”
Dusk: “It’ll be good for a special event or whatever. I’m sure we can figure out something someday.”
Dawn: “Probably…”
(Suddenly, a Cowgirl appears!)
Cowgirl: “Howdy! Would you like to have a Pokemon Bat-”
Dusk: “No.”
Cowgirl: “But… Our eyes met!”
Dawn: “Don’t care.”
(Dawn and Dusk leave as the Cowgirl begins to cry. A few moments later, Dawn and Dusk enter Solaceon Town.)
Dusk: “Finally, I can rest my feet. Can we rest here for the night?”
Dawn: “Alright. I’m still raring for an adventure though!”
Dusk: “Can we do something a little more relaxed? I know you’re gonna do something crazy, but I really want to take a break.”
Dawn: “I heard the town has some ruins. Let’s explore those!”
Dusk: “Eh, why not? Can we at least have lunch first?”
Dawn: “Heck yeah, I’m starving!”
(Dawn and Dusk run to the Pokemon Center. Lucas and Barry enter the screen.)
Lucas: “Alright, this town is where the Solaceon Ruins are located.”
Barry: “So, what are we doing here again?”
Lucas: “We’re gonna write up some information about Unown, a mysterious Pokemon that lives in this location.”
Barry: “Okay, so we’re gonna catch some of a bunch of them?”
Lucas: “You bet!”
Barry: “Aw yeah! I get to use all of these Pokeballs that have been burning a hole in my bag!”
(Barry runs towards the Solaceon Ruins!)
Lucas: “Hey, wait for me!”
(Lucas runs along with Barry. A clock appears and turns about 30 minutes, fast-forwarding Dawn and Dusk's lunch. The clock stops at normal speed and disappears as Dawn and Dusk enter the scene again. Dawn is holding a piece of a sandwich as she is chewing. Dawn tosses the piece in her mouth and eats it.)
Dusk: "Did you really have to go for 2 deluxe paninis?"
Dawn: (Talking while she's eating) "I told you I wash shtarving!"
Dusk: "Well, let's do your little ruin expedition now. I hope nothing too bad happens."
Dawn: "Woot!" (Dawn runs into the nearby cavern. Dusk follows her.) "Wow, this place looks old!"
Dusk: "It looks like some sort of temple. There seems to be some text here."
(Dawn and Dusk head up to a plaque that's in Unown Language.)
Dawn: "Aw, what?! This text is illegible!"
Dusk: "It kinda looks like the alphabet, but not at the same time. I think I can read something… 'This… something… was made for the friendship of… something.' Looks like this thing is partially scratched out."
Dawn: "Eh, who knows? Let's see if there's anything downstairs!"
Dusk: “Yeah, there might be something interesting.”
(Dawn and Dusk continue to go down the ruins.)
Dawn: “Wow, this place is expansive! An entire village must have lived in this place once!”
Dusk: “Or a wealthy king. Or maybe even some sort of religious group, no one can really know for certain.”
Dawn: “Eh, fair. Hey, am I crazy, or am I hearing the noise of digging?”
Dusk: “What do you mean?” (Hears shoveling in the distance) “Huh? We aren’t the only people here? I wonder what’s going on…”
(Dawn and Dusk go down another floor, seeing a bunch of people digging a hole!)
Dusk: “What the hell are you guys doing?!”
Ruin Maniac: (Turns around) “We’re gonna make this HUGE tunnel in these ruins! We’re gonna find TONS of treasures when this project is complete!”
Dawn: “Hah, how fun!”
Dusk: “Aren’t you guys ruining the history of this building?”
Ruin Maniac: “What? No, we sell the treasures we find here to museums! If anything, we’re preserving some of this location!”
Dusk: “Eh, I guess that balances things out… Let’s just let them work, Sis.”
Dawn: “Okay.”
(Dawn and Dusk continue to go downstairs…)
Dusk: “Geez, what person needed this many floors of room?”
Dawn: “Hey, I think there’s more text over there! ‘A tribute to our… companianship?’ Don’t they mean companionship?”
Dusk: “Hey, wait, that word looks a bit… different…”
(The letter then pops out of the wall! It’s an Unown A!)
Dawn: “What the?!”
(A Pokeball is tossed at the Unown! Dawn jumps back and flinches!)
Dawn: “Wagh!!!”
Dusk: “What was that?!”
(Lucas comes upstairs from the ruins.)
Lucas: “I got it! Another Unown to add to the collection!”
(Barry comes up as well.)
Dawn: “Lucas?!”
Barry: “Dawn?!”
Dusk: “Barry?!”
Lucas: “Dusk?!”
Barry: “Well, well, well… Look what the Glameow dragged in! Not only do I get to catch these strange Pokemon, but I’m also gonna get to satiate my blood thirst!”
Dawn: “Aw yeah, I’d love to do something today!”
Dusk: “Dawn! Didn’t we say we would calm down for the rest of the day?”
Dawn: “Hah, coward!”
Barry: “Coooooward!”
Dusk: (Groans) “You guys! Okay, I’ll fight you, jeez.”
Lucas: “Don’t we have some Unown to catch?”
Barry: “The Unown can wait! We’re going to give some entertainment to these ruins!”
Lucas: (Sighs) “Fine, but let’s make this quick.”
Barry: “Alright, let’s do this! Go, Buizel!”
Lucas: “Let’s go, Clefairy!”
Dawn: “Let’s kick their butts, Rotom!”
Dusk: “Go, Murkrow!”
(Barry, Lucas, Dawn, and Dusk all send out the Pokemon they mention.)
Dawn: “Use Shock Wave!”
(Rotom heads to Buizel, and electrocutes it! The Pokemon faints in a snap.)
Barry: “HEY! At least give me a chance!”
Dusk: “Use Wing Attack!”
(Murkrow slashes its wings at Clefairy!)
Lucas: “Use sing, Clefairy.”
(Clefairy begins to sing. It causes Murkrow to yawn and fall asleep.)
Dusk: “Hmph, clever.”
(Barry sends out his Roselia.)
Barry: “No matter, let’s use Mega Drain!”
(Roselia stabs its flower hand into Rotom, draining away its energy!)
Dawn: “Counter that with an uproar!”
Lucas: “Quick, use Wake-Up Slap before Murkrow wakes up!”
(Clefairy slaps Murkrow awake as Rotom starts to roar! Rotom’s roar blasts away Roselia.)
Lucas: “Thanks for killing my strategy…”
Dawn: “What strategy?”
Barry: “Use another Mega Drain!”
Dusk: “And use another Wing Attack!”
(Roselia stabs Rotom again as Murkrow slashes at Clefairy again! Rotom roars again, knocking away Roselia and causing Clefairy to faint! Lucas sends out Prinplup.)
Lucas: “Let’s use Bubble Beam!”
(Lucas’ Prinplup sprays a jet of bubbles at Murkrow, doing quite a bit of damage!)
Dusk: “Ouch! Hey, I’m gonna lend you a hand, okay?”
Dawn: “Alright! Use Shock Wave on that Prinplup!”
Dusk: “Use Wing Attack on Roselia!”
(Murkrow hits Roselia, causing it to faint! Rotom zaps Lucas’ Prinplup for quite a bit of damage too.)
Barry: “HEY!” (Sends out Monferno) “Alright Monferno, let’s use Leer!”
(Monferno glares at Murkrow and Rotom, weakening their defenses!)
Lucas: “Use Metal Claw!”
(Prinplup’s flipper glows gray and cuts at Murkrow, making it faint!)
Dusk: “Not bad!” (Sends out Grotle)
Dawn: “Let’s use another Shock Wave!”
Barry: “NO! Get that Rotom with Flame Wheel!”
(Rotom flies towards Monferno, but Monferno curls up into a ball and scorches Rotom! The Pokemon faints as a result.)
Dawn: “Awwww! Alright, I’m gonna use Staravia.” (Sends out her Staravia)
Dusk: “Let’s use Razor Leaf!”
(A leaf grows out of Grotle’s mouth, and uses it to cut Lucas’ Prinplup! The Pokemon takes quite a bit of damage!)
Dawn: “Let’s use Aerial Ace!”
(Dawn’s Staravia flies up into the air and rams into Monferno!)
Barry: “Use Flame Wheel!”
(Monferno grabs Dawn’s Staravia and begins to roll in a ball-like shape. Monferno sets itself ablaze and burns Dawn’s Staravia! Dawn’s Staravia escapes Monferno’s grasp afterward.)
Lucas: “Use Bubble Beam, Prinplup!”
(Lucas’ Prinplup sprays Bubbles at Grotle, and Grotle tanks the attack fairly well.)
Dusk: “Use Bite to finish off that Prinplup!”
(Grotle runs to Prinplup and bites it! Prinplup faints!)
Dawn: “Use Quick Attack!”
(Dawn’s Staravia rams into Monferno, making it faint!)
Barry: “Grrr~! I guess I’m on my last Pokemon! Let’s try our best, Staravia!” (Sends out his Staravia.)
Lucas: “Use Psybeam!”
(Kadabra shoots a laser at Grotle!)
Barry: “Use Wing Attack, Staravia!”
(Barry’s Staravia slashes at Dawn’s Staravia! Dawn’s Staravia looks weak.)
Dusk: “Use Bite!”
(Grotle jumps on top of Kadabra and bites it! Kadabra barely hangs on after it’s hit!)
Dawn: “Ugh… Let’s just use-”
Barry: “Now use quick attack to finish her off!”
(Barry’s Starvia rams into Dawn’s Staravia, make it faint!)
Dawn: “Oh, come on! I wasn’t even done with my attack!”
Barry: “Gotta be fast!”
Lucas: “Let’s use another Psybeam while we can, Kadabra!”
(While Dawn sends out her Prinplup, Kadabra shoots at Grotle with another laser, making it faint!)
Dusk: “You’re just delaying the inevitable… Your Pokemon looks incredibly weak…”
Lucas: “That Dark-type move was really strong!”
(Dusk sends out his Rotom.)
Dusk: “Just put that Kadabra out of its misery already.”
(Rotom zaps Kadabra, easily making it faint.)
Lucas: (Returns Kadabra) “Welp, looks like I can get back to work.”
Barry: “Not yet! Use-”
(Prinplup shoots a bunch of bubbles at Staravia, making it faint!)
Dawn: “How’s that for a taste of your medicine?”
Barry: “Aw no! Not again!” (Returns Pokemon) “I really need to make my Pokemon stronger!”
Dawn: “And that’s why you never mess with us! If you do, we’ll beat the crap out of you!”
Dusk: “Hey, I didn’t ask for this!”
Barry: “Well, I’ll make sure someday that I’ll be able to beat you with my Pokemon, Dawn! Even if it means I have to spend many years to do so!”
Lucas: “Hyperbolic much?”
Dusk: “Hey Lucas, is there something behind you?”
Lucas: “Huh?”
(Lucas turns around to see a bunch of Unown. The Unown fly away as Lucas reacts.)
Lucas: “Hey! Barry, hurry, we need to catch those Unown!”
Barry: “Alright! Sorry, but I gotta go!”
(Lucas and Barry run away.)
Dawn: “Don’t worry, we’ll help!”
(Dawn grabs Dusk’s hand and begins to run downstairs. Dusk smacks Dawn’s hand off of his, however.)
Dusk: “No! I’m not gonna help!”
Dawn: “What?! Come on!”
Dusk: “I said I wanted to relax! And what we just did wasn’t relaxing! Enjoy your little Unown adventure, but I’m getting out of here.” (Leaves the area)
Dawn: “Bro, come back! It’ll be more fun with you!”
Dusk: (In the distance) “I’m deciding on dinner, by the way!”
Dawn: “Uh!” (Growls) “Fine, be boring.” (Dawn runs downstairs) “ALRIGHT GUYS, DAWN IS IN THE HOUSE!”
(The screen cuts to Dusk heading his way out of the ruins as Lucas, Barry, and Dawn make noises as they fight the Unown.)
Dusk: (Sighs) “I swear, Dawn’s making her life go way too fast sometimes… I think I’m gonna feed her some Combusken. I know for a fact she tries her best to scrape everything off of the bone.”
(Dusk goes off-screen as the screen shakes Dawn, Lucas, and Barry are fighting the Unown off-screen.)
Barry (Off-Screen): “WOOOO! This is tough!”
Dawn (Off-Screen): “Yeah! Come on guys, we can take care of these guys easily!”
Lucas (Off-Screen): “Don’t hurt them too much! They’re very weak!”
Dawn (Off-Screen): “What? What do they dish out?”
Luca (Off-Screen): “Well… They only really know hidden power.”
(Dawn and Barry both laugh)
Barry (Off-Screen): “Hahaha, What a useless Pokemon!”
(The episode fades to black as it ends.)
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